看板 Rubiks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.speedsolving.com/forum/showthread.php?28187 看來苦主本人應該很X呢.... 另外結尾的問題好白目XDDDDDDDD -- Some say he sleep on sheets made of cubesmith stickers, and that he pees CC Lemon after every competition.... All we know is, he's Yu Nakajima -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
daniel0731ex:另外平均也是差點WR呢~~ 03/22 08:58
iamam:好想死=..= 03/22 11:48
juice0803: 這真是太悲憤了 03/22 11:59
yock6411:這應該幹爆了...回家應該把那顆6x6砸個50次牆壁吧... 03/22 19:44
logan33:如果是我 我一定當場就翻桌了= = 03/22 23:24
serinasky:苦主是誰? 03/22 23:38
※ 編輯: daniel0731ex 來自: (03/22 23:47)
bicycle23456:他應該很想把這顆方塊當場丟掉吧... 03/23 00:31
JasonFox:這真的不是幾個贛字可以帶過的... 03/23 19:08
jtseng1126:感覺極度殘念.. 03/23 19:48
bb511:唉~快解完前看計時器 是大忌~~~~~~~~ 03/23 19:54
DavidGuo:只能說…好慘… 03/23 21:53
yock6411:b哥是對的 03/24 00:43