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這算是PTT最適合貼波蘭作家 Adam Zagajewski 謝世的新聞的地方。 1.2021/3/22 波蘭台北辦事處FB貼文: 我們必須告訴大家一個悲傷的消息,波蘭最著名和最受讚譽的其中一位當代詩人- 亞當뜊扎加耶夫斯基(Adam Zagajewski)於3月21日世界詩歌日當天過逝,享年75歲。他的一首 詩《嘗試讚美這殘缺的世界》於《紐約客》雜誌刊出,在九一一事件後引起廣大的迴響。 2.《嘗試讚美這殘缺的世界》中文翻譯 嘗試讚美這殘缺的世界。 想想六月漫長的白天, 還有野草莓、一滴滴紅葡萄酒。 有條理地爬滿流亡者 廢棄的家園的蕁麻。 你必須讚美這殘缺的世界。 你眺望時髦的遊艇和輪船; 其中一艘前面有漫長的旅程, 別的則有帶鹽味的遺忘等著它們。 你見過難民走投無路, 你聽過劊子手快樂地歌唱。 你應當讚美這殘缺的世界。 想想我們相聚的時光, 在一個白房間裡,窗簾飄動。 回憶那場音樂會,音樂閃爍。 你在秋天的公園裡拾橡果, 樹葉在大地的傷口上旋轉。 讚美這殘缺的世界 和一隻畫眉掉下的灰色羽毛, 和那游離、消失又重返的 柔光。 (黃燦然譯) 3. Try to Praise the Mutilated World By Adam Zagajewski September 17, 2001 Try to praise the mutilated world. Remember June’s long days, and wild strawberries, drops of wine, the dew. The nettles that methodically overgrow the abandoned homesteads of exiles. You must praise the mutilated world. You watched the stylish yachts and ships; one of them had a long trip ahead of it, while salty oblivion awaited others. You’ve seen the refugees heading nowhere, you’ve heard the executioners sing joyfully. You should praise the mutilated world. Remember the moments when we were together in a white room and the curtain fluttered. Return in thought to the concert where music flared. You gathered acorns in the park in autumn and leaves eddied over the earth’s scars. Praise the mutilated world and the gray feather a thrush lost, and the gentle light that strays and vanishes and returns. (Translated, from the Polish, by Clare Cavanagh.) Published in the print edition of the September 24, 2001, issue. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2001/09/24/try-to-praise-the-mutilated-worl d --
dynabook: 推03/24 05:50
※ 編輯: Nasta ( 臺灣), 09/12/2022 19:37:35