看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.nba.com/2012/news/11/30/spurs-fined-announcement/index.html?ls=iref:nbahpts http://0rz.tw/ha5bU (縮) San Antonio Spurs fined by league Offiicial Release Posted Nov 30, 2012 6:05 PM The NBA announced Friday that the San Antonio Spurs organization has been fined $250,000 for its decision to send four players home prior to the Spurs' Nov. 29 game in Miami. The Spurs' actions were in violation of a league policy, reviewed with the NBA Board of Governors in April 2010, against resting players in a manner contrary to the best interests of the NBA. NBA Commissioner David Stern stated: "The result here is dictated by the totality of the facts in this case. The Spurs decided to make four of their top players unavailable for an early-season game that was the team's only regular-season visit to Miami. The team also did this without informing the Heat, the media, or the league office in a timely way. Under these circumstances, I have concluded that the Spurs did a disservice to the league and our fans." === http://blog.mysanantonio.com/spursnation/2012/11/30/spurs-fined-250000/ ‘Substantial sanctions’ amount to $250,000 fine Posted on November 30, 2012 at 5:12 pm by Dan McCarney in Spurs The NBA levied a $250,000 fine against the Spurs organization for coach Gregg Popovich's decision to send four players home prior to Thursday's game at Miami. The Spurs have been fined $250,000 for their decision to send Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili and Danny Green home prior to Thursday’s game in Miami, the NBA announced late Friday afternoon. The Spurs were deemed to have been in violation of a league policy against resting players “in a manner contrary to the best interests of the NBA,” as reviewed by the NBA Board of Governors in April 2010. Stated NBA commissioner David Stern: “The result here is dictated by the totality of the facts in this case. The Spurs decided to make four of their top players unavailable for an early-season game that was the team’s only regular-season visit to Miami. The team also did this without informing the Heat, the media, or the league office in a timely way. Under these circumstances, I have concluded that the Spurs did a disservice to the league and our fans.” Stern had promised “substantial sanctions” in a statement released moments before tipoff of Thursday’s game. “I apologize to all NBA fans,” Stern stated. “This was an unacceptable decision by the San Antonio Spurs.” Despite missing six of their top eight scorers — in addition to the aforementioned foursome, Kawhi Leonard and Stephen Jackson were out with injuries — the Spurs battled to the final minute before Miami pulled away for a 105-100 victory. The Spurs, 13-3, return to action Saturday night at home against Memphis. -- ◢██◣˙ 3 ██◣ █▉█ █▉█ ◢█◣ ◢█◣ █▉██▉█ █▉█ ███ █▌ █▉█ ███ ◥ ̄◥◤ ̄◣ █▉█ █▉█ ███ █▌ █▉█ ███ ▕ DUNCAN█▉█ █▉█ ▉██ ██◣ ███ ▉██21▕◥ ██◤ ◥█◤ ▉██ ◥█◤ █▉█ ▉██ by F6 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
