看板 SENIORHIGH 關於我們 聯絡資訊
指考的英文第一部分就是考單字, 通常補習班都會整理一些常考 容易搞混的單字, 例如: reject 拒絕 eject 逐出 inject 注射 deject 使沮喪 這種看起來差不多的單字,我發現常考在「單字」 和「克漏字」部分。 可惜一般學校老師沒有整理, 只是教課本趕進度…唉~ 我自己高中至現在大學也有整理一些, 加上參考大陸高考(即大學聯考)的一些教學文章, 整理了一些 學測、指考 常考的單字, 已教育部公佈的七千字左右為限制,扣除一些較難的單字, 做成這張單字講義。 現在我分享出來。我得申明我只是編輯整理而已。 學測加油!!! ※ P.S. 網路上也有這方面的相關資源, 例如: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/SnoopyYang&article_id=25533524 以下大概有五十幾頁, WWW 版可以去看我朋友的網頁 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/SnoopyYang&article_id=25542765 或是利用 轉寄信箱。大寫 F ★英文單字攻略★ 一、arise, rise, raise, arouse ▲ Rise v.i. 升起 (rose, risen)  rise指具體事物的“上升”,“升起”,也是不及物動詞。如:The sun rises in the east.(太陽從東邊升起。) She rises before it is light. ▲Raise v.t. 舉起 (raised ,raised) raise salary 調高薪水 raise hand, 舉手 raise price 漲價 raise children養育小孩 She raised her voice in anger. ▲ arise v.i. 發生; 起源於(from ) (arose, arisen) arise表無形的東西(如困難,問題等)“出現”,“發生”。 Difficulties will arise as we do the work. ▲ Arouse v.t. 喚起 (aroused, aroused) 二、marry 結婚 v.t. 用法,不能說 marry with 某人 (1) get married to 某人 His oldest girl got married last month. (2) be married (結婚) How long have you been married? 三、alter, change   作不及物動詞時,兩者可通用。   作及物動詞時,alter是對局部,表面的改變,而change則是對本質的,全面的,徹 底的改變。如:Can you alter the dress? (你會改做這件衣服嗎?)Can you change the dress?(你能給我更換這件衣服嗎?) 四、.altogether, all together   altogether總計,總共。如:Altogether there are six of us. (我們總計六人。 )   all together 全都在一起。如:We played the game all together. (我們大家都 一起來玩遊戲吧。) 五、amaze, astonish, surprise   都可作及物動詞,意思相近,一般都是以事物作主語,人稱作賓語。   amaze強調“使驚訝”,有時還有“驚歎”,“佩服”等意。   astonish表示“使大吃一驚”,“幾乎使人無法相信”之意。   surprise只表“出乎意料之外”。 六、among, between   among 在……中間(三者或三者以上之間)。如:Our house is hidden among trees.   between在兩者之間。如:It is easy to distinguish between a Japanese and a Chinese. 七、.announce, declare   announce指宣佈公眾期望或與公眾有關的事情,含有預告的意味。如:The government announced that they would pay their debts. (政府宣佈將償還債務。)   declare指正式負責地宣佈,聲明,通常用於莊重的場合。如:The judge declared him guilty.(法官宣佈他有罪。) 八、.annoy, bother, trouble, disturb   annoy指外界的幹擾令人討厭或無法忍受,或指某人故意去妨礙別人。   bother打擾,麻煩,指給人行動帶來不便或身心上帶來痛苦。如:May I trouble you with a few questions?   disturb打擾,擾亂,指使正常秩序或一時的安定受到破壞,精力一時不能集中。如 :I am sorry to disturb you. 九、answer, reply, respond   用作動詞,都可表“回答”,“答復”。   answer是常用詞,後可接letter(回信),question(回答問題),doorbell(開門 ),telephone(接電話),advertisement(應徵廣告)等。   reply較正式,一般只作不及物動詞,可與to連用。如:He has replied to my letter.(他回答了我信中提的問題。)   respond作“回答”解,用得較少,也同to 搭配。如:He quickly responded to the question. (他很快就回答了問題。) 另外,respond還可表“對……反應”,“回應”。 十. assure, ensure, insure   assure以十分肯定的語氣向別人保證某事一定會發生,後需連用人稱代詞或指人的名 詞作賓語。   ensure表普通的“保證”。   insure表“保險”,有時同ensure可以換用。 十一、awake, wake, waken 都可作動詞。   awake既可及物,也可不及物,多用於比喻。   wake常指“睡醒”,多為不及物動詞。   waken多用作及物動詞,常指“吵醒”,“驚醒”。 十一、await, wait   await是及物動詞。如:I await your further instructions.   wait“等”、“等候”,是不及物動詞,後常接介詞for.如:I will wait for you at the school gate. 十二、award, prize, reward   award, reward作動詞。award意為“授予(獎品,獎金等)”,後面可跟雙賓語; reward意為“報酬”,“酬謝”,只能跟人或以人的行為作賓語。   award, prize, reward作名詞時,award常指獎金,獎品;prize多指在競賽、競爭 中獲勝所贏得的獎;reward則指為某項勞動或行為所付的酬金。 十三、base, basis   base表事物的下部的底部,多用於具體事物。   basis多用於比喻,主要指命題的基礎。如:His ideas have no basis in reality. (他的意見缺乏現實基礎。) 十四、beat, win   beat表在比賽和戰鬥中打敗對手,後接對手作賓語。   Win作及物動詞時,其賓語為遊戲、比賽、戰鬥、獎金等名詞。如:He has won the race.(他贏得了賽跑的勝利。)   43. beneath, below, under   beneath表示同表面接觸,與on 相對。Below表示“在下面,低於”,與above相對。   under表示“在……正下方”與over相對。 十五、beside, besides   beside在……旁邊。如:Come and sit beside me.   besides除……之外。如:I have two other umbrellas besides this one. 十六、borrow, lend   borrow借入。如:Can I borrow your pen for a moment?   lend把……借給。如:Can you lend me your bike? 十七、bring, take   bring帶來。如:Bring me some water, please.   take拿走。如:Shall I take some flowers when I go and see her? 十八、inject★object★objective★reject★project★subject★subjective inject〓(往裏投)v.注射、打針,注入(新想法、感情)。 計畫、專案 n. ◎I hope the new teacher can inject some life into that class. 我希望新的老師能給那個班級注入一些活力 ◎inject a remark into the conversation插嘴 object〓(偏離投擲)反對v. 物體、目標 n. ◎I’ll go ahead if no one objects 要是無人反對我就繼續進行 ◎I object against him that he is too young for the position. 我反對他,是因為他不適合這個職位 objective〓adj.客觀的 目標n. ◎The reporter gave an objective analysis of the political situation.這個記者 對政治形勢做了客觀的分析 reject〓(往回投擲)v.斷然拒絕(一個計畫、建議),引申為排斥 次品n. ◎The techers voted to reject the government’s pay offer. 