看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Alright, let's talk basketball. In what ways will the Spurs miss Jefferson? A lot of the Spurs success this season can be tied to the fact that they lead in the NBA in three-point shooting at around 40%. Jefferson has been a big part of that marksmanship. Last season, he shot 44% from deep. This year, he has proven last season wasn't a fluke by shooting 42.1% from beyond the arc. Jefferson is also one of the least turnover-prone players in the league and his willingness to take a backseat on the offensive end could be viewed as a strength. And while he wasn't always motivated, the small forward was capable of playing above average defense. It should also be noted that Jefferson was extremely reliable; he missed only two games in his three seasons with the Spurs. 談完了薪資,來談談失去RJ的馬刺吧 這季馬刺戰績能維持住,很大一部分是因為全NBA最佳的3分球命中率(40%) 其中RJ的貢獻很大,這兩季分別有44%與42%的命中率,證明他有穩定的三分輸 出能力。 再者,RJ也是聯盟裡前幾名失誤少的球員;進攻時不貪功應該也是個優點 吧;防守上,雖然有時不夠積極,但他有聯盟裡高於平均的防守能力。最後, 他沒什麼傷病問題:在馬刺的這三季裡,他只錯過了兩場比賽。 Will Jackson be able to fill those holes left by Jefferson's departure? Not exactly. While Jackson is a three-point shooter, he's not a very accurate one. He hasn't shot better than 34% from downtown since the 2007-08 season. And limiting turnovers isn't a strength for Jackson. In fact, he has been one of the most turnover happy wings of the last decade. It's also to be seen how willing he will be to take a secondary role. For much of the recent past, Jackson has been either Option 1 or Option 1B on the teams he has been on. Defensively, Jackson is at least equal to Jefferson. Throughout their careers, I'd say Jackson has been superior to Jefferson on that end of the court. However, Jackson has been much less reliable health-wise, having missed games due to various injuries over the years. This season, he has complained of a back injury and a hamstring injury. S-Jax有辦法補起RJ的洞嗎 並不竟然。儘管S-Jax是個三分射手,但並沒有很準:從07年以來他的命中 率從未高於34%。控制失誤從不是他的強項,事實上他是近十年來最常失誤的側 翼球員之一。進攻欲望強烈,這幾年他一直是隊上第一或是第二的出手點,能 不能安於作馬刺綠葉球員的腳色值得觀察。 防守上,S-Jax至少與RJ有差不多的能力。就兩人的職業生涯的表現來說, S-Jax在防守端的表現優於RJ,但這幾年S-Jax有一些大小傷病困擾著他,這季也 受到背傷與大腿傷勢影響。 How can Jackson help the Spurs win games? Defensively, Jackson has a higher ceiling than Jefferson. He's more versatile, more physical and more apt to make a game-changing play. Though he's also more likely to make a mistake on that end of the court, the good should outweigh the bad. On offense is where Jackson has the ability to really help. Compared to Jefferson, Jackson is a much better ballhandler, passer and playmaker, plus he has a better and more natural feel for the game. With Ford forced into retirement, those traits are even more valuable to these Spurs. Spurs fans will mention Jackson's ability to come up big in big moments and I believe that shouldn't be understated. Jackson has championship experience and a history of not shrinking when the going gets tough. On a team with championship aspirations, those traits are definitely a plus. S-Jax能怎麼幫助馬刺 防守上,S-Jax有機會表現得更好。他的防守更為多樣,更激烈且更可能 做出影響比賽局勢的防守。雖然他比較可能會出現一些防守錯誤,但整體來說 應該是個升級。 進攻面S-Jax更有可能幫助馬刺。S-Jax的控球,傳球,Finish,與對比賽 的直覺都比RJ好多了。隨著TJ被傷勢所迫而退休,這些能力顯得更為重要。 最後,不能忽略的是他能在關鍵時刻進球的大顆心臟(Clutchness),具有 總冠軍經驗,關鍵時刻不手軟的特質,都是對馬刺的一大加分。 