powermountai:有夠無言..這樣也罰 12/01 07:41
nasir:轉總版 12/01 07:42
nasir:轉錄至看板 NBA 12/01 07:43
uxormania:關鍵字:"Miami", "I have concluded" 12/01 07:59
uxormania:特別說這場比賽是對邁阿密,好像對其他球隊就沒關係 12/01 08:00
jyekid:25W$換來全美關注跟昨天板凳的曝光率 有點小貴 12/01 08:04
jyekid:況且要規避所謂的輪休很多方法 重點還是下季的賽程合不合理 12/01 08:06
uxormania:http://xshort.us/92958 Yahoo!專欄寫得正氣凜然 12/01 08:15
jiuan1027:Peter Holt:波波...這筆算你的 12/01 08:30
davidstar:哎呀,這可以看出Stern很小心眼的,我看這個仇會記很久 12/01 08:33
davidstar:馬刺季後賽大概要吃悶虧了= = 12/01 08:33
jiuan1027:下次遇到波波大概會讓三巨頭上去跑個幾秒鐘再換便服回家 12/01 08:43
ponkd:季後賽吃悶虧也不是一天兩天的事了。 12/01 09:10
koflll:住海邊 管很大 要是昨天贏了還罰嗎?比賽內容又不難看?X 12/01 09:13
Predrag26671:反正怎樣季後賽一樣都會被婊阿 12/01 09:16
bluemkevin:熱火三巨頭到時候季末輪休 Stern 是不是也要罰一下? 12/01 09:18
james21:聯盟是白吃嗎.... 12/01 09:46
CerMerlan:我覺得這次是POPO故意激聯盟的,他怎麼可能不知道這場 12/01 09:49
CerMerlan:比賽轉播很大很重要,顆顆 12/01 09:49
CerMerlan:現在史騰開罰,看以後那些一級強隊輪不輪休~ 12/01 09:50
YUNGDUNCAN:以後球員要休息要和史老大請假 12/01 09:58
sastd21:我看以後輪值表給史騰排好了 12/01 10:00
ihufy:沒辦法阿...stern是老大阿 12/01 10:01
jiuan1027:TD:先別談輪休了 下一場電影要看啥 12/01 10:03
port21:SAS@MIA 比賽的票應該很貴很難買,馬刺這樣是傷害球迷 12/01 10:32
port21:但賽程不該這樣排,去年的強隊對決應該要享有賽程上的特權 12/01 10:34
port21:不該在馬刺連6客場,熱火以逸待勞的不公平下比賽 12/01 10:36
ken129:方丈為人很小心眼的 12/01 10:36
windrain0317:就被打臉不爽而已啊 12/01 10:42
a2364983:就算違反利益這個金額也太重了吧 12/01 11:07
dogville:這個聯盟本來就沒有公信了 隨便吧 12/01 11:13
petand86:我覺得要求big 3出現是對的啦,很多球迷就是想看他們 12/01 11:17
petand86:但是如果說罰他們不出場真的管有點太多了,畢竟他們都 12/01 11:17
petand86:不年輕了,最近又連續出賽 12/01 11:17
dogville:穿西裝到場沒出賽史燈照樣不爽啦 12/01 11:19
gotohikaru:倒覺得屎疼這樣只會逼Pop用更下流的招式回擊 12/01 11:21
dogville:只要不對到史登親兒子或乾兒子 用三軍他也沒興趣 12/01 11:23
kimisky:唉 誇張啊...要不是SA,早就不看NBA了 12/01 11:40
WWWchen:這罰款可以上訴嗎?支持Popo的決定! 12/01 12:07
whporsche:休息也要罰.... 12/01 12:07
kasen15:聯盟這樣真的很醜陋 12/01 12:14
dogville:Stern: 反正我要退休了 想怎樣就怎樣 12/01 12:23
dmcn307:太智障了 居然罰球團 屎藤這樣真的做錯了 白癡 12/01 12:26
materu:Pop最好下次就用一些鳥藉口來請假,到時候在看看這些支持罰 12/01 12:27
materu:款的人什麼嘴臉 12/01 12:27
brian5418:對阿~下次輪休編一堆理由,不然住海邊屎騰各種搞。 12/01 12:34
brian5418:季後賽吃虧的還是我們 12/01 12:34
AquariusTACO:沒差吧XDD 早就吃虧過了阿~~ 醜陋的NBA 去 12/01 12:43
shin770107:資本豬 12/01 12:58
dahw:這個罰則真是莫名其妙 既不合理也無依據 搞的Stern跟太上皇 12/01 12:58
dahw:一樣 這真的是自由民主國家的職業運動比賽嗎? 12/01 12:59
pagenotfound:馬刺瘋狂洗版,我看等打完灰熊後,又會另掀波欄 12/01 12:59
ihufy:也洗得太誇張了吧 反正都罰了就只能接受 12/01 13:04
whporsche:下一場完整陣容回來~沒贏灰熊會被酸死(冏驚驚) 12/01 13:13
ClutchShot:感覺Stern就是挑個自己不愛的球隊殺雞儆猴罷了 12/01 13:33
gotohikaru:還好啊 養生完回主場滿往生也不是沒有過( ′-`)y-~ 12/01 13:34
ClutchShot:以後有球隊遇到他乾兒子的隊伍 全國聯播 最好是識相點 12/01 13:34
j35111:我覺得下次popo會更幽默回擊XDD 12/01 13:37
ponkd:下次大概MANU頭髮痛,TD碾不僵直,TP戀愛症候群之類的吧XD 12/01 13:42
whporsche:波波:集體吃壞肚子 12/01 13:43
ohya810817:該不會之前的集體感冒都是…! 12/01 13:57
jnov:囂張點,直接先付50萬了啦,先預支下一次的三巨頭休息~ 12/01 14:01
mindd:我身邊看球的都在問 Neal是誰 XDDDD 12/01 14:43
baroque7:屎騰薩克斯 12/01 15:06
BearrrXD:坦白說能看到菜鳥一起打先發就有說不出的熱血感 12/01 15:14
BearrrXD:比看到正常先發出賽還開心 12/01 15:14
materu:先預付下一次輪休XD 看JA打這麼好真的蠻開心啊 12/01 18:04
charlie1kimo:我真的覺得這個聯盟沒有公信力了 12/01 18:15
sastd21:不是早就沒公信力了? 12/01 18:21
Emerica:今日對灰熊先發:Neal,Mills,De Colo,Bonner,Blair打一分鐘 12/02 03:37
jyekid:我朋友看到COLO還說 Manu頭髮怎麼變多了 姿勢也怪怪的= = 12/02 04:01