看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這篇是專門為了James的放話而翻譯的 :) From http://goo.gl/mnhqrW Do Spurs dislike Heat? They actually don’t care 馬刺不喜歡熱火嗎?事實上,馬刺根本不在乎這件事 Posted on June 3, 2014 at 3:47 pm by Dan McCarney Miami star LeBron James surmised at practice on Monday that Tim Duncan and the Spurs don’t like the Heat. LeBron James前幾天在星期一說:「Duncan跟馬刺隊不喜歡熱火」 Far from it, in fact. 事實上,這跟事實差了太遠了。 Well, Manu Ginobili doesn’t. But then, he doesn’t like any team the Spurs play in the postseason. 好吧~Manu的確不喜歡,但他的「不喜歡」是給季後賽碰面的每個球隊。 “(The animosity) grows on you,” he said. “It’s such challenge, you want to beat (the other team) so bad, you start to grow that challenge. In some way, it’s a sort of dislike. But the same thing happened against Dallas and against Portland and against Oklahoma City. It’s part of what the playoffs are. Such tough competition, and you’re competing so hard, and it grows on you.” Manu說:「(當你在每一輪碰上其他球隊時),敵意就會在你心中慢慢產生,這是一種 挑戰,你會非常渴望擊倒你的對手,也因此敵意會在你心中產生。就某些層面而言, 這的確是一種不喜歡的感覺,但同樣的事情也發生在小牛隊、拓荒者跟雷霆隊,這種 對抗的敵意是季後賽的一部份。每一輪都是非常難的競爭,而你也非常努力想擊倒對 手,因此敵意就會在你心中產生。」 As for Tony Parker, he couldn’t praise the Heat fast enough. 談到Parker意見,Parker則是對熱火讚美都來不及了。 “I respect them a lot,” he said. “They’re the two-time champs. I have a lot of respect for LeBron and what he’s accomplished, and (Dwyane) Wade and all those guys. It’s hard to win championships. I was lucky enough to win three times and this is my fifth Finals. I realize how hard it is. All they got is well deserved. I take it like a great challenge and have a lot of respect for them.” Parker說:「我很尊重他們,他們可是兩屆冠軍,我非常尊重LeBron James跟他已完 成的成就,也尊重Wade跟熱火隊其他球員。你得知道要拿到冠軍可是不容易的事情, 過往我很幸運可以拿到三次冠軍,現在也是我第五次進入總冠軍賽,我瞭解這一切是 多難的事情,熱火隊所得到的尊敬及讚美都是他們應得的,我把這次跟他們對戰當成 是一個巨大的挑戰,並且對他們非常尊敬。」 Spurs coach Gregg Popovich, of course, had zero interest in the subject. 談到Popo意見,不意外的,Popo對這議題完全沒興趣。 “I like everybody,” he said. “Come on. This is silly.” Popo說:「我喜歡每個人,拜託,這問題太蠢了吧~」 And Boris Diaw said he had no idea what Duncan said after Game 6. Diaw則說他不知到Duncan在Game 6之後說了什麼。 “I never pay attention to what anybody says,” he said. “I don’t care.” Diaw說:「我不太關注其他人說了什麼,我並不在意。」 Ginobili and Parker also rejected the notion that Duncan, by saying the Spurs “will do it” in their Finals rematch with the Heat, was talking any amount of trash. (Duncan did not speak to reporters on Monday.) 對於Duncan曾講過:「在這次與熱火的對戰中,馬刺會do it(你可以翻譯成完成他, 拿下他,whatever :))」,Manu跟Parker都不認為這是任何一種程度的垃圾話。 “It’s a comment you do when you’re excited after a Game 6,” Ginobili said. “You guys take it like “oohhhh.” Players get excited, and that’s it. It’s not a big deal at all.” Manu說:「這只是一種你在Game 6取得勝利後,心情興奮而發表的言論,你們(記者 或其他認為這是垃圾話的人)把他認為「喔~你嗆聲了」,但我只認為那單純是球員 興奮所講的話語,這根本一點都不重要。」 Said Parker, “Knowing Timmy that’s not trash talking. I don’t think he meant it like that. Obviously, we’re very motivated and we want to try to get it done. At the same time we know we’re playing a very good team. I know what he meant by that but it was not trash talk, coming from Timmy.” Parker也說:「我瞭解Duncan,這根本不是垃圾話,我不認為Duncan是以放垃圾話 的心態在講這句話,很明顯的,我們非常渴望這一次拿下冠軍,但我們也知道我們 這次面對的是一支非常好的隊伍,因此我非常肯定Duncan完全不是以講垃圾話的心 態在講這句話。」 +++++ 就以Popo的發言來當總結吧 James:我知道馬刺不喜歡熱火(我們) Popo:拜託,這太愚蠢了吧~ 馬刺不太想跟你玩放話的遊戲。 -- ※ 編輯: keepstudying (, 06/04/2014 10:33:25
ghghfftjack:James:我知道馬刺不喜歡熱火 POPO:喔 (挖鼻孔) 06/04 10:41
kimisky:推 馬刺才沒空在那邊垃圾話... 06/04 11:34
Window8:某詹繼續打嘴砲 06/04 11:55
insominia:反正球員發言球迷各有各的解讀方式 也沒啥好糾結的 06/04 12:05
abow0807:賽前也是需要一些火花,偏偏馬刺根本不甩這一套 06/04 12:15
avrilrock:這不是垃圾話 因為做得到.. 06/04 12:45
jcjcjcjcjc:不要跟我們玩垃圾話這招,我們不是幼稚到爆的溜馬 06/04 14:22
remprogress:推樓上 06/04 15:01
joumay:垃圾話連噴... 毫無反應, 就是個發呆的馬刺<NPC> 06/04 15:59
currit:三老: 基本上popo討厭29隊 06/04 17:37
IceGino:TRUE We only want the champion 06/04 18:30
tingover:理理人家啦 不然感覺有點可憐欸 06/04 18:40
XaviYang:給拍拍 說不定熱火新聞一堆 馬刺沒半個... 06/04 19:54
TimDuncan21:火火這麼早就開始打心理戰了噢(挖鼻) 06/04 20:27
pttdue:這圖片太貼切了 http://ppt.cc/u1fa 06/04 20:33
chardavi11:整隊只有POPO會弄人 而且還射後不理 熱火省省吧XD 06/04 21:02
gotohikaru:覺得偶爾還是要找人配合作秀一下 乾爹才不會下手沒輕重 06/05 02:39
leo7890677:要找馬刺玩作秀遊戲還是省省吧 06/05 12:09