看板 Spurs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1avtvjx- ] 作者: TomasMao (毛叔) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 名人堂儀式逐字稿-Pau Gasol 時間: Thu Aug 24 23:59:38 2023 這陣子私事+發燒纏身,但這篇文肯定得在今天趕出來 等等編輯,先讓我在8/24放上這篇。 之後貝琪姐的我就不放總版了 這次名人堂逐字稿大概就這樣囉 一如往常,如有錯誤請指點,我現在還是38.6度發燒狀態 現在這個硬體非常有可能會發生錯誤(X) 以下正文: Pau Gasol 謝謝你們 thank you thank you 天啊,多棒的一個夜晚、一個時刻 oh man, what a night, what a moment 真的謝謝你們 Gracias, mucha gracias 我以無比的自豪與感激站在你們面前 stand before you with immense Pride and gratitude 也謙遜地接受這次獲選Naismith籃球名人堂的巨大榮譽 as I humbly accept this huge honor of being inducted into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame 我想要對評選委員會致上最真摯的感謝,因他們賦予了我如此驚人的殊榮 I want to express my deepest appreciation to the selection committee or bestowing this amazing recognition upon me 這一刻是對我在籃球之旅中所獲得的各種支持、指導及啟發的證明 this moment is a testament to a support, guidance, and inspiration I have received from so many through all my basketball Journey 我會永遠記得Jerry Colangelo打給我的霎那,並告訴我那句富有魔力的話:你獲選了。 I’ll always remember the moment that Jerry Colangelo called me in to tell me the magic words, you're in 我必須說,那真的是很震撼的一刻 a pretty powerful moment, I gotta tell you 我相信與我共同獲選的人們也會記得的 I know my fellow inductees will remember it too 恭喜你們 congratulations to all of you 能和你們同屆獲選是我的榮幸,謝謝你們 it's truly an honor to be in the same class, thank you [掌聲] ------------------------------------------- 如果你跟在一個小城、默默無名的、小時候的我說 if you tell me when I was young a little kid growing up in a little city, some boy 某天我不僅會遇到Toni Kukoc,他還會引薦我進名人堂,我可是不信的 but someday I would not only meet Toni Kukoc that he'd be presenting me into the Hall of Fame, I wouldn't believe you 然後就到現在了,Toni and yet here we are, Toni Toni是很棒的球員,有夠強 Toni was a great player, heck of a player 他是許多歐洲球員成長過程中的啟發 He inspired so many European players growing up 我很仰慕你,是你激發了我、去跟隨你的腳步 I looked up to you, you inspired me to follow your steps 我原本以為自己會是個小前鋒,但我在20歲以前不斷長高 I thought it was going to be a small forward, but I kept on growing and growing until I was 20. 長到最後跑去打籃下,還得面對像TD、KG和Dirk的球員 So I ended up playing closer to the basket having to face Timmy and KG and Dirk 但擺在今天,我說不定能成為小前鋒勒,射射三分之類的 but maybe in today's game I would have been a small forward, who knows, shooting threes, all kinds of stuff 好啦,最後結果對我來說還不賴,謝謝你們給了我這份殊榮 anyway, it turned out pretty good for me so thank you so much for this incredible honor [掌聲] ------------------------------------------- 我也想感謝我的朋友、也是我的偶像-Kareem Abdul-Jabbar I also wanted to thank my friend and role model Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 我想你們大概都知道他原本會成為我的引薦人之一,可惜他沒能到場 I think maybe many of you knew know that he was going to be here being also one of my presenters unfortunately he couldn't make it 他昨天身體狀況不太舒服 He felt yesterday under the weather 我只想說,希望Kareem身體健康 I just want to say wish you well, hope you're well Kareem 也謝謝你接受成為我引薦人的榮譽 and thank you for accepting the honor of being my presenter [掌聲] ------------------------------------------- 我能站在這裡是多虧了許多人 many people have contributed to me for being here 但沒人能比的上我的家人 but no one like my family. 我摯愛的雙親介紹了我籃球 My dear parents who introduced me to the game of basketball 儘管是業餘層級的賽事,但他們是有打球的 they both played at an amateur level but they played 謝謝你們的教導、支持、還有對我的愛。 