教師投票表決,拒絕接受政府提出的工資議案 project〓(往前投擲)v.突出、投射,放映,預計。 Projector投影儀 ◎They are projecting a new factory. ◎Pictures of earthquake were projected on a screen. 地震的畫面被投射到了螢幕上 ◎The balcony projects out beyond the wall of the house.陽臺從房子的牆壁上突出 來。 ◎The government projects that the defence budget will increase by 20% .政府預 計國防預算將增長百分之二十。 [相關搭配] project…on把……投射到 subject〓(向下投擲)使服從、易遭受/征服v. 主題、學科、臣民 n. [相關搭配] subject sb to sth使某人遭受不愉快之事 ◎He subjected us to unpleasant walks in the cold. 他讓我們在寒風中散步 subject to取決於 ◎Our plans may change subject to the weather. subjective〓adj.主觀的 ◎This is a very subjective judgment of her abilities 這是對她的能力一個非常主觀的判斷 十九、consistent, constant, continual, continuous   consistent一致的,符合的。如:His action is always consistent with his words.   constant不斷的,表示持續和慣常的重現,往往沒有變化。如:He attributes his health to his constant exercise.   continual頻頻的,不停的,時斷時續,中間可有間歇。如:Continual smoking is bad for health.   continuous不斷延伸的,連續不斷的,強調中間無間斷。如:Everything in the universe undergoes continuous development and change. 二十、sense★senseless★sensible★sensibly★sensitive★sentimental★sensation ★sensational★sensuous★sensual sense〓n.感覺,感官,有道理的 ◎When you have a cold,you sometimes lose your sense of smell. [相關搭配] a sense of direction方向感 a sense of humour幽默感 make sense of/out of sth理解某事物 in a sense/in one sense在某種意義上 talk sense/talk nonsense說話有道理/說話沒道理 there’s no sense in沒有道理 ◎there’s on sense in going by boat when the plane is just as cheap and much quicker. 乘船去是沒道理的,因為坐飛機是又便宜有快。 senseless〓愚笨的,無目的的,不省人事的 sensible〓adj.有知覺的,可感知的;明智的,通情達理的。 ◎The patient was speechless but still sensible. 病人雖然不能說話但仍然有知覺。 ◎It is sensible of you to leave this company you can easily find a position in a large one. ◎a sensible wife [相關搭配]be sensible of 覺察到 sensibly〓adv.通情達理地 ◎You acted very sensibly. sensitive〓adj.敏感的。反義詞insensitive sensibility n. ◎This film is sensitive to light.這種膠片對光很敏感。 sentimental〓adj.多愁善感的,感傷的。 ◎The novel has scenes full of love and loss,it is so sentimental! 這部小說有多處場景充滿愛情的悲歡離合,真是感傷啊! sensation〓n.激動,轟動,聳人聽聞 ◎The opera has been a great sensation nationwide. 這部歌劇在全國範圍內引起了轟動! sensational〓adj.聳人聽聞的,令人激動的。 ◎I read a sensational story about a ten-year-old mother.我聽到一個聳人聽聞的 故事:十歲女孩做媽媽。 sensuous〓adj.舒服的 ◎The cat stretched itself with sensuous pleasure. 貓貓舒服的伸展身體。 sensual〓adj.性感的 二十一、effect★effective★effectual★efficient★efficiency effect〓n.結果、影響 ◎The advertising campaign didn’t have much effect on sales. 這個廣告對銷售額並未起多大的作用。 [相關搭配] in effect有效,在實施 ◎The rules will remain in effect untill October. 這些條例到10月份為止仍然有效。 Come into effect生效 ◎The rules will come into effect on Monday. 若effects則表示“財物”的意思 effective〓adj.有效果的(產生預期的)。反義詞ineffective ◎The mayor took effective measures to settle this problem. 市長採取了有效措施解決這一問題。 effectual〓adj.[正式]收效的,奏效的。反義詞ineffectual efficient〓adj.有效率的。反義詞inefficient ◎Taking bicycle is four times as efficient as walking. 騎自行車的效率是步行的4倍。 ◎She is a quick,efficient worker. efficiency〓n.功效,效率 二十二、tribute★attribute★contribute★distribute tribute〓n.貢獻、禮物、稱讚 ◎pay tribute to……向……表示敬意 attribute〓attribute……to把……歸功於,把……咎於 ◎attribute one’s success to good luck. ◎He attribute it to working hard. contribute〓v. 捐獻,捐助,貢獻,有助於;投稿 contribute to doing/sth為……做貢獻,有助於 ◎Contribute some money to the Red Cross. ◎I’m sure you suggestion will contribute to soloving the problem. 我確信你的建議有助於解決這個問題。 ◎How much does each worker contribute to the products he is making? 每個工人對他所生產的產品有多大的貢獻? distribute〓vt. 分發,分配,分佈 distribute sth to ◎distribute the apples to the childrens. 二十三、live★lively★alive★living live〓 要考的話即考adj./adv.詞性◎現場直播的,有生命的。只能做定語,用於修飾物 。 ◎a live broad-cast現場直播 be broad-cast live 以現場直播的方式 Live fish [相關搭配] live off依賴 live on 以……為生 ◎For a time,they had to live on wild fruit.(野果) live out 活過,活出(夢想) live out one’s dream live through 度過,經受住 live up to 遵守(諾言) live with與……在一起生活/忍受 lively〓 有生氣的,鮮明的,生動的,活潑的。 [構詞法]n.+ly=adj. 另外如lovely可愛的 ◎She is as lively as a bird . alive〓 活的,有效力的,活動的。 表語adj. 另外還有類似於awake/alike/asleep等等都是表語adj. 只能做表語,用於修飾 人。 [相關搭配] be alive to注意到 be alive with充滿/因……而活沃…… come alive變得有趣、活躍起來 ◎He is the greatest man alive. living〓 活著的,逼真的,強烈的。既可以做表語又可以做定語,既可以修飾人又可以 修飾物 ◎She is the living image of her grandma. A living language仍在使用的語言 真題演練〓The football game comes to you from New York. A) live B) lively C) alive D) living 譯文:你收看的(美式)足球比賽是從紐約現場直播的。