看板 Soft_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 Tech_Job 看板 #1IfoQAls ] 作者: shirley1010 (蔚藍築夢) 看板: Tech_Job 標題: [徵才] ASML誠徵軟體開發工程師(三年以上年資) 時間: Tue Dec 10 22:34:47 2013 ASML 台灣區研發中心的"軟體"開發部門目前正在擴編, 要求為三年以上程式開發年資 急尋優質人才加入! 有感於人才不易尋找,同事特別請我上來代PO這裡希望找到合適的人選! 請大家幫忙一下!謝謝! 【公司名稱】 ASML www.asml.com 【工作職缺】正職 Software Development Engineer 【工作內容】(擷取自104網頁上職務說明) -Develop software applications for the semiconductor equipment field, specifically for metrology. -Translate requirements into SW solutions and continuously improve the code to meet customer's needs and expectations. -Design, implement, test and maintain software system, mainly written in C#, C++ or Java. -Participate in integration tests on the system; analyze system issues that have been found during the integration tests. -Thoroughly document SW design, testing results and publish them internally. -Remotely align with HQ software development team on SW interfaces, version control, patch releases, debugging, etc. in a self-propelling manner. 【徵求條件】 -3+ years of work experience as a software developer -Hands-on experience on the .NET platform (C#, LINQ, Threading, Remoting, WPF, XML, IO, etc.). -Familiar with SW development life-cycles, UML, OOP, design patterns and best practices. -Relevant work experience in SW configuration management, installation solution and release management are helpful. -Career interest in SW testing, integration, quality assurance and issue management will be a plus. -Excellent presentation and communication in English -Committed, flexible and ambitious team player -Strong analytical and solution-provided capability -Assertive, initiative, creative and cooperative working attitude -Good interpersonal skills with leadership qualities or potential 【待遇】 50,000/month ~ 80,000/month 只大約範圍,依年資而有可能更高! 【語文條件】 英文 【工作地點】 龜山華亞科技園區(台北市/新竹市有交通車上下班) 【需求人數】 2人 【聯絡人/連絡方式】 站內信, 請留下姓名/畢業學校/目前工作經歷年資/e-mail 我會用我在公司的e-mail回信給你跟你聯絡,不適合的就不回信了 到時會請你再寄正式履歷到我信箱 或是直接上104寄給我們公司的人資也可以 PS.勿用水球問問題, 不知道該怎麼回. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: shirley1010 (, 時間: 12/10/2013 22:35:48
ntddt:B-級 12/10 23:19
asleisureto:這要求清單 薪水要80k~150k才找的到人吧@@ 12/10 23:46
Obama19:一定要po這種薪資丟你們公司的臉嗎 12/11 00:10
cpper:敢用英文寫徵才條件,薪水起跳請你開100k以上好嗎? 12/11 06:37
cpper:你為什麼不乾脆連聯絡人/聯絡方式也寫英文? 12/11 06:38
eplis:c/java/.net 根本要全通嘛= = 12/11 09:28
KanoLoa:還好吧,拿來當老手暫時的避風港可以了。 12/11 14:24
robler:不知工時如何,呵 12/11 22:31
darthv:asml耶。但薪資。。。 12/12 12:06
jimmytzeng:這薪水以4年資歷還可接受吧,但重點在他是ASML 12/13 12:13