看板 Scorpio 關於我們 聯絡資訊
There is a lot of talk lately about climate change and global warming. This is just one of many topics that isn't wise to bring up when in the company of friends or coworkers with clashing ideas. Something controversial could come up this week between you and someone who is more politically correct than you are, Scorpio, so you should steer clear of inflammatory subjects. If you jump in, you may regret it later. A compliment or flattery from someone you admire this week could lift your spirits and enhance your self-esteem. While this may be nice, it is also an indication that you need to work on being able to do this for yourself rather than turning to others for your self-value. Enjoy the accolades you receive and recognize that you do indeed deserve the attention. A date night or a night on the town may happen for you at the end of the week. This could be an especially fun night with people that you find intriguing. A chance encounter could shed light on a family member that you have been worried about recently. Something in your conversation could lead you to see something in a whole new way. 最近有很多關於氣候變遷和全球暖化的討論,當你跟朋友或同事的想法有衝突的時候, 這種話題就不適合拿出來討論。本週你跟某個比你還要政治正確的人也許會討論有爭 議的事,天蠍,所以你應該要避開會煽動彼此的主題。如果你陷進去了,你之後會後 悔的。 本週,某個你欣賞的人的讚美或阿諛奉承也許會提振你的精神,並且提高你的自尊心。 雖然這可能是好事,但是這也意味著你必須反求諸己,努力讓自己振作起來,而不是 靠別人的稱讚才知道自己的價值何在。享受他人給予的讚美,並且體認到你確實值得 他人的關注。 週末的時候,你可能會有個約會之夜或是晚上要去市區,也許會跟有趣的人一起去, 所以特別好玩。 你最近很擔心的家人也許有個機會終於撥雲見日了,你們的對話或許會讓你們以全新 的方式理解某件事。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1560882882.A.A4C.html
nike444478: 三樓週末一起去神秘約會吧 06/19 08:54
ella19881111: 避開會煽動彼此的主題,包括談政治嗎...... 06/19 11:04
akiss1599: 一樓好啊,來約喔 06/19 12:54
ja456: 五樓要一起嗎 06/19 13:21
et252784: 五樓和六樓在一起 06/19 14:22
jay520: 期待 06/19 18:08
rrr1900: 是說反送中嗎 06/19 19:09
rrr1900: 抱歉不要找我吵架 06/19 19:09
good102883: 希望家人可以理解支持... 06/19 22:22
evelyn90828: 周末晚上真的有約會ㄟ... 06/22 21:33