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http://0rz.com/SCyuvu Houston Rockets to Send Shane Battier To Boston Celtics Done Deal? Want to hear probably the most underrated and probably the most quiet trade that is going to pay huge dividends come playoff time? It’s that Shane Battier is a Boston Celtic and it appears that they only had to give up Jermaine O’Neal’s expiring corpse to get him. Once the final deal is done another team and some draft picks will probably be involved in some form or another. The deal isn't done, but some well connected sources say the deal could be done by Tuesday morning. Battier is a consummate team guy and does all those little things that help a team win and he’s going to fit in seamlessly with the Celtics. He’s going to be able to help the Celtics bench a great deal and will be able to give Paul Pierce a good breather every night. This is going to allow the Celtics to potentially to be able to go ten deep down the stretch once Marquis Daniels gets back and maybe even eleven deep once Delonte West gets back. With adding Battier the Celtics bench is going to be Nate Robinson, Von Wafer, Battier, Glen Davis and Shaq. That five right there could compete for the eighth seed in the East. I don’t know if they could get it, but they would be a strong minded defensive team that could score the ball. This trade isn’t going to get a whole lot of attention because Shane Battier isn’t a superstar nor is he one of those guys who is extremely flashy. One thing is for sure, this deal is going to allow Shane Battier to get a ring long before Carmelo even gets to play for one. ****************************************************************************** 根據這篇乳摸的說法,八爺到Celtics的交易應該已經快完成了,會在美國禮拜二的早上 宣布....(不過我不知道這網站的可信度有多高.....) 交易主體是Battier for 小歐 + 第三隊的選秀權 當然看著Battier離隊是很哀傷,畢竟當初他也是讓火箭失去Gay換來的,但是我覺得讓他 在自己生涯的末期到一隻有奪冠實力的球隊去,Morey也算是有情有義了 如果這交易真的發生了,我會替Celtics加油的 -- 月圓之夜 紫禁之巔 一劍西來 天外飛仙 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jcma 來自: (02/22 14:58)
jorden:不要JO痛痛人阿....... 02/22 15:04
Rizzi:小歐不見得比姚明健康多少...濫交易! 火箭精神領袖不能走啊! 02/22 15:06
ABC0000:小歐= = 02/22 15:08
small2th:不過小歐是...? 02/22 15:12
small2th:祝福八爺今年可以拿冠軍,明年回火箭繼續當隊長! 02/22 15:13
takewind:除非拿到大爛隊的一輪或是有弄到G挖,不然我會幹到死 02/22 15:14
takewind:換小歐.... 02/22 15:14
jcma:如果能拿到靠前的pick或者是年輕有潛力的球員,我贊成交易 02/22 15:23
jcma:因為八爺絕對值得拿到一枚冠軍戒指,再加上讓TW有機會上來打 02/22 15:24
jcma:基本上對八爺和球隊而言都是雙贏 02/22 15:24
larson:第三隊的選秀權?是首輪還是次輪?那該隊又獲得什麼呢? 02/22 15:31
tracy2817038:我覺得不要再換首輪了 一堆人要養 一堆人沒球打@@ 02/22 16:26
satonoo:這什麼爛交易....不符合Morey的作風 我覺得不可能.. 02/22 16:28
barkleyc:no.............................. 02/22 16:33
barkleyc:我絕對希望八爺去強隊拿個冠軍 但是要小歐幹嘛=.=??? 02/22 16:34
aznchat100:也好 交易來小歐(賭一下)+有選秀權 02/22 16:43
nisiya0625:借用連結到賽版 謝謝! 02/22 16:55
maxLOVEmimi:如果成真的話 更要幫賽隊加油了 希望今年是冠軍!! 02/22 16:57
PrettyFace:+1 會幫Celtics加油 許八爺一個冠軍戒指 02/22 17:05
jorden:如果成真的話 希望Boston能夠拿到冠軍 給八爺戒指 02/22 17:07
jcma:我覺得不用擔心Morey會亂做交易,基本上他之前的交易都是 02/22 17:26
jcma:至少不會給球隊太大損失的M所以這筆交易要嘛是個芭樂新聞 02/22 17:26
jcma:不然就是多方交易的一部份,不然小歐的薪水沒辦法攤平八爺 02/22 17:28
jcma:的薪資 02/22 17:29
small2th:我也覺得吃小歐,又交出八爺的即戰力和到期約,不可能只 02/22 17:35
small2th:換到選秀權,除非Morey的分析程式中毒了 ~"~ 02/22 17:36
tliu223:感覺有點虧 不過如果成真會祝福八爺 02/22 17:48
hope452162:http://0rz.tw/wpLtk 證實不會發生 02/22 18:00
cviescvies:反倒希望八爺去超塞 陣容更完整 不想再看到裁判湖人隊 02/22 18:58
cviescvies:東區目前支持的也就是超塞...看到八爺拿冠軍也爽!!! 02/22 18:58
moon2011:八爺這麼好的球員 絕對值得挑戰冠軍戒 02/22 19:28
chenhankiang:去超賽! 02/22 20:59
EeLong:八爺換Perkins,得到想要的中鋒,幫八爺圓夢,順便賣安吉個 02/22 21:38
EeLong:人情。綠軍的老將年紀太大,幾年後的首輪秀肯定值錢 02/22 21:38
nlgomlfy:唉....姚明阿姚明.....你為什麼又要受傷勒..orz 02/22 22:32
hope452162:Perkins過來,就沒辦法圓夢了 02/23 21:23
takewind:超賽瘋了才會給我們Perkins,除非真的覺得簽不下來 02/23 22:56