答案是A。 二十四、arise ★rise★ raise ★arouse arise〓產生,出現。等於appear/come up/turn up 過去式、過去分詞的表現形式:arose,arisen [相關搭配]arise from 由……引起 arise out of 由……產生 ◎New difficulties are constantly arising as we do the work. 當我們做這項工作的時候,新的困難不斷產生了。 rise 〓上升(強調從低位置到高位置)。反義詞:fall 過去式、過去分詞的表現形式:rose,risen ◎The sun rises in the east. I rose from my seat. The price of bread has risen by 10% in the last year. [相關搭配]rise above sth 克服、擺脫 ◎She was able to rise above the disadvantages of her family background.(不利 的家庭背景) rise to the occation應付自如 raise〓1、提高(強調將某物提升至比較高的位置) ◎We raised the ship from the seabed(海底)。 ◎raise someone’s hopes喚起某人的希望(通常指不能實現的) ◎raise your voice. ◎raise yourself to your full height 站得筆直 2、撫養/飼養=bring up(raise cattle,raise children) 3、種植 4、籌集(raise funds 籌措資金) [幫助記憶]“撫養”即“長高”,“籌集”即“增加” arouse〓 喚醒,引起,激起。 ◎His behavior aroused suspicion. ◎Aroused from a deep sleep,he was rather short tempered.他從熟睡中被叫醒,顯 得相當惱火。 區分〓arise與rise為vi. arouse為vt. Rise為具體的含義 arise/arouse為抽象的含義 真題演練〓 A completely new situation will when the examination system comes into existence. A) arise B) rise C) raise D) arouse 這種考試制度一旦出現,將會出現一個嶄新的局面。答案是A。 Our hopes and fell in the same instant. A) arose B) raised C) rose D) aroused 一瞬間我們的希望升起又落下了。答案是C。 二十五、attain★obtain★pertain★retain★contain★maintain★sustain★detain★ abstain attain〓vi.(attain to)/vt.到達、獲得(經過努力而成功);成就attainment ◎He attained the position of company director 他終於當上了公司董事。 ◎Is there someone in your whose character or achievements have inspired you to attain certain goals in life? 在你的一生中是否有這樣一個人,他的性格或成就鼓舞你去達到你生命中的某些目標? obtain〓獲得、得到 ◎To obtain the funds it needed to make these loans. 我們需要這些貸款並獲得資金 pertain〓屬於,關於 retain〓保留,保持 ◎She sold everything retaining only a few pieces of furniture. 她只留了幾件傢俱,其餘的東西都賣了 ◎She retains a clear memory of the days they spent togeter. 她對他們一起度過的日子仍有清晰的記憶 contain〓容納,包含;容器、集裝箱container n. ◎this bottle contains enouh water for all of us. maintain〓保持,保養,堅持 ◎It costs a lot of money to maintain an old house. ◎Such games maintain their fascination(吸引力) to people. sustain〓(願意是支撐)使某人維持(強壯、活力) ◎A good breakfast will sustain us through the day. Sustainable可持續的 Sustainable grow / Sustainable development detain〓(正式)耽擱、阻止、扣留 ◎I mustn’t detain you ,I know you’re very busy. abstain〓戒除 ◎Jack was abvised to abstain from alcohol for a few days. 傑克被勸告戒酒幾天。 [連接記憶] attain到達◎obtain獲得◎pertain屬於◎retain保留保持◎contain容納◎maintain保養 堅持◎sustain維持◎detain耽擱阻止◎abstain戒除 二十六、preserve★reserve★conserve★deserve★observe preserve〓vt.保存,保養,保鮮◎Preserve eggs/one’s eyesight ◎The Ancient Egyptians knew how to preserve dead bodies from decay. 古埃及人懂得如何保存屍體不腐爛。 ◎The social activities can preserve old people from the loneliness of old age. 這些社會活動可以使老人免于老年的孤獨感 reserve〓vt.保存,預定,預留(強調未使用) reservoir 水庫 ◎Reserve the first for the lesders. ◎Reserve a ticket ◎I need to reserve a seat on the plane. conserve〓保存,保護(某物不浪費)conservation n. conservative保守的/保守的人 ◎conserve your energy!(精力) deserve〓vt.應該得到,值得 ◎You’ve been working all morning,you deserve a rest. ◎She deserved to win. ◎I don’t deserve you !我配不上你! ◎You deserve it!你活該! [相關搭配] ◎Deserve doing應受…… ◎Deser well/ill of應/不應受到好的對待…… observe〓觀察,注意到 [習題演練] We’d like to a table for five for dinner this evening. A.preserve B.retain C.reserve D.sustain 答案選C。 二十七、tend★intend★pretend★contend★extend★attend tend〓 [tender adj.(指人)溫柔的,(指物)嫩的,柔軟的] 1.趨勢 [相關搭配]tend to do 往往做某事 ◎It tends to rain here a lot in spring. 2. 照料,照看 ◎The nurses tended to the soldiers’ wounds. ◎Tend the cattle/the store intend〓(往裏有趨勢)打算做 [相關搭配]intend to do ◎He didn’t intend to cause so much unhappiness. 他並沒有打算弄得不高興 ◎Some people believe that nature intended men and women to different contributions to society. 一些人相信大自然要讓男人和女人為社會做不同的貢獻。 pretend〓假裝 ◎She pretended she didn’t know me when I passed her in the street. 當我在街上走經過她身邊的時候她假裝不認識我 contend〓(一起有趨勢)競爭vi.+against sb/with sb ◎They are contending with each other for the party leadership. 他們在相互競爭黨的領導權 extend〓(向外有趨勢)延伸 extension n.延伸出的範圍 ◎The hot weather extended into October. 炎熱的天氣要持續到10月份。 attend〓 vi. attend to 1.關注 2.處理=deal with vt. 出席 ◎I have an urgent matter to attend to . 我有一件急事需要處理 二十八、sure★assure★ensure★insure★reassure★measure sure〓adj.1. 確信的,肯定的 2. 一定的,必然的3. 可靠的,穩當的 [相關搭配] for sure 確切地,肯定 make sure 查明,務必 sure enough 果然,毫無疑問 assure〓vt.向……保證;使確信(以十分肯定的口氣向別人保證某事一定發生) assurance n. 