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繼上次文意選填 這次祭上閱讀測驗的部份 還是一樣歡迎各位給予指教! 網誌上色好讀版:http://stu60912.pixnet.net/blog/post/11225158 ------------------------------------------------------------ 英文科搶分:閱讀測驗破解 一、 解題需求: 1. 良好的閱讀習慣(學測/指考單字門檻:至少4000字) 要能閱讀一篇文章,勢必要看懂其文章的字,可是很多同學第一部的準備方法就錯了,他 們認為,一定得要求自己完全看懂文章的每一個字,而這是完全不對的。別忘了大考中心 只要求同學背7000字以內,甚至通常選用的文章中,將近75%的用字都是4000字以內。也 就是說,其實你只要看懂一篇文章的七八成就行了。大考中心並不是要你每個字都會,而 是要知道你是否有一個正確的閱讀習慣(關於其他不好的閱讀習慣,後面會詳述)。 範例. 以下是4000字 raise 的用法: raise nc. 1.提升 2.增加(常見的搭配介係詞是in/on) e.g. I was given a raise in salary. vt. 1.舉起 2.增加 3.飼養 4. 籌募 5.提出 e.g. They raise a lot of cows. e.g. They will raise a fund for the orphans. e.g. None of them raised any objection. 以這個字為例,在閱讀測驗中,真的,你需要的就是「記住它的每一個中文意思」。因為 可能基本意思、延伸意都會出現,而這個你平常準備時,要多注意它的例句,看看例句中 它都擺在哪裡?有沒有什麼搭配介詞,搭配受詞,還是其他會跟它一起出現的用語?當然 最好,「詞類變化」和「同意詞」妳也可以多注意,看到一個字首或是字根很像的字,妳 可以藉以類推。 2. 正確的解題步驟 閱讀測驗這個大題,你的解題步驟幾乎確立了你能否拿到分數的最大關鍵。主要原因還是 因為找到最適合的步驟能幫助你省下寶貴時間。 3. 平時多閱讀 每個人處理閱讀測驗的習慣不同,勢必得找到一個最省時間的方法。而這還是有賴你平時 多閱讀,這就跟你平時閱讀中文報紙、小說一樣,想要速度快,麻煩還是多練習。題庫來 源很多,課本、考卷、空英等雜誌或是單買閱讀測驗來都很好。 坊間參考書練習閱讀測驗個人推薦首選: Six-Way Paragraphs: Advanced Level http://www.kingstone.com.tw/english/Book_Page.asp?KMCode=2030760089357 二、 關鍵破解: 1. 何謂好的讀書習慣: A. 先看看不好的讀書習慣 (1) 閱讀文章時(或是訂正時),把電子辭典擺一旁,然後把你所有不會的字全部查出 來,最後把中文一一寫上去。最後整篇文章註記著你的中文。妳過度注意了每個字詞,而 忽略了整句話的大意才是重點。 分析:試想你讀中文報紙時,你也會這樣做嗎?不可能吧。如果你一篇文章有將近8成都 是這樣,那代表說真的是你的單字量不夠,先回去背好單字吧。當然這不代表你就不用去 瞭解那些字的意思,而是你得先學會運用「上下文」來幫助你判斷。如果你都只是把他們 的中文標註上去,這樣真的只是浪費時間(更何況大部分的人都不會再重新讀這一篇單字 ),而且這樣做不會進步的。妳一定聽過所謂的語感吧。所謂的語感,其實相當倚賴「思 考上下文」的運行。 E.g. 以下是一篇關於「Uncanny valley」的敘述: The uncanny valley is a hypothesis regarding the field of robotics. The theory holds that when robots and other facsimiles of humans look and act almost like actual humans, it causes a response of revulsion among human observers. 大部分的人應該都不知道什麼是uncanny valley,而請也不要立刻就直接查字典,這樣並 沒有幫助,應該要先去設法「想一想它可能是什麼意思」?,而通常上下文會很清楚告訴 你它究竟是何方神聖。 …… is a hypothesis regarding the field of robotics. 知道hypothesis 是假說的 話,那只要看粗體部份就大概猜的出來了。而就算看不懂hypothesis,起碼你看懂了 robot,uncanny valley一定跟robot有關。 The theory holds that when robots and other facsimiles of humans look and act almost like actual humans, it causes a response of revulsion among human observers. 都講是the theory了,有背好4000字的,一定能清楚知道uncanny valley是 某種學說了。而這段敘述後方則解釋其學說的內容。大部分的字應該都看得懂。可能 revulsion不知道,但是後方有human observers,我們仍可猜這應該跟「觀察者」有關, 而且既然是學說內容,文章接下來一定會就著其內容繼續發揮,我們也只要跟著慢慢瞭解 就行。而以上,就是一個藉由上下文來觀察的方法。 (2) 所謂凡走過必留下痕跡,妳拿著一枝筆,所讀過的地方妳都會拿鉛筆畫線。或著 是妳拿的是一支尺,把下一行蓋住,已方便能只看過這一行。 分析:其實妳這個動作就是在「念」文章,妳只是差沒有「真的念出來」而已。為什麼? 因為妳這樣的速度一定慢,我們是要「讀文章」,就跟你讀中文報紙一樣,妳必須訓練妳 讀英文適用同種方式。這樣妳才會讓自己能真的聚精會神,仍夠用看的就瞭解大意,最 後速度加快。 