看板 SRB-CRO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.sportsline.com/tennis/story/10920153/ 英文的外電都寫mono 不過克羅埃西亞媒體的訪問上寫不是mono 而是某種病毒 十天後 他會再做一次身體檢查 希望在那之後 能開始簡單訓練 以期趕上九月的台維斯杯 http://www.menstennisforums.com/showpost.php?p=7458332&postcount=76 "It is difficult to talk about this, but far worse things happen to people. I have never been the one to whine and drop my head. I always try to come out stronger, though these words might sound like an empty phrase. Those who know me know that's the way I am, it's enough to see me in matches. Unfortunately, in these past two years I've trained my mind to always beleive that I'll be even better when I return. This is no exception. This is the third year in a row I'll be missing the USO, but I'm not worried or desperate. In these four months, I proved my class, climbing form 136 to 24 ranking. I'm not knocked out by these blows, just temporarily stopped." "I cannot prepare well for the USO, even though there is still 20 days left. (...) When the doctors told me it is not recommended for my health (to play in the Olympics), there is no reason to rush for the USO. The Olympics are once in four years and there is not better feeling for an athlete than to represent his country. (...) When that was gone, heath became the most important." "The aim is to be ready for the Davis Cup in Zadar. We must send the Brazilians home and return to the World Group. That's where we belong." "After 10 days, they'll do tests again and I hope to start training lightly, as I've already done a couple of times before. I'll probably go for some high altitude training. Everything must be 100 percent OK. I cannot start again only for something else to go wrong." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
affirm:希望Ancic趕快好起來呀~ 復出之路真不順利 加油!!! 08/06 11:52
megar:真的很不順利 :( 復出打得很好 可是一直因為傷病退賽 08/06 12:28
megar:去年mono痊癒復出->肩傷休息->肩傷好了->澳網腸胃問題 08/06 12:44
megar:病好了復出->馬賽決賽->溫布頓八強->mono又休息 orz 08/06 12:45
shak:Ancic加油 Orz = = 08/06 12:48
megar:不過到底是不是mono啊 之前有聽說mono不會復發耶~~ 08/06 12:49
nyyfederer:這是什麼情況....? 08/06 12:55
nicholasJCF:天阿.............太衰了吧Mario............ 08/06 13:20
Ally1213:orz.....Ancic Q__Q 趕快康復阿 08/06 15:06
yittahung:什麼鬼 傻眼 哭哭了我 08/06 15:19
lane34:什麼鬼啦 =.=.......... 08/06 16:30
wop875:Ancic趕快康復! 08/06 17:25
tinybaby:哭了.... 08/06 17:26