看板 Sacred 關於我們 聯絡資訊
前言: 首先,本文是一篇分享,而非個人心得。之所以分享這則文 章理由有以下幾點: * 這是一個蠻特別的角色建構(Character Build)。別   於常見的天使主流配點(雙刀天使以及大槍天使)。 * 看影片這個角色還真是么壽強。   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvVKYBrS4JI
* 屬性(Attributes)概念說明。 * 原始網址   http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=11911 原則上本篇文章是「大略敘述」原文的意思,分享給其他不 想直接看英文的玩家。 -- 本文開始: 首先,原作者顯然非常有個性。他全部的角色都只願意玩到 150級(這篇他練到152級了),因為他認為這個等級已經沒 有差異了。 而這個角色建構,為方便本文描述,以下都我自作聰明地寫 作「純法天使」(原作者說他原先正在進行女武神天使Valkyrie Seraphim,也就是單純用長柄武器和電傷攻擊的天使,但是 純法比較吸引他所以改練這隻)。 這個角色建構有以下特色:  * 單一增益(也就是說不會點Concentration)  * 沒有general skills  * 不用騎馬  * 高效率範圍攻擊  * 高效率單體傷害  * 不打近戰  * 不用BFG(天使大槍增益法術,這縮寫很多老電腦遊    戲迷可能會很耳熟)  * 永不倒下 技能(Skills)配點與學習順序  習得等級 -   技能名稱    - 配點點數    02   revered technology lore  [75]    03   celestial magic lore    [75]    05   revered technology focus  [75]    08   celestial magic focus   [75]    12   armor lore         [75]    18   constitution        [75]    25   shield lore        [1]    35   warding energy lore    [1]    50   combat discipline     [75]    65   toughness         [75] 配點方面除了盾牌知識warding energy lore之外通通練到 精通等級(75點以上)。 如果想要追求更高的傷害的話,可以嘗試繼續追求以下兩組 技能組合: revered technology lore + revered technology focus celestial magic lore + celestial magic focus 而這個角色建構在等級152級的時候將會有足夠的額外技能 來讓Shield Lore滿點。這會再戲劇性地達到永不倒下的不 朽境界。 屬性配點(Attributes): 關於屬性配點絕對是本文重點,如果原作者說的是真的,那 大概很多人都改砍角色了。 升級和配點關係表 等  級  配  點 1-49 每次升級獲得一點屬性 全配vitality 50-149 每次升級獲得兩點屬性 stamina和vitality各一 150-200 每次升級獲得三點屬性 兩點stamina;一點vitality。 為什麼選擇stamina作為升級主要提升屬性?怎麼不是施法 者灌智力而用武器的都選敏捷或力量? 原作者認為,只要不以stamina為主的屬性配點都是有問題 的!因為這個屬性會影響到戰鬥藝術的基本恢復速率。當這 個屬性不高的時候技能的冷卻時間將會延長。 -- 戰鬥藝術(Combat Arts) celestial magic戰鬥藝術 技能名稱:baneful smite 技能分支:disarm, confuse, electrocute 技能說明:這個戰鬥藝術是你的負面魔法施放工具。你需要      追求這個戰鬥藝術的最速施放。其中分支配點中      的Confuse甚至可以讓BOSS打中你的機率降為零      蛋!但是如果你這樣做的話你將只能用這個戰鬥      藝術進行BOSS戰,這樣太慢了。      對於原作者來說這個技能通常不是用來作為負面      狀態道具,而是作為引誘敵人的方式。這個法術      無限的距離可以遠遠打到人。如果你要用這個戰      鬥藝術的話,請保持他的冷卻時間在三秒。 技能名稱:radiant pillar 技能分支:hypnosis, brightness, ordeal 技能說明:這個戰鬥藝術是範圍攻擊起手招。他有可觀的持      續性傷害能力(DOT, Damage Over Time)。但      是持續性傷害能力就沒有效率可言。這個戰鬥藝      術的重點在於技能分支時選擇第一階的hypnosis      和第二階的brightness。      hypnosis可以把範圍內敵人都吸引到光柱旁邊,      而brightness則可以增加光柱的有效範圍。升級      到後面一根光柱就可以影響全畫面的怪物。      請務必讓這個戰鬥藝術的冷卻時間等於Flare Nova      的恢復時間。 技能名稱:hallowed restoration 技能分支:recuperation, master healer, antidote 技能說明:這個戰鬥藝術並不讓你永不倒下,這個戰鬥藝術      只是方便而已。玩到最後它讓你不用攜帶藥水,      背包可以裝更多東西。      因為這個角色建構到最後你將不太會受到啥傷害      了。就算被王打也不太痛。      技能分支中只有前兩點是重要的。      將恢復時間控制在一秒。 技能名稱:cleansing brilliance 技能分支:distract, purify, eagerness 技能說明:這個戰鬥藝術是玩家碰到不死生物時的增益法術      選擇。但是它也只有在銀與金等級難度中會用到      而已。就像影片中所示的,mist of miasma碰到      這個既能就像蠢蛋一樣! revered technology戰鬥藝術 技能名稱:archangel's wrath 技能分支:salvo, explosive, vulnerable 技能說明:這個戰鬥藝術是玩家的單一目標殺手!技能分支      也只有第一階的salvo和第二階的explosive是重      要的。      另外,這個技能有個特色是它是這個角色建構中      唯一會被武器傷害影響到的技能。玩家可以在使      用這個戰鬥藝術的時候把武器切換到高傷害武器      ,但是一般時候原作者還是推薦使用tinwora這      把武器。      請保持這個戰鬥藝術的恢復時間在0.3到0.5秒之      間! 技能名稱:flaring nova 技能分支:impulse, stun, flux 技能說明:這個戰鬥藝術是重點技能。所有難度中這個能力      都十分重要!還記得上面提到的radiant pillar      戰鬥藝術嘛?該能力的hypnosis可以把怪物吸過      來,然後就是flaring nova灌下去啦!      請保持在六秒的恢復時間。 技能名稱:warding energy 技能分支:projectile reflection, magic mirror, block 技能說明:這個戰鬥藝術是這個角色建構中的主要增益(Buff)      選擇,三個技能分支都非常重要。      雖然這個護盾通常戰鬥開始沒幾秒就被打光光了      而且直到白金難度後期才會突顯出他的價值但是 其重要性不容小覷。一切都是值得的! 裝備 裝備我不熟悉,所以英文儘量不動。 ‧頭盔  helmet of the seraish  [套裝;origin of the seraish]  +all ca, +wil and 2 sockets[1 bronze, 1 silver] ‧肩膀  gown of the celestial[套裝;revelation of the seraphim]  +all channel dm, +rp, +sta and 1 socket[1 gold] absolutely  beautiful shoulder armor. you can instead choose a rare  piece with scaling all channel dm and 2 sockets, but with  3 pieces of this set, you gain scaling +sta. ‧軀幹  garment of the celestial[套裝;revelation of the seraphim]  +all channel dm and 2 sockets[1 silver, 1 gold]. again,  beautiful piece of armor. there are rares that exist that  would outright beat this torso, but with the scaling +sta  and cohesive