Q:那讀文章的時候,鉛筆是要用來做什麼的? A:鉛筆是拿來「劃記或圈起來妳解題時初步認為是關鍵地方」。妳甚至可以在考卷空白處 「寫上中文的筆記、綱要」,而這都可以幫助你第二次閱讀、檢查所花的時間。 (2) 一句話,從左看到右,看不懂,然後從頭再看一次,還是不懂,再看一次、 還是不懂…. 最後終於懂了,時間也用光了。 分析:這代表你並沒有專心。妳必須避免這個狀況,聚精會神,要求自己一定要一遍看過 去就要看懂。有時若句子太長,可以善用「優先看動詞」的方法,幫助自己快速瞭解文意 。 善用一個句子先看動詞方法: 例如 A insists that B 當你先看到insist時,並定可以推得前面 A是主張的人,B是主張的想法,且往往B才是 要注意的重點(除非題目考有關於A的部份) B. 好的閱讀習慣 注意的是「每個句子前後的連接關係」,而不會過度注意每個字詞,而是把他們視為一個 大單位,從中瞭解句子承接、文章大意主旨等等。並懂得運用上下文來幫助瞭解文意。 2. 正確解題步驟 (1) 先迅速瀏覽這一篇文章的每一段的主題句、結論句。如果文章是屬於開門見山, 主題句通常會是每一段的第一句(一開始就跟你說出要表達的理念是什麼)。若你看到第 一句是「拋出一個問句(妳有沒有聽說…/ 妳是否認為…)」、「舉個故事例子」,那麼 他會把他要表達的理擺在後頭,也就是結論句,位置通常是每一段的最後一句。總而言之 ,妳就是先把每一段的第一句和最後一句看過。 分析:這樣做是能幫助你先快速「瞭解段落大意」。這個好處多多,有的題目甚至只要妳 做完這一點就可以解了,就算還不能解,妳也可以大致上猜得出來這題要去哪一段找。 E.g. 98年指考第40~43題 (請先看每一段的首尾句。) In all cultures and throughout history hair has had a special significance. In ancient Egypt, as long ago as 1500 BC, the outward appearance expressed the person’s status, role in society and political position. Wigs played an important role in this: they were crafted with great artistry and often sprinkled with powdered gold. In the 8th century BC, the pre-Roman Celts in Northern Europe wore their hair long. In a man it was the expression of his strength, in a woman of her fertility. The idea of long hair as a symbol of male strength is even mentioned in the Bible, in the story of Samson and Delilah. Samson was a leader of the Israelites. His long hair, which he never cut, gave him superhuman powers. The only person who knew his secret was Delilah. However, she spied for the enemy and betrayed him. One night she cut off his hair and thus robbed him of his strength. In the classical Greek period, curly hair was not only the fashion, but it also represented an attitude towards life. Curls or locks were the metaphor for change, freedom and the joy of living. The ancient Greek word for curls and locks is related to intriguing and tempting someone. Hair is also used as a symbol of opposition. The punk protest movement today uses hair as a symbol of disapproval of the “middle-class, conventional lifestyle” by wearing provocative haircuts and shockingly colored hair. A different form of objection could be seen in the women’s hairstyles in the 1960s. Women’s liberation was expressed in a short-cut, straight and simple hairstyle which underlined equality with men without neglecting female attributes. To this day hair has kept its importance as a symbol of power, youth, vitality and health. 40. The topic of this passage could best be described as _____ . 從 In all cultures and throughout history hair has had a special significance. 