thank you so much for all your teachings, for your support, for your love. 永遠不會錯過我的比賽、也會在下班後帶我去練習 never missing the game, never Miss into practice taking me to practices after you work 你們啟發了我 you've inspired me 你們的承諾、努力和犧牲一直在激勵著我、並成為我的動力 your commitment, your efforts, your sacrifices have fueled me and motivated me 謝謝爸媽,我真的真的很愛你們。 thank you Mom and Dad, I love you so very much so very much ------------------------------------------- 致我的兄弟Marc和Adria,尤其跟Marc一起長大 for my brothers my brothers Marc and Adria, been growing up with Marc special 你們也有機會看到他在NBA的生涯,是個特別的小子 you guys have had the chance to watch his NBA career, he was a special kid 在祖父母的後院跟我一起投籃、甚至就開始了競爭,他一直想打敗我 shooting Hoops in grandparent’s backyard and competing already he always tried to beat me 我得一直試著讓他明白,我是他大哥欸,他才不該擊敗我,但他做到了 I always try to make sure that he knew that I was a big brother, he shouldn't beat me but he did 從某刻起開始...在他長大之後 it start at some point he you know he grew up 他為我們國家隊效力 He played for our country 我們一起在許多冠軍賽中奮戰、拿下獎牌... we played many championships, won medals 扯的是我們還被拿來互換勒,我想我們是唯一一對被拿來互相交易的兄弟檔吧 we got traded for each other, crazy I think we are the only brothers who ever got traded for each other 我們也一起經歷了最特別的事情之一-2015年在麥迪遜花園廣場的明星賽一起跳球 and we experienced one of the most special things I think in our career which was a jumpball at the All-Star Game in 2015 at the Madison Square Garden 能共享這一刻真的很難以置信,謝謝你Marc it was pretty special to share that truly unbelievable, thank you Marc [掌聲] 還有我的弟弟Adria,剛開始的時候對籃球沒特別有興趣 and my brother Adria, wasn't particularly interested in basketball early on 我還在曼菲斯打球的時候,他會帶漫畫書來看 he we used to bring books when I used to play in Memphis just reading his book his comic books 但他是我們家裡唯一一個取得工商管理碩士學位的人,能成為你倆的兄弟,我很自豪 ,謝謝你們、愛你們。 but he's the only one in our family that got a master's degree in business so I'm very proud to have you both as brothers thank you love you ------------------------------------------- 我也想用這一刻去致敬所有在我之前鋪路、打造這個精彩聯盟的所有球員-有些今晚也到 場了-還有教練等等。 and I wanted to take a moment to recognize all the players, some of you are here coaches that have come before me that paved the way the build this amazing League 謝謝你們所有人的貢獻 thank you all for your contributions 我由衷地感謝他們,謝謝 I truly, truly appreciate them, thank you [掌聲] 對於來自西班牙的我 Being from where I'm from, Europe Spain 我想特別感謝那些最先跨海至此的歐洲球員們-他們抓住機會,並為像我一樣的(歐洲)球 員開闢了新的道路 I wanted to give a special mention to those first Europeans that came here across the ocean that took a chance and opened doors for players like myself Fernando Martin,NBA史上第一名西班牙球員 Fernando Martin, the first Spanish player to ever play in the NBA Drazen Petrovic, Sarunas Jasikevicius, Detlef Schrempf, Arvydas Sabonis, Toni Kukoc, Vlade Divac, Dino Radja, Rik Smits…都是很棒的球員,謝謝你們。 Drazen Petrovic, Sarunas Jasikevicius, Detlef Schrempf, Arvydas Sabonis, Toni Kukoc, Vlade Divac, Dino Radja, Rik Smits...amazing players, thank you all ------------------------------------------- 我從小時候就開始打球了...