看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.nba.com/spurs/news/120313_tj_ford_season_over Season Over for T.J. Ford March 12, 2012 SAN ANTONIO – San Antonio Spurs guard T.J. Ford announced that he will take an indefinite leave of absence from basketball activities this season. The 28-year-old Texas native suffered a series of neck and spine injuries during his eight-year NBA career, most recently a stinger on March 7 vs. New York, and is contemplating retirement as a result. TJ宣布他將無限期離開籃球場。 28歲的TJ八年職業生涯中受大小傷勢困擾,主要在脖子與脊椎。 7號對尼克的比賽所受的傷讓他認真考慮退休。 "While this was a tough decision to make, it is what is best for me and my family at this time," said Ford. "I have been blessed to play alongside wonderful teammates for great coaches and organizations from high school, to college, to the NBA. Regardless of what the future holds, I will carry the experiences, the friendships and the memories with me forever. The support I've received from family, friends and the fans has been humbling and I am looking forward to evaluating my professional options following this season." "這是個艱難的決定,但這對我與我的家人最好" "從高中以來,我一直很幸運能與很好的團隊一起打球,不管未來如何, 我都會永遠珍惜這些經驗、友誼與記憶。家人、朋友與球迷的支持讓我知足, 接下來的球季我會好好考慮我職業生涯該怎麼走 " Ford joined the Spurs on Dec. 10, 2011. He appeared in 14 games for the Silver and Black, averaging 3.6 points, 3.2 assists and 1.3 rebounds in 13.6 minutes. 哀傷了... 因為脖子傷勢 考慮退休 本季不會在出現在賽場上 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: alex40214 來自: (03/13 00:18)
kimisky:Q_Q.....!! 不....天啊... 03/13 00:17
tth81222:farewell TJ..... 03/13 00:17
canonring151:崩潰 03/13 00:19
alex40214:替補PG:Neal or CJ... 03/13 00:19
※ 編輯: alex40214 來自: (03/13 00:23)
sddy:崩潰............... 03/13 00:21
blackdevil:崩潰..........這樣替補PG會讓人...... 03/13 00:24
GAPB:........................................ 03/13 00:24
johnnynono:沒想到我看到TJ最後一場引退賽QQ 03/13 00:25
dogville:太誇張了... 好在交易截止日還沒到 趕快弄個替補PG 03/13 00:27
dogville:馬刺有先發中鋒魔咒和替補PG魔咒 怎麼樣都找不到人 03/13 00:28
TD1108:我那天竟然還看著電視笑笑地說那不會有事的啦……0rz。 03/13 00:31
kasen15:正確的決定,那摔得根本不嚴重卻還是造成刺痛,Ford的身體 03/13 00:32
kasen15:已經太脆弱,再這樣打下去是有可能出人命的 03/13 00:32
dogville:最麻煩的是 剩餘的場次已經不足以讓另一位PG學習體系 03/13 00:33
dogville:我們可能就是用Neal撐完號稱"最後奪冠機會"的這季... 03/13 00:34
tth81222:現在我竟然覺得還好班馬尼有以控衛身分磨合過 唉....... 03/13 00:35
ponkd:崩潰,只能祝福FORD了,3/15交易截止,制服組趕快生個正式的 03/13 00:37
ponkd:替補PG吧!別讓GEAL頂了! 03/13 00:37
avrilrock:............................. 03/13 00:40
a88019:據說快艇想要一隻SG....JA<==>? 03/13 00:43
ard:....囧 03/13 00:46
ParkerWind:一方面惋惜他 一方面擔心我們的替補PG..... 03/13 00:58
a88019:看官網是宣布退休了...他X的BD 03/13 01:02
blackdevil:快艇希望不要太貴的SG 那.....Neal+JA for ? 03/13 01:09
jnov:唉... 03/13 01:30
lwjno1:平常嫌歸嫌但這個時候卻沒有一個球員捨得放Q.Q 03/13 01:55
AquariusTACO:崩潰了 03/13 05:14
accu0989:Eric Bledsoe <=>JA 或許可行.... 03/13 08:27
kullan:哇.....太不幸了 03/13 08:42
koflll:讓人心疼的孩子 替補PG要怎麼辦........ 03/13 09:03
dragonjj:剛上板就看到這種消息......QQ 03/13 10:06
alex40214:TP對媒體表示:馬刺隊醫跟TJ說 再一次大傷可能會導致他 03/13 10:34
alex40214:癱瘓的結果... 03/13 10:35
spurs2120:WTF... 03/13 10:36
Alfred:命比較重要,祝福Ford。快找替補控球吧。 03/13 10:40
dogville:脊椎受傷不是開玩笑的 祝福TJ了 03/13 10:41
mykerr:健康重要,祝福TJ 03/13 11:34
hydeless:29的人生還很長,祝福TJ保持健康。 03/13 13:59
charlie1kimo:............... 03/13 14:38
CleanSpurs:保重呀!!!!!!還那麼年輕,能打之年 03/14 13:40
sneak: ........... https://noxiv.com 12/12 20:49