和 Hair is also used as a symbol of opposition. 可得知答案為(B ),且妳可以注意到,題目寫的是 symbol,而此時選項出現的是 symbolic(詞類變化) 。 (A) the scientific study of hairstyles (B) the symbolic meanings of hairstyles (C) the art of designing different hairstyles (D) the contemporary development of hairstyles 41. Why did ancient Greeks like to wear curls and locks? 題幹中有Greeks,而妳所讀到的主題句中,有講到Greek,就只有In the classical Greek period, curly hair was not only the fashion, but it also represented an attitude towards life. 所以妳當然可以優先猜測此題答案必在第三段。甚至妳可以靠 第三段的尾句 the ancient Greek word for curls and locks is related to intriguing and tempting someone. 推得答案為(A)。且妳可以注意到,題目寫的是 intriguing and tempting someone,而此時選項出現的是 attract others(同意字代 換)。 (A) To attract others. (B) To show off their artistry. (C) To hide their real identity. (D) To represent power and status. 42. How did women in the 1960s use hair to show objection? 題幹中有objection,而妳所讀到的主題句中,有講到objection,就只有Hair is also used as a symbol of opposition(同意字代換). 所以妳當然可以優先猜測此題答 案必在最後一段。 (A) They grew long hair. (B) They dyed their hair. (C) They cut their hair short. (D) They shaved their heads. 這個題組四道題目,妳有3道題目答案馬上幾乎出來了,這樣不是很爽嗎?至於有些老師 建議第一步是先看題目,這我個人十分不贊同!因為如果妳連文章大意都不瞭解,光看題 目能夠幫助你什麼?且這樣還會有被題目帶入陷阱的可能,妳應該先瞭解文章大意,再看 題目。 (2) 看題幹,先不急著看選項,先看一下有講到題幹所述的地方應該是在文章第幾段 ,然後再看選項。 分析:要懂得分辨題幹的題型,題型不外乎就是以下幾種樣子: A.考文章「主旨」、「大意」、「出處」、「標題」、「寓意」 →碰到這種題目,直接看每一段的首尾句,答案就會出來。 e.g. What is the main idea of this passage? (如果題目問說是第二段的 大意,那你更只要看第二段就好) e.g. Which of the following is the best title for…? e.g. The passage is most likely taken from a…? e.g. What is the moral of this story? e.g. The purpose of this passage is to…? B. 考字詞「解釋」、「定義」、「代換」(通常會是粗體字,並且畫線) →碰到這種題目,請直接找包括那個字在內的句子,以及其前後2個 句子,總共3個句子,答案就會出來 e.g. What does the word “everything”in… mean? e.g. The word fit in.. means…? C. 考「細節描述」(可能問原因、方法、目的、項目列舉、數字…) →碰到這種題目,請先藉由主題句判斷這題答案可能會在哪段,然後 閱讀完那段後,答案就會出來。判斷方式就是看看有沒有什麼字詞題幹中和文章主題句中 皆有提及?(有些時候,出題老師會用詞類變化,或是同意詞代換來讓妳無法第一次就 辨認出來,要小心!) e.g. How did women in the 1960s use hair to show objection? e.g. Why did ancient Greeks like to wear curls and locks? D. 考「文章推論」 →碰到這種題目真的沒辦法了,光看完主題句沒有用,有些題目可能 看文章最後一段結論處可能有些幫助,可是大部分這種題目會把每一段的細節都拿來考, 所以這種題目就需要你整個文章看完才能解。不過還好,這種題目雖難,可以先放著,等 有時間回來再做,不然,用猜答案的方式以常識判斷也能提高答對機率。 e.g. What can be inferred about the article? e.g. Which of the following is true about …? e.g. Which of the following is incorrect about…? E. 考「作者的態度」 →通常是最難的題目,也是需要看完整篇文章才能解得出來,有些題目可能看文 章最後一段結論處可能有些幫助,不過還好,這種題目考的不多。 e.g. What is the author’s attitude toward…? (3) 看好選項後,就回到文章中找答案。如果是一般題目,只要判斷好是哪一段,看完 那一段答案就會出來。