看板 Sodagreen 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Erikayar (被留下的字。)》之銘言: : Love is everything : 對於這首歌我真的比較陌生一點 : (其他的我竟然幾乎都聽過而且都會跟著唱一些 驚!) : 但是在這首歌之前青峰說的話真的很發人深省 : 青峰說的話大意是 : 當我們付出了很多去愛人 到後來卻發現被傷害 : 我們會也想要付出所有去傷害他 : 卻會發現自己也又傷痕累累 於是會付出更多想要爭取回這些愛 : 但卻無法挽回了 : 只是 我們一定也在這些過程中得到了一些東西 : (大意是這樣 不曉得我有沒有記錯) : 後來回家試圖找歌詞 也沒有找到 幸好後來青峰有補充 我有查了一下有查到歌詞耶! 就貼給需要的人看看吧! http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=QLbarC63q74 沒有聽到的朋友可以先看看原唱的MV 聽久了有一種被安慰的感覺呢! -- Jane Siberry / Love is Everything Songwriters: Siberry, Jane maybe it was to learn how to love maybe it was to learn how to leave maybe it was for the games we played maybe it was to learn how to choose maybe it was to learn how to lose maybe it was for the love we made love is everything they said it would be love made sweet and sad the same but love forgot to make me too blind to see you're chickening out aren't you? you're bangin' on the beach like an old tin drum I cant wait 'til you make the whole kingdom come so I'm leaving maybe it was to learn how to fight maybe it was for the lesson in pride maybe it was the cowboys' ways maybe it was to learn not to lie maybe it was to learn how to cry maybe it was for the love we made love is everything they said it would be love did not hold back the reins but love forgot to make me too blind to see you're chickening out aren't you? you're bangin' on the beach like an old tin drum I cant wait 'til you make the whole kingdom come so I'm leaving first he turns to you then he turns to her so you try to hurt him back but it breaks your body down so you try to love bigger bigger still but it...it's too late so take a lesson from the strangeness you feel and know you'll never be the same and find it in your heart to kneel down and say I gave my love didn't I? and I gave it big...sometimes and I gave it in my own sweet time I'm just leaving love is everything... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ohchieh 來自: (12/19 23:34)
cellur:這個連結跟歌詞之前都PO過了啦 12/19 23:35
pingpi:XD 12/19 23:36
iwasdying:#15463 12/19 23:37
ohchieh:這...那我要刪文嗎... 12/19 23:37
ohchieh:我也太糗了orz 12/19 23:38
cellur:(憋笑) 12/19 23:38
intiiii:XD 12/19 23:39
wai1120:青峰你這樣 原po尷尬了 12/19 23:39
iwasdying:我也不知道該不該刪耶,不過原PO你真可愛~:p 12/19 23:39
windofmoon:XD 原po的用心我們有感受到(拍拍) 12/19 23:39
fongwha:憋笑會內傷欸 12/19 23:39
cellur:留著留著 反正好歌就是需要多曝光! 12/19 23:39
dabbie0507:XD 12/19 23:39
wejony:小王子不要憋笑...會內傷...^^ 12/19 23:39
iwasdying:青峰你怎麼笑起人家原PO來了 12/19 23:39
ohchieh:青峰的推文這麼可愛看來是不用刪了ˋ(′_‵||)ˊ(裝沒事) 12/19 23:40
fongwha:鱉笑龜無尾 XD 12/19 23:40
iwasdying:還有其實這首歌2007/2/6海邊的卡夫卡唱過唷~:p 12/19 23:40
intiiii:原po跟青峰真可愛XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 12/19 23:40
wai1120:青峰大人說留著 就是要留著 (誤)XDDDDDDD 12/19 23:41
mandy2002tw:XDDD 12/19 23:41
Aick:憋笑會內傷!!! 12/19 23:44
yiannehou:哈哈,內傷 12/19 23:44
tessyelsa:XDDDD love is everything 真的好好聽 歌詞寫得很棒 12/19 23:44
plumageonly:一樓救了這篇! 12/19 23:45
sodaer:XDD 12/19 23:48
icat:XDDDDDDDDDD 12/19 23:49
lindayeh:XDDDDDDDDDD 12/19 23:54
MARCH300:沒聽過青峰版!不過真的是首值得推薦的好歌阿! 12/20 00:08
MARCH300:內傷的話,本人推薦鐵牛運功散這算廣告嗎?算違規嗎? 12/20 00:13
wejony:唉阿...我把我的口頭禪說出來了...憋笑內傷...><... 12/20 00:23
sharlay:好歌就是多需要曝光 12/20 00:31
ohhug:謝謝原PO的貼心!!!!!!!! 12/20 01:40
tsreem:青峰太壞了笑原po~推好歌就是需要多曝光! 12/20 09:51
sneak: XD https://noxiv.com 08/14 14:39