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Game rewind: TD takes blame–or credit–for those ugly socks http://tinyurl.com/bv5wcql Posted on April 1, 2012 at 2:09 am by Tim Griffin The Spurs debuted their throwback Texas Chaparrals uniforms at home for the first time this season. After earlier dusting them off in games at New Jersey and the Los Angeles Clippers, local fans finally were able to finally see the uniforms made famous by players like Donnie Freeman, Joe Hamilton and Glen Combs. 上一場對溜馬的比賽,馬刺隊員本季頭一次穿上ABA時期,德州叢林 的復古球衣,讓當地球迷回憶起一些老球星如 Donnie Freeman, Joe Hamilton 和Glen Combs等。 But Tim Duncan didn’t want to stop just wearing the vintage ABA uniforms and warmups. The Spurs captain figured that knee-high compression tube socks would only add to the feel of a vintage ABA uniform. While some of his teammates joked that Duncan neeed as much blame as credit as blame for his decision, he reveled in a look that looked like something Jackie Moon would have worn in the movie “Semi-Pro.” 為了模仿ABA時期球員的打扮,老大覺得只穿著復古球衣與練習服還 缺少了一些誠意,於是隊長一聲令下,全體隊員都穿上了白色高筒襪。 然而有些隊友們覺得TD的衣著品味實在有點差,像極了威爾法洛在電 影"Semi Pro"(灌籃大帝)裡,主角Jackie Moon的老派穿著: http://tinyurl.com/83xdmcw “One or the other,” he said when asked about his decision. “I’ll take either.” "不管是稱讚或批評我都概括承受^.< ",TD很有隊長氣度地說著。 Spurs forward-guard Stephen Jackson said the long socks didn’t agree with him. “It’s the first time I’ve ever worn socks that high and definitely the last,” Jackson said. “My calves were on rotisserie the whole game. They’re too big. But it was good team unity. Everybody did it and it’s bringing us closer as a team. It was fun.” S-Jax船長並不喜歡這雙長筒襪。 "這是我第一次穿這麼高的襪子,而且也絕對是我最後一次",Jackson說 "我的小腿太壯了,整場比賽都被襪子勒著,好像被炭烤一樣不太舒服, 但這團隊氣氛很棒,大家都穿著拙拙的裝扮,能夠增強隊上的向心力,我很 開心。" Spurs coach Gregg Popovich had a tart reaction to Duncan’s fashion sense, saying the socks “looked ridiculous.” But in playing along with the throwback theme, some media members wondered if Popovich would have been more historically correct if he had worn a leisure suit or mimicked some of his mentor Larry Brown’s infamous sweater or overall combinations worn during the ABA. “Oh, that would have been sweet,” Duncan said. “I should have taken the fine. A jogging suit or something?” 評論到Tim Duncan的穿搭品味,Popovich用"荒謬"二字給予無情的批評, 但在這樣一個滿是復古風格的比賽中,為了符合ABA的歷史情境,有些媒體覺 得也許Pop該穿上較為正式的服裝,例如Pop恩師Larry Brown惡名昭彰的毛衣http://tinyurl.com/ld4x2cc 或是一些ABA時期的混搭風格http://tinyurl.com/7mmajax "那就太棒了",TD說,"如果他穿了,我會幫他付罰款,也許來個慢跑服 也不錯?" -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
a88019:XDDDDD 04/04 20:23
avrilrock:我覺得蠻帥的啊XDD 04/04 20:24
a88019:其實還不夠誠意 小熱褲呢(誤 04/04 20:26
su82128:這篇太好笑了XDDDD 04/04 20:28
※ 編輯: alex40214 來自: (04/04 20:33)
august8585:現代球員穿小熱褲大概就不會打球了吧 04/04 20:34
dreamkpg:老大...實在太搞笑了XD 04/04 20:34
kasen15:聽訪問的時候聽不太懂這個部份,原來這麼有梗XDD 04/04 20:55
akiramilk:XDDD 04/04 21:10
LiFePO4:XDDDDDDDDDD 04/04 21:35
ponkd:有笑有推!XD 04/04 22:11
Qpidforever:ridiculous! XD 04/04 22:20
chasel99:那毛衣真是太...了 04/04 23:27
Diomedes:若穿小熱褲的話,一定很多人跟波波吵著要DND... 04/05 00:19
TOJOAYA:女性球迷:一人一信支持Jax穿小熱褲>///< 04/05 06:43
gotohikaru:就下一季吧XD 04/05 07:37
※ 編輯: alex40214 來自: (06/09 12:20)