看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Spurs' Leonard quietly holds own vs. Team USA Posted on July 13, 2012 Mike Monroe http://tinyurl.com/catvnss LAS VEGAS — Unlike the amazing display of ball-handling by Rookie of the Year Kyrie Irving, there was no video on YouTube leaked out of USA Basketball select team scrimmages against the United States Olympic squad showcasing Spurs forward Kawhi Leonard. Irving’s full-speed spin move and crossover dribble of Kobe Bryant went viral, with hoops junkies worldwide viewing, over and over, mouths agape. 拉斯維加斯報導 NBA菜鳥Kyle Irving在與美國隊陪練時,精湛的運球表演的短片, 最近在Youtube上廣為流傳:http://tinyurl.com/ca6p8aq。影片裡 Irving面對Kobe的防守,急速轉身、Crossover等動作讓全世界的籃球 迷們都看得目瞪口呆。 But a smaller, more important audience saw what Leonard could do against the star-laden Olympic team. “You see Kawhi, but you don’t hear him,” Team USA assistant coach Nate McMillan and former Trail Blazers coach said after a practice session at the Mendenhall Center on the UNLV campus this week. “He’ll make the right play and he just moves on to the next play. Then, a few minutes later, he does it again. “He’s opened a lot of eyes here this week.” 然而卻有另外一個人觀察到Kawhi Leonard的表現。 " 你看到Kawhi,但你聽不見他張揚 " 美國隊助理教練,前拓荒者總教練McMillan這麼說。 " 他在場上做出正確的play後,就靜靜的專心於下一個的攻防, 幾分鐘後他又會再次對的選擇。 這個星期他得到了教練團很多的矚目。 " McMillan and the rest of the U.S. coaching staff discovered what the Spurs have known since the NBA lockout ended last December: Leonard is the Sphinx of the Spurs, a budding star willing to let his game talk without flashing even a hint of bravado. Leonard’s approach to challenging Bryant, LeBron James and their London-bound friends has been typical of the NBA’s quiet man. “I get to be around great players and just compete and get better,” he said. “I get to learn from the older guys. You don’t get this chance every year to compete with guys at such a talent level every day.” McMillan與美國隊教練團發現了馬刺在去年十二月時就知道的事情: Leonard是馬刺隊中的謎樣人物,一個含苞待放,卻願意讓他的表現詮釋 一切而不賣弄吹噓的球星。 " 在這裡我身邊圍繞著最棒的球員,努力競爭並且進步 " Kawhi說, " 我每天都向這些較成熟且極具天分的球員們學習,這種機會不是每年都有的。 " Before he got to Las Vegas, identified as a potential future Olympian by USA Basketball, Leonard already had opened eyes in the Alamo City. The Spurs had loved Leonard’s potential enough to send coach Gregg Popovich favorite George Hill to the Pacers to secure his draft rights a year ago. They never anticipated he would make 49.3 percent of his shots as a rookie, a figure that included shooting 37.6 percent from 3-point range. After all, he had made only 25 percent from the shorter line in college. 早在去年的訓練營,Kawhi就已經讓不少人眼睛為之一亮了。去年 馬刺看中Kawhi的潛力,並且以Hill為籌碼將他的交易過來,那時候他 們一定想不到他的菜鳥球季會有49.3的FG%,與37.6的3PT%。畢竟在大 學時代,較NBA短的三分射程外,Kawhi只有25%的命中率。 So when Leonard showed up for training camp in December with an NBA-ready jumper, the Spurs were amazed. On his own during the long lockout summer that bled into autumn, he diligently had applied a few pre-lockout lessons from Spurs shooting coach Chip Engelland. The improvement was dramatic, even though the team shot doctor was forbidden to prescribe offseason reinforcement. Engelland was mightily impressed, as was Popovich. “All we did for him was change his release point, make it simpler and more repeatable,” Engelland said. “Then he went and worked his tail off during the lockout.” 因此當Leonard在去年十二月(封館結束後)的訓練營裡,展現著NBA 水準的跳投能力時,讓馬刺團隊大吃一驚。原來早在夏秋之交的封館之 前,Leonard就已經接受過馬刺投籃教練Chip Engelland的指導。 儘管封館之後Engelland教練不能再與Leonard接觸,他進步的幅度 仍然很大,讓Engelland與Pop印象深刻。 " 我們所做的只是改變他的出手點,讓其更為單純與易於複製。 " Engellnad說 " 顯然他在封館之時做了極大量的自主練習。 " By continuing his improvement, day to day and game to game, Leonard became a starter and a first-team All-Rookie selection. And when the playoffs arrived and both his production and efficiency increased, Popovich understood general manager R.C. Buford and his staff had discovered another potential gem. “He wasn’t awed by anything,” Popovich said. “He reminded me of Timmy (Duncan) in a way, where he came into the league and did his job, didn’t say boo to anybody, but he listens to anybody. He takes it in and then you see it translate onto the court. “Whatever it is, he reacted better in his first year than anybody I’ve ever seen other than Tim. Coming out of school in just two years, he was incredible.” 