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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1CuhpBmZ ] 作者: dOodoOhOw () 看板: NBA 標題: Re: 轉載﹕從可憐的Roy說開去...... 時間: Wed Nov 17 01:18:00 2010 提到DeJuan Blair乾脆就在睡前找找相關資料, 其實我覺得好像看過這篇但找不到乾脆自己翻好了... http://goo.gl/8OOPC (取其中跟韌帶話題有關聯的) During his high-school surgeries, Blair's doctors did not purposefully remove his ACLs—the going theory is that they tried to repair some partial damage to the ligaments and failed. Then, over time, Blair's ACLs deteriorated to the point of disappearance. Since this was a gradual change, his muscles and other ligaments could have adapted slowly to the added strain. Without such an adjustment period—if his doctors had simply cut out the ligaments, for example—it's likely he would have injured himself on the court quite rapidly. Blair is now thought to face a higher risk of damaging his knees (especially his meniscus) than athletes with repaired ACLs—and he may end up with osteoarthritis. 1. 醫生並不是刻意移除他的ACL,而是修復失敗 2. 他的ACL逐漸退化後消失,但因為是漸進式的過程,他的週邊肌群得以適應並強化, 如果是手術移除的話他可能就爆了 3. 長期下來可能造成骨關節炎 http://goo.gl/8iFGc (骨關節炎的定義跟成因) Another athlete with Blair's deficiency wouldn't necessarily be capable of operating at such a high level. It's possible that Blair, without consciously intending to do so, has found a way to jump and land that's less harsh on his knees. Or that his other ligaments are particularly resilient. Anatomy may also have something to do with his success. Knock-kneed types are more dependent on their ACLs than the bow-legged. 1. 另外的可能性是他找到了緩衝效果較好的落地方式, 或者純粹他就天生神力週邊肌群的回復比其他人更快 2. 他是O型腿,而O型腿對於ACL的倚賴比較沒那麼高 http://goo.gl/sSV2H (有用嗎?) Blair is not the first professional athlete to play with a missing ACL. In 2008, San Diego Chargers quarterback Philip Rivers blew out his right knee but played with a completely nonfunctional ACL in a conference championship game against the New England Patriots. The Chargers lost, and Rivers underwent an extensive reconstructive operation. Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Hines Ward is missing the ACL in his left knee—the result of a bike accident during childhood. Like Blair, he didn't realize the deficiency until he left college to go professional. 其他沒有ACL的運動員案例: 2008年 San Diego Chargers 的四分衛 Philip Rivers 把膝蓋搞爆了之後, 拖著爛掉的ACL打完總冠軍戰,然後開始復健人生; Pittsburgh Steelers 的接球員 Hines Ward 在幼年時因受傷而逐漸喪失ACL, 不過同樣因為是漸進式的過程所以連他自己都沒發現自己「少根筋」。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jamesuper :頭推 11/17 01:28
Kreen :答案:一直操,操習慣了就不操了?人本果然是先知~ 11/17 01:28
Maxslack :郭泰源:痛了就繼續投 投久了就不痛了 11/17 01:38
CW4 :他不會撕裂ACL 因為他沒有ACL 11/17 01:43
MOJS :職業球員風險很大..鄉民只會說拿底薪就過很爽 11/17 01:45
astutmomo :3F ..... 11/17 01:49
Batigol :職業運動員的風險是很可怕的...像可憐的ALLEN RAY... 11/17 01:56
BLABLA007 :更可怕的是醫療費用...XD 11/17 02:56
soaringfish :借轉沒ACL版 11/17 04:02
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