保證,確定,斷言 [相關搭配]assure of sth/that ◎Our clients are assured of a trouble_free holiday. 我們保證顧客一定能有一個無憂無慮的假期。 ensure〓vt. 保證,確保(確保某種行動的結果一定發生) ◎We need to change the law to ensure fair treatment for all people. 我們需要改變法律,確保所有人得到公平待遇。 ◎ensure sb’s honesty. insure〓 vt.給……保險以防 insurance 保險(費)n. ◎life insurance 人壽保險, ◎insurance company 保險公司 reassure〓 v.使……安心,使……放心 ◎His boss reassured him that his work was satisfactory. 他的老闆讓他放心,說他的工作是令人滿意的 measure〓v.測量,計量,記錄 ◎His tailor is measuring him for a new suit. 他的裁縫在給他量體裁新衣。 [assure和ensure的區別]〓 ◎The doctor assured him that his child would recover from his illness. ◎To ensure the child’s quick recovery,the doctor gave him an antibiotic. [assure和insure的區別]〓 ◎He insured his house against fire for ten million yuan. 二十八、expel★dispel★impel★compel★repel★propel “-pel”表示“推動,驅使” expel〓(向外推)驅逐,開除,趕出 ◎Six American diplomats have already been expelled. 六個美國外交官已被驅逐出境 ◎I was expelled from school for smoking. dispel〓驅散,消除 ◎His calm words dispelled our fears. 他那鎮定自若的話消除了我們的憂慮 impel〓(向裏推)(思想或情感上)驅使,激勵某人 ◎He felt impelled to write to the paper about it. 他覺得非給報社寫信反映此事不可 [相關搭配]impel sb to do sth.激勵某人做某事; compel〓強迫某人做某事,脅迫,迫使。 ◎An excellent director will not compel abedience from his subordinates. 一個優秀的主管不會強迫下屬服從(自己) ◎My father compelled us to stay indoors. ◎compel sb to one's will強迫人服從自己 repel〓(向回推)排斥 ◎The smell repels me.這氣味使我感到厭惡 二十九、 salary★pay★payment★income★wages★fee★earnings★proceeds★revenue★charge ★tariff★toll★fund★funds★tuition salary〓每月由公司存入個人帳戶的薪水(尤指專業人士) ◎I get a good salery. pay〓工資一般用詞 [相關搭配]in the pay of 被(某人)雇傭 payment〓支付、付款 ◎I enclose a cheque in payment of my account. 我附上一張支票以支付帳款。 income〓較長時期內的收入,可為工資,也可為房租等(常指個人的) ◎Low-income families need government help. wages〓以現金支付的週薪(尤指手工勞工者) fee〓小費(為特殊服務支付) earnings〓工資、薪水 proceeds〓(銷售事件活動的)收入、收益 revenue〓(國家的)稅收,(公司的)收入 charge〓價格、費用、收的費 ◎What are the charges like in that hotel. [相關搭配]free of charge 免費 tariff〓(進口貨物)關稅 toll〓(道路、橋樑的)通行費、使用費 fund〓基金、專款 funds〓資金 ◎We’re having a dance to raise funds the new swimming-pool. tuition〓特指學費 [真題演練]〓 1、As is know to all,.a country gets a(an) from taxes. A.income B.revenue C.fund D.payment 選擇B 2.The government has decided to reduce on all imports. A.fee B.charge C.tariff D.tuition 選擇C 二十九、constitute★compose★comprise★make up★consist constitute〓組成,構成constitution n.憲法,構成 compose〓be composed of由(不同的幾個部分)組成 ◎Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen。 水是由氫和氧組合而成的。 ◎The price system is a very complex network composed of all the products. 價格系統是一個由所有商品組成的複雜網路。 comprise〓包括,由……組成 ◎The school staff(教職員工) comprises ten teachers. ◎Women teachers comprise 15% of the teaching staff. 女教師占教師總數的15% make up〓組成構成(某事物) ◎Society is made up of lots of different groups of people. consist〓consist of sth 組成 *永遠無被動形式,必須前面是整體,後面接個體 ◎The city of New York consists of five boroughs.(行政區) ◎Each material of the course consists of an introduction and a text. 這個課程每份材料都由一個引言與正文組成 三十、abstract★attract★distract★contract★extract★retract★subtract “ -tract”表示拖、拉;tractor拖拉機 abstract〓v.提取出 adj.抽象的 n.(文章的)摘要 “abs-”做首碼表示“抽取” ◎Abstract some mineralout(礦物質) of ore(礦石). ◎Beauty itself is abstract.美本身就是抽象 [相關搭配]in the abstract抽象地,理論上 attract〓vt.吸引(某人) n. attraction ◎She was attracted by his smile ◎Attract attention. distract〓(使)分散注意力,(使)散心,快樂 ◎She was distracted fromher work by the noise outside. ◎I took YY out for the day to distract himself. 我帶丫丫出去消遣了一天。 contract〓vi.收縮擠壓,(使)相互牽制,訂立合同 n.合同 ◎Metal contracts as it becomes cool. 金屬冷卻時會收縮。 extract〓vt.(費力地)抽取,摘錄 n.截選 ◎She extracted some papers from the file. ◎He has extracted out of that pamphle a few notorious falsehoods. 他從那本小冊子上摘錄了幾條臭名昭著的謊言。 retract〓收回,撤退 ◎I would like to my previous remark. 我要收回我說過的話。 ◎YY retracted his claws when I screamed. 當我尖叫一聲,丫丫收回了他那小爪子。 subtract〓減去 n. subtraction ◎subtract……from從……中減去 三十一、 translate★transaction★transcend★transcription★transfer★transform★ transient★transmit★transparent★transpire★transplant★transport★transition translate〓v.1. 翻譯 2. 解釋,說明 3. 使變成,轉變為 translation n.譯文 translator n.翻譯者 口譯interpret ◎The book was translated from French into English. 這本書有法語譯成英語 ◎A politician should translate ideas into action. 政治家應該把政治觀點付諸實踐。 ◎The relative motion of the plates carrying these continents has been constructed in detail, but the motion of one plate with respect to another cannot readily be translated into motion with respect to the earth’s interior. 