如果是需要整篇看完才能作答的,那就把文章進行快讀(不用擔心 時間不夠,你會發現這次妳快讀的速度很快,因為主題句(大意)妳都知道,妳現在只是 要瞭解其支持句)。記得要把妳認為是答案的地方用鉛筆劃記。 分析:進行閱讀時請特別注意: A. 連接性質 however/ therefore/ besides/though/ whereas… B. 因果關係(一定要找出何為因、何為果!) so/,for/ since/ because of/ thus/ result from/ bring about… C. 比較級、最高級、兩物做比較(一定要找出是哪兩個東西在互比!) inferior/more/ compared to/ difference/ change… D. 強調用法(所強調的東西必為重點) The same/even/ absolutely/ in fact/ particularly/ only/ first… E. 否定用法(被否定的東西必為重點) no/ not/never/ without/ except/ unless/ instead of/ hardly… F. 年代、數字(皆為重點,再加上數字比文字容易辨認,是救星!) The first/the second/1960/47%... G. 時間點、時間副詞 Once/now/ nowadays/ originally/later/meanwhile/ until/since… H. 特殊人物、特殊地點 I. 人物所引言 J. 舉例 such as/ for example K. 標點符號、引號(例如分號和破折號後方必為重點!) L. 別忘記動詞主宰整個句子,所以每一句的動詞也都需留意! E.g. 98年指考第40~43題 In all cultures and throughout history hair has had a special significance. In ancient Egypt(特殊地點、時間點), as long ago as 1500 BC(時間點), the outward appearance expressed the person’s status, role in society and political position. Wigs played an important role in this: (特殊符號)they were crafted with great artistry and often sprinkled with powdered gold. In the 8th century BC(時間點), the pre-Roman Celts(特殊人物) in Northern Europe(特殊地點) wore their hair long. In a man(比較) it was the expression of his strength, in a woman(比較) of her fertility. The idea of long hair as a symbol of male strength is even mentioned(強調) in the Bible, in the story of Samson and Delilah(特殊人物). Samson was a leader of the Israelites. His long hair, which he never cut, gave him superhuman powers. The only person who knew his secret was Delilah. However(連接副詞), she spied for the enemy and betrayed him. One night she cut off his hair and thus(因果) robbed him of his strength. In the classical Greek period(時間點), curly hair was not only(強調) the fashion, but it also(強調) represented an attitude towards life. Curls or locks were the metaphor for change, freedom and the joy of living. The ancient Greek word for curls and locks is related to intriguing and tempting someone. Hair is also(連接性質) used as a symbol of opposition. The punk protest movement today(時間點) uses hair as a symbol of disapproval of the “ middle-class, conventional lifestyle”(引號) by wearing provocative haircuts and shockingly colored hair. A different(比較) form of objection could be seen in the women’s hairstyles in the 1960s(年代). Women’s liberation was expressed in a short-cut, straight and simple hairstyle which underlined equality with men without(否定) neglecting female attributes. To this day hair has kept its importance as a symbol of power, youth, vitality and health. 3. 閱讀測驗時間控制 基本上這個大題一題學測可到6分鐘,指考則是盡量壓縮到5分鐘之內,謹記一題若超過3 分鐘,劃記後直接先跳到下一題。 