看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
TIG> How are you spending your time currently? TLG:最近這段時間都在忙些甚麼呢? Crank: Until recently, I had shut off the internet and my phone and concentrated on my health. However I heard that Jessica did an interview from others and heard that the story was very one sided. Crank:最近為了好好養傷,我把網路跟手機都斷了。但還是聽到了Jessica做了一些 非常偏頗的聲明。 TIG> We know that you are receiving treatment for your neck, what exactly is causing the pain? TLG:我們聽說你最近針對脖子在做治療,這是怎麼受傷的呢? Crank: I have never said that it was a spinal disc herniation. I don't know why it went out like that. To be honest the neck bone is stretched in a line. It's is pressing against my muscles and nerves. And that is causing pain all the down to my hands. This has happened before but now it's coming back. I think it is due to the amount of time I spend practicing. The cause of this was because I sat in front of a desk for too long. I had this pain even when I was in the team house and went to the hospital many times because of it. Crank:其實我也不是很清楚,但我的頸骨好像伸成了一直線,間接的壓迫到我的 神經跟肌肉,也連帶影響到我的手。這是不久前的事,但我現在已經開始繳正了, 應該是我之前練習得太勤了吧,我坐在電腦前太久了。之前還在宿舍時我還因為這 傷跑了好幾次醫院。 TIG> How is it now? TLG:所以現在傷勢如何? Crank: It's slowing my game play and I can't move it very well. I didn't want to lose my game sense so I did the minimum practice and kept receiving treatment so I couldn't show good results. Even the doctor said that I should have came earlier to receive treatment. And he said to not sit in front of a desk for too long. Crank:我現在沒辦法反應和操作的很順。但我不想因為這樣讓我的手感變弱,所以 我每天還是會做一些少量的練習並且繼續參加一些比賽,但我沒辦法取得好成績。 TIG> You joined Axiom on September 26th. TLG:你在9/26加入了Axiom戰隊。 Crank: After the problems I had with Slayers died out I was preparing to quit my gaming career, but John Bain contacted me. I trusted them and I thought I could be able to fully concentrate with my games if I worked with them. Right now I am receiving monthly payment and attending foreign tournaments. I am not showing a particularly good results but they are happy to see me trying my best. After my trip to MLG I got many offers and Genna took care of it for me. And from there we decided to make our own team. Crank:跟Slayers的那些事情讓我幾乎放棄選手生涯,但John Bain跟我聯絡。 我很相信他,也認為跟他們一起可以讓我的表現更好。現在我每個月有固定的收 入,也參加了一些比賽。目前的表現還不錯,他們也很開心看到我這麼努力。 在MLG比賽後開始有人跟我聯絡,而我最後選擇了Axiom。 TIG> Let's get to the main topic. You weren't pleased with Slayers. What was the problem? TLG:那我們來談談重點吧。看起來你對Slayers非常不滿,到底出了甚麼問題? Crank: As tournament days came closer, players stopped practicing proper hours and didn't follow their schedule. I couldn't concentrate and felt that I was going downhill so I asked to renovate the team. Crank:當比賽的日子越來越近時,Slayers的選手都停止了練習,也沒有遵守 每天的計畫。這讓我感到很煩躁,為了讓自己可以保有競爭力,所以我希望 可以來個大改革。 TIG> Please tell us more about your request to renovate the team. TLG:請跟我們說說你對戰隊改革的意見。 Crank: Originally I had no plans to become a professional gamer. During my holiday from the military, MMA asked me, then I had a talk with Boxer, then I joined the team. That was around July of last year. It was a team that was recently formed and had a chance to be in a team with MMA and Boxer and they had good plans to lead the team. I wanted to trust them and go for it. But I had more disappointments than I thought. I asked Cella to renovate the team and change some parts of the team but that had no effect. So I went to Jessica and Boxer to request change to the team. During that time, a few of the 'A team' players and the people above had their relationship crushed so I was told to solve the problems within the players. Crank:最早的時候我並沒有想要當職業選手的打算。在我當兵放假的時候,MMA邀請 我加入,之後我跟包哥談了一下後就加入了Slayers。 那大概是去年七月的時候,那時Slayers還是一個剛創立的戰隊,我也有機會跟包哥和 MMA同隊,他們那時似乎對這個戰隊未來有很好的規劃,所以我加入他們。 但事實比我想像的差多了,我要求Cella對這個戰隊來個改變,但並沒有任何幫助,最 後我就找包哥跟包嫂談這個問題。那時他們跟一些一軍的選手的關係不好,所以他們 要我想辦法去修補這些關係。 