看板 Rockets 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Rockets adapt with each game Players accept constantly revised starting lineups based on opponent 火箭每場都視對手調整陣容 By JONATHAN FEIGEN Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle This was not what Rick Adelman had planned, not anything he would have predicted. But it fits. 這出乎矮豆人意料之外,但卻很有用 He has long preferred to come up with a group of starters and a rotation, usually not a deep one, and then stick with them. Through the first half of his first season coaching the Rockets, he went with that formula. In the four games since, he has changed his rotation on the fly, finishing with different groups in each game and making his first change to starters not forced by injury. 他以前喜歡只用一套固定先發和少人輪替。前半季也確實這麼做,但最近四場比賽他開始 在飛機上改變先發陣容。 With that, he came up with a different formula, in which the only constant will be change. "It's just something you have to do," Adelman said of his suddenly adjustable rotation. "The way the league is now, you have to (adjust). Some teams play conventional. Some teams, like (Tuesday) night (against Golden State) and the team we're going to see on Friday (Indiana), you have to play small. You have to have active people on the floor because they have shooters everywhere. I just think it's something we have to adjust to night in, night out. Fortunately, we do have some flexibility there." "不這麼做不行"矮豆人說"現在聯盟就是這樣,有些球隊傳統打法,但有些像勇士和溜馬 ,必須跟他們玩小球。他們射手滿天下,我們必須調整防守,還好我們有本錢" Most of the changes are at power forward where Luis Scola replaced Chuck Hayes in the starting lineup. Adelman has not decided on Friday's starters, but with the Pacers' low-post power forward Jermaine O'Neal out, he was "leaning" toward keeping Scola as a starter. 最大的改變是四克拉取代海爺先發。矮豆人還沒決定對溜馬的陣容,但因為擅長低位的小 歐不能上場,他傾向於繼續讓四克拉先發。 Go with the flow 隨波逐流 Even beyond that switch, he has used Carl Landry and Scola as backup centers and Landry as a power forward. And in the past two games, he mixed in Steve Novak. In the backcourt, he has used Bonzi Wells and Luther Head as starters when Tracy McGrady has been out. Wells did not play at all in the fourth quarter Sunday, but he played on several possessions in the final minutes Tuesday. 他把藍德麗和四克拉當作替補中鋒和大前。在最近的兩場比賽,他加入了諾瓦克這個動 作,就是為了噱到…。後場踢妹不在時,由餵兒子和小頭先發。 "I never expected not to play Chuck (Tuesday) night, but Luis got off to a nice start and Carl came in and played well, and they went completely small so I was more comfortable playing smaller people," Adelman said. "I think the guys we have, we're pretty flexible, especially with Luis getting more comfortable being out on the floor, guarding people. I think we can do it, depending on the game." "昨晚不是故意要冰海爺的,誰知道四克拉和蘭德利這小陣容這麼好用,讓我感到舒服"矮 豆人說"尤其是四克拉的防守" For the Rockets' power forwards especially, the rotating rotation requires they be ready and adaptable. Though he started Tuesday, Scola played his customary 25 minutes. In the past five games, his playing time has ranged from 40 minutes (in Sunday's game when Yao Ming was out) to 22 minutes against San Antonio. Hayes' playing time has ranged from 24 minutes to not at all. Hayes, Novak, Landry and Scola all have finished games. 過去五場,四克拉上場時間約40 (這場姚明感冒他代打中鋒)到22分鐘之間,而海爺則是 24分鐘到整場防守開特力之間。 "You have to be ready," Scola said. "Teams are different. So many games, so many teams, you have to be ready for everything. Sometimes you need some kind of player, other times you need some other kind of players. There are games that are good for you, other games that are good for some other players. You just have to be mentally ready for every game and every moment of the game. "必須隨時待命"四克拉說"每支隊伍特性都不一樣blalba..(跟前面矮豆人講的差不多就不 翻了)。 "We have power forwards that are very different. Everyone can give something the other guys can't. We can use Steve when we need a really good shooter. We can use Carl when we need the five, or Chuck when we play a really good power forward for him to stop. That's a really good thing. If you have the versatility on your roster, I think it's good." "我們有各式各樣的大前鋒可用,諾瓦克可以投籃、need the five(?)時有蘭德利、海爺 可以防守強悍的大前鋒" --因為每個都有缺陷嘛.. Hayes the stopper 大鎖海爺 The defensive responsibilities seem to be the top indicator of who will play. With Scola no longer as foul-prone on the perimeter as he was early in the season, he has played against the shooting power forwards. When teams have high-scoring fours, such as Utah's Carlos Boozer on Sunday or Seattle's Kevin Durant on the final possession last week, Hayes has been the choice. 能防守對方就有球打。當四克拉不再是球季初的犯規大王,他就可以防守對方很會射的大 前鋒。但遇到猶他的布惹或西雅圖的杜蘭特這種得分好手,就需要海爺。 That gives Hayes the unenviable task of playing only in the most difficult of circumstances, but he said anything that earns playing time is fine with him. 這讓海爺總在最艱困的環境下上場,但他說只要能獲得上場時間就很滿足,任何活兒都好 "As a competitor, you want to play, period, no matter who is out there," Hayes said. "We play according to personnel, who they've got and how they play. Coach (Adelman) tries to match up. If he feels this five matches up best with that five, he's going to play them. "I just have to be ready." "我想打球,才不管對手是哪根蔥。"海爺說"我們是看對手情況上場的,矮豆人會試著 排出最合適的陣容,他說了算。""我只需要隨時上膛。" These days, a long list of teammates feel the same way. 一脫拉庫的隊友也都這麼認為 http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/sports/bk/bkn/5500819.html 首波就是翻外電..請多指教^^ -- The Dream-- #34 Hakeem Olajuwon -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
danielar:辛苦翻譯 推 02/01 01:20
nlgomlfy:多謝翻譯!還有海爺能這樣想真是火箭的福氣!! 02/01 01:29
nlgomlfy:海爺的確比較適合功能性球員,要從先發變成功能性球員 02/01 01:29
nlgomlfy:想必心裡還是會有點哀怨八 02/01 01:30
win1130:心理不要埋怨我覺得他是很好功能型球員!! 02/01 01:33
barkleyc:火箭版每天都有不同的版友翻譯外電 就甘心~~! 02/01 01:40
barkleyc:感謝!之前只有自己在翻感覺超累的 囧 現在又剛好很忙 02/01 01:40
chrisisapig:火箭人才濟濟阿!! 02/01 01:42
tamataco:我喜歡這隻球隊的態度:) 最近Adelman頗敢用人 02/01 02:39
ZespriX:矮豆人調度真的靈活多了 也推海爺任勞任怨付出 02/01 02:50
SMALLZCH:大推啦 翻的真好! 02/01 02:52
DDMO:先發本來也是會有功能性球員阿...另外感謝翻譯<(_ _)> 02/01 04:02
hope1:"我們需要Carl,當我們需要中鋒(five)" 02/01 08:28
Yenshing:need the five是「當我們需要五號球員」嗎? 02/01 10:15
adamcha:火箭隊也是人才濟濟呀 02/01 11:32
Goooooooog1e:推,辛苦啦<(_ _)> 02/01 11:39
eggdoegg:辛苦啦~~就甘心ㄟ 02/01 12:05
beacomet:"我想打球,才不管對手是哪根蔥。"海爺說 02/01 12:38
swimbert:推翻譯 02/01 14:53
clydeli:推翻譯 翻得好啊! 02/01 17:29
h2901911:清晰 02/01 17:50