Are there risks to this trade basketball-wise? Honestly, I don't think the loss of Jefferson is much of a game-changer. He wasn't horrible but he wasn't much of an asset these days. But the main reason the trade shouldn't hurt too much basketball-wise is the emergence of Kawhi Leonard. Since the All-Star break, Leonard had become a much better player than Jefferson. Leonard soaking up more of Jefferson's minutes is a good thing. Plus, with the return of Ginobili, Green is available to play more minutes … and he's reasonably close to Jefferson's level these days. As far as Jackson is concerned, there some legit concerns. Among them: -Is he healthy? How's his conditioning? He hasn't played in a while and may not be in basketball shape right now. -Is he still coachable? A lot has happened since 2003. He listened to Pop (mostly) back then but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll listen to him today. -Is he willing to be a role player? Jackson has been playing a leading role since he left San Antonio. For this to work, he'll need to embrace a role as a complementary force behind the Big 3. -Is he going to be able to clean up his sloppy play? In the past, he could negate his turnovers and defensive miscues due to the sheer number of touches he got and the minutes he played. With the Spurs, his mistakes will be more magnified. -Is he able to shoot better if given higher quality shots? If he accepts his role and takes what the defense gives him, Jackson is going to a ton of open looks. But the Spurs need his accuracy to rise, which could and should happen as a byproduct of better shot selection. S-Jax的到來可能造成什麼問題? 說真的,我不覺得失去RJ會對馬刺造成太大影響。RJ沒有那麼慘,但這幾年 他的影響力很有限。加上Kawhi Leonard在全明星周之後的快速成長,他已經表現 得比RJ更好,讓Kawhi分走RJ的時間是件好事,加上Manu傷癒後,Green也能因為 RJ的離開得到更多時間......而且平心而論,這一季他打的也不比RJ差多少 但考慮到S-Jax後,就有些潛在的問題值得觀察: (1) 健康狀態,他有段時間沒打球了,身體狀態成謎 (2) 態度問題,他會聽Pop的嗎?03年發生了不少事情,他多數時候會聽Pop 的指示,但這並不代表現在他會如此。 (3) 他甘於做一個綠葉球員嗎?離開馬刺後他多半是球隊的領袖腳色,他必 須要能接受作為排在三巨頭之後的腳色球員。 (4) 失誤問題,過去他能將他的高失誤與防守錯誤歸咎於長時間持球與上場 時間,但來到了馬刺隊之後,隨著上場時間被壓縮,每一次失誤會相對 的放大不少。 (5) 準度,如果他融入馬刺的進攻體系,他將在三分線上得到很多空檔,他 需要提高命中率,而這關係到他是否能做出正確的出手選擇。 Will Jackson start? If not, what will his role be? Back in 2003, Jackson started for the Spurs at shooting guard. Today, at 34, Jackson no longer has the speed to be a starting shooting guard in the league. He will either start at small forward or come off the bench. In the next two games, I expect Kawhi Leonard to get the start at small forward. When Jackson joins the team (it sounds like it'll be next Wednesday versus Minnesota), I expect Pop to keep Leonard in the starting lineup and bring Jackson off the bench. From there, Jackson will be given a chance to win a starting spot. That said, I doubt he'll be handed a starting gig from Day 1. Come playoff time, it's certainly possible that Jackson will be starting. Truthfully, if all goes smoothly, he will be starting because Jackson is the type of player whose skillset is best suited for the starting lineup. Since leaving San Antonio, Jackson has never averaged less than 32.1 minutes per game. However, the most I can imagine him playing at this stage of his career and with this squad is about 28 minutes per game. Jackson會先發嗎? 他會在馬刺擔任怎樣的腳色? 2003年的時候,Jackson擔任馬刺的先發SG,但隨著年齡增長,他不再 有作為得分後衛的速度條件,他將會擔任馬刺先發或板凳上的小前鋒。 前兩場比賽我認為Kawhi Leonard將會擔任先發小前鋒,即使Jackson加 入球隊後,Popovich多半會先讓Leonard先發,讓S-Jax從板凳出發。如果他 表現得好的話,他才可能得到先發的位置。 季後賽Jackson先發的可能性很大,而且實際上,如果一切都很順利的 話,Jackson的能力將非常適合先發陣容。 自從離開馬刺隊之後,Jackson每一季都有32分鐘以上的上場時間,但 我認為來到馬刺後,Popo大概只會給他約28分鐘左右的上場時間。 