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Jack FAQ: All About the Stephen Jackson Trade http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=192938 作者是Spurs Forum國外馬刺論壇上的資深鄉民Timvp (這季他每場比賽都會寫球員簡評 大家有空也可以看看XD) The prodigal son has returned to San Antonio. Unless you've been in a taqueria that lacks internet access, you know that the San Antonio Spurs have traded Richard Jefferson, TJ Ford and a first round draft pick to the Golden State Warriors for Stephen Jackson. The trade was consummated less than an hour before the trade deadline. The reaction to the trade has been overwhelmingly favorable -- by both fanbases. Let's take a closer look at this trade to figure out all the ramifications. 前言: 浪人S-Jax 船長回到了聖城。 就在交易大限到的一小時前,馬刺將RJ, Ford與今年的一輪選秀與勇士隊交易來 Stephen Jakson,兩方的球迷都對這個交易感到頗為滿意,現在來看看這個交易的細 節吧。 What was San Antonio's main motivation in making this deal? While Pop has always been a fan of Stephen Jackson, this trade wasn't about acquiring the controversial swingman. The main reason the Spurs made this trade was to save money. Jackson's contract calls for him to be paid $10,059,750 next season. On the other hand, Jefferson is to be paid $10,164,000 next season and $11,046,000 in 2013-14. By making this trade, the Spurs basically erase the $11 million they owed Jefferson two seasons from now. The Spurs are also saving a little bit of money this year. While Jefferson and Jackson are due to make virtually the same amount of money this season, the Spurs also included TJ Ford's contract (~$684,000) in the trade. By doing so, San Antonio doesn't have to pay the remainder of Ford's contract, plus they are off the hook for the corresponding luxury tax payment. That's an additional savings of about $1 million, which pushes the grand total savings up to approximately $12 million. 馬刺隊交易的主要動機是什麼 雖然Pop一直都很喜歡Jakson,但馬刺的主要目的並不在這個有些爭議性的 搖擺人。財務因素才是主因:省錢。 Jakson的合約比RJ少了一年,藉此交易馬刺可以省下11M。除此之外,馬刺 藉由丟出Ford的合約,也可以省下一些零頭,加上奢侈稅的影響算一算,丟走TJ 可以省下約1M。因此這個交易共讓馬刺省下了12M。 What was Golden State's motivation? First of all, Jackson had burned his bridge back to Golden State after demanding a trade from the team a few years ago. When the Warriors reacquired Jackson in the Andrew Bogut trade earlier this week, there was no way they were going to bring back Jackson. While the Warriors could have simply bought out Jackson's contract, the organization was already feeling a bit of a backlash for trading Monta Ellis for a player (Bogut) who is probably out for the rest of the season. That meant Golden State was in a position where they had to trade Jackson. And because of the large amount of money owed to him next season and his poor play this season, the market was severely limited. By turning Jackson into Jefferson, the Warriors see it as getting a solid role player who has proven to be reliable over the years. He's also a professional who will seamlessly fit in any lockerroom. On top of that, the Warriors get a first round draft pick in a year in which they may lose their own pick (they owe it to the Jazz unless the pick is in the top seven). 為什麼勇士要做此交易? 首先,Jakson在幾年前離開老八傳奇的勇士時,就已經表明不願再回到金 州打球。當這周勇士從公鹿那裏換來Bogut被迫接受Jackson時,就想要買斷他 的合約了。但一方面又覺得用Ellis換來Bogut和空氣實在有點虧,與公鹿完成 交易開始,勇士就在市場上尋找可能的買家。 換RJ來的好處:RJ是個不錯的Role Player,這幾年也證明他是可靠的,此 外他是個敬業的球員,能夠與團隊融洽相處。再說由於勇士之前把2012年選秀 權換給了爵士隊(前七順位保護),如果能得到一枚選秀權,對勇士來說是重要 的。 Jefferson won't help the Warriors win any games. Have they watched him play? Are they smoking that Cali greenery? Well, first of all, Jefferson will probably help. He's a below average NBA player at this point but he still has some value. But even if he doesn't help Golden State win games, that's actually a good thing. They currently have the 11th worst record in the NBA. To have a chance of keeping their protected first round pick, they need to finish with at least the seventh worst record. In other words, the Warriors need to lose games ASAP. 等等...RJ?? RJ??說真的,RJ真的會對勇士有什麼幫助嗎? RJ? 欸...首先,儘管RJ現在是個低於NBA平均水準的球員,多少還是有些價值 能幫助勇士。就算他表現得跟在馬刺時一樣,這也是件好事。勇士現在戰績是 聯盟倒數第11名,為了要保護被交易給爵士的選秀權,他們要輸,盡快輸,輸 得越多越好。 (勇士交易給爵士的那枚選秀是前七保護,也就是若勇士拿到前七順位的選秀, 就能夠把選秀權留下,明年再給。) Speaking of draft picks, why did the Spurs have to include a first rounder to complete this trade? Since the Warriors are taking on so much more salary in this trade, they obviously insisted on the inclusion of the draft pick. And honestly, the Spurs got great value for the first rounder. Historically, late first rounders are worth approximately $3 million. In this trade, the Spurs swapped their first round pick for the ability to shed $12 million. To put that in perspective, the Clippers traded the draft pick to the Cavs that became number one overall pick Kyrie Irving in order to save approximately $10 million. 馬刺為什麼心甘情願把第一輪選秀權讓給勇士? $$。馬刺在交易中省下了12M,勇士必然會要求這枚選秀權,而事實上, 用12M換走選秀權也是賺的。一輪末段選秀權在市場上約值3M,可以比較一下: 之前快艇為了省10M把一輪選秀權換給了騎士隊,也就是後來的Kyrie Irving。 (而實際上那省下來的10M也讓快艇有做更多補強挖腳的能力) (再補充一點,馬刺交易的這枚有lottery protected,雖然不太可能,但如果 馬刺之後狂洩般的連敗跌出季後賽,還是可以保有這枚選秀喔^.< ) I thought TJ Ford was going to stick around the Spurs after retiring recently. What happened? Nothing. This trade doesn't change Ford's status with the team. His contract was just included in the trade to save some cash. The Warriors will either waive him or let him officially retire. (Ford didn't technically retire while with the Spurs, he only took a leave of absence. Look for that to change in the next few days.) 我以為TJ即使退休後後,還會隨隊跟著馬刺制服組教練團幫忙?怎麼了? (有這個消息嗎?其實我不知道這件事) 這個交易並沒有改變Ford目前在馬刺隊上的狀態,只是為了省錢。勇士隊 會揮棄他或是讓他正式退休。(Ford仍未正式退休,只是"請假",但大概這幾天 就會退休了吧。) What happened to the plan of amnestying Jefferson's contract this summer so the Spurs could open up salary cap space? If the Spurs amnestied Jefferson's contract this summer, they could have opened up around $15 million in salary cap space. However, that plan was missing one vital aspect: Tim Duncan's next contract. Theoretically, Duncan could have taken a small contract and the Spurs could have still had sizable room under the cap, but recent reports indicated that wasn't going to happen. In fact, the reports state the Spurs will open negotiations with Duncan this summer at around $12 million per season. Even if Duncan took that opening offer, the Spurs would have been down to around $3 million. And that's not accounting for a re-signed Danny Green or anyone else. So while the Spurs might have had a little bit of salary cap space by holding onto Jefferson's contract and amnestying him, we're talking about a relatively small amount. 那今夏原本要特赦RJ的計畫呢?馬刺明年能不能在薪資上限之下? (特赦條款限定"只有簽下合約的球隊能執行特赦",所以換成了S-Jax後夏天就 無法執行特赦換取薪資空間了。) 算一算,明年如果特赦RJ能維持薪資在上限之下約15M。而今如果再考慮到 TD的換約(約省10M),Green或其他人的續簽,我們有機會在上線之下,但確實會 比特赦RJ多出不少。 After this trade, what will the Spurs have to work with this upcoming summer? Ginobili, Parker, Jackson, Splitter, Bonner, Leonard, Blair, Neal and Joseph are on the books for about $49 million. Once the Spurs re-sign Duncan, they will undoubtedly exceed the salary cap, which is expected to be approximately $58 million. Thus, the Spurs can freely re-sign their own free agents (namely Duncan, Green and maybe Anderson) and then have the MLE at their disposal, which starts at $5 million and can be up to four years in length. In subsequent seasons, there will be opportunities to open up a lot of salary cap room. The contracts for Ginobili and Jackson expire in the summer of 2013. If the Duncan and the Spurs opt for only a one-year deal in the offseason, the Spurs could have a mountain of salary cap space that summer. At that point, the only Spur under contract for a noteworthy sum would be Parker at $12.5 million. 交易過後,制服組今夏可能會有什麼動作? 目前明年的薪資約為49M,簽了TD之後一定會超過薪資上限(預估約58M), 今年夏天主要的動作應該就是留下自由球員,例如TD, Green, 或許JA, 但因為低於豪華稅門檻,所以今夏馬刺有較大的中產(5M)可以操作。 到2013年的夏天Manu和S-Jax的合約都到期了,如果TD今年只簽一年約, 那麼馬刺將有非常大的薪資空間可以操作,唯一的大約只剩TP的12.5M。 (作者在之前的文章有提出他的的想法:先與TD簽下一年11M,再簽兩年 約15~16M,但我自己是覺得不太可能:P) -- (避免篇幅過長分成兩篇!) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: alex40214 來自: (03/18 03:02) ※ 編輯: alex40214 來自: (03/18 03:02)
tim8238818:先推了 03/18 03:08
gotohikaru:推 03/18 03:30
walire:讚!順帶一提 馬刺剛剛簽下了 Patrick Mills當後衛 03/18 04:58
walire:替補控衛看來是這個二年級跟CJ來競爭了 現在目標在Diaw 03/18 04:58
walire:從新疆被買斷的拓荒者後衛 03/18 05:04
hc1118:祝福RJ好好"幫助"勇士XD 03/18 08:07
tth81222:推alex大熬夜翻譯 03/18 11:34
WWWchen:a大辛苦了 推翻譯 03/18 13:19
kasen15:話說我有看到一篇分析是說如果今年馬刺進樂透的話,首輪簽 03/18 23:30
kasen15:就改送明年的,明年還樂透改送後年的,後年還樂透才變空氣 03/18 23:30
kasen15:不過其他分析都沒有看到這種說法,所以不確定正不正確 03/18 23:31
csy1911:我想kasen大有點多慮 XDD 03/18 23:33
kasen15:沒錯XD 只是就合約內容做討論啦,如果這個交易搞得我們連 03/18 23:42
kasen15:三年有樂透簽,我想大家注意力也不會放在這上面吧XD 03/18 23:42
ParkerWind:馬刺連三年都有樂透籤 很不可思議耶什麼時候才會發生XD 03/19 00:03
dogville:推翻譯 辛苦了 另外不同意交易的主因是省錢 03/19 19:27
sneak: 沒錯XD 只是就合約內 https://daxiv.com 12/12 20:49