看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
都仍只是小道消息,只是最近都沒什麼新聞好悶XD Report: Lorbek coming to San Antonio http://tinyurl.com/cqy2ukj 西班牙的平面體育媒體報導的消息,在連結裡雜誌封面圖裡有一行標題~ 不過詳細的內容還待確認! Report: Patrick Mills To Enter Free Agency http://airalamo.com/2012/06/18/report-patrick-mills-to-enter-free-agency/ Here's what Mills had to say regarding his decision: " I feel like I need to do my due diligence and really go and see what there is to make sure I explore every option,” Mills said. " But in saying that, I really enjoy being in San Antonio and being part of that program. I definitely want it done soon and that is what I'm trying to do so that I can get it out of the way and go to London with a clear head with the Boomers.” -- 如果Mills走了 De Colo就快來吧! Joseph: ... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: alex40214 來自: (06/19 10:12)
koflll:看到簽名檔我有稍稍嘴角上揚....XD 露背客快來吧~ 06/19 10:13
alex40214:露背客 剔牙哥 屌爺 這禁區綽號唸下來真蠻好笑的XD 06/19 10:19
alex40214:超級"physical"的禁區陣容 06/19 10:22
PinChunH:感覺就控球來說De Colo應該會比Mills好..... 06/19 11:47
spurs2120:推physical XDD 06/19 14:29
ALegmontnick:如果用講的就可以真的physical起來,我天天唸十次! 06/21 01:25