看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1HReiXsC ] 作者: lollygagger (chivalry's alive) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Pop on Spurs' concerns 時間: Wed Apr 17 19:44:29 2013 POSTED BY TIM KAWAKAMI ON APRIL 15TH, 2013 AT 7:20 PM CATEGORIZED AS NBA, WARRIORS (節錄) -Spurs coach Gregg Popovich can be expansive on many topics, or he can be very much the opposite, depending on his mood, and today he was not that interested in being expansive when Scott Ostler and I asked him some questions about the Warriors. 馬刺教頭 Gregg Popovich 受訪態度兩極是出了名的,時而幽默風趣、妙語如珠,讓 記者收穫豐富,有寫不完的笑點可報導。時而擺臭臉、不耐煩、只用 yes or no 回答 問題,或更狠的,直言問題太爛不想回答。一切端視他的心情。而今天,他老爺心情 ……不太好。 Scott and I were looking forward to a possible first-round meeting between the Spurs and Warriors–they are currently lined up to play the 2/7 series in the West, but that could change in the last few games–but Popovich was not. 因為勇士有可能是馬刺季後賽第一輪對手,這兩位金洲的記者想趁季前的最後一場對 戰探探 Pop 的口風。 If these two teams do meet starting next weekend, I’m sure Pop will have more to say. Well, maybe if it’s not Scott and me asking… I also included an interesting answer when he was asked how he thought San Antonio was playing heading into the postseason. —-GREGG POPOVICH, pre-game gaggle snippets/ -Q: How do you think your team is doing right now? Are you happy with the way things are set up heading into the playoffs? -POPOVICH: Happy is not a word that coaches usually respond to. But… this is probably the least… let me put it a different way. We’ve been playing better most any other year going into the playoffs, compared to this year. -Q: Is that a concern? -POPOVICH: No, who cares. The (worse) the better. (Laughs.) Of course it’s a concern. 季後賽在即,你覺得現在隊上備戰況狀怎麼樣? 你還滿意嗎? 滿意(happy)? 通常我不太喜歡聽到這個字眼,尤其這季,這季進入季後賽的狀況可以說 是最糟糕的……我換個方式說好了,其他隨便一年的備戰狀況,都比今年好。 這樣會是問題嗎? 哪會啊,管他的,狀況越爛越好啊 (笑聲)。廢話,這當然是問題。 -Q: Is that fixable or does it just depend on your guys’ health? -POPOVICH: That’s part of it–the health issue, different line-ups all the time based on what’s happened the later part of the season is certainly a part of it. But I also think that our focus hasn’t been as good as it needs to be the last three to four weeks. I’ve been disappointed in our focus, and the defensive improvements that we’ ve made this year I think have dissipated to some degree. -Q: This Warriors team plays fast and shoots a lot from the perimeter– similar to the way it has played in the past. But are there some differences in this team from other Warriors teams you’ve played? -POPOVICH: I don’t spend much time thinking about the past. All I care about is what they do now. -Q: What do they do now? -POPOVICH: What you said. 您說備戰狀況不佳,可以想辦法加強嗎? 還是只能看球員的健康狀況? 健康因素是其中一個因素,球季後半段因應球員情況而不斷變動的輪替組合也是一大原 因。但是,我也認為最後這三、四個禮拜,我們專注力不夠,不足以面對季後賽的硬仗。 現在的勇士隊球風快速而且中距離射程很強,這兩點跟以往的勇士一樣。