看板 Shinhwa 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛剛逛到好公司看到又出新公告 (有興趣的請看最後原文,懶得翻譯 XD ) 沒什麼特別的 只是說明R席售罄,開賣S席的流程 -.- 海外S席的位置公告出來是L-7 L-8 C-17 C-18 紅框部分 http://kuso.cc/1SRD 坐L7/L8的話,脖子一直歪著看不會扭到嗎^^" 話說逛到某站 看到他們一次搶下R席80幾張的票 不免OOXX 雖然他們訂票過程看來也是頗艱辛 但果然人多還是好辦事啊 說話特別有力的感覺 總之他們的位置就在我們的下方 到時羨慕的眼神會不時投向他們 >"< 不過還好我很容易滿足的 能夠去現場聽到Hyesung的聲音還是值得的 謝謝吉兒為大家辛苦的張羅票務 精神壓力一定超大的 再抱你一個^^ ============[Shin Hye Sung] Add - Information for overseas fans============= Notice of R-seat booking finished and S-seat booking started At first, we apologize that the notification is late. This booking service is for fans from overseas, except Japanese fans This notice has been e-mailed from us. R-seats have been already sold out, and as many fans demanded, we have begun S-seat booking. (Ticket Price: 80,000 won) Please follow the instruction below and e-mail us if you would like to book. As we accept your application, we e-mail you the account number you may transfer money to. * Seat Map Please check out Red-Circled Area on the map below. Your seat will be located in Red Block as we get your reservation e-mail. [Booking Instruction] Subject : Reservation for “S:seat 财Contents 1. Name of applicant: 2. The number of tickets : ____sheets (11th ____sheets, 12th ____sheets) 3. Nationality : 4. Passport Number: 5. Name of companion 1) 2) 3) … ? Booking Process 1. Application : E-mailing in English 2. Application Address : [email protected] 3. Term of Application : ~ 2007 Jul 3rd 4. Term of Money Transfer : ~ Jul 9th 5. Seat : The seat will be determined as we confirm your money transaction. 6. Ticket Price : 80,000WON (KOR) We do not accept another inquiry except the form. We would like to answer anything you ask us but because of too many inquiries and communication difficulties, we are having a difficulty. Best Regards, ====================================================================== -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: vanlly 來自: (06/28 09:23)
davyfu:一次搶到80幾席...*&#":#@ 06/28 11:21
babysinging:一次搶到80R席...唉 06/28 14:04
tmilk:日本貴婦團坐在FLOOR4跟6.. 06/28 14:20
vanlly:日本貴婦坐F4/6 太過分了啦 還說什麼內場都要留給韓國飯 06/28 14:24
vanlly:我也可以像日本貴婦一樣撒錢啦 人家也想要內場 q.q 06/28 14:25
babysinging:在日本已經要開三場了還這樣搞..不管啦!!台灣也要一場 06/28 21:20
babysinging:剛剛在對岸論壇上看到有人要轉讓R席多位..好想要 伸手 06/28 23:52
inmi:日本貴婦團的公告6/28悄悄的出現~6/29截止~ (也太彗星般的速 06/29 00:14
inmi:度了吧~難不成之前是我眼瞎........)最X的是...位置是~8/11F6 06/29 00:16
inmi:8/12 F4 貴婦團就是貴婦團~11萬日幣起跳~三天兩夜~ 06/29 00:18
physicsblue:11萬日幣三天兩夜還有兩的票嗎?這樣很划算耶 06/29 01:34
physicsblue: 兩場 06/29 01:34
tmilk:你眼睛好的很..的確是出現短短3天就要截止..11萬看起來很貴 06/29 10:24
tmilk:但對之前出團都是12.3萬起跳的貴婦們說簡直是小菜隨便吃.. 06/29 10:25