look of the set, i believe this is optimal. ‧手臂  wristguards of dusk[twilight of the gods]- thanks dobri  3 sockets[1 bronze, 1 silver, 1 gold]. customize to meet  any other areas where you are weak. if you need more db,  this is a good place to stick it. if you need more all  skills, etc, etc. ‧手套  %dmg, +aspect: xx, +ca[not all ca, but specific ones],  +atk value, +cast speed[rare]  there are no truly amazing set gloves so find yourself  a rare pair of gloves with 1 socket and +19 aw or +%dmg  or something useful. ‧腰帶  braid of the celestial[套裝;revelation of the seraphim]  +sta, +hr, 2 sockets[1 bronze, 1 silver]. the third piece  of the revelation set that will give you the scaling +sta.  with the native +sta on this piece, i was able to reach  over +250 sta. incredible. bonus points for being a thong.  killing while fashionably dressed is always in style. ‧褲子  sofia's protection[套裝;twilight of the gods]  again use these to customize to your needs. there aren't  any really good set legs and the rares i have found are  lacking in native properties, however, that does not  exclude their use. i just personally have not found any  useful ones and i know they exist. you can substitute any  3socket pants here, but i thought these looked the best. ‧鞋   +aspect: xx, +run speed, +evade[rare]  no good set boots exist. try to find a rare piece with  +aspect, run speed and 1 socket. ‧翅膀  wings of revenge[套裝;infinite revenge]  +def skills, +run speed, -opponent's chance to evade,  2 sockets[1 silver, 1 gold]  these wings are precious. when i look into my personal  stash, i see a new set of wings every 15 levels because  i refused to use anything else. all the properties on  these wings are beneficial to your character and especially  the -opponent's chance to evade as aw requires atk value  to land hits. another option is to use endijian's wings[dobri]  to boost all channel dm. ‧盾牌[1]  close combat[cc] blocking, +aspect: xx, +def skills, +exp[!!],  +physical dm[rare]  with 1 point into shield lore and around +150 all skills,  you can be sure that you're cc blocking will reach 80%+.  try to aim for 2 sockets. ‧盾牌[2]  glacial defender[unique] ***see below***  +all channel dm, 1 socket[1 gold] ‧武器  tinwora's curse[unique]  +all ca, -regen, +casting speed, 2 sockets[2 gold].  this is the best 1h caster weapon that is widely available.  the new epic 1h might rival this due to +int%, but it won't  give you the scaling bonus to ca mods. ‧珠寶  any combination of +all skill, all ca, -opponent's chance  to evade, +chance opponent cannot evade, +db, +dmg, +aspect: xx,  +attribute, +def skill any sockets you find in your gear should be socketed with a combination of said jewelry and niobium blacksmith arts[bs arts] until you reach an equilibrium of dmg vs regen. 設置 ****以下沒有翻譯尚未完成**** setup- everything i alluded to before probably sounded confusing, but i will explain it all here. check out my guide on dm before you go any further....http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?sh...p;#entry6854478 yes, i know it's a lot of reading, but i am extremely meticulous and anyone failing to meet my level of care shouldn't be surprised if they die or lose their character. there's a reason why details are important to me and all my characters. so with toughness, all channel dm from gear[shield lore mastery + glacial defender optional] and even some from we, it is possible to reach nigh 80% dm. that is absolutely insane. that means that of all the damage that is able to make it past 40% block, evade and reflect, only 20% of it will affect you, which is like bringing a level 60 to bronze and letting a kobold hit you. with constitution mastery, your hp regen should be high enough to shrug off all hits, even boss hits. the infrequent use of hr will patch up bigger hits if you're afraid you're going to die. even if you opt out of shield lore mastery, you can then achieve 85% cc blocking with 65% dm. that's trading in some dm for much higher cc block, but that is your decision. i don't particularly value avoidance all that much, so i choose 80% dm with 40% cc block. either way, you will be immortal. important properties to find on rare gear- max energy shields +xx%, absorption warding energy +xx% these two are needed until your shields are high enough to take a beating in a 5man niob game, the hardest way to play this game. i wouldn't suggest having absorption warding energy at 100%, as is noted in my dm guide. 