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歌手:Matt Rouse (cover) 原唱LAUV 歌名:Breathe 專輯:I met you when I was 18. 連結:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFDB57T_5BM
歌詞: I've watched those eyes light up with a smile River in the not good times Oh, you taught me all that I know I've seen your soul grow just like a rose Made it through all of those thorns Girl into the woman I know And it's killing me, me to say "I'm fine, " "I'm fine" When I really mean, mean to say You're my all and more All I know you taught me, yeah You're my all and more But I need room to breathe, yeah I found New York laying in your arms We'll melt into the bedroom floor Never knew I'd stay for so long And this truth cuts Not through one, but both not through one, but both of us But it's deeper if I hold on And it's killing me, me to say "I'm fine, " "I'm fine" When I really mean, mean to say You're my all and more All I know you taught me, yeah You're my all and more But I need room to breathe, yeah UhUhUh Gotta breathe for me, it's now or never Gotta breathe for me, it's now or never Uh Uh I should leave, 'cause you deserve better, better Gave my all and more But I need room to be me You're my all and more All I know you taught me, yeah You're my all and more But I need room to breathe, yeah UhUh Breathe UhUhUh Breathe 想法: 聽了足足一年,由 MattRouse詮釋的感情更加豐沛 在一段感情中深入得無法自拔 即使它是全部、它最為真摯,卻讓人失去了自己。 需要喘息空間找回自己,就算那份唯一已經不在 還是得笑著說沒事,你是我生命中的全部、最精彩的一頁 對自己喊話般,給自己喘息的空間、離開給予對方更好的選擇。 推薦指數: 10 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Songs/M.1556169590.A.B8D.html