看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/bp3hbvt 原文出處(Spurs Nation) Screaming Spurs Lady becomes Internet celebrity If you were watching last night’s broadcast on TNT, you might have heard one fan in particular: What would seem to have been a woman who unleashed a shrill, ear-splitting scream after just about every big play by the Spurs. Which, considering the game went to double overtime, added up to more than a few. 如果你昨天有看比賽的話,應該會聽到一個女生在第四節跟OT時每一次關鍵球時的尖叫聲 Either that, or there was a dying animal up in the AT&T Center stands. 在以下這兩個關鍵的play中,你會聽到一個殺豬般的尖叫聲.. http://youtu.be/6f9wo08Um2w (screaming lady)
http://youtu.be/zOrIAJKpQKI (馬妞的逆轉三分彈)
The rest of the nation certainly noticed, taking to the Internet to express their extreme displeasure. 很多人透過網路對這個女聲感到極度不滿 Indeed, one site even went so far as to isolate a crowd shot after various observers opined that the screaming was coming through the mics being used courtside by commentators Dick Stockton and Chris Webber — which is pretty incredible, if you think about it. Deadspin is even soliciting fans to help identify who the woman was. 因為這女聲感覺就在Dick Stockton跟Chris Webber旁,所以每次收音都被收的一清二楚 於是美國鄉民就開始人肉這個尖叫女生 http://tinyurl.com/c54pnag 這是美國鍵盤柯南人肉的結果 Sample comments on YouTube:以下是許多在水管的評論 * It was so bad that I actually felt like changing the channel. 我覺得我好像在看另一個節目... * I muted my TV during these? parts. 在她高潮時,我就把電視調成靜音了... * I would have dumped a beer? on her. Getting kicked out would be worth it. 我能把酒淋在他身上嗎 * Oh God, make it stop. 幹,停止! 但也有人為她緩頰: * Honestly, I didn’t get upset about this because I was screaming just as loud. 老實說我覺得還好因為我叫聲跟她一樣吵... 除此之外,還有很一些知名記者或者專欄作家的Twitter: netw3rk @netw3rk Find the shrieker and escort her out. Won't be hard; it's the section where everyone's ears are bleeding. 要人肉她非常簡單,哪區的人耳朵爆血,她在哪。 SportsPickle @sportspickle Just got word that the screaming was done by David Robinson. Not sure what to think now. 聽說那尖叫聲是大羅叫的誒... Adam Kramer @KegsnEggs [camera pans to screaming Spurs lady which is actually a very intoxicated Stan Van Gundy playing Angry Birds] 其實那個人根本就是沈迷於憤怒鳥的大范吧... -- 北韓:大哥,我要試射核武囉 中共:喔,什麼時候,那時在通知一聲阿 北韓:十 中共:啥,十天?十星期?還是十月? 北韓:十,九,八,七... 中共:幹 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tim8238818 來自: (05/08 14:36) ※ 編輯: tim8238818 來自: (05/08 14:38)
spursrd5021:大羅XD 05/08 14:41
jacky6016:真的像是殺豬的叫聲XD 05/08 14:59
newday:原來大家都有注意到,我還以為只有我感到很吵 05/08 15:04
aeCynzia:很久沒聽到這麼淒厲的叫聲了 05/08 15:32
gay0914:大羅XDDDDD 05/08 16:21
jealousguy:很幽默的話題 那尖叫聲實在太瘋狂 太淒厲了XDDD 05/08 17:24
bryant780113:我看緯來都沒聽到 05/08 18:10
hydeless:好像是那個吐舌頭的女孩,聖城粉絲也都在問XD 05/08 18:11
abc1231qa:恐慌大師XDDDDDD 05/08 20:34
sinben:毛毛的 已嚇哭 05/09 21:17