80/20 is much more efficient. playstyle- quite easy. combo 1- rp>fn use to draw mobs in and flatten them to the ground combo 2- aw spam for boss killing combo 3- bs spam for sniping/debuffing/luring ca slot 4- hr hr does not activate healing in a combo when exiting a cave. it's a bug and i don't know if it's been reported yet, but i noted it in a couple threads at the sif before being banned. ‧while it is repetitive, think about how every other character levels, but spamming ca's. this is no different, only you'll be using a multitude of ca's instead of only one or two. ‧i refuse to use bfg, as it is an ugly weapon and a noobstick unworthy of advanced players. if you want to use it, this build is not for you as it violates the stipulation i laid down in the intro as being non cookie cutter. ‧no melee aspect as everyone seems to pair up ew with either cm or rt. this is the only pure cm/rt build that i am aware of. on top of that, it is effective at all areas of play in the game, tested in a 5man niob game. she can handle anything solo. ‧being mountless means indirectly increasing your damage. i won't need to explain this as it is pretty apparent why. leveling- i think i am correct when most players start off using weapons to kill enemies. while i am opposed to this, there is no reason you can't do so. myself, i am a purist and once i have a build in mind, i make sure to play it all the way through no matter the difficulties or ease. with this particular build you will be able to rock mobs right off the bat with the aoe ca's. ‧lvls1-15- you don't need a shopper for your gear as you will soon outgrow it. spend some time going around to different merchants and try to buy any gear with sockets. the more the better. you'll stuff these with the ENHANCE bs arts. the higher the -regen, the better. i believe that belts can naturally spawn -regen as a native property, so a belt with that and 2 sockets is probably the best thing you'll find besides +sta helms and torso. once you have these pieces of gear equipped, eat 1 fn, 1 rp, 1 hr and 1 aw rune. don't worry about your buff. you won't need it/it won't be useful until level 75-90. now go out to sloeford and head west to western tyr lysia and start gathering groups of 4-6 kobolds. hopefully, combo1 will have a regen time of about 3~7 seconds. with that, you should be able to spend 10 seconds gathering a group, then 3~7 smashing them. repeat over and over. keep yourself close to a cave so when you do level, you can enter/exit and reset the levels of monsters in proportion to your own. it should take you 20~40 minutes to reach 15. ‧lvls16-35- this is the prime time for set farming/fast leveling. i believe that 2-3 white griffin kills will net you a level, so if you set up a run...white griffin>wild boar>holos, you can level once in each game up until about 30~ then it'll take a little more. hopefully, by that time, you'll have gained a nice stash full of sets...the most important of which are ones with high number of sockets and are of the ones i listed in the gear section. if you don't end up with favorable pieces, at least keep in mind that you'll soon outgrow these anyway, and that they definitely have better stats than the level 1 gear you've been using. fully upgrade these set pieces with any +skills jewelry/bs arts and get ready for the next step. keep all your rune consumption to nil. everything should be at ca lvl 1. your regen times for fn and rp should be close to 2-5 seconds ‧lvls36-60- this is where things start