但教練可有注 意到今年的勇士跟往年有什麼不同之處? 我從來不浪費時間回首過往,重要的是現在的勇士。 現在的勇士狀況如何? 就你剛講的那樣。 -Q: Is there a danger facing them–when they shoot so many 3s? -POPOVICH: People shoot the ball well, that’s a good thing. -Q: How do you think your team and the Warriors have matched up generally this season? -POPOVICH: Uh, I think they’ve been pretty much close games for the most part. -Q: Does it change things for you if Andrew Bogut is playing? -POPOVICH: You’ve got to ask Mark. Mark will know better than I do. -Q: But as a guy who’s scouting them… -POPOVICH: We do the same things we do whether he’s in or out. At this point of the year, you don’t change what you do because somebody on the other team is in or out. You just go what you’ve practiced all year long. So it really doesn’t matter. 勇士三分球挺恐怖的,對馬刺來說會不會很棘手? 球投得好是好事。 你認為這季兩隊對戰的感覺怎麼樣? 有好幾場是比分很接近的比賽,大部份時間都在纏鬥。 如果 Andrew Bogut 可以上場,兩隊戰力會如何變化? 這你得問 Mark (Jackson, 勇士教練),他會比我清楚。 可作為季後賽潛在的對手您對勇士有少有點想法吧… 他打不打我們都一樣行事。每年的這個時侯,不管對手誰打誰不打,我們就是照既定的 安排去打,我們練球怎麼打,上場就怎麼打,你問的根本沒差。 -- 附一則馬刺自家記者問的,關於季前最後幾場, day-to-day 的 Manu 會不會出賽 ,Pop 的反應則是 “He’ll be all over me (to play),” Popovich said. “I’ll try to hold him back, and he’ll push me and abuse me and threaten me so he can get on the court. Then we’ll come to some sort of compromise, once the medical staff says he’s OK.” Manu 一定死活都想打啊,而我得花心力好好按耐他,然後他會強迫我,虐待我, 威脅恐嚇我,叫我一定得派他上去,接著我們會各讓一步,如果醫療組說他okay 的話。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
frostmourne :最後一個挺逗趣的 04/17 19:45
carltone :就像你講的那樣XDDDDD 04/17 19:46
youngluke :XDDDDDDDDDDD 04/17 19:47
haow :兩家記者不同情阿 04/17 19:47
serendipity :馬刺.. 總覺得不太穩.. 04/17 19:47
rex9999 :怎麼沒提秘密武器:麥格瑞迪? 04/17 19:48
peartree :就你剛講的那樣。XDDDDDDDDD 04/17 19:48
marcoyao :Manu究竟會不會上場呢 04/17 19:49
xpu :就像你說的---->這回答真靠被XD 04/17 19:49
turbo66 :POP神回答 04/17 19:50
yun0215 :就像你講的那樣XDD 04/17 19:50
guestone :看完我快笑死 感謝翻譯 04/17 19:50
nopa118 :POPO真的超有趣 04/17 19:51
jasonkau :就像你講的那樣XDDDDDD 04/17 19:52
Gilbertsky :這句根本霸氣外露了嘛 XD 04/17 19:53
rutenac :真的蠻喜歡馬刺的 04/17 19:54
Cczr :借轉霸氣外露版 04/17 19:55
rutenac :不過幽默風趣、妙語如珠 冷笑話:蛤? 04/17 19:55
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Cczr (, 時間: 04/17/2013 19:55:22
GPIO:Pop真的不喜歡別人問他ha不happy耶 XD 04/17 22:04
jiuan1027:其實只是讓大家了解記者問的不是已有答案的問題就是廢話 04/17 22:13
dogville:體諒一下記者 有些問題是一直重複但還是得問的 04/17 22:51
csyang:踢妹會上場嗎? 04/18 00:02
nighttaro:據說今天T-Mac不會上場 但Manu可能會上場一點點時間 04/18 00:04
jiuan1027:指叉球和T-Mac不打 三巨頭會上 04/18 00:13
zho71:Manu復出,但上場時間受限,Tiago輪休 04/18 00:27
zho71:TD、TP和Kawhi照常出賽 T-Mac還沒準備好,不會上場 04/18 00:28
brian5418:突然好想 Manu>///< 期待! 04/18 00:28
zho71:波波: 「McGrady今天不會出賽,也許幾個星期內都來不及準備 04/18 00:28
zho71:好上場。「我對他的表現沒有任何預設立場,也許他一場都不會 04/18 00:29
zho71:上,也許他會打很久,」 04/18 00:29
jiuan1027: 跟沒講一樣 04/18 00:29
zho71:禁區模範生 剛剛po文的 04/18 00:29
zho71: 沒錯 04/18 00:30
spurs0516:波波最厲害就是講了一堆跟沒講一樣 04/18 01:57
ando:翻譯:妳們以為是團隊籃球? 是時上還是bi3 無雙 04/23 00:42