攜帶這些大陸的板塊的相對運動已經能夠被詳細地闡述出來,但一個板塊相對另一板塊的 運動還不能輕易地解釋為它們相對於地球內部的運動。 transaction〓n. 1. 交易 2. 處理,辦理之事 transcend〓vt.[文]超越, 勝過(界限) ◎The wish for peace transcended political differences. 人們對和平的願望超過了政治上的分歧 transcription〓n.講話的,文字記錄,抄寫, 抄本 transfer〓vt.調動,轉換,遷移 [相關搭配]transfer sb from A to B ◎The office was transferred from Belfast to Dublin. 辦事處從貝爾法斯遷至都柏林 ◎The money will be transferred to your account. transform〓vt. 1. 徹底改變(形狀、外表、性質)2. 改造,變革3. 轉換, [相關搭配]transform from A into B 從A狀態轉變為B狀態 ◎The area of wasteland was transformed into a park. ◎New work and new encironment transformed his character. ◎I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of “ having it all,” preached by Linda Kelsey for the past seven years in the page of She magazine, into a woman who is happy to settle for a bit of everything. 我已從一個“獲得一切”哲學(琳達‧凱茜過去七年中在《她》這本雜誌所宣揚的)的狂 熱支持者,變成了一個知足常樂的女人。 transient〓adj.短暫的 transmit 〓vt. 1. 傳送,傳遞(電信號、資訊、新聞) 2. 傳播,傳染 transmission傳播 ,傳佈n. ◎transmit a disease/news ◎How is the disease transmitted? transparent〓adj.1. 透明的 2. 顯然的 ◎Glass is transparent. ◎His honesty was transparent. ◎Connected to a wave-front sensor that tracks and measures the course of a laser beam into the eye and back, the aluminum mirror detects the deficiencies of the cornea, the transparent protective layer covering the lens of the human eye. 鋁鏡連接著一個波前感測器◎它跟蹤和測量進出眼睛的雷射光束的光程◎可以發現角膜( 覆蓋在眼睛晶狀體上的透明保護層)的缺陷。 transpire〓v.1. (晚些時候)洩露,漸被人知 2、發生 ◎It later transpired that the minister had lied about the money in parliament. 人們後來知道部長在國會上就那筆款項撒了謊。 ◎Let’s wait and see what transpires. 我們等著瞧會發生什麼 transplant 〓v.1. 移植(苗,皮膚等) 2. 移民,遷移3.運輸 n.器官的移植手術 ◎He was undergo a heart transplant. transport〓v.傳送,運輸 n.運輸 ◎The transport goods by air is very costly. ◎I’d like to go to the concert,but I’ve no transport. transition〓轉變、過度 ◎We hope there will be a peaceful transition to the new system. 我們希望能和平過度到新的制度 【習題演練】 American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised from the United States. A.transfer B.deliveries C.transportation D.transmissions 選D。 三十三、infuse★confuse★profuse★defuse★refuse★diffuse★transfuse “fuse”做詞根代表“導”的意思 infuse〓灌輸、輸入 infusion n. ◎an infusion of ideas.心思想的灌輸 confuse〓使迷惑,使混淆vt. confusion n. ◎So many questions confuse me. ◎Stop trying to confuse matters and listen! 別把事情弄亂,好好聽著! ◎I’m always confusing John with his twin brother. 【In confusion】處於混亂狀態 profuse〓adj.大量的 ◎She offered her profuse thanks.她再三道謝 defuse〓vt.平息怒火,拆除爆炸 ◎The expert defused the bomb just in time. ◎Defuse a situation. refuse〓拒絕,謝絕 (reject斷然拒絕) ◎He asked her to marry him but she refused. ◎The refused me an extension of my visa. diffuse〓(正式)傳播、散佈 transfuse〓移注 transfusion n. ◎transfuse blood to 輸血 ◎The driver had to have a blood transfusion after the accident. press★compress★depress★express★impress★oppress★suppress press〓vt.壓迫,壓,按 n.報刊,出版社 pressure n.壓力 pressing adj.緊急的,急切的 【press on】加緊進行 ◎press conference 記者招待會 ◎To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must press forward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic research. 為了成為地球上有責任心的一員,我們必須積極推進對於大氣和海洋的深入研究。 compress〓vt.壓縮,壓緊 compression n. ◎we can compress air. ◎He comoressed his idea into one sentence. depress〓vt. (sb)使沮喪,使低沉;(econemy)使蕭條,不景氣 depression n.沮喪;蕭條,經濟蕭條時期 ◎Bad weather always depress me. ◎A rise on oil prices depresses the car market. ◎The threat of war has pressed business activity. 戰爭的威脅使經濟蕭條。 express〓vt.表示,表達 expression n.措辭,表達,表情 ◎I can’t express how grateful I am. ◎Express yourself 表達自己的感情 impress〓vt.(sb)給某人以印象(sth)給某物以刻痕 impression n.印象impressive adj.感人的,給人深刻印象的 【impress sth on/upon one’s mind】把……印在腦子裏 【impress sb with】給某人留下……印象 ◎The scenery is strongly impressed on my mind. ◎I’m very impressed with the scenery. oppress〓vt.壓迫,壓制(某人),使(某人)擔心、難過 ◎The threat of war oppressed us all. suppress〓vt.壓制,鎮壓(sb);取締(sth)=repress(側重壓抑感情) ◎She smiled,suppressing her anger. ◎Armed opposition to the government was quickly suppressed. 三十四、perceive★deceive★conceive★receive perceive〓感覺到,察覺(某事物),理解認為 perception n. ◎a growing perception. ◎He perceived that he was unwelcome and left. ◎I couldn’t perceive any difference between the two sounds. ◎The new tax is perceived as an attack on the poor. 新稅法被認為是對窮人發起攻擊。 