看板 SRB-CRO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
官網 http://www.open13.fr/ Blog http://blog.open13.fr/ Andy Murray (GBR) d Mario Ancic (CRO) 63 64 兩盤都差了一局 很可惜(修正XD) 不過Murray今天的表現的確比Ancic好 Ancic繼續加油 排名應該很快就會回升的 (這禮拜上升至92) 賽後訪問: "I'm very happy. This is a big, big week for me," said Ancic. "If somebody told me before the first round that I would lose and stay healthy I would have signed that straight away. This is a big comeback for me. Even though I lost today this was a great match for me. Of course there's still room to improve." "Right now I just need a court, an umpire and four balls and I'm happy." http://www.menstennisforums.com/showpost.php?p=6591522&postcount=92 http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/1592/a2390d561d213935898d805vd5.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Makaay:比賽內容小錯阿 第二盤被破了兩局喔 不是一局 02/18 08:51
Makaay:第二盤馬力歐3-1領先時被連拿三局(被連破兩發球局) 02/18 08:52
uforock:我的意思應該是說都差一局 說錯啦 02/18 13:26
※ 編輯: uforock 來自: (02/18 13:36)