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http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=4301414 Sources: Ariza may leave Lakers Comment Email Print Share By Chris Broussard ESPN.com Archive Trevor Ariza's short but sweet stay in Los Angeles might be coming to an end. Ariza The 24-year-old swingman, who played a key role in the Lakers' run to their 15th NBA championship, is on the verge of leaving the club, sources close to the situation said on Wednesday. With at least five teams pursuing Ariza, the Lakers are currently unwilling to pay him more than the $5.6 million mid-level exception. "They're letting him go," one of the sources said. Cleveland is making a hard push for Ariza, and the Cavaliers' coaching staff was speaking with him on Wednesday. While Cleveland can only offer the mid-level as well, Ariza's disappointment with the Lakers' stance has moved other suitors ahead of his current team. The Rockets, Clippers, Raptors and Blazers are also showing interest in Ariza. Portland and Toronto could each offer more than the mid-level exception. If the Lakers refuse to increase their offer, it's a clear indication that they are choosing their other big free agent forward, Lamar Odom, over the younger Ariza. Ariza averaged 8.9 points and 4.3 rebounds in the regular season for the Lakers last season. He increased his scoring to 11.3 points and had 4.2 rebounds per game in the playoffs. He had 16 points and 15 points in the last two Lakers victories in the Finals. Those numbers were a jump over his career averages of 6.9 points and 3.8 rebounds per game. Ariza has played for three teams in his five-year career. Chris Broussard covers the NBA for ESPN The Magazine. 如果是這樣的話,放掉阿泰看起來就合理了。湖人對Artest也有興趣,也許來個先簽後換? -- I want my 強打統一 I want my 強打統一 安打一支一支打 逆轉永遠不嫌晚 好運就在你我身旁 好運就在你我身旁 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
windmeow:火箭想拿到他 除非先簽後換 不然完全沒有優勢... 07/02 12:27
jcma:這樣看來Battier應該會離開了(如果簽下Ariza的話) 07/02 12:29
nikekobe: = =怎麼感覺怪怪的...sf我門不缺人阿!! 07/02 12:53
jcma:用Battier去換?XD 07/02 12:55
windmeow:要看怎樣搭配兩人之間的價差吧 不離譜的話也是可行 07/02 13:07
kendle:他是不錯啦 可以代替阿泰 不過我們又沒有薪資空間 怎麼簽? 07/02 16:43
mark30204:用八爺換部直得吧 我不覺得Ariza會比八爺好用... 07/02 18:56
touvictor:炒高雅麗莎的價格 順便破壞湖人陣型 07/02 22:38