TIG> Did you request it once? Many times? TLG:所以你要求他們做些改變很多次嗎? Crank: I requested a lot. After MMA started having problems with the team I was listening to both sides. In my opinion I couldn't understand why I was told to blame team problems to the players. I kept asking to change the way the team was run and I was told that they will change. The things I have requested to change was player's mind set, their bad practice atmosphere, and weak team work. I asked Boxer himself to front this change. I had never asked to make a better team. But it was always when I asked. I asked Jessica three times in her house in secret. I saw the recent interviews but I can't agree with it. I am having a hard time believing that when Boxer came back to the team house that nothing was changed. Back then, what the players wanted from the coaching staff was advice and instead what we got was them nagging to us. I didn't want them to just act like coaching staff, I wanted them to act and behave like a real coaching staff. However all Boxer did was just stay in his room and once in awhile come out to look around and go back inside. Later he said that whenever he came out he didn't see any problems. Crank:非常多次,MMA事件我兩邊的說法都有聽,我真的覺得我很雖,為什麼最後 好像這些問題都是我搞出來的。我一直希望戰隊能夠有所改變,我希望選手的心態 可以做調整,那時練習的氣氛很差,隊伍也沒有向心力。我希望包哥親自來處理 這些問題。我甚至偷偷去了包嫂家跟他談了三次。我也很期待包哥出現隊伍真的 會有所改變,但我顯然錯了。 那時選手之間不會互相幫助,他們只會嘴巴說說,但不會真的幫助你。 包哥也是大部分時間都在他房間,偶爾來看看就又回去了。之後他說他 覺得一切都很OK。 TIG> Last August, you left the team and starting streaming and looked for sponsors. What made you decide to leave the team? TLG:八月的時候你離開隊伍,並且開始做一些直播找贊助。是甚麼促使你離隊的? Crank: There are two reasons to why I left the team. Jessica kept telling me who was at home that "Team Slayers' problems right now are due to Alicia, Ryung, MMA" and kept blaming the players and I couldn't understand that. Another reason is when MMA got sent to the 'B' team is there were some confusions from the management as well as one player (unnamed) was hurt after thinking that the reasoning of the confusion was true. They told MMA that they can "change the article later on if you wanted" but the problem was already out there. So I decided to leave the team. Crank:大致上可以說有兩個原因,包嫂把Slayers的問題都怪到Alicia、MMA和Ryung 身上。另一個原因是當MMA被降到二軍那時候的事,那時隊上管理非常混亂,有一個隊員 (unnamed)因為相信了那些話而受到了某些傷害(??) 那時他們還跟MMA說如果你想的話,我們還是可以讓你回一軍。 但我覺得整個戰隊問題太多了,所以我想要離開。 TIG> It's publicly known that you left the team due to your injury. TLG:那時對外宣布你離隊的理由是因為你的傷勢。 Crank: When I was leaving the team, Jessica told me that she will release an article for me but I thought "me leaving the team isn't worthy of a press conference." But I was told that there is a new player joining us. She told me she will say I left the team due to my neck injury, and she will work her best to stop any weird rumors from spreading around. And now she is saying that I used my neck injury as an excuse to look for a foreign team. I never thought she would do that. Crank:那時包嫂跟我說她會對外宣布我的離隊,但我不覺得我離隊是需要別人 來報導的事情。後來我聽說有一個新隊員加入了Slayers,所以包嫂說她會跟外面 說我的離隊是因為傷勢,但看看她現在做的事,我永遠沒想到她會這麼做。 TIG> Tell us the process. TLG:可以跟我們說說過程嗎。 Crank: I told Cella that "I am having a difficult time following the schedule." So I told him even before the season started that "after this season I will leave the team." Then the neck pain started again. Mornings before my matches I would go to a local hospital to receive treatment. Back then I was the most passionate about GSTL and practiced the most. I tried to ignore the pain, but after the match with Fnatic the pain became too great to ignore. So I said that I would go back to my home and concentrate on getting treatment. Crank: 我跟Cella說我沒辦法照著你們的計畫走,所以我在上一季就跟他說這一季 結束我就會離隊。之後我脖子的傷又復發了,在我有比賽的早上我都會去醫院接受 治療,我一直都對GSTL有非常高的熱誠,也練得很勤。我嘗試忍著痛練習。 但在跟Fnatic的比賽後我真的忍不下去了,所以我跟他們說我希望可以回家專心接受 治療。 