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http://0rz.tw/CyxCC Chron的Feigen大叔也有類似的文章 For the Rockets, replacing Yao Ming likely will be impossible. Making moves — from using salary-cap exceptions to dealing Yao’s expiring contract — could be the key to retooling without him. The Rockets have begun talks regarding a variety of options designed to motivate teams seeking cost savings to make a deal, a person with knowledge of the Rockets’ thinking said. The Rockets have spoken with Sacramento, which has the sort of young talent the Rockets would seek, and Charlotte, which would more likely have to include attractive draft picks along with contracts, according to one individual familiar with the talks. The Kings have been steadfast in a refusal to deal first-round pick DeMarcus Cousins, despite a rocky start. The Bobcats are more likely to offer players who don’t fit in to the Rockets’ plans, such as Boris Diaw and Nazr Mohammed, along with desirable draft considerations. Nothing is close, with a deal much more likely closer to the February trade deadline, as with last season’s trade of Tracy McGrady’s expiring contract. Yao, 30, who attended Monday’s game against the Wizards but declined to speak with the media, was given “a heads up” that his contract could be involved in trade talks before the Rockets began discussions with other teams, according to an individual with knowledge of those conversations. Options aplenty But the Rockets will have several ways to entice a team needing to reduce costs. They applied last week for a disabled-player salary-cap exception to be worth up to $5.88 million. They have a $6.33 million trade exception acquired in the deal for Courtney Lee. The Rockets protected the full value of that exception by using a much smaller trade exception from the trade of David Andersen in acquiring Terrence Williams. They could offer Yao’s contract in a deal, an option Yahoo.com reported Monday that the Rockets are “exploring.” In that sort of deal, the Rockets would have to take back roughly $17.7 million worth of contracts, but a team acquiring Yao would not only have the contract expire during the season, but would have insurance pick up the bulk of Yao’s contract for the remainder of this season. When asked if trading Yao’s contract is a more likely way to make a deal than the other means to entice cost-cutting teams, the individual said, “I can’t even predict which is more likely.” Goal No. 1: Middle man He said the options to offer Yao’s expiring contract or the cap exceptions are the Rockets’ way to have “as many arrows in their quiver” as possible when they expect trade talks to pick up. Yao, 7-6, is considering options to treat the stress fracture in his left ankle, though team physician Dr. Walter Lowe said Dec. 17 that surgery is “ the smartest thing.” He estimated it would take eight to 10 months for Yao to be able to play again. General manager Daryl Morey said the same day that the Rockets would consider signing Yao to another contract if his prognosis is good. Trading him would not preclude bringing him back as a free agent, though the Rockets would have to use a salary-cap exception — rather than their right to exceed the cap to sign their own player — to sign him again. “Our biggest need is to have a presence in the middle,” Morey said. “That’ s what Yao brings us.” For now, the emphasis is on using whatever trade tools necessary to improve the roster and fill the void left by his injury. 目前Morey已經和國王及山貓討論過交易Yao,但是國王不想交易Cousins,而山貓想丟出來的 是Moery不想要的球員,Morey要的是山貓的選秀權... 其實在商言商,我能理解火箭試圖交易姚明的想法及理由,我真正在意的是也許火箭已經 知道姚明打算退休了---不然火箭大可續簽姚明就好了,畢竟他是火箭的金雞母,就是因為 Yao要退休,只好將姚明的到期合約送出去,就算讓Yao的合約直接到期且明年姚退休,但是 明年的FA市場受到封館的影響變數很大,而且明年的FA不大吸引人,我能理解Morey的想法 --與其坐等,不如拿到一些能實質握在手中的籌碼 曾經的MM連線啊...... -- 你不能決定生命的長度,但是你可以控制它的寬度 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jcma 來自: (12/28 15:14)
small2th:如果姚真的要退休還真是遺憾....... 12/28 15:14
LukeK:接收姚明的球隊是準備做一堆11號球衣出來賣 然後讓他退休嗎 12/28 15:17
small2th:就是個大到期約加上保險 12/28 15:38
LORDJACK:他受傷那年真是他最好的機會啊, 結果老木先報銷, 他隨後. 12/28 15:46
jorden:有點感傷 兩年內MM時代走到終點了..... 12/28 16:41
aznchat100:哀傷.... 12/28 16:54
satonoo:火箭有時候就是太絕情..SF3、Bonzi、Swift.. 12/28 16:56
myself781102:交易拜男 12/28 16:57
tracy2817038:MM連線從我高三開始連線 沒想到時間過這麼久了啊 12/28 17:34
Janius:Swift還好吧,來火箭前很期待,但實際上真的沒打出來QQ 12/28 20:08
satonoo:Swift當年灰熊出的比較高,結果隔年火箭又把他被送回灰熊.. 12/28 20:27
larson:現在會想要姚明的球隊大概就是那種戰績不佳,薪資又被卡死的 12/28 20:43
larson:球隊,需要藉助姚明的到期約跟中國市場來解套就是了~ 12/28 20:43
piaggio:其實當初好好留著SF3+姚明,再好好補強綠葉,還是大有可為.. 12/28 22:25
jcma:SF3後來健康也出狀況,火箭的風水似乎不大佳 12/28 22:28
jcma:忘了說老貓後來也是因為心臟出問題 12/28 22:29
chuachuayeh:這樣不知道阿拓魔咒比較可怕 還是我們的... 12/28 23:02
takewind:除非真的有很好的offer....否則感情上還是想讓這約走完 12/28 23:04
jcma:Feigen大叔有說了是有接觸,但是離成交八字還沒一撇 12/28 23:49
jcma:有可能最後Yao還是沒交易出去&跟我們續約XD 12/28 23:49
jcma:總之萬事皆有可能,大家耐心看下去吧 12/28 23:50
barkleyc:比較感傷的是 沒想到火箭想交易Yao的這天這麼快就來了 12/29 00:13
liafree:SF3其實準備的沒很好 12/29 01:37