隨著他每天、每場比賽的進步著,Leonard被選為先發與菜鳥第一隊, 季後賽之時,他的貢獻與效率甚至比季賽時更為提升。Pop了解到,以 RC Buford為首的制服組又挖到了一顆充滿潛力的原石。 " 他總是很淡定,這方面讓我想到TD,進入聯盟後就做著自己份內的工作, 從不指使別人,卻也總是願意聆聽指導,並把它表現在場上。 " Pop說, " 不管我的要求是什麼,他的反應是我看過除了TD之外最快最好的。而他 甚至只打了兩年大學籃球,實在不可思議。 " Leonard’s development this summer, beginning with the week spent matching up daily against the likes of James, Bryant, Kevin Durant and Carmelo Anthony, figures to produce an even bigger jump in his skill set and, more importantly, his belief that he belongs among the league’s elite. “Whatever basketball he plays against NBA people is huge,” Popovich said. “ (Team USA camp) is a motivating factor. Being there with Coach K (Mike Krzyzewski), the whole staff, the other players, just to feel like he belongs, so to speak, is huge for a guy like him. Then when he moves on to Summer League and things are focused on just him will be just as important. He ’ll be a completely different player in some ways when he steps on court in November and we start playing games. “We think the jump is going to be even more obvious than the surprise we saw his first season.” 而這個夏天,Loeonard的進步從這個星期與開始,與LBJ、Kobe、 KD、Anthony等聯盟最佳的搖擺人們對抗,試圖讓他的球技更上一層樓, 以及更重要的,增強自己有能力作為聯盟佼佼者的信心。 " 美國隊訓練營是個激勵因子,和K教練與其教練團相處,與最有天分的 一群球員競爭,那種身為聯盟菁英的歸屬感對Kawhi影響很大。接著他 來到夏季聯盟,作為全隊的焦點人物,雖然角色大趣其異但都能對 他造成很大的影響。我們期待十一月開季時,他以全新之姿亮相。 " Pop這麼說著, " 我們認為他的躍進會比去年更為顯著。 " Leonard headed back to San Antonio after the final practice session with the Olympians on Wednesday afternoon. He will be back in Sin City for Summer League when the Spurs play their first game on Sunday against the Hawks. The emphasis in Summer League: Turning Leonard loose on the offensive end. He will be the Spurs’ go-to guy, running pick-and-roll plays by the dozens. Repetition is the key, and he will get plenty. “You can drill it all day long, and we do,” Spurs assistant coach Chad Forcier said. “You can study it all day on film. But until you get out there and you’re going 100 miles an hour, that’s where the improvement is really going to come. We need to get some live reps on it.” 上個星期三下午的美國隊練習告一段落後,Leonard短暫回到聖城,他 將在星期天再度造訪拉斯維加斯,在夏季聯盟第一場比賽出戰老鷹隊。 夏季聯盟的重點:讓Leonard在進攻端解放,他將會是馬刺隊的Go-to Guy,試著跑很大量的擋拆戰術,關鍵在於大量的反覆執行戰術。 " 你可以整天練習跑戰術,事實上我們的確會這麼做 " 助理教練Chad Forcier說 " 你也可以整天在錄影帶上研究,但直到在場上全力奮戰時,你才會真的得到進步, 我們需要在賽場上反覆跑這些戰術。 " “I want to show the coaches I can make plays,” Leonard said. “Whether it’ s dribbling the ball when I’m on the ball, just dribbling and coming off pick and rolls or in isolations, I want to show them that I can score the basketball and I don’t need help. I want to show them I don’t need to be just sitting in the corner, standing out there looking for somebody to play off me and give me a wide-open shot.” Popovich can hardly contain his excitement for training camp. “We’re wild with anticipation,” Popovich said. “We can’t wait to see what he’s going to be like next season.” " 我想要向教練展示我創造機會的能力 " Leonrd說, " 無論是獨自帶球的時候,運球打檔拆的時候,或是拉開讓我放對的時候, 我想要證明我可以獨力創造得分機會,我要證明除了作為三分弧底的等球 射手之外,我能做的更多。 " Pop已經難以壓抑他對訓練營地其興奮之情了。 " 我們有很多大膽的期待,我等不及要看他下一季的表現了。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
soaringfish:最後一段第一句 "make play"是創造機會不是執行戰術喔 07/16 01:46
懂了!感謝 ※ 編輯: alex40214 來自: (07/16 02:02)
kasen15:推,突然回想到去年RJ對Kawhi說的話,感覺蠻諷刺的XD 07/16 02:20
cominlin:馬刺的3號位終於不再只是定點射手了嗎~~ 07/16 09:54
aeCynzia:RJ說了什麼? 07/16 11:11
spurs2120:好像就是說在馬刺打SF要認份當等球射手跟防守之類 07/16 11:16
cominlin:我只記得RJ說過"馬刺的精神就是防守"那句 XD 07/16 11:22
kasen15:spurs2120正解XD 當時Kawhi在練運球和擋拆,RJ就告訴他: 07/16 11:25
kasen15:你可以練那些有的沒的,但你最後能做的就像我做的一樣,在 07/16 11:25
kasen15:三分底線等著投那些三分 07/16 11:26
hsshkisskiss:太認命也不是什麼好事情....XD 07/16 12:39
mark30204:可愛雖然表情非常淡定 但是非常的認真和積極的好孩子 07/16 13:16
mindd:淡定推 07/16 13:43
johnnynono:很認真的覺得TD退休後我可能會為了KL支持馬刺 07/16 19:41
jiuan1027:如果他能做得更多做得比別人好 我相信教練團也不會像要 07/16 20:55
jiuan1027:求RJ那樣 從Hill到Leonard在場上反應的都不止如此 07/16 20:56
motoman:新人能多學就多學 學到都是自己的 以後也好爭取合約 07/16 22:04
john07:讚!慧眼識英雄、又能培養後進真的是馬刺球團最大的優點 07/17 13:54