看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: dannychiang (丹尼) 看板: NBA 標題: [情報] VC to Spurs, Cavs, Bulls, or.. Raps??? 時間: Sun Feb 8 15:03:23 2009 Vince, of course. Yes, it seems unlikely that any owner can sign off on a 32-year-old guy making $33M the next two years without blushing, but it's not impossible. 不敢相信會有人想要一個32歲的Vince Carter. 他下兩年加起來要付$33M. 但不代表不可能還是被交易 Two agents told us today that the Nets have talked to San Antonio, Cleveland, Chicago, and -- really, one said this, and we don't believe him - Toronto. Interesting choices, none of which fit into your "perfect world" scenario. 兩個代理人今天告訴我們 籃網已經跟San Antonio, Cleveland, Chicago, 和.. 是真的 不過不敢相信 -- Toronto. 這些方案應該都不是他"最完美的世界" # Spurs: They are contemplating whether Vince puts them over the top in the West, and the key component to any discussion would be Roger Mason ($3.5M) coming East. But the SA payroll is very top-heavy, so that makes it very complicated: They'd have to pile on some contracts to make it add up, and not even throwing in Bruce Bowen ($4.0) and Michael Finley ($2.5) would accomplish that. Still, at least one side believes some creative accounting can get it done (we doubt the Nets would also be able to land George Hill, a kid they like), though it would obviously involve a body count - probably with Bowen/Fin returning to the Alamo after the Nets cut them. Spurs: 還在考量是不是增加Vince就可以變成西區最強的隊. 如果要交易的話 Roger Mason ($3.5M) 是關鍵人物. 不過馬刺目前的球員薪資都很不確定 必須加上 Bruce Bowen ($4.0M) 和 Michael Finley ($2.5M) 來完成交易 不過可能這樣還不夠. 如果真的交易了 到時候等 Bowen 跟 Finley被籃網放掉後 應該還會回馬刺. # Cavs: There's always a doable deal with Wally and probably Delonte. But then, Rod and Kiki would never live down the accusation that they handed the Cavs their first title on a silver platter. Can't see it. Cavs: 現在好像什麼交易有Wally跟Delonte都很有可能. 可是Rod跟Kiki不會想被控告為 幫助Cavaliers拿下他們第一個冠軍的人. 不太可能. # Bulls: We still have this fantasy in our little brains that Ben Gordon is getable, even though he'd have to relinquish his Bird Rights - you'd just have to whisper some magic words in the ear of Raymond Brothers (among them: "re-sign" and "cap space"). But. . . .longshot/no shot. Chicago probably hates Carter's contract anyway, as most teams do. We just like it because the Bulls aren't re-signing Ben anyway, and they'd have to include some nice frills (Nocioni, Sefolosha) in the package. Bulls: 不太可能. 我們喜歡這個交易因為 Bulls 應該也不會簽下 Ben Gordon 雖然說也需要包含 Nocionio + Sefolsosha. # Raps: No clue what this means, unless it's the Nets' way to go all-in for 2010 (VC/Simmons for Jermaine), and give them enough space for two max players. Forget we even mentioned it. Raps: 完全不懂這筆交易 除非籃網想全部投資在2010年 用Vince Carter/Bobby Simmons 換Jermaine O'Neal. 這樣2010年會有夠多的空間來簽下兩位大球員 翻譯的不是很好 請願量 原文 http://www.nj.com/nets/index.ssf/2009/02/nj_nets_just_13_shopping_days.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ohmyya:看標題前面先嚇一跳 02/08 15:04
mark0628:回暴龍就帥了 02/08 15:04
Uber:...馬刺...又出黑暗兵法?包溫芬麗獻頭?死而復生? 02/08 15:06
Redadventure:... 馬刺這樣太作弊了啦 02/08 15:07
Sparxxx:借轉馬刺版 謝謝 02/08 15:08
nbcb:馬刺後場其實還蠻夠力的不是? 是內線全隊就只有一個TD再撐吧 02/08 15:08
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Copycat3:真換的話,先發擺一大四小打8人輪替,跑吧轟吧~反正破百 02/08 17:03
Copycat3:時勝率爆表,看會不會比07太陽猛<(  ̄3 ̄)y-~~~ 02/08 17:04
ando:換VC做啥 要也是換阿聯吶! 02/08 18:44
joumay:安朵大...到時全隊就變成 易帥,易佛,易鬼,易車,易砲..... 02/08 21:23
vvnbear:這樣明年Bowen肯定先發啦!! 02/08 22:48
CseSquall:我也覺得不要換VC... 02/08 23:11
ando:換阿聯練看看 新人約 練不出來丟了 這段時間還可以吸些海外 02/08 23:13
ando:票房 有什麼不好XD Yi起碼還有高度跟一咪咪的中距離 02/08 23:13
jiuan1027:可是我不想看到被陸文洗版的刺版= = 02/08 23:21
gleven:換阿聯 說不定電視轉撥會變多唷~~XD 02/09 00:03
gotohikaru:說不定有票房後 老闆就肯花錢了=3= 02/09 00:17
CseSquall: 說不定有票房後 老闆就肯花錢了 (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ 02/09 00:43
miss500:阿聯防守好嗎QQ 02/09 01:52
CseSquall:先不說防守好不好 至少他有身高跟準度 不過籃網不會換吧 02/09 04:41