從七歲的時候開始 I started playing basketball when I was a kid, when I was seven years old 就是在學校跟我同學、朋友打好玩的 Just having fun with friends at school with my classmates 然後就是1992年-巴塞隆納的奧運 but then 1992 happened, the Olympics in Barcelona 我當時12歲,而那改變了我的一生 I was 12, it changed my life 夢幻隊向我們展示了籃球的樣貌 the dream team showed us how basketball could be played 它讓我夢想能在那樣的高層級打球,與最優秀的球員們一同競爭 It made me dream of playing at that level, playing with the best of the best 這使得籃球的知名度得以在國際間有飛速的成長 and that launched really an incredible growth in the sport internationally 2023年的名人堂名單便是最好的證明,謝謝1982年的夢幻隊 in the 2023 class is a true Testament of it, so thank you to the Dream Team 1982 還有當時那些對抗他們的歐洲球隊,表現是不太理想啦 to those teams also European teams that competed against them, didn't do so well 但你也懂的,(夢幻隊)確實挺強 but you know what it is, they were pretty good 在我13歲的時候,接下來就是為我第一個球隊效力-CB Cornellà。它讓我有機會在一場 比賽裡擔任控球後衛,我也從中學到控球後衛有多難當 then when I was 13 years old, the next thing that I played, my first club team that I played at CB Cornellà, gave me a chance to play point guard for a game teaching me how hard that position was 很明顯的,這次機會讓我自慚形穢 it was extremely humbling obviously 我很難去引導一名五尺二、十分敏捷的球員並帶著他們滿場跑 I struggled tremendously guiding a guy that was five two and really quick having to bring them all up and down the court 但我從那次經驗、那些年中學到的重點是教導及成長,不把勝負看的太重 but what I took from that experience is that those ages I think the importance is to teaching and growing, not so much focusing on winning and losing 我覺得這是件很重要、必須謹記在心的事,特別是在全球各層級中,我們正試圖教孩子們 打籃球時,不論男女都是如此。 that's an important message I think to keep, and especially at all levels in the world as we're trying to teach our kids to play basketball, girls and boys 幾年過後,我防守對位到的傢伙有一手很流利的轉身跳投 a couple years later a guy that I was guarding, he's a tough turnaround jumper 我就跟教練問,啊我該怎麼辦?我要怎麼守那招? I'm like Coach what what do what do I do how can I defend that 他們說沒可能啦...那個球員他之前齁...是在巴塞隆納籃球俱樂部打球的,我當時還沒入 隊 they said nothing, he'll be…he used to play… he was a guy from FC Barcelona by the time I wasn't there yet 教練說免擔心啦,他是以後會打進職業的人,而你不會。 he said don't worry, he'll make it to the pros and you won't 我就...好喔。 so okay, okay I guess 我們在整個人生及生涯中都有面對過這些時刻以及言論 I mean we all faced moments and comments like that throughout our lives and careers 但我向來都是擁抱它們,讓它們激勵著我、使我成長 but I've always embraced them, allow them to motivate me and uh and help me grow ------------------------------------------- 到了下個層級,我去了巴塞隆納籃球俱樂部,也遇到了很多很棒的教練及球員們 and then the next level I went to FC Barcelona, where I played with many great coaches and players 其中有些人至今跟我都是很好的朋友 some of them have become great friends today 特別致敬我的好友Juan Carlos Navarro,一個特別的球員、天賦異稟,不論在巴塞隆納 或西班牙隊都是如此 a special mention to my good friend Juan Carlos Navarro, who was a special player, special talent not just with FC Barcelona, with Spain 我們是很好的朋友,也是優秀的球員,所以我想向他致敬,因為他當時無疑激勵了我,去 成為一名更好的球員 we're great friends and great players, so I wanted to acknowledge him because he really inspired me to be a better player at that time 接著就是NBA了 then after the NBA 我是在2001年獲選的 I got drafted at 2001. 謝謝灰熊隊給我機會讓我能在NBA的舞台上打球,讓我實現夢想 thank you for the Grizzlies for giving me the opportunity to play in the NBA for fulfilling my dream 當我剛到曼菲斯的時候,我第一反應是:哇!是金字塔欸 when I first arrived in Memphis I was like, wow, a pyramid 我猜這裡所有球隊都在金字塔打球的吧 I guess all NBA teams play in pyramids here 有點與眾不同,但還是挺酷啦,吧。 