deceive〓欺騙 deception n. ◎He decieived her from their first meeting. 他第一次見面就欺騙了她。 ◎deceive sb. with fair words 用花言巧語欺騙某人 ◎He that once deceives is ever suspected. [諺]騙人一次, 受疑一世。 conceive〓想像出,想出主意 conception n.=concept ◎I have no ceonception of ……對……義務所知,不懂 ◎It’s difficult to conceive of living without electricity. 很難想像生活中沒有電會是什麼樣子 ◎Scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930s. 科學家在二十世紀三十年代首次有了原子彈的構想。 receive〓收到/收據;招待 ;經受,遭受 reception n. ◎Did you receive my letter? ◎During the fight ,he received a blow on the head. ◎receive an invitation/a letter from sb. 接到某人的邀請函[信] [receive與accept ] receive 著重“行為本身” accept著重“接受者經過考慮以後願意接受”, I accepted the invitation.我接受邀請 。 三十五、 accident★incident★coincide★event★affair★occurrence accident〓n.1.事故 2. 意外,偶然的事 accidental adj.意外的,偶然的 ◎Feeling threatened, companies responded by writing ever-longer warning labels, trying to anticipate every possible accident. 公司因此感到了威脅,便做出了反應,寫出越來越長的警示標識語,力圖預先標明種種可 能發生的事故。 [by accident偶然] ◎We met by accident. incident〓n.1.瑣事,事件(比event小而不重要的事)2. 大事、突發事件 incidence n.發生率 incidentally 順便說,順便提及 ◎the incidence of a disease 發病率 ◎I must go now,Incidentally,if you want that book I’ll bring it next time.我現在必須走了,順便提一句,如果你要那本書,我下次帶來。 ◎Last year Japan experienced 2125 incidents of school violence, including 929 assaults on teachers. 去年日本發生了2125起校園暴力事件,其中包括929起襲擊老師事件。 coincide〓vi. 1. 與……相一致,相符 2. 同時發生,巧合 coincidence n. 1. 巧合,巧事 2. 一致,符合 coincident adj.同時發生的;巧合的 2. 一致的;相符合的 ◎What a coincident! 真巧! ◎Can this merely be coincidence One theory, dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged, is that the rot sets in early. 這僅僅是巧合嗎?按字母表順序排名靠後的人在享受閒暇時光時憑空想出一種理論,認為 這種倒楣事老早就開始了。 event〓事件,比賽項目 ◎current events時事 ◎track events /field events 徑賽、田賽 ◎The article discusses the course of events leading up to her death. 那篇文章討論了導致她死亡的一系列事件發展的過程 【in the event最終,終於=eventully】 【in the event of萬一】 affair〓事件、桃色事件 occurrence〓事件,事情 ◎What a strange occurrence!多麼奇怪的事情! 三十六、 assist★consist★insist★resist★persist assist〓v. 援助,幫助(比help正式)assistance n.協助,援助 assistant n. 助手,助理 adj. 輔助的,助理的 【assist sb with sth 】 【come to someone’s assistance説明某人】 ◎Two nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation. ◎Our organization needs more financial assistance. consist〓consist of sth 組成consist in 在於,存在於 consistent adj.始終如一的,一致的 *永遠無被動形式,必須前面是整體,後面接個體 ◎The city of New York consists of five boroughs.(行政區) ◎Each material of the course consists of an introduction and a text. 這個課程每份材料都由一個引言與正文組成 ◎Happiness consists in freedom.幸福在於自由 insist〓 v. 堅持,堅決主張 insistence n. insisten adj. 【insist on】 【if you insist如果你一定要(同意但並非真的想做)】 ◎I insisted that he was mistaken. ◎She insisited on her innocence. 她堅持她是無罪的 ◎Ok,Ok,I’ll ask my father about it ,if you insist. ◎The government is insistent that industry should be more competitive.政府堅 持工業應該更有競爭力。 resist〓v. 抵抗,反抗 resistance n.抵抗,阻力 resistant adj. ◎He resists any kind of change. ◎Resist the temptatain. ◎There was a lot of resistance to the plan. ◎Many teachers are resistant to new ideas. 很多教師抵制新思想。 persist〓vi.堅持,持續 persistence n.堅持(多用於貶義)persitence of a disease頑疾 【送大家兩個好句子,丫頭超喜歡】 If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend , experience as your reference , prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.如果你希望成功,當以恒心為良友、以經驗為參謀、以謹慎為兄弟、以希望為哨 兵。 I persist,therefor I am. 我堅持,故我在! 三十七、 claim★exclaim★acclaim★reclaim★proclaim★declaim claim〓vt.要求,索賠,聲稱,主張 n. ◎None of the passengers claimed the suitcase. 沒有人來認領這只箱子。 ◎Old people are able to claim a special heating allowance from the government.老年人可以向政府索取一筆特別的暖氣津貼。 ◎Some experts claim the answer to manke workers more productivity is to make jobs more varied. 一些專家聲稱,工作多樣化能使工人提高生產率。 【lay claim to 生成對……有權利】 ◎Five Asian countries lay claim to the islands. 五個亞洲國家都聲稱這些島是自己的領土。 exclaim〓v.呼喊,驚叫 exclamation n.感歎,驚歎 ◎The moment Samaranch announced that the 2008 Olympics goes to the city of Beijing,all Chinese people exclaimed in delight. 薩馬蘭奇宣佈,2008年奧運會將在北京舉行的那一刻,所有中國人都高興地歡呼起來! ◎an exclamation mark驚嘆號 acclaim〓v.歡呼,喝彩,稱讚 n.喝彩 ◎The new drug has been acclaimed as the most important discovery for years. 這種新藥被公認是近年來最重大的發現。 reclaim〓vt. 要求歸還,收回;開墾 ◎I want to reclaim some of the tax I paid last year. 我想要退回去年交納的全部稅款。 ◎This land reclaimed from the sea. 這片地是填海開拓的。 proclaim〓vt.