看板 Rockman 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這款中華民國人我很久以前實況過,只可惜現在只剩下這個影片可以回顧了。(嚴重走音 注意) http://zh-tw.justin.tv/pk152/b/272546360 看了一下才發現原來是三年前剪下來的,以現在的技術要呈現出這樣的實況是不可能的了 。 而看到中華民國人的tas其實沒有很意外,真正讓我感到意外的是tas竟然拿壞掉的 rom去跑… 由於上一篇的原po只寫了開頭劇情的中文,這裡我補一下圖和原文。 http://i.imgur.com/vSQNeLp.png
Good evening. This is NCN news. We now relay the cocktail party for the centennially of Gadem City. http://i.imgur.com/cg0Blcz.png
Today is a beautiful day. We get together and celebrate for the centennially of Gadem City. http://i.imgur.com/N5dLHaL.png
The party takes place in the mayor's residence. And it seems to be very lively. http://i.imgur.com/h0Wxevo.png
Mayor: "Ladies and gentlemen, let's raise glasses for the wonderful future of our city." http://i.imgur.com/NA2FhB6.png
Gadem City is the most stable and prosperous city on Earth. http://i.imgur.com/4B1XQP1.png
What's wrong? http://i.imgur.com/8by6yew.png
Oh, no! Mayor's daugther, Miss Lucy, is kidnapped! http://i.imgur.com/q8CG3GZ.png
Ha, ha! Residents of Gadem City, permit me to introduce myself. I'm Havel, 35 years old, a single man. And I have learned that Gadem is a charming city. http://i.imgur.com/rt3i5WJ.png
I want you to offer twenty billion dollars every year to support all activeties of our organization and that's the reason why I come here. Don't try to stop us. Remember, Paulung-Tang(跑龍套?) is invincible, and I am the god! Ha, ha! http://i.imgur.com/2LS2g5S.png
A latest news says the Paulung-Tang is now sabotaging the city center, and the situation seems to be serious. http://i.imgur.com/nxfOWKt.png
The whole city is in panic condition at the moment. Even the police are not able to do anything to this. http://i.imgur.com/Nw4Jk6G.png
"Mr. Mayor, do you have something to say about this matter?" Mayor: "First I request everyone to calm down. Obviously, we have no way to stop them. What we can do now is waiting for a miracle, or we will have no chioce but to accept their claims for the safety of this city and my daughter." How! A miracle! http://i.imgur.com/EidfeHu.png
雖然中華民國人玩起來超級雞肋,但我覺得這樣子的雞肋還是能接受的。以台灣人當初做 遊戲的水準來看,其實這款遊戲很有趣不是嗎XD 最後說一下,這款的音樂聽久了會中毒… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
rezero727:是摸奶始祖 06/10 21:25
pk152:影片裡還有你的推文喔 某方面來說你也是始祖了 06/10 21:27
rezero727:原來我有回文耶 那影片是pk養了一頭熊的證明XD 06/10 21:32
EspressoJ:受教受教. 原來是這麼回事 orz 06/10 22:55
EspressoJ:TAS的路克英雄2也是拿壞rom跑的啊... 06/10 23:01
superja8sc:是說滿懷念以前實況的日子的 現在的實況...有點不太一 07/11 19:36
superja8sc:樣 07/11 19:36