看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《su82128 (Go Spurs Go!!)》之銘言: : ※ [本文轉錄自 NBAEasyChat 看板 #1FoD1LmU ] : 作者: neechee (咦~~不是要唸書嗎) 站內: NBAEasyChat : 標題: [求助]徵求好心板友轉至馬刺板 : 時間: Fri Jun 1 22:23:15 2012 : 感謝好心的你,可不可以再麻煩把標題改成:[閒聊] 馬刺如何做賽前準備 : 這篇雖然已經超過我的英文能力範圍,但看完比賽後,我還是很不知羞恥+瘋狂 : 的硬把它翻完。神奇的是,翻完之後心情真的好很多了。 : Soothing Yourself In The Spurs Way : 放鬆你自己--用馬刺的方式 : I'm a mess. A stressed out, overworked, old man chair injury having, : barely hanging on mess. All season I have used watching the Spurs as : my out. My time to relax and ignore everything else. It was great. : Until they started winning. All. The. Time. And then the playoffs : happened. : 我是個生活亂七八糟、壓力過大、工作超時、渾身病痛的可憐軟體工程師。整個 : 賽季我用自己的方式看馬刺的比賽,對我來說那是一段放鬆自己、忘卻任何煩惱 : 的時間,這實在是一種享受,直到他們開始贏球,不.斷.的.贏,然後季後賽 : 開始了。 : Now, they are also stressing me out. As we get deeper into the playoffs, : I get more and more nervous before each game. As the winning streak gets : longer, as the national media starts to ooooo and ahhhhh over them, : as the national media starts to predict great things for them, as I believe : more and more, then the more nervous I get. : 現在,除了工作外,連馬刺也帶給我很大的壓力。當季後賽越打越多場,馬刺連 : 勝的場數越來越多,媒體開始追逐他們,開始預測他們將要達成的偉大季後賽紀 : 錄時,我也因此開始越來越緊張。 : With Memorial Day weekend looming, a cancelled anniversary vacation : opening time up, and then business partners arriving in town on Wednesday, : I decided to line up a trip to see the Spurs-Thunder game two via a media : pass (because I'm a big-time blogger as all 15 of you know). Call it a : planned vacation day. When Tuesday finally rolled around, after the Spurs : great comeback in game one, I was getting very nervous for game two. I'd : be in the building. I might jinx the team with my presence. Yes, this is : what I was thinking. : 陣亡將士紀念日的連續假期即將結束,而我星期三就要開始工作了。我決定透過 : 我的媒體關係,排一個行程去看馬刺與雷霆的第二戰,給自己一天休假。當星期 : 二即將到來,馬刺贏得第一戰的勝利之後,我開始對第二戰感到緊張。是的,我 : 開始胡思亂想:「也許我不該到現場看球,我可能會成為馬刺的掃把星,害馬刺 : 輸球......」這就是我心理所想的。 : By the time I had made the trek from Austin, had lunch with friends, : and got to the stadium I had been on the road for 4 hours. It was still : only 5:00. A full three hours before game time and my stomach was churning : a bit. It might have been the combo plate from Taco Garage, or possibly : all the ice tea I drank. However, it was more than a little bit of : nervousness for the game. In fact, I was getting a little twitchy about : the game. I also knew I would be this way, which is why I got to the arena : so early. : 當我花了四小時,從奧斯丁長途跋涉,中途跟朋友一起吃飯,最後到達AT&T球場 : 時,時間才五點整。距離比賽還有三小時的時間,而我的胃開始不舒服,可能是 : 午餐的墨西哥菜、可能我喝了太多的冰茶,最有可能的--我太緊張了。事實上 : ,我對比賽感到焦躁不安,這就是為什麼我這麼早到的原因。 : You see, the Spurs take the court exactly 2 hours and 45 minutes prior : to tip-off (remember it was an 8:00 tip Tuesday) to begin their pre-game : shooting activities. After the Silver Dancers finish their practice, : a guy runs a dry mop over the floor, the coaches - first out was : Sean Marks - trickle out, and then one or two players come out to get : in their shooting. For me, it is meditative. You watch the same thing : over and over. Pass, catch, shoot. Pass, catch, shoot. Mid-range baseline : shots. Mid-range angle shots. Corner 3s. Angle 3s. Catch and shoot. : Pump, dribble, pull. Catch pump, dribble, step back. Over and over. : Player after player. : 你可以看到,馬刺球場從開球儀式到球員賽前練習前,整整花了2小時45分鐘的 : 時間。在舞者結束表演、整理完場地後,教練陸續走出來,然後球員走出來做賽 : 前練習。你能看到同樣的事情不斷重複:傳球,接球,投籃、中距離底線投籃、 : 中距離定點投籃、底線三分、定點三分、空檔投籃、瞄籃,運球,急停、接球瞄 : 籃,假動作、向後運球,一個接一個的不停重複。對我來說,這不只是賽前練習 : ,更像是一種冥想儀式。 : It happens every game. Whether the first game of the season or game : two of the Western Conference Finals. The coaches and players do the : same thing. They take the same shots. They come out to shoot in the : same order. They talk. They clown. They laugh. They visit with other : players. They play games. It's always the same. : 這發生在每場比賽,不管是例行賽第一場,還是西區冠軍賽第二戰。教練與球員 : 們重複一樣的事:他們投籃、聊天、互相調侃、大笑、跟其他球員打招呼。他們 : 比賽,就像平常一樣。 : This is the Spurs Way. It is not happenstance that it is meditative : for me. The Spurs treat every game the same. Whether the first game, : the 30th game, or a playoff game. They do their work. They don't change : things up because playoff games are more important. They prepare for : the tenth game of the regular season the way they prepare for the tenth : game of the playoffs. : 這就是馬刺的方式。對我來說這不是一個單一事件,而是一種生活方式。馬刺以 : 相同的方式看待每場比賽。不管是例行賽第一場、第三十場或是季後賽。他們做 : 好他們的工作,不會因為季後賽比較重要而改變自己。他們準備例行賽第十場的 : 方式,跟準備季後賽第十場的方式一模一樣。 : In addition to the assistant coaches, many you know like Jacque Vaughn, : Chip Engelland, Chad Forcier, and Sean Marks; there are also a handful : of ball guy types (they might also be called assistant coaches, but I'm : not positive). The ball guy types play the role of defenders during shoot : around. They jump at the players while they shoot. They put a hand in : the face. They fly by on the side. They bump and bang. When the player : is doing a pump and dribble, the ball guy flies by on the side like a : defender biting on the fake, and the player shoots. They had also added : a new wrinkle I hadn't seen. They were bumping Danny Green on the hip and : in the ribs as he shot. They were attempting to simulate the kind of : contact you have to take when taking a shot in the playoffs. : 除了助理教練們外,也有少數訓練輔助員(他們可能也叫做助理教練,不過我不 : 確定)。輔助員在練習時扮演防守者的角色:球員投籃時他們跳起來防守、用手 : 遮住球員眼睛、從旁邊飛過去防守、進行肢體碰撞。當球員瞄籃或運球時,輔助 : 員像防守者一樣跳起來,假裝要蓋火鍋,然後球員投球。他們還加了一些我沒見 : 過的新訓練方式:在Green投籃時,他們會撞擊他的腰部與胸部,並試著模擬在 : 季後賽投籃時,球員在場上會遇到的防守強度。 : Tuesday, the ball guys were doing their same things. They were talking : trash to the players as they missed shots. They took abuse back as : the players made shots. At one point, the coach - an assistant coach : is always the passer - and two ball guys tackled and dog-piled James : Anderson in the corner. : 星期二,輔助員們做著同樣的事:當球員沒投進時對球員說些垃圾話、球員投進 : 時開始罵髒話。有一次,教練(助理教練永遠是傳球者)和兩個輔助員為了搶球 : ,在角落撲倒了James Anderson,並在他身上玩起了疊疊樂。 : After about an hour of watching shoot around, chatting with Andrew of : 48MoH, a quick howdy to Chip, and some schmoozing with other courtside : characters; I was calm. All the stress and all the nervousness had faded : away. It was back to being just a game. A game to look forward to watching. : 花了大概看完一小時看投球練習、與馬刺網站的外電記者閒聊、跟助理教練打招 : 呼、和場邊工作人員閒聊後,我平靜下來了,所有的壓力與緊張都消失了,這一 : 切不過就是一場比賽,一場我等不及要看的比賽。 : A couple years ago, while answering a question, Malik Hairston really : drove home how the Spurs preparation was meant to help the players relax : and not get excited. He said the season was too long. You couldn't get : too up for one game or two excited about playing against any particular : player. You wouldn't be able to sleep if you did. You just do your work : and focus on executing the game plan. That's how he, and I assume all : the players, approach each game. : 幾年前,在一次採訪中,Malik Hairston曾經很明確的解釋馬刺的準備方式,如 : 何幫助球員們放鬆,避免太過興奮。他提到整個賽季太長了,你不能為了一兩場 : 與明星球員的對抗,而表現得太過興奮,否則你會睡不著覺。你只需要保持平常 : 心,做好你的工作,並且專注在執行比賽計畫上就好。我想,那就是為什麼他、 : 甚至全體馬刺成員對待每場球賽的方式。 : It's because of this approach that Pop can do what he did in between : quarters three and four of game one. He told the guys, "Hey, I need a : dose of nasty". He told the guys they needed to bring just a little : more than in the game before. He hadn't given them a pre-game speech. : I don't know for sure, but I'll be he didn't. : 就是因為如此,Pop才能在暫停時,對球員們說:「Hey, I want some nasty.」 : 他只告訴球員們,他們需要比之前表現的更好一點,球員們就能了解他的意思。 : 他不需要對他們進行誇張的精神喊話,我不確定他有沒有做,但我相信他不需要。 : Everyday from the very first day of camp, Pop has established the system. : The routine. He doesn't have to tell players that there is an important : stretch of the schedule coming up. He doesn't have to tell them there : is a big game. They all get treated the same. This approach really pays : dividends in the playoffs. : 在每次球隊的賽前訓練時,Pop與球員們有一種默契,有一套既定的體系、一套 : 常規。他不需要提醒球員接下來準備熱身了,不需要告訴球員們待會要面對一場 : 大挑戰。他們就像平常一樣對待所有比賽,這種做法在季後賽時的確收到了回報。 : In the playoffs, when the pressure increases. When the craziness around : the game increases. The players have their routine to fall back on. They : have their system to make things seem normal. It's working for them and : it works for me. Thankfully, because otherwise I'd be a wreck. : 在季後賽時,接踵而來的壓力、激情隨著每場比賽逐漸累積,球員們必須回頭找 : 到原有的規律,以免迷失自己。他們有一套能讓事情回歸平常的體系,這樣的表 : 現不僅對他們有效,也對我忙碌的日常生活產生作用。感謝上帝,要是沒有這套 : 體系,我一定會崩潰的。 : 馬刺的強,除了球技,更多的是在精神層面。不因締造新紀錄而驕矜自喜,不因 : 一時的慘敗而喪失信心。平時堅持做好嚴格的訓練,重要關頭保持平常心,不受 : 壓力、激情的影響。我想第四戰,馬刺會做好準備的。 感謝你的分享 這讓我想到前陣子看到的影片 youtube上打關鍵字 Spurs / Shootaround / Pregame Warmups / Warmup 就可以找到了 無言的是blair賽前熱身竟然還是一直在小拋投... http://ppt.cc/GWdU http://ppt.cc/qfEC http://ppt.cc/o-N3 http://ppt.cc/wnuO http://ppt.cc/hE~b http://ppt.cc/gsqW -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
a00199bcd:他到底有多愛小拋投...... 06/02 13:33
jimmihg:他進來的時候剛好是TP慢慢成為leader的時候,可能對於TP的 06/02 15:40
jimmihg:小拋投感到驚為天人,所以以此為目標苦練吧XD 06/02 15:41
wkmbghost:也沒啥好無言的吧 拋投本來就是可以克服身高劣勢的武器 06/02 23:27
wkmbghost:能練起來也沒啥不好的 06/02 23:28