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Sweep with a stumble: Popovich’s dream night http://tinyurl.com/cw65vsk Posted on May 8, 2012 at 12:01 am by Buck Harvey 蠻自嗨的一篇外電,但晉級了不妨開心一下 SALT LAKE CITY — Coaches torture themselves over success, and Gregg Popovich has been lately. He’s been wondering out loud among his staff that, well, wouldn’t it be better to lose a game? “That’s why,” one of his assistants kidded him, “you are coach of the year.” Popovich wasn’t laughing. He’s felt the winning streak has become a burden, and he didn’t like the feel that a relaxed first round was giving his players. It’s the same reason he also dislikes 20-point leads in the first half. 當球隊表現好的時候,教練們總會因為無處施力而感到些許失落, 而這正是Popovich最近的寫照。他大聲問著他的教練團隊:"恩...是不是 該輸一場球比較好阿?" 某一個助理回應:"在年度最佳教練的帶領下,我們當然一直贏球阿!" 這個馬屁對Pop一點用都沒有,橫掃爵士對他而言有些不安,他也不樂 見相對輕鬆的第一輪所帶給球隊的氣氛,他顯然也不喜歡上半場早早就領先 20分時的感覺 (Pop:爵士,加油好嗎?) So what happened Monday, when the Spurs coughed and sputtered toward a sweep, gave him hope. Popovich can treat the latest win like a loss, and he will take the Spurs into the film room to see a few things. Or, as Stephen Jackson put it with a smile, “Pop’s got something to teach on.” 所以當今天比賽末段,爵士的頑強抵抗讓馬刺打得荒腔走板時,Pop 其實正得意地盤算著,他要將這場不怎麼順利的勝利視為輸球,這樣就可 以名正言順地帶著隊員看錄影帶,咆哮一下發洩怒氣,指正隊員們的錯誤。 傑克森船長微笑說著:"Pop有一些可以調教我們的事情。" The broader picture should include a few positives. The Spurs did what the best teams do, which is take out an opponent as quickly as possible to minimize injuries. The Spurs were healthy going into the playoffs, and they are still healthy. Ask Chicago, among others. This isn’t something to complain about. Then there’s the exposure that the younger players, such as Kawhi Leonard, got. It’s better to be introduced to the playoffs in Utah than in Oklahoma City. 平心而論,這個系列賽還算蠻順利的。以全員健康的狀況進入季後賽, 並且在避免多大傷痛的情況下迅速地贏得系列賽,已經算是非常幸運了。看 看公牛吧,Pop實在沒什麼好抱怨的。 四場比賽下來,Kawhi Leonard等年輕球員也得到了不少上場的時間,就 讓年輕球員熟悉季後賽氛圍而言,爵士是個蠻理想的對手。 But coaches aren’t programmed to see the best in a situation, and Popovich doesn’t now. Asked after the game if getting some time off will help, he said flatly, “I don’t think it will.” The Spurs might not play again for a week. That’s a lot of time to worry. But that’s also a lot of time to fix every one of Monday’s missteps, and it will have to begin with what went right. Popovich didn’t manage minutes this time; his players did. 然而樂觀的個性並不適合教練,例如這場賽後記者問Pop,第二輪開 始前的這段空檔,是否對球隊有幫助,Pop冷淡地回答:"我不覺得。" 馬刺可能有一個星期不用比賽,Pop可以利用這段時間好好檢視這場球的 優點與缺失。 (接下來描述比賽內容的段落請恕我跳過> <) Popovich hadn’t made a mistake. The reserves were playing so well, it made sense to let them go longer than usual. Still, Parker was coming in cold when the crowd was getting hot. 在第四節末段,Parker與TD再度回到場上,這並不是因為Pop太早換上 替補的失誤,而是因為第二陣容的優異表現使Pop讓他們打得更久了一點, 儘管因此當TP在進場時,他的手感已經冷掉了。 What followed came close to being a repeat of the Grizzlies’ infamous \collapse in Memphis against the Clippers. Parker missed a couple of free throws, Ginobili had a turnover, and the Spurs were hanging on. “If we play like that,” Jackson said, “we could lose in Oklahoma City.” Popovich will correct him on that, too. The Grizzlies or Clippers come first. But Popovich will correct more. He will use what Monday gave him, and he will manufacture some anger, and he will approach what comes next as he always does. “As usual,” he said, “scared to death.” 第四節爵士的一波窮追猛打,不禁讓人聯想到灰熊對快艇的第四節崩盤, TP的罰球失去準心,Manu犯了個失誤,馬刺只能勉強支撐著領先優勢。 "如果我們對雷霆打成這樣,那我們就會輸掉比賽。" S-Jax這麼說 Pop糾正了他,對上雷霆之前,我們需要先過灰熊或快艇這關呢。 (湖人:...)Pop會好好利用今天的比賽,適當地發洩一下怒火,並且 做著他永遠在做的事情,為下一場比賽全力做好準備。當記者問到他 是否對接下來的比賽充滿信心時, "戰戰兢兢,如履薄冰" Pop這麼說著。 -- 譯者小心得:Pop造神運動正夯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: alex40214 來自: (05/09 01:55)
Alfred:scared to death是Pop說的,記者問他是否對接下來充滿信心 05/09 01:59
感謝補正 ※ 編輯: alex40214 來自: (05/09 02:02)
c0922949774:抓到了 馬刺想打雷霆XD 05/09 02:01
Alfred:可以一路拿到總冠軍。http://0rz.tw/xVe8E 05/09 02:02
Hsu1025:比較想看灰熊晉級,看看到底是能復仇抑或是再次... 05/09 02:13
Hsu1025:不過看來是會碰到cp3了 05/09 02:13
keepstudying:Popo一直都不喜歡比賽太早得到太大的領先 05/09 02:26
keepstudying:我記得之前有一篇Popo有講過,太早領先太多反而讓球 05/09 02:26
keepstudying:員容易過早鬆懈,對Popo而言,一場比賽能夠稍微鬆懈 05/09 02:27
keepstudying:大概是第四節剩下五分鐘,然後差距達20分以上吧.. 05/09 02:27
keepstudying:當然還是會有麥歸弟的例外事件 05/09 02:27
kimisky:推翻譯!! 05/09 03:03
gotohikaru:從季末的連勝到現在 的確有點差別了 05/09 03:50
dahw:助理那邊的語意應該是:會說出"最好輸一場"這種話的,也只有 05/09 04:46
dahw:年度教練您了 有點挖苦他的意味 好像比較貼近原意~ 05/09 04:47
fodkastir:跟樓上有一樣看法 05/09 07:28
fodkastir:或著是 就是說得出這種話的您才當的上年度教練阿 05/09 07:29
jimmihg:麥歸弟那次真的是太扯了= =" 05/09 08:51
petand86:麥歸弟那場其實也就發生那麼一次失誤,只能說他那場太神 05/09 10:04
wadeawp:戰戰兢兢,如履薄冰! 05/09 12:27
cominlin:假如第二輪前三戰又3:0領先 popo搞不好會讓三巨頭休一場 05/09 12:50
c0922949774:樓上 不可能 能贏就要贏 05/09 12:59
avrilrock:感覺遇到雷霆的機率大一點 05/09 13:02
spurs2120:季後賽沒有人在輪休的啦... 05/09 13:27
cominlin:我也覺得不可能 只是呼應一下這篇而已:p 05/09 13:33
csy1911:雖然G4贏球,但Utah贏球企圖心馬刺強太多了 05/09 17:13
s22174704:希望G4末段的狀況能讓大家醒一點 被逆轉打擊真的很大 05/09 19:05
leafinfree:最後一句話翻得真好!!! 05/09 20:53
jiuan1027:波波還曾講過他希望每天都在客場比賽(在二月客場之旅時) 05/09 22:26
bluebabe:Pop回答"scared to death" 根本就是撲克臉說「嚇死了」XD 05/10 00:52
bluebabe:Shaq 在節目上看完大笑說,Pop 怎麼能讓每個問題看起來 05/10 00:53
bluebabe:都很蠢 05/10 00:53