it's kind of different but you know pretty cool I guess 我還記得我們的第一個記者會,Shane (Battier)和當年與我們一同入選的Will Solomon I still remember our first press conference with Shane and Will Solomon that also got drafted with us 我的英文能力非常有限,我不擅於講出我所知的事情,也所知甚少 my English was very limited, I wasn't very comfortable speaking what I knew, which was very little 但我馬上意會到我身旁的隊友十分機智、非常聰明 but I quickly recognized that my day my teammate here was very tickled and very smart 所以我就順著他的話講下去,合理吧?所以當媒體問我們對NBA感想如何、首次到曼菲斯 這裡、隊伍剛從溫哥華搬過來... so I just had to follow what he said right? so when the media asked us how we felt about the NBA, being in Memphis first time, the team just moved from Vancouver… 很明顯,Shane是第一個回答的,我也夠聰明的讓他先講,而也順了媒體的意...啊他在 NBA裡就是很吸粉啊,一個很好的人 and Shane went first obviously I was smart enough to allow him to go first, and they wanted to I mean he was a fan favorite in all NBA, great guy 我就是重複最後一個我懂的字、我可以辨識的字-Electrifying I just repeated the last word that I understood that I was able to identify that it was Electrifying 聽起來很棒吧?讚齁 sounded good right? Sounded good 所以謝謝Shane今晚的到場,愛你啦 so thank you Shane for being here tonight, I love you [掌聲] ------------------------------------------- 我為我在曼菲斯的時光感到驕傲 I'm proud of my years in Memphis 我們的打拼...我們為灰熊打下了基礎。當時也在灰熊的一些人... the work that we did… we set the foundation for the Grizzlies have become. Some of those people that were there at that time Billy Knight、Michael Heisley、Sidney Lowe、Mike Miller、Lorenzen Wright、 Jason Williams、Stromile Swift、Hubie Brown、Jerry West和Mike Fratello Billy Knight, Michael Heisley, Sidney Lowe, Mike Miller, Lorenzen Wright, Jason Williams, Stromile Swift, Hubie Brown, Jerry West, and Mike Fratello 當然這只是其中的部份人...謝謝你們在我生涯中做的一切,也謝謝你們對曼菲斯這城市 的貢獻。 I mean amongst many others obviously thank you all for everything that you did at that time during my career and for the City of Memphis ------------------------------------------- 2008年2月1日,Chris Wallace打電話叫我到他辦公室,並跟我說我被交易到了洛杉磯湖 人隊。 February 1st 2008, Chris Wallace calls me to his office and gives me the news that I was traded to the Los Angeles Lakers [掌聲] 那明顯改變了我生涯的一切 that obviously changed my life in my career 我知道有些聯盟的人對這筆交易很不爽 I know some people in the league were upset about the trade 但就是發生了 but it happened right 那也是我認識一個人的地方-他讓我的球技獲得前所未有的提升 and that's where I got to know the person who elevated my game like no other 他教會了我要在最高層級獲勝所需的一切 who taught me what it took to win at the highest level 他向我展現了要成為最佳球員,你必須付諸多少心血、以及你所需要的心態 who showed me how hard you had to work and the mentality you needed to have in order to be the best 你必須做出的承諾,及作為領袖的意義和代價... the commitment you had to make, what it meant and what it took to be a leader Kobe Kobe [掌聲] 我在華盛頓加入球隊的當晚,我是在午夜後到飯店的 that night I joined the team in DC, and I got to the hotel after midnight 他給我傳訊息,說:嘿我想到你房間歡迎你、想跟你打聲招呼、想歡迎你來到湖人 he was texting me, saying Hey I want to come by your room and I want to welcome you, I want to say hello… I want to welcome you to the team 我回說會很晚喔、要半夜一點後...你確定不等到明天嗎? I said it's going to be late it's going to be like past 1 a.m., you sure you don't want to wait for tomorrow ? 