看板 SENIORHIGH 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The history of the written word goes back 6,000 years. Words express feelings, open doors into the 21 , create pictures of worlds never seen, and allow adventures never dared. 21其實有一點點殺..緊張會嚇到...需要靠creat 那一句去輔助.. Therefore, the original 22 of words, such as storytellers, poets, and singers, were respected in all cultures in the past. 不幸的....我把22的選項搞到21去了... But now the romance is 23 . Imagination is being surpassed by the instant picture. fading 照樣要靠"but" 或是"下一句"才能選出.... 又是老掉牙的文意轉折...且要會認7000字表的難字: fading以及surpass... 有背才能看懂.... In a triumphant march, movies, TV, videos, and DVDs are 24 storytellers and books. A visual culture is taking over the world—at the 25 of the written word. 25 說實在話....有沒有人要講一下?????很討厭! ------------------------------------- 下面近乎都是送分題....除了gain ground 小刁人.... gain ground 除了靠 現在進行式執行刪去法騙分數外.... 也顯示了狄克生片語的重要性???(這句有在該片語嗎??) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chuliu:25記得是at the expense of xxx意思是付出了written word 07/04 19:11
ashs100:25是指視覺文化是用文字文化犧牲換來的(? 07/04 19:11
chuliu:的代價 不過我翻得不好 我是英文看得懂但英翻中不好 07/04 19:11
ashs100:不負責任翻譯 07/04 19:12
SnewDrop:視覺文化正在征服這個世界---以取代手寫文字做為代價 07/04 19:20
guesttry:有一點而懂... Visual culture 和written word相斥... 07/04 19:20
guesttry:造句..An evil thought is taking over my mind- 07/04 19:21
guesttry:-at the expense of my kindness... 07/04 19:22
guesttry:翻成兒童英語就變成..I am becoming an evil person. 07/04 19:23
SnewDrop:不一定是互斥 比較像機會成本的概念 07/04 19:34
SnewDrop:US won this war at the expense of a lot of money. 07/04 19:35
※ 編輯: guesttry 來自: (07/04 19:49)
KINGSHM:fading我是靠fade away(後仰跳投) 想起來大概是啥意思的 07/04 21:56
guesttry:剛偷翻一下, fade在第5級單字. 07/04 22:00
guesttry:剛剛看完 英文全部..只能說..閱讀測驗大送分.... 07/04 22:28
guesttry:optimistic叫樂觀...真煩~~~誤認為oppose那個字群... 07/04 22:30
guesttry:整體來說..英文除了..幾個難點以外..比國文容易多了... 07/04 22:33
yan630:國文比英文簡單太多 英文閱讀超難 07/05 00:03
lkkgotyy:反而我覺得閱讀還好 其他根本沒時間看= = 07/05 00:18