看板 ScenicPhoto 關於我們 聯絡資訊
展出時間:2010.7.3(六) - 15(四) 開幕茶會:2010.7.3(六) 15:00 ~ 地點:爵士攝影藝廊地址&電話: 台北市八德路二段433號2樓 (02)2741-2256 開放時間:週一到週日 : 10:00~18:00 在人生的旅途中,人們的身體不停地漂泊,而心靈也隨之流浪,從過去到未來,夾雜著徬 徨與不安,人們總是需要些什麼,渴望些什麼,也許是指引方向的燈塔,或是點亮黑暗的 幾盞路燈,即使是一絲微微的光,也可以溫暖每個人的心,讓心裡有了方向,讓未來的路 有了希望。 Throughout men's life, we never stop traveling, and our minds are also roaming. From past to future, people always need something, and thirst for something with trepidation. It's maybe a lighthouse directing our way, or several streetlamp shining the dark. Even if there is a little light, it could warm up our heart, let our minds more clear, and let us get hope of future. 張文瀚 http://wenhanphoto.com 相關網站 http://imagecoffee.net/content.asp?noxcv=857 http://gallery.jazzimage.com.tw/2010/gallery201007-1.htm -- 逐夢旅人~ http://wenhanphoto.com/ http://www.wretch.cc/album/Greatest -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: Greatest:轉錄至看板 NTUPHOTO 06/21 15:56 Greatest:轉錄至看板 NCCU_Photo 06/21 15:57