看板 Sixers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.mindofai9.com/ 就在重返費城的前夕,小AI官網首頁刊登了一封公開信-- 費城: 我想在此感謝大家,以及所有死忠的運動迷。謝謝你們,在我與費城七六人共度的八 個球季中,對我充滿熱情,不離不棄,同甘共苦。 我也要感謝七六人球團,謝謝他們,讓我有機會完成進入NBA打球的畢生夢想,並與 盡忠職守的管理部門共事。我同時感謝所有教練、訓練員、隊友。能與他們並肩作戰 ,甚至發展出長久的友誼,是我的榮幸。 今晚,我的職業生涯將踏入新的章節,但我所有的成就,將永遠與這座城市和這支球 隊共享。謝謝你們為我所做的一切。 Andre Iguodala 敬啟 Philly— I would like to take the time to thank you and all your devoted sports fans for the passion, loyalty and spirit that you gave to me during my eight seasons with the Philadelphia 76ers. Thanks as well to the 76ers organization, who gave me the opportunity to fulfill my lifelong dream of playing in the NBA and provided me with a great front office of dedicated people to work with. I would also like to thank all the coaches, trainers and teammates that I was blessed to compete along side and build lasting relationships with here. Tonight I begin a new chapter in my career but I will always share my accomplishments with the city and the organization and I thank you both for all that you have done for me. Sincerely, Andre Iguodala -- 迎接他的會是掌聲嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hanway 來自: (11/01 00:55)
willyt:http://tinyurl.com/bhns3cf Holiday表示:刁民有94%機會亂 11/01 00:55
willyt:噓他。 11/01 00:55
freijaking:一定有人會噓阿 預測約5%左右觀眾 11/01 01:26
Alik:期待ai爆氣一下 11/01 01:35
thxphila829:能想像Iggy穿金塊球衣飛扣我們家籃框時的情況了(遠目) 11/01 01:55
Hawes: 各位放心,就交給我來捍衛費城。 11/01 05:06
willyt:樓上... 11/01 05:48
willyt:http://tinyurl.com/acg5wzg 今天穿藍色球衣喔各位 11/01 05:48
iverson00124:哭哭還我ai......這好像在打預防針XD 11/01 07:00
momofishj:Q____Q 11/01 13:08