看板 Rockets 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://blogs.chron.com/nba/2009/07/rockets_rookies_rule_what_coul.html July 11, 2009 Rockets rookies rule. What could be better in summer league? If summer league is about one thing - providing something fun to pretend matters - the Rockets did a great job. 如果夏季聯賽的意義是讓它看起來更重要些,那這群小傢伙幹得不錯 (pH值有點低...) They won, beating the Mavericks, 98-95. Before anyone gets too Houston-Dallas silly, remember, it's summer league. No one cares who wins. Actually, these guys actually do care. No one else should, but they like winning. 贏了,但不過就是場夏季聯賽,沒人在意輸贏這件事... This one, however, did provide what summer league is supposed to. Young players, with potential undefined by real NBA struggles, looked very good. Chase Budinger made nine of 10 shots, hitting from the shadow of the rim to the 3-point line, off the dribble and in catch-and-shoot to lead the Rockets with 25 points in 23 minutes. Jermaine Taylor had 15, looking far better than his numbers. (If only a few more of the Rockets big men could catch those passes.) 布丁哥投10中9,三分、上籃、拿了就起~起了就進~~,23分鐘內拿了25分。泰勒則 得了15分,不過他打得比帳面上來得更好,如果內線沒手滑的話。 A lot of summer league stars spend their rookie seasons sitting on NBA benches. Some, (John Lucas III leaps to mind) never carve out steady work in the NBA. There will be plenty of time for reality later. This is summer league. They really did look good, with the well-rounded abilities that could translate to the real NBA. 兩個新人的表現都不錯,不過大叔又再次提醒了這不過就是場夏季聯賽,就算打得 像ALL-STAR,他們的菜鳥賽季通常還是在板凳上度過,具體實例--盧三小... (嗯 非常的中肯) Joey Dorsey had 13 points and 15 rebounds. Maarty Leunen, as always, looked like a pro, making five of six shots for his 11 points. And if it helps, you can tell yourself that Rodrigue Beaubois, who had 34 for Dallas, is just a summer league superstar, and not really Tony Parker's mini me. 二年級生的多西拿了13分15籃板(其實還有2火鍋)。Leunen一如之前大家給他的評價, 打得很成熟,投6中5得11分。小牛的Beaubois在我們的防守下拿了34分,你可以安慰自己 這只不過是場夏季聯賽,並不代表他是個縮小版的趴車小弟(。又有點酸了...) ‧ ‧ ‧ Figuring that any day now the topic of Erick Dampier to the Rockets will be brought up around here, I thought I beat the rush and take a pass now. If the Mavericks get Marcin Gortat - though I've been hearing in the past couple days that the Magic will match and try to deal him - Dampier would seem expendable. The Rockets would not really seem to be a likely trade partner. The Mavericks would be looking for a shooting guard, something the Rockets do not having hanging around. But even if they could work something out, I don't see Dampier fitting at all in either rebuilding or their hope to be more up-tempo. He is a pretty decent defender, at least until Yao returns to practice. And they can use that in the paint, but the Rockets would be better served to go young and athletic. 聽說鍋貼的合約魔術不跟了,所以之前有傳出有關天下第二中鋒的謠言,不過簡而言之 大叔不喜歡他、我也不喜歡他,所以不翻了... ‧ ‧ ‧ If the Rockets have a quota system, requiring that they have at least one veteran of the China Basketball Association in uniform at all times, David Harrison is here playing for the Cavs and looks good. He seems to have shed a point guard since he played for the Pacers. He will likely be well down the list of free-agent considerations, but he is definitely here to try to get a gig, at least in training camp. 大叔提到了遛馬的舊將David Harrison,他在這次夏季聯賽打騎士隊,看起來不錯, 火箭可以考慮他,至少應該找他來訓練營看看。(可是今天是他第一場比賽,17分鐘拿4分 4籃板和"6"犯耶!!!大叔你真的覺得他打得不錯嗎...?我跟他不熟,有人可以介紹他一下 嗎?) Posted by Jonathan Feigen at July 11, 2009 11:46 PM -- 這是我第一次翻譯外電,有錯請幫忙指正 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sssfrost:看原文才看得懂.. 07/12 17:58
lcyhank:sorry拉~~因為第一次不大懂得該怎麼翻^^" 07/12 18:09
※ 編輯: lcyhank 來自: (07/12 18:12)
small2th:推!!!!!!!!!!!!! 看來第二場小將們打的不錯毆~ 07/12 21:03
small2th:有人幫忙翻外電大家要推啦 Q_Q 07/12 23:04
clydeli:推!!! 07/13 00:34
DDMO:推一個!! 07/13 01:43
windmeow:推 07/13 05:46
windmeow:一回生二回熟 大姑娘總是要上轎的 07/13 05:46