看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/aOINM Playing Without an ACL Dan Feldman of PistonPowered spoke with Dr. Ben Wedro of MD Direct about professional athletes playing without an ACL. PistonPowered的Dan Feldman與MD Direct的Ben Wedro醫師談到關於缺少ACL(前十字韌 帶)的職業運動員。 ============================================================================= Some background from Kevin Arnovitz of TrueHoop: 從Kevin Arnovitz of TrueHoop引述的相關背景: In high school, Blair tore both of his ACLs and had them surgically repaired. Blair’s scar tissue essentially got re-absorbed by his body and the result left Blair with essentially no ACLs. Blair在高中的時候弄斷雙膝的ACL並曾進行手術修復。Blair的結痂組織最終被他的身體 所吸收,結果就是他從此就沒有ACL。 Although he’s suffered no adverse effects ever since, Blair’s is an unprecedented injury and one that scared off a slew of NBA executives. Though Blair literally has no ACL to tear, some team physicians feel that Blair could eventually develop a nagging issue that could wear him down a few years down the road. 儘管Blair從術後至今並未有任何後遺症,但是他的狀況的確是前所未見並且嚇壞了一堆 NBA的制服組。雖然說如此一來Blair就沒有ACL可斷(XD),但一些隊醫認為這終究會演 變成惱人的問題並且在數年過後削弱他的實力。 ============================================================================ Here’s Dr. Wedro’s assessment: 以下是Werdo醫師的評估: The ACL’s job is to be one of the knee stabilizers in the anterior-posterior direction, that is preventing the tibia or shin bone from sliding frontwards or backwards in relation to the femur or thigh bone. This is especially important in quick stops and starts. If there is no ACL, then the quadriceps and hamstring muscles need to take over the stabilization role. Good knee stability should be able to be maintained as long as the quads and hams remain strong and in balance. ACL的功用是作為前後向動作的膝蓋穩定器,能夠避免脛骨前後滑動並牽動大腿骨。這對 於急停及啟動特別重要。如果沒有ACL,則四頭肌及膕繩肌腱(也就是大腿後側這條)就 必須補償作為穩定的角色。這兩個部位的肌肉越能夠保持強壯及平衡也就能夠越長久地擁 有好的膝蓋穩定度。 There are examples of pro athletes who have played with absent ACLs including Philip Rivers in a playoff game for the Chargers. Marty Barrett played with the Red Sox without an ACL and I presume that there are many athletes who did not know of the injury or chose not to disclose it for fear of cutting their career short. 這裡有一些缺乏ACL的職業運動員的例子,包括Chargers(NFL)的Philip Rivers在季後 賽中出賽。Marty Barrett少了ACL仍替紅襪打球,並且我猜想還有很多運動員本身不知道 有這個傷勢或是為了怕縮短職業生涯而選擇不要揭露。 ============================================================================= I appreciate Feldman’s work in this area, but a I can’t help but wonder why nearly thirty medical staffs advised their employers to pass on Blair? 我很尊敬Feldman在這一行的表現,但是我忍不住要問為什麼將近三十個醫療團隊會建議 他們的老闆跳過Blair? Still, I’d be fine with DeJuan Blair had the Spurs moved to 15 and selected him there, guaranteed salary and all. In fact, I’d still wear the same grin from ear to ear. The Spurs’ window is 33 years old and time has come to go all-in. Moving up would have made Blair a high risk/high reward selection. But getting him at 37? What are you risking? $880,000? That’s a drop in the bucket. I’m convinced that no fewer than 6 teams erred by siding with caution on draft night. What does Bill Simmons say N.B.A. stands for? 我仍然認為即使馬刺向上交易到第十五順位的選秀權(伴隨著保證合約)以選來Blair都 是值得的。事實上,我仍然為了選到Blair而一直掛著裂嘴女般大的笑容。馬刺的老大已 經33歲,必須要全力以赴了。向上交易可能會使得Blair成為高風險/高獲利的選擇。但是 在第37順位選到他?你的風險是啥?0.88M?頂多就當掉到水溝去。我認為至少六支以上 的球隊因為過於謹慎而犯了錯。Bill Simmons是怎麼說N.B.A.三個字的意義的?(按:查 不到怎麼講的) ------ 簡單說,缺少ACL會有影響,但是夠強壯的肌肉可以給予一定程度的補償, 而且不乏一樣缺乏ACL的職業運動員的例子,所以要擔心也不是近期內的事。 大家一起期待: "十年過後我更神"的老大帶領 99年復刻Rose及99年復刻Elliot 拿到 99年復刻總冠軍吧!!! <( ‵▽′)-σ ┤▅▅▆▇▇◤ 99年復刻總冠軍我來了~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: iIvan 來自: (06/27 16:30)
ehi1981:如果Blair能在老大身邊盡可能學習,看看老大不斷因應年歲 06/27 16:34
ehi1981:而選擇的出手方式,相信Blair得到的將不只是進攻防守的寶 06/27 16:35
ehi1981:典,而且會是如何延長職業球員生命的智慧。 06/27 16:36
fredking1:修復的開刀手術應該是拿自體的的肌肉去當韌帶用 06/27 16:53
fredking1:沒有ACL,但是手術後的韌帶配合周圍的肌肉,強度還是ok 06/27 16:55
ando:馬刺在你身上下了賭注就表現給他些不敢賭的人看吧( ′-`)y-~ 06/27 17:15
rahim1211:這篇翻譯好專業推 06/27 17:26
Balthus:Bill Simmons說的NBA是No Balls Association XD 06/27 17:42
Balthus:真的, 在中低順位就賭一把根本無傷大雅,又不是選狀元 06/27 17:43
Accross:No Balls Association好好笑!XD 06/27 18:00
iIvan:原來是這個意思...真是標準的美式幽默XDDDDD 06/27 18:11
zbmrd:意思是『沒懶X聯盟』嗎? 06/27 18:29
iIvan:就..."沒蛋聯盟" XDDDD 沒有guts~ 06/27 18:30
dogville:第二輪都可以賭 輸了也很正常 賭其他人是賭潛力 還是賭 06/27 19:05
dogville:Blair確定是即戰力 我們就賭健康 能用一年就賺一年 06/27 19:05
dogville:兩年前我們錯過了Big Baby 今年不可以再錯過這Big Guy 06/27 19:07
JoshSmith:0.88M = 3千萬 NT XD 06/27 19:43
udofu:犬村欸XD 你退伍了喔? 06/27 21:14
dogville:是的 很高興我沒有簽下去 ^^" 06/27 22:36
dawnoneself:覺得很奇怪的是,如果因自體韌帶被吸收,那為啥不試試人 06/27 23:37
dawnoneself:工韌帶,畢竟有總比沒有好~ 06/27 23:37
dawnoneself:而且我還是第一次聽到自體韌帶會被吸收^^' 06/27 23:39
fredking1:斷掉的韌帶其殘餘的會自體吸收(我的經驗) 06/28 00:59
vvnbear:頂多出樂透就可以選了 沒想到連第一輪都沒有 06/28 10:00
sneak: 覺得很奇怪的是,如果因 https://muxiv.com 12/12 20:13