So I went down to Daegu and went to the hospital to receive treatment but I heard that I was in the team entry even when I wasn't even close to the team during that time. I couldn't believe it. I told them "I told you before hand that I would taking a leave of absence. Please take me out" but then Boxer got mad and said "team is looking for you how dare you rest and not come." So I said "how can you say that." Then I felt sorry and apologized and asked to talk again. After that I received a text. "I didn't understand you clearly. I didn't know the team was in this state. I will try harder this time. Get yourself together and come back." However after that Cella asked me "Would it be okay to let another player use a strategy I have planned for you." For the betterment of the team it was obvious but I was sad that there was no respect for me. But the reason why I understood him was because he had no respect and authority in the team. When I had a talk with Cella, we planned new rules and other things to change the team but when we presented it to the team there were a lot of players who disagreed and the people above us even knowing this didn't give us an advice to find a solution. Crank:所以我去了Daegu的醫院開始治療,但之後他們開始說我都不去練習的時候 我簡直不敢相信。我說我早就說了我需要缺席一陣子,但包哥就怒了,他說戰隊在 找我,我怎麼可以偷懶並且缺席。我回他"你怎麼可以這樣說",之後我馬上感到抱歉 並且跟他道歉並且希望可以跟他好好談談。之後我收到了一封訊息,"我對你的狀況 不是很清楚,我不清楚戰隊現在的狀況,我會對這個戰隊更用心,希望你可以做好準 被並且歸隊。" 後來Cella教練問我介不介意把他為我準備的戰術給其他隊員用。 說實話這對戰隊當然是好事,但我還是覺得這樣很不尊重我,但我理解Cella教練。 他在戰隊完全不被尊重也沒有任何權威。 我跟他談了很久,我們希望可以改變這個戰隊,但當我們把這個想法跟其他人講的 時候,沒有人想要理我們。 TIG> Kim Ka Yeon Manager says "He was sent home because of the injury but then he started looking for foreign team" what does she mean? TLG:Kim Ka Yeon說你因為傷勢而回家,但卻開始找國外的戰隊,這是怎麼回事呢? Crank: Before I told that I wanted to leave the team Jessica once said "'A' team players thought they were bigger than the team so their hungry mind set became less and less dominant and they want to join a foreign team because of money." So when I told her that I wanted to leave the team I made sure to tell her that it's not because of money. After many talks Jessica told me "I am sorry for the misunderstanding and thank you for working hard so far. Do what you want to do when you get home." I said "thank you for taking care of me so far. I should have showed good result like Puzzle, but I wasn't able to and for that I am sorry to leave without showing good result." Jessica then said "I want you to stay in the team even with your results" but I told her "please let me go" so that how it ended. I thought our talks were enough. However when I started playing by myself I was short of money for living costs. No I had none. It was impossible for me to keep staying as a pro gamer, and even making an environment for myself to play was impossible. So I went to streaming but even that didn't help much. So I decided to look for a personal sponsorship or a team who would want me. I said that I wanted someone who could support me and only streamed during late nights and early morning when most of the foreigners would watch. I streamed to live. I wanted to play the game. Crank:在我說我想要離隊時我聽過包嫂說"一軍的選手的翅膀們硬了,現在對戰隊 已經沒有任何歸屬感,只想要到加入國外的戰隊去賺錢。" 所以當我跟包嫂說我要 離隊的時候,我很清楚的表示完全跟錢沒有關係。 我說了很多次希望她了解。 後來包嫂也說了她很抱歉誤會我,她希望我去做我想做的事,也感謝我為戰隊做 的努力,但無論如何她還是希望我可以留下來。 但我跟她說"就讓我走吧",我覺得在離隊的事情上我處理得很乾淨。 但當我自己在家的時候我是很缺錢的,不是那種錢,是生活上的開銷。 那個狀況讓我無法保持一個職業選手的狀態,甚至連生活都很困難。所以我開始 直播,但這其實也沒有多大的幫助。 所以我希望找一些私人贊助或著是有沒有戰隊想要我。我只是希望可以幫助我做 從半夜到白天的直播,給一些外國人看。我只是想要生活,我只是想要繼續 玩這個遊戲。 During my stream a close friend sent me a tweet (Jessica's tweet) and that's how I found out the story. Honestly I was out of words and angry. Of course it looked bad to others. So I tried to call her. Because she said that I said something bad to Boxer. Logically it didn't make sense for me to lie to the team and publicly look for a foreign team on a public website. 當我在直播時,我的好朋友