他回說不用,時間沒那麼晚啦,我會去的 you said no no, it's not going to be so late, I'm coming over. 我就回說好的,聽上去不錯 I said okay sounds good 啊球隊下一場比賽是隔天中午...不過沒關係 the team had a game next day at noon so… all right 他只是想馬上、第一時間確保,我有收到消息 so he just wanted to make sure that right away, first-hand, I got the message 他說歡迎來我們球隊,我很開心你現在來了這裡,現在讓我們一起去拿下總冠軍吧 say welcome to the team, I'm happy you're here now let's go win a championship together 我回說行啊,我會一起努力的。晚安 so I said all right I'm in man I'm in. have a good night 不唬爛,真心不騙,就只有這樣,一針見血 that was it, that was it no no crap, straight to the chase 兄弟,沒有你,我就不會站在這 I wouldn't be here without you, brother 我最希望的無非是你跟Gigi今晚也能出現在我們身邊 I wish more than anything that you and Gigi are here today with us 我想你,也很愛你 I miss you and love you 謝謝你 thank you [掌聲] ------------------------------------------- 謝謝Vanessa今晚到場 thank you Vanessa for being here tonight 能成為妳的兄弟,我很驕傲,謝謝妳 proud to be your brother, thank you 優秀的女孩們(Kobe的女兒們),作為妳們的叔叔,我真的很愛妳們 and an uncle to your wonderful girls I love you guys so very much 我們想在09、10年時做到一切...這超特別的,那就是我們奮戰的目標,對吧?過去幾天 ,我一直和Dirk、Wade和Tony談論這些事情... we needed it all together 2009, 2010… it was super special I mean that's what you work for right we've been talking about this the last few days with dirk, with D Wade with Tony 所以我想謝謝湖人球團,Buss家族 so I want to thank the Lakers organization the buss family Rob,謝謝你今晚與家人一同到場 Rob, thank you for being here with your family tonight Linda Rambis, Mitch Kupchak…還有我們很棒的教練團隊 Linda Rambis, Mitch Kupchak…the amazing coaching staff that we had 我的隊友們,Derek Fisher、Lamar Odom、Andrew Bynum、Luke…今晚也有到場,謝謝你 My teammates Derek Fisher Lamar Odom Andrew Bynum Luke who's here tonight thank you for being here Sasha、Jordan、Trevor、Metta...我真的很感謝你們所有人 Sasha Jordan Trevor Metta…I'm so grateful to all of you 我希望你們能將我今天所獲得的榮譽視為自己的一部分,沒有你們,我是無法做到的 I hope that you take this honor that I'm receiving today as part of your own, without you I couldn't have done it ------------------------------------------- 特別感謝Phil Jackson,一位真正了不起的人 a special thank you to Phil Jackson, what a truly incredible man 除了向我們展示怎麼打三角戰術,我覺得最重要的是 besides showing us how to play a triangle I think the most important things were 他教會了我們正念、冥想、屏除雜念... what he taught us about mindfulness, about meditation, about blocking the noise 鼓勵我們去閱讀、陶冶我們的心智 encouraged us to read, cultivate our minds 謝謝Phil做的這一切 thank you Phil for that 然後我有了去公牛的機會,那支我們幾乎都從小崇拜並追隨的球隊...也為公牛效力了兩 年 then I had the chance the chance to go to Chicago, the team that we grew up pretty much all idolizing and following the Bulls played two years for the Bulls, 得以結識這座驚豔的城市 got to know an amazing city 謝謝Jerry和Michael Reinsdor今晚也有到場,是非常特別的兩年 thank you Jerry and Michael Reinsdorf, for being here tonight very special two years ------------------------------------------- 接著我就和馬刺簽約了,一個很了不起的球團 from there I signed with the San Antonio Spurs, what an amazing franchise Pop、Becky、Tony跟Manu... Pop Becky Tony and Manu Pop在自由市場時告訴我一件事...然後我又跟Timmy、Manu聊過 one of the things that Pop told me during free agency, and I talked to Timmy, I talked to manu 他們...