三、 大考實戰演練 99指考第44~47題 http://0rz.tw/y58Yg 參考答案:44~47 CAD 參考解析: 44. Key: 看到問代名詞this指的是什麼,馬上看前一句:(考字詞「解釋」→找包括那個字 在內的句子,以及其前後2個句子,總共3個句子,答案就會出來) Then there is Kopi Lowark (translated as “Civet Coffee” ), the world’s most expensive coffee, which sells for as much as US 50 per quarter-pound. 故 選(C)。其他選項皆不合。 45. Key: 第二段第一句:(考細節描述,藉由主題句,得知答案在第二段) This is particularly surprising, given that approximately 500 pounds a year of Kopi Lowak constitute the entire world supply. What is surprising is why this particular coffee is so rare. 故選(A) (B)→ 第二段中間:It’s not the plants that are rare. 故錯。 (C)(D)→ 文章中未提到。 46. Key: 第三段整段過程:(考文章推論,題目已好心說明是第三段,故可完第三段即可作 答) 介紹Palm civets→牠吃咖啡果後,咖啡果的變化→其豆子有特殊風味的原因 (1句話) (4句話) (2句話) 故選(D)提到了「此動物如何把咖啡果實變成咖啡豆子」較為恰當。其他選項多半是未 提到,或是只提到一兩句。 47. Key:(考文章推論,需看完全部文章) (A) → 根據第三段中間:palm civets eat the fruit whole. 故錯。 (B) → 根據第三段結尾處:Palm civets have an unfailing instinct for pickingthe coffee cherries at the peak of their ripeness. 故正確。 (C) → 根據最後一段第二句:Currently, most of the world’s supply of Kopi Lowak is sold in Japan. 故錯。文章中第三段有提及: Palm civets… native to Southeast Asia and the Indonesian islands,但是指Palm civets 而非Kopi Lowak. (D) → 文章中未提到。故錯。 故選(B) 四、 模擬實戰演練 http://stu60912.pixnet.net/blog/post/11373356 ------------------------------ 如果有排版哪裡很奇怪的請告知 不知為什麼每次複製貼上排版就會大亂= = 謝謝你的收看 -- ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● 「所謂的創作, 並非於紙張上,死板地刻下想說的話。 我要的創作, 是在人人心中,永遠激盪我說過的話。」 ●●●●●Treak/有夢的人才偉大●●●●● -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: stu60912 來自: (07/31 05:59)
exile1205:好文推~ 雖然我考完了=.=... 07/31 08:28
coldman519:閱測寫six way吧 07/31 08:28
taketheball:好文推 07/31 10:11
vi000246:要是早一年發就好了 好文推~ 07/31 10:35
red0210:推!!!!! 07/31 10:37
DearDaniel:為什麼你不早一年發... 07/31 10:51
asdf45610:好文 不過我也考完了XD 07/31 10:59
lovehan:優質好文 07/31 12:47
puffbox:推 早一年發就好了... 07/31 13:14
lovehan:其實補習班老師也會教這些答題小技巧啦... 07/31 13:33
lovehan:學校老師就真的不會講得那麼具體了... 07/31 13:34
fujikawa22:推一個~~ 很受用XD 07/31 13:46
yyd:好文推~ 07/31 13:53
gj942l41l4:推 雖然我聽過還是執著整篇看完不去注意細節... 07/31 15:33
cheng135:這是下意識的 單字量多 看的就快 07/31 15:45
cheng135:反正就是多看啦 你看中文報紙也不會注意那麼多 07/31 15:45
qoo392:磨一磨八 07/31 19:20
goshfju:關鍵就是多看 +1 07/31 19:22
ftccb09376:我是你的忠實觀眾 推推推~~~ 07/31 22:59
chiyen0123:先看問題(包含每個選項),就可以大概抓到整篇文章在講 08/01 00:15
chiyen0123:什麼,回頭看文章速度會快很多...甚至常常不用看完文 08/01 00:16
chiyen0123:章,四題都答出來了,有的題目甚至可以常識判斷... 08/01 00:16
chiyen0123:個人覺得學測文章簡單題目難,指考文章難題目簡單 08/01 00:17
chiyen0123:不過這都是考試省時間的技巧XD 平常還是要多讀XD 08/01 00:17
justfloat:推=D 感謝分享^^ 08/01 00:51
※ 編輯: stu60912 來自: (08/02 05:38) ※ 編輯: stu60912 來自: (08/04 01:46)
apple840622 : 推 06/10 17:29