What if Jackson flames out and isn't a fit? That's very possible. In addition to the concerns listed above, he could be a bad fit chemistry-wise or do something off the court that negatively impacts his future with the team. However, the beauty of this trade is that it's a good trade no matter what happens with Jackson. Removing Jackson from the equation, trading a lottery protected first round pick to save $12 million is a trade that every team in the NBA does every time. That alone makes this a good trade; whatever Jackson provides the Spurs on the basketball court is an added bonus. If worst comes to worst and Jackson isn't a fit, the fact that his contract is expiring after next season mitigates most of the risk. In fact, the Spurs could turn around and use Jackson's contract in a trade at some point next season since an expiring contract of that size holds value. 如果Jackson已不再是以前那個神準射手,或是他真的就不適合馬刺呢? 這其實很有可能,除了上述那些潛在的問題之外,他在場下的作為也可能 會是馬刺團隊的化學作用的壞因子。但是這個交易最成功的地方就在於:不論 S-Jax打得怎麼樣,馬刺都賺。 對任何球隊而言,用12M賣出一枚一輪後段選秀,都是一筆成功的交易,所 以Jackson對馬刺隊任何的貢獻都是附加的Bonus!最差的情況下,即使S-Jax並 不適合馬刺,下一季他的到期約將會是交易市場上有利的一個籌碼。 So, who is the happiest person in all of this? Pop loved coaching Jackson, so you know he's thrilled about this trade. The Spurs have attempted to get Jackson back on this team ever since he left after the 2003 championship and Pop was the main person pushing for it to happen. Duncan, Ginobili and Parker have all said how much they enjoyed playing with him. Duncan even went as far as to call Jackson "the ultimate teammate". Peter Holt and the rest of the ownership group are smiling right now. The trade basically added $12 million to the coffers and removed the possibility of the team paying Jefferson not to play. It would have been a difficult pill to swallow for the owners to pay Jefferson $21 million this summer for nothing in return, which would have been the case if he was amnestied. Even if Jackson crashes and burns, there's a lot less dead money on the books tonight than the was yesterday. Jackson probably has somewhat mixed emotions. On one hand, he gets to return to his home state of Texas and relive his past glory. On the other hand, he's not going to get the contract extension he's been asking about for the last few months. It's also going to be an adjustment for him to not be the man anymore. But underneath everything, I've always though Jackson was a decent person and I think he'll be smart enough to realize how great of a situation he has landed in. If he plays his cards right, he can be a fan favorite who only has to concentrate about one thing: Winning. 交易過後,馬刺團隊裡誰最開心? Popovich愛死Jackson了,我們可以想見他對這筆交易有多麼的興奮, 自從2003年Jackson離開以來,Pop就一直推動著馬刺團隊找機會將他簽回來。 TD, Manu, TP三巨頭也都表示了他們喜歡與S-Jax打球的態度,TD甚至曾經稱 他為"the ultimate teammate"。 馬刺老闆Peter Holt與制服組應該露出了得意的微笑,他們省下了12M, 又可以避免在今年夏天,花21M特赦RJ換空氣的虧錢舉動,就算S-Jax沒辦法 幫助球隊,薪資結構裡的可以動用的錢也多出了不少。 船長的心情多半有點複雜。一方面他回到他的家鄉德州,以及九年前讓 他輝煌奪冠的聖安東尼奧;另一方面,他八成沒辦法得到一份他想要的延長 合約,球隊裡腳色的改變也是他需要調整的。但儘管這些因素,我覺得 Jackson是個隨和的人,而且他夠聰明能看出他身處在多棒的情況之下: 如果他表現好的話,他將是馬刺球迷記憶裡,那個專注於贏球,充滿企圖 心的傑克森船長。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tth81222:推 翻得真好 我要多學習!! 03/18 17:11
okokok29:推~期待接下來的比賽!! 03/18 17:13
kimisky:推翻譯! 也期待他接下來的表現! 03/18 17:26
hc1118:這一次制服組作的真是好啊! 03/18 17:35
spurs2120:無論S-Jax打得怎樣,馬刺都賺,沒錯就是這樣XD 03/18 18:20
jnov:推! ^^ 03/18 18:45
kasen15:馬刺怎樣都賺+1 03/18 18:49
jiuan1027:推馬刺怎樣都賺 03/18 20:04
csy1911:就算SJax現在退休不打也是賺喔! XDD 03/18 20:27
mykerr:翻得好棒!!辛苦了~~大推! 03/19 00:58
koflll:這篇讓我很了解制服組的想法 很棒 推~ 03/19 13:49
petand86:制服組唯一的敗筆就是RJ吧,不過現在也彌補回來了~~ 03/19 20:59
sneak: 這篇讓我很了解制服組的 https://noxiv.com 12/12 20:49