你們應該懂,他們很積極的拉攏我 they're… you know they're strong right, their pitch is really strong 想想那些你會共度時光的人、想想那些會與你一同搭巴士、一同在場上奮戰的人 so think about the guys that you're going to spend time with, think about the guys that you're going to be in the bus with and playing with 這是真的,我們在球隊上花了很多時間跟隊友相處,所以我很高興有能跟你們打球的機會 It’s true, right? we spent a lot of time with teammates in our teams, so I just love the opportunity to play with you guys 那真的是段很棒的經驗,我會永遠感激 it was truly an amazing experience and I've always forever be thankful 也謝謝RC給了我這個機會 Thank you RC also for the opportunity 我的妻子和我會永遠珍惜在聖城待上的那三年,我們有許多很好的回憶,也會永遠愛著它 們。 my wife and I will always cherish those three years in San Antonio, we had so many great memories and we'll forever love them [掌聲] ------------------------------------------- 我從POP身上學到太多事情 I learned so many things about pop 明顯有籃球的部分 obviously the basketball stuff you know 從好變得更好 the good to great 在48分鐘內表現的更積極、更聰明...這些優點都相當重要 play harder and smarter than your opponent for 48 minutes, all that good stuff, it's very important 但我永遠不會忘記他告訴我的其中一件事,我會一直銘記在心、也一直牢牢記著,並已經 運用到生活中 but I'll never forget one of the things that he said, that I will take with me and I've taken with me and I've applied 那天是情人節,他這樣問:你們有送重要的另一半花嗎? it was Valentine's Day when he asked: did you guys get your significant others flowers 我們有些人很驕傲地回答有,當然得送的吧 and some of us proudly said yes yes absolutely yes for sure of course 他接著又這麼問:啊為什麼只有在情人節,你們才要送花給你們的摯愛? and he followed up with: well why does it have to be Valentine's Day for you guys to give flowers to your loved ones? 我認為這是很重要的訊息,謝謝你Pop。 so I thought that was a very important message, thank you Pop [掌聲] 最後一站去了公鹿,也是我結束了職業生涯的地方 and the lastly it is the Milwaukee Bucks, where I ended my career 我給身體造成的負擔似乎終於逮住了我,你也會明白那一刻到來時的樣子。 it seemed like the miles that I put on my body finally caught up with me so you know it is what it is 當然,如果撇除我的國家隊-我的家人們(La Familia),你就不可能會了解我作為球員 的生涯 Of course, you cannot understand my career and me as a player without my national team, La Familia, 與朋友們打了太多場戰役了 so many battles with friends 我們讓彼此更好,而你們讓我們每場比賽都得竭盡所能 we made each other better, you guys pushed us to earn every one of those…all those games 對上D-Wade和美國隊...Dirk,我們在德國也打了好多比賽...對我來說,能穿上國家隊戰 袍是莫大的榮幸 against D-wade, the USA team… Dirk, so many battles in Germany. For me representing my country was a big big deal such a privilege 但今天我們要一起進名人堂了,很瘋狂吧?很美妙吧? but today we're going into the Hall of Fame together, how crazy is that? how beautiful is that? [掌聲] ------------------------------------------- 我想感謝我的經紀人Arn和Stephen,在我的NBA生涯中為我指引方向 I wanna thank my agents Arn and Stephen for guiding me throughout my NBA career 謝謝你們倆今晚到場,你們都太棒了 thank you for being here tonight both of you. Both of you are amazing. 對於所有的物理治療師、強化教練、團隊醫生、保全...球團中的每個人,你們讓我們能 夠做好自己的工作,沒有你們,我們無法做到這一切,我們非常感謝你們的工作和奉獻 to all the physios the strength coaches the staff team doctors the security… everyone in the organization that allows us to do our job. we couldn't do it without you and we appreciate your job and dedication, so very much 所有媒體們,謝謝你們為我們提供一個平台,讓我們能夠接觸到數以百萬的人們 all the media thank you so much for everything that you do for giving us the platform to reach hundreds of millions out there 我想特別感謝我的訓練師Joaquin,他陪了我整整20年、又或是我的整個職業生涯,他一 直努力幫助我,讓我成為更好的球員,他成為了我的好友,並延長了我的職業生涯,謝謝 你。 