看板 Rubiks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我要凱旋歸國了~ XDD~ 自離開台灣以來都沒回去過,而從開始玩方塊以後就一直想, 哪天回台灣時,一定要以凱旋歸國的方式,跟台灣的魔友見一見, 我有好多點子和經驗要跟大家分享 但,現在真的要回來時,又感覺好突然;在這段時間發生了好多事,也好久沒參加比賽了 當初十分期盼想分享的東西,似乎也變的沒甚麼意義 起初的熱衷隨著時間也慢慢的消散了 But then I realized, I don't need to return with achievements or some rare treasures to enjoy the pleasure of meeting those who shares the same passion that I once loved. 我想,能夠見到當初共同熱愛同一嗜好的朋友,就算起初的熱誠已經不再, 能夠這樣就夠了。 我將期待跟大家見面的那天。 -- Even the most savage of beasts are capable of loving their own. What sets us apart is the ability to love those we don't know, and those who are our enemies. Losing that, we are only spiteful brutes that just happens to be smarter than usual. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: daniel0731ex 來自: (06/16 11:57)
daniel0731ex:忘了說~我6/20-27號在台北,接著有事,7/7-13到高雄 06/16 11:58
daniel0731ex:然後最後7/21-26還沒決定去哪 06/16 11:59