看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1Ety3tJs ] 作者: liugayo (好玩) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Spurs to use amnesty clause on RJ 時間: Thu Dec 8 03:39:33 2011 原文: http://tinyurl.com/d9kfro4 https://twitter.com/#!/WojYahooNBA https://twitter.com/#!/usat_jzillgitt Spurs to use amnesty clause on Jefferson By Yahoo!記者 Adrian Wojnarowski The San Antonio Spurs have decided to use their one-time amnesty clause on Richard Jefferson to waive their starting small forward, league sources told Yahoo! Sports. The decision allows the Spurs to remove the three years and $30.5 million left on Jefferson’s contract from the team’s payroll for salary-cap and tax purposes. Jefferson will still be paid the $30.5 million. The Spurs are aggressively looking for a small forward, and team officials have met with Caron Butler and Josh Howard. 聯盟消息告訴記者,馬刺決定對 Richard Jefferson 行使特赦條款(amnesty clause) 裁掉 Jefferson 3年3050萬的合約以後,馬刺將積極尋求 Caron Butler 或 Josh Howard 的加入。 Spurs primary target has been Caron Butler, who met w/ them today. However, they've been on phone with agents discussing several options. Before visit to San Antonio, Butler preferred CHI $5M MLE over SAS, and Clippers over Nets at approx $7M for teams with space, source says. Free agent Caron Butler's agent confirmed strong mutual interest between Spurs and Butler, who left SA today for a meeting with Nets. 馬刺積極跟 Butler 的經紀人電話聯繫 在馬刺拜訪之前,對 Butler 而言,公牛的5M中產或快艇的7M是最佳的選擇 經紀人對馬刺也充滿興趣,接著他要去拜訪籃網 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: liugayo 來自: (12/08 03:40)
SULICon :完全不意外~ 12/08 03:47
SULICon :不過Butler怎麼看都不像是會去馬刺XD 12/08 03:48
kccc418 :還以為這條款剛出來會觀望一下,沒想到馬上就用了XD 12/08 03:54
semicoma :恰到好處 12/08 04:50
colan8 :馬刺只需要一個髒包 12/08 06:02
kattte :包叔對馬刺的功能>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RJ 12/08 06:07
KKyosuke :當初RJ第一年來馬刺後跳出合約又續約的行為現在看來 12/08 07:44
KKyosuke :更是謎到不行了 12/08 07:44
azndevil26 :我都只剩底角三分了 還留在這邊惹人嫌嗎!? 12/08 09:01
motoman :那時應該是馬刺老闆中了邪眼才會續約RJ 12/08 09:04
powerjj :早該走了 12/08 09:07
KillLakers :算了 反正馬刺GM十年才會中邪一次 就用了吧 XDDD 12/08 09:08
dream11521 :霍華沒受傷前 對上小牛根本是刺刺迷的恨 12/08 09:25
geraldgerald:感覺換到其中一隻好像也沒啥用?補強禁區比較實在 12/08 09:38
conner0128 :結果RJ跑去小牛 CB4跑去馬刺 12/08 10:35
nagisanoff :我寧願什麼都沒有 也不要RJ 12/08 12:12
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: choualan (, 時間: 12/08/2011 14:02:54
waterfall:RJ再爛換兩個剛因傷報銷整季的球員是來賭什麼? 12/08 19:40
waterfall:RJ在馬刺防守打不出來,至少還是個鐵人,另外兩個萬一又 12/08 19:41
waterfall:報銷,要TD跟MANU情何以堪,何況特赦又不是不用付這筆錢 12/08 19:42
waterfall:簽RJ四年就夠鳥了,還白白丟出去,馬刺制服組錢多反而不 12/08 19:44
waterfall:會辦事了 12/08 19:44
iso903306:來亂的====>推 colan8 :馬刺只需要一個髒包 12/08 22:39