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《TAEYEON Solo Concert PERSONA 公演畫報集》寫真書 內容 2017.09.27 發行 / 29000 韓圜 ● 包裝樣式   -184 頁寫真書 + Hologram 明信片(一種) -寫真書尺寸:195 x 271 (mm) -封面:http://image.yes24.com/momo/TopCate1508/MidCate010/150793177.jpg
● 預購連結 http://www.yes24.com/24/goods/49864055?scode=032&OzSrank=1 http://music.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?start=short&ISBN=C762736661 https://t.co/j7B8P05jCm http://item2.gmarket.co.kr/English/detailview/item.aspx?goodscode=1124091082 [書封文字] PERSONA meant much more than just a concert, it was a personal and inspirational journey of self-discovery. I've been thinking a lot about myself - about who I really am - while preparing and performing the concert. I hope my fans have encountered the hidden personas of Kim Taeyeon by the end of the concert. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SNSD/M.1505788134.A.59A.html
thetaetiseo: 推啊 09/19 10:29
tysone: 推!!! 09/19 10:30
jj3414im: 推 希望DVD可以順便 09/19 10:44
Pejoan: 推啊 09/19 10:51
genieyang: 推~ 09/19 10:54
※ 編輯: cylxxx (, 09/19/2017 10:56:29
ALVINSKY: 推啊~ 不知道有沒有DVD QQ 09/19 10:56
kay1127: 只賣寫真書不賣DVD或藍光?!真是特別XD 09/19 10:59
shiner827: 拜託DVD... 09/19 11:03
p115600: 有開團購嗎 09/19 11:07
fujimoto: DVD Plz 09/19 11:07
emissary: DVD也快點出啦! 09/19 11:09
yjuyin: 居然不是DVD先出而是寫真。。。可以開團嗎? 09/19 11:29
imdolly: 希望開團購~ 09/19 11:36
rachelxxx818: 敲碗DVD 09/19 11:40
crazyag: 真是充滿問號的SM 09/19 11:44
FLEE03: 希望開團購 09/19 11:46
Graham1965: 為什麼不是dvd(T_T) 09/19 11:51
j310071: 推推 期待團購和dvd 09/19 11:55
tsuchiao: 太美了吧很厚感覺很有料 要吃土了QQ 09/19 12:01
a3221715: 買定了 09/19 12:03
melody9685: DVD順便出吧! 09/19 12:15
chen20: 買 都買 09/19 12:18
nanaxi: DVD呢~~~ 09/19 12:22
ritsu711: 通通都買~~錢包已關不上 09/19 12:23
mon60819: 想要DVD TT 09/19 12:25
producer2142: 希望開團~ 09/19 12:30
TY0309: 開團拜託 09/19 12:32
jj645123: 開團啊啊啊啊啊 09/19 12:36
mamc95e: 可能是:寫真,寫真+DVD,寫真+BD,這樣慢慢出,錢包就慢 09/19 12:43
mamc95e: 慢變少... 09/19 12:43
Archon1018: 先觀望好了怕出現BD 09/19 12:54
superamanda: 推推推!! 都買都買~~ 09/19 12:58
jihoon39688: 希望能開團啊 09/19 12:58
a981302: 希望能開團~ 09/19 13:01
EdenX: DVD還在後製,請大家放心 09/19 13:18
chen20: 買都買 09/19 13:25
Efrenxx: 希望開團~~ 韓文不好不會訂啊TT 09/19 13:44
tzjpurp: 希望開團+1 09/19 13:54
panjiongkai: 希望有藍光阿 這場真的很值得收 09/19 13:55
CYWjtr: 先賣寫真,再賣DVD,在賣藍光 09/19 14:05
doublehds: 寫真好美! 09/19 14:24
chaorite: 希望開團+1 09/19 15:10
Marce: 拜託出dvd~ 09/19 15:32
cfcandy: 九五五大都有了…價差78XD 09/19 15:51
FLEE03: ptt會開團嗎? 09/19 17:30
Viccc: 買!都買! 09/19 17:50
SONE0410: 絕對要好好收藏的~ 09/19 19:02
paul115: 求開團 09/19 19:11
chnet3214: dvd +1..... 09/19 20:53
a3221715: DVD更買 09/19 20:56
bokumino: 真希望出DVD會有亞巡花絮影片 09/19 22:23
e761031: 買 都買!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09/20 01:12
gi1234g: 買買買~不知道五大有沒有代購 09/20 16:40