宣佈,聲明 proclamation n. ◎Hofstadter says our country’s educational system is in the grips of people who “joyfully and militantly proclaim their hostility to intellect and their eagerness to identify with children who show the least intellectual promise.” 霍夫斯塔特說,掌握我們國家教育體系的人“沾沾自喜地、霸氣十足地公然宣稱敵視才學 ,迫不及待地認同那些看來在才智方面最難造就的孩子。” ◎A national holiday was proclaimed. 宣佈全國放假一日。 declaim〓v. 1.巧辯 2.(激昂地)演說 3.朗讀4.譴責 acquire★inquire★require 詞根“quire”表示“問、求” acquire〓vt.(通過不斷地問、求而)獲得。 ◎She has acquired a good knowledge of English. ◎I managed to acquire two tickets for the concert. 【近義比較】 obtain指通過很長時間很大努力獲得期望已久的東西 gain比obtain還要付出更大努力,因此常做“贏得”講。 inquire〓詢問,查詢。inquiry n. 【相關搭配】 inquire sth of sb 詢問 inquire about/upon 查問 inquire after (one’s health) 問候 inquire into 調查 ◎He inquired of all that were present. ◎I inquired of him about the way to the station. ◎The authorities are inquiring into the cause of the power failure. 當局正在調查這起停電事故的原因。 require〓vt.需要;要求。requirement n. ◎We require extra help. [require doing/to be done需要;require sth of sb/of sb要求] 三十八、economy★economic★economical★economically★economics★economist★ economize economy〓n. 經濟;節約,節省 ; ◎We have to practice economy if we want to save enough money for a holiday.如 果我們想存夠錢去度假,我們就必須節儉。 ◎In a long run ,it is an economy to buy good quality goods. 買品質好的產品從長遠來看是經濟的。 economic〓adj. 經濟上的;合算的,有利可圖的 ◎Very few experts could come up with completely new solutions to the world’ s economic problems. 極少有專家能提出全新方案來解決世界經濟問題。 ◎It’s no longer economic to run trains to the village. 這個村莊再通火車已無利可圖。 economical〓adj.節省的,節儉的 ◎A small car is surely economical in comparison with a large one . 小車肯定比大車經濟。 economically〓adv.不浪費地,節約地,節省地,有利潤地 ◎She cooks very economically. ◎Is the company economically viable? economics〓n. 經濟學 ◎The economics of national growth are of great importance to all governments. 國家的經濟增長對所有的政府而言都是十分重要的。 economist〓n. 經濟學家 economize〓v. 節約,節省(錢、時間、商品) ◎We could economize on petrol by all going in one car. 我們都坐一輛汽車,這樣可以節省汽油。 三十九、 latitude★longitude★aptitude★attitude★altitude★gratitude latitude〓緯度,(言行的)範圍 ◎Morocco and California are bits of the Earth in very similar latitudes,both on the west coasts of continents with similar climates ,and probably with rather similar natural resources. 摩洛哥和加利福尼亞是地球上緯度極為接近的兩個地點,都位於大陸的西海岸,有著相似 的氣候,並且很有可能擁有著極為相似的自然資源。 ◎“The test of any democratic society,” he wrote in a Wall Street Journal column, “lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be. We won’t retreat in the face of any threats.” 他在《華爾街雜誌》一個專欄上寫道,“檢驗任何一個民主社會,不在於它能多有效地控 制各種情感的表達,而在於是否給予了人們思考和表達提供盡可能最廣泛範圍的自由,無 論其結果有時可能會引起多大的爭論和憤怒。” longitude〓經度 aptitude〓n. (學習方面的)能力,才能,天資(同flair) ◎She has a real aptitude for maths. attitude〓n. 姿勢,態度,看法 ◎I found her attitude very unfriendly. ◎She has a very odd attitude to money. ◎He stood there in a treatening attitude. 他以威脅的姿勢站在那 altitude〓n.高度,海拔 ◎They were flying at a low altitude.他在做低空飛行。 gratitude〓n.感激 grateful adj.感激的,令人愉快的 ◎I’d like to express my gratitude to everyone involved. 我想對參與此事的所有人表示感謝。 四十、 quality★qualify★qualification★qualitative★quantity★quantify★quantitative quality〓品質(sb),品質(sth) ◎The report criticized the poor quality of many TV programmes. 這篇報導批評了許多電視節目品質低劣。 ◎She showed all the qualities of a great leader. 她表現出了一位偉大的領導人所應該具備的品質。 【quality time品質時間】 qualify〓v.使品質合格,使有資格,使勝任 ◎I came to this school immediately after I had qualified as a teacher. 我取得了教師資格便馬上來到這所學校。 ◎Do you qualify for the vote? 你有投票資格麼? 【be qualified for承擔某事合格】 qualification〓資格,資歷,限定條件 ◎I have accepted him without qualification. 我無條件接受了他的建議 ◎She has the right qualifications for the job. 她有符合該項工作的各項證明材料。 ◎Previous experience is not an essential qualification for the job. 以前的經驗不是獲得這份工作的必要條件。 qualitative〓a.定性的,性質上的 quantity〓n.量,數量 ◎Sellsdrugs wholesale and in quantity.大量批發銷售藥品 四十一、distinct★differ★dissimilar★diverse★discrepant ★discriminate distinct〓截然不同的,獨立的 ◎there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches.這兒卻有 兩個相互獨立的部門,他們隨著時間的變化而日益變得敵對。 ◎The party split into two ditinct groups. [as distinct from有別於(用來區分兩樣東西或兩種情況)] ◎That rule only applies to locally recruited teachers,as distinct from those recruited elsewhere. 那條規則僅僅適用於當地招聘的教師,以便與從別處招聘來的教師有區別 differ〓vi. 不同,與……意見不同;difference n.差別 different汹a. (from) 有差別的differentiate v.區別,區分 ◎My opinions are very different to yours. ◎This new drug is quite different from all the athers available. dissimilar〓a.