看板 Singapore 關於我們 聯絡資訊
事情不知道是怎樣,但是卻被新加坡的網友拍下這段匪夷所思的畫面... 不過看看底下新加坡人情緒性的留言... 甚麼叫台灣人滾回台灣的字眼都出來了~ 真是讓人失望 以下是網站: http://is.gd/iQ6PA 下面是網友揣摩實際上的情形: Old Man: Hey lady, from your accent, i can tell you're not local. How much for a hot night with you? Lady : *ignores* Old man: Come on lady, you're all in Singapore for the same reason. Just name the price. Don't act all high class now. $20 should be enough for your type! But i'll make it $30 just for you. What do you say? Lady : *ignores further and getting angry* Old man: *Lost patie -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Mewra:聽起來不像是台灣人口音呀 12/18 11:44
bryansun:會不會是新加坡長大的台灣人??? 12/18 12:06
jinnylee:不知道...我也覺得不像台灣人... 12/18 12:35