and I wanted to take a second to especially acknowledge my trainer Joaquin, who was being with me for 20 years or throughout my career and committed to me to enhance me as a player to be a good friend, and to prolong my career as long as I did, thank you ------------------------------------------- 對我的妻子,我最最最可愛的妻子,我是世界上最幸運的男人 To my wife, to my lovely my lovely lovely lovely wife, I'm the luckiest man 謝謝妳,我的愛。 thank you love 謝謝妳成為我最好的朋友,謝謝妳對我有耐心,處理我的起起伏伏,及給我的讚美。 thank you for being my best friend, thank you for being patient with me for dealing with my ups and downs for complimenting me 妳是最棒的,我很幸運能成為妳的丈夫,很幸運能成為我們Ellie和Max的父親,妳是最棒 的。 you're the best I'm so lucky to be your husband I'm so lucky to be a father to our Ellie and Max, you're the best ------------------------------------------- 從NBA轉向下一章並不容易 Transitioning from the NBA to the next chapter is not easy 我們幾年前跟Shane談過,你會經歷低谷。對,你得找出解決辦法,這會是一個巨大的衝 擊,情緒上更是如此 We talked about it with Shane years ago… you go through a dip. right it's you've got to figure things out it's a big shock especially emotionally 雖然我能夠預先做好準備,一路上做些什麼 I was able to prepare for it, build things along the way 但仍然會遇到困難,而是因為這段時間內有妻子的支持,我才能夠克服的,謝謝妳,我的 愛 but still you struggle and having the support of my wife throughout this time has made it possible for me so thank you love [掌聲] ------------------------------------------- 總結的話 and to wrap up 正如前人所說,被付予很多的人,受到的要求也會很多。 as the old phrase has it to whom much is giving much is required 我真心相信這點 I truly believe it 追求卓越、努力成功、家庭的愛、回饋社會的認知、同情心的力量...這些都是由我優秀 的父母-兩人都在醫療領域工作-所灌輸的;受到Kobe的鼓勵,一直都想要變得傑出、成 為史詩般的人物;我美麗的妻子和家人也一直給予我支持和鼓勵。 those values the pursuit of Excellence, the drive to succeed, the love of family, the recognition to give back the power of empathy the ones instilled both my fine parents, both working in health care, home by Kobe, always wanted to be extraordinary and Epic and encouraged and supported by my beautiful wife and family 他們是我努力在我們的世界中做出更大改變的原因。我想鼓勵大家繼續尋找方法,合作、 團結起來,這樣我們的影響力就可以更無遠弗屆 They're the reason I'm committed to working to make a bigger difference in our world and I want to encourage you all to continue to find ways to join efforts, to team up, so our impact can be much larger 我們有無比獨特的機會能做到這件事 we have a unique opportunity to do so. 非常感謝大家。 thank you all very much. 來源:Pau Gasol | Full 2023 Hall of Fame Enshrinement Speech 網址:https://shorturl.ac/7bi8i -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1692892781.A.EFE.html ※ 編輯: TomasMao ( 臺灣), 08/25/2023 00:14:50
weizon : 推推 08/25 00:09
Childishan : 推 請問翻多久 08/25 00:09
rabbitu04 : 感謝毛叔 也要注意身體健康啊 08/25 00:18
kaneggyy : 推毛叔 辛苦了! 08/25 00:20
a2492409g : 推 08/25 00:21
weber0517 : 推 08/25 00:22
YellowTiger : 推 08/25 00:28
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: TomasMao ( 臺灣), 08/25/2023 00:44:07
PanaS0Nic: 保重啊 08/25 09:32
yesyoudo: 推! 08/25 13:23
clivezzz: 保重啊 08/25 21:08
coachyan: 辛苦了 08/26 00:20
liuqw: 推,保重身體 08/26 16:15
Jye: 推!辛苦了 08/28 09:07
xyyzzz: manu世界盃打得不錯 看官方6尺9為啥在nba是是打5號? 08/30 23:08
xyyzzz: 是擋拆防守太慢嗎 看了下傳球視野其實也不差 08/30 23:09
xyyzzz: Mamu 每次都打錯 08/30 23:10
Sparxxx: Mamu 穿鞋6'11 腳步太慢 不然他傳球很有創造力 08/31 11:46
xyyzzz: 還好波波奧運金牌到手趕緊卸任 不然會被新一任米國隊 09/09 12:53
xyyzzz: 氣到中風 09/09 12:56