看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Kshatri (No sé)》之銘言: : James Silas made a name for himself with his late game heroics. This is why : he was called "The Late Mr. Silas." (Not because he died, that threw me off : too. "The Late Mr. Silas?" How morbid. But while his nickname is terrible : if meant as a compliment, can I use it in a different way? Sure, why not? : Who is more deserving than "The Late Mr. Iverson?" He was essentially a : corpse on the court last season, he killed the Pistons, and obviously, he : shows up late to practice. That's right, "we talkin' 'bout practice." But I : digress.) James Silas is still doing well today. He and George Gervin : recently made a cameo in Will Ferrell's movie Semi-Pro. All in all, what's : not to like? He was an underdog that made it big, he was drafted 70th : overall and made two All-Star teams, he rocked a sweet fro, he hates the : Rockets, and most importantly, he is a Spurs hero. : Silas 為他自己在最後一場比賽的英勇的事蹟起了名字。這就是為什麼他被稱做"最後 : 的 Silas 先生"。 : (不是因為他死了,這稱號也讓我誤解了"最後的 Silas 先生"? 這真病態啊! 儘管他 : 的綽號這麼嚇人,但這是否是一種恭維呢? 我可以拿這個來造樣造句嗎? 當然,有何不 : 可? 還有誰能比 Iverson 配得上"最後的 Iverson 先生"這個稱號呢? 他本來去年在場 : 上形同死灰,他毀了活塞隊,而且顯然他練習時遲到。沒錯,"我們談的是練習"。但我 : 扯遠了。) 這邊說到的Late,在Slias身上代表的是"late game heroics", 也就是比賽末段(關鍵時刻)的英雄表現。(不是指最後一場球) 但是英文中的"The Late"掛在人的稱呼前,也有中文的"先父、先母"等詞當中"先"字 的意思(就是對過世長輩的稱呼) Orz 所以才說這個稱號很morbid。 至於AI的部分,是因為Late也有遲到的意思,所以是酸AI練習遲到, 應該叫他"遲到的Iverson" XD -- 好像沒啥馬刺點XD -- ◢██◣˙ 3 ██◣ █▉█ █▉█ ◢█◣ ◢█◣ █▉██▉█ █▉█ ███ █▌ █▉█ ███ ◥ ̄◥◤ ̄◣ █▉█ █▉█ ███ █▌ █▉█ ███ ▕ DUNCAN█▉█ █▉█ ▉██ ██◣ ███ ▉██21▕◥ ██◤ ◥█◤ ▉██ ◥█◤ █▉█ ▉██ by F6 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Kshatri:3Q 02/06 13:32