falling into place. you'll get a feel for how the character is doing and you'll also notice what you lack. if killing speed becomes a problem, try to find/socket +ca jewelry. BUT. keep it to a minimum or you'll blow regen times out of proportion. another alternative is to start looking for db jewelry. realistically, 40% is the highest you'll be able to go without sacrificing too much in the way of enhance bs arts. spend some time in the jungle, swamp and dryad island for the first 15 levels after 35. once you near 55-60, start doing some great machine runs and if you want to test your mettle, try out the nameless guardians. be sure to keep modding your ca's as you dump points into the ca skills. the use of hr really starts to shine at the end of silver when the bosses hit harder. try to spam it 2-4 times before engaging in boss fights. ‧lvls61-100- congrats, you've made it to gold. now repeat what you just did for levels 16-60. only, try to spend some time with the forest guardian. if you can finish him off in under 40 seconds, enter the nearby cave and exit. he'll respawn and this will allow you to find many many set pieces as well as rares from him. he is relatively easy if your aw is under .8 sec. make sure you have at least 40% db and use bs to lure him to your location. alternate time spent looking for sets with straight leveling, as sets only change every 15 levels. if you've spent your skill points right, at 75, you can mastery 3 skills. i'll let you decide which are most important to you. at 80, you should be able to mastery a 4th skill, and by 90~100, your 5th skill. also, another change is the ability for your we to be of use. by that, i mean i hope 1 of your 5 mastered skills is armor lore, giving you all channel dm, which makes we much better than it was before. eat 1 rune of we and make a test suit by socketing we runes into old set gear to find out where you're comfortable having your ca regens vs total shield energy at. by now, you'll also be able to eat a few of your ca runes, although i prefer to keep them at 1 and boost through +ca jewelry myself. it is your choice. ‧lvls101-150- if you've made it this far, pat yourself on the back. it wasn't fast, but it was fun. hopefully, you'll have something that resembles ms. grandcross in her video. ‧lvls151-200- if you've made it this far, you're a more dedicated player than i am. nothing changes from 100-200, except that you'll spend more time leveling than anything else. rune consumption shouldn't be an issue now that you've got a handle on how your character works. i would suggest plenty of nameless and forest guardian runs for nice rares if you don't have a shopper. hey, maybe you could even make a video and post it for other to see.... one last thing: gogo, if you would like to 'pretty' up the guide with links and pictures to the wiki as i know you are wont to do, that's fine. it's not my cup of tea, but it might make the guide more accessible to others if they can read it like a picture book. -- ┌───╮ ◇ ╭╮ ˍ▂▃▂ │┌─╮│───╮┌╮╭──╮╭──╮╯╰┐ ╭╭ —\ ││ ││ ──│││╰─╭╯╰─╭╯╮╭╯ \  ̄ \ │└─╯│ ╭─╯││╭╯─╮╭╯─╮││ ι\ \ └───╯─╯─╯╰┘╰──╯╰──╯└┘▁▁ˍ]▅▄_—╱_\ ▄▅ http://www.pixnet.net/drizzt ▂▄▄]▂▁ \ ▃▅/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Alfie24:傻眼 09/08 11:56
Drizzt:這個作者另外還有一則影片,Magic Coup/Shadow Step/流星雨 09/08 12:35
Drizzt:組合的High Elf,也相當有看頭。 09/08 12:36
dicolon:我整個跪下來拜了.....太他x的強了<(_ _)> 09/08 12:44
dicolon:請問150~200的屬性是2點stamina.1點vit嗎? 09/08 12:55
Drizzt:回樓上,對。之前忘記打上去了。下班有空再改。 09/08 13:03
Florz:馬上來練一隻 09/09 18:39
wody:完全看不懂 = = 09/15 22:02
dicolon:不知道有沒有人用360版的練起來,我缺時間XDDD 09/25 00:52
※ 編輯: Drizzt 來自: (09/26 14:09)
SansSouci:太強了... 感謝原po整理分享 10/09 20:52
dicolon:可以教一下這隻初期怎麼打嗎 我被怪追假的... 10/21 00:26
Florz:多初期呢,一開始先洗有洞的裝備,能力不重要,只要有洞就可以 10/22 15:48
Florz:再把洞全都用ENHANCE鍛造降低技能的冷卻時間就可以開始AE了 10/22 15:50
Florz:這樣LV1到15應該在半小時左右達成,我是在一開始地圖有一個很 10/22 15:52
Florz:多老鼠(大約15隻左右)的墓穴練的,打完出去再進來就重生了 10/22 15:53
dicolon:開始AE?? 10/22 18:18
Florz:就是拉一堆怪用 Radiant Pillar 跟 Flaring Nova 來清怪 10/23 09:01