不相同的,不相似的 ◎The two girls are not dissimilar in appearance ;they both take after their mother. diverse〓a.(正式)各不相同的,各種各樣的 discrepant 〓a. 差異的 discrepancy n.差異,不符合,不一致 discrepance n. 差異,分歧,殘餘項 ◎There is some discrepancy between their two descriptions. 他們兩人的描述有些出入 ◎How do you explain the discrepancies in the accounts? 你怎樣解釋帳目中的差異? ◎a discrepancy in the two reports 兩個報告中的不一致之處。 discriminate〓vi./vt. 區別, 差別待遇 ◎Discriminate among the options available.辨別這些可用的選擇 四十二、awake, wake, waken   都可作動詞。   awake既可及物,也可不及物,多用於比喻。   wake常指“睡醒”,多為不及物動詞。   waken多用作及物動詞,常指“吵醒”,“驚醒”。   39. await, wait   await是及物動詞。如:I await your further instructions.   wait“等”、“等候”,是不及物動詞,後常接介詞for。如:I will wait for you at the school gate. 四十三、award, prize, reward   award, reward作動詞。award意為“授予(獎品,獎金等)”,後面可跟雙賓語; reward意為“報酬”,“酬謝”,只能跟人或以人的行為作賓語。   award, prize, reward作名詞時,award常指獎金,獎品;prize多指在競賽、競爭中 獲勝所贏得的獎;reward則指為某項勞動或行為所付的酬金。 四十四、lay(放) , lie (躺), lie(說謊) ▲ lay放置 laid, laid (三態) 如:Lay the book on the desk.(把書放在桌上。) ▲ lie(躺)的過去式和過去分詞分別為lay, lain。注意過去式lay 和 lay(放置)的原形 一樣。 ▲ lie(說謊)的過去式和過去分詞為lied, lied,也就是正常變化, 四十五、literal, literary, literate, literacy ▲literal文字上的,字面的。如:a literal interpretation of a passage(對一段文 章的字面解釋) ▲ literary adj. 文學的。如:literary works(文學作品)。其名詞形為literature 文學。 ▲ literary adj. 有文化的(反義詞是illiterate),如:people applying for the job should be computer literate.(申請這份工作的人應會使用電腦。) ▲ literacy n. 識字 四十六、persist, insist   persist堅持,後面常接介詞in。如:He persisted in carrying on his work in spite of great fatigue.(他雖然疲倦極了,可仍堅持工作。)   insist堅持,後面接介詞on,也可直接連用that引導的名詞從句。如:He insisted on my going there with him. (He insisted that I should go there with him.) 四十七、.preserve, conserve, reserve   preserve堅持,後面常接介詞in。如:The ship is equipped with special refrigerating devices to preserve food for the whole voyage.(船上設有特殊冷藏 設備,在整個航程中保存食物。)   conserve保存,儲藏,強調採取措施精心保護某物,防止不必要的浪費,損失或變化 。如:He is conserving his energy for the last twenty-meter dash.(他正在為最後 20米衝刺保存實力。)   reserve留存(在資金,人力,原料等),保留(權力等)。如:Reserve enough money for your home fare.(留足你回家的路費。) 四十八、 sometimes, some time, sometime, some times   詞形相近,但意義和用法不同。   sometimes有時。如:I sometimes play tennis.(我有時打 網球。)   some times有幾次。如:I have been to the Great Wall for some times.(我去 長城有好幾次了。)   sometime某個時候,指過去或將來的不確定時間。如:I will buy a car sometime in the future.(將來我會買車的。)   some time一段時間。如:I have been a teacher for some time.(我當老師已有些 年頭了。) 四十九、effective, efficient   均可表示“有效的”。   effective常用以指物,強調能產生某種預期的效果。如:effective medicine, effective method等。   efficient“效率高的”,“有能力的”,用以指人或物,著重有效地利用時間、精 力並取得預期效果。如:The German telephone system is highly efficient. (德國的 電話系統效率很高。) 五十、economic, economical   economic經濟(學)的。如:the economic doctrines of Ricardo(李嘉圖的經濟學說 )   economical節約的,節儉的。如:He is economical of money and time. 五十一、hard, hardly   hard努力地。如:Take it easy. You’ve been working too hard.   hardly幾乎不,簡直不。如:The children can hardly wait to hear the news. 五十二、aboard, abroad, board, broad   aboard 在船(或飛機,車)上。如:I never went aboard a ship.   abroad 副詞,在國外或海外。如:He often goes abroad.   board 為動詞,上(船,飛機,車)。如:The passengers are boarding the plane now.   broad 為形容詞,寬廣的。如:He has very broad shoulders. (完) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: coolneo 來自: (12/12 16:58)
hrs113355:推薦這篇文章 12/12 17:48
hanzai:push~ 12/12 18:14
Candysss:推! 12/12 18:31
AstrosKCW:哇哇!不錯不錯! 12/12 19:17
a1250423:大推<(__ __)> 謝謝原po 12/12 19:18
p123521:大推~~ 12/12 19:49
AsDzz:有看有推 12/12 19:51
hDarrenh:推薦這篇文章 12/12 21:38
w0320:每天都有好文 12/12 21:44
tiramisu0225:推 ^^ 12/12 21:52
killua0:味看先推 12/12 22:11
lilliany:推! 12/12 22:32
ianqoo2000:PUSH~把它列印下來..雖然很傷紙張/墨水...不過很值得XD 12/12 22:58
ts70297:推用心 12/12 23:07
vdm9999:推~ 12/12 23:38
allnewfish:推一個~~~~^^ 12/12 23:45
Bike:太有心了!一定要推一個!! 我正為了類似的字在傷腦筋! 12/12 23:59
freeocean:推推推~難得的好文 12/13 00:15
chupen:推推推 12/13 00:38
Datow:這類字的整理 建興有一本 "高中英文單字家族集合囉!"張勝溢 12/13 00:44
Datow:編的 裡面就是這樣分類 還有練習題 12/13 00:46
shine9012:推你一下 12/13 21:57
eriko626:推推! 12/13 22:40
winding11:大推~ 12/14 19:21
wenyudale:推~ 12/14 19:33
dses:推~ 不過可以問一下怎麼複製列印嗎? 12/14 19:54
CMD:推 12/14 20:00
hDarrenh:可以用網頁開BBS論壇 12/14 22:26
bestashin:大推大推~ 12/15 13:57
sean1022:感覺根本就是出參考書 推推推 很實用! 12/16 01:06
Acho21:推 12/16 14:56
nicole072038:用心的好文~ 12/16 19:15
※ 編輯: coolneo 來自: (12/19 15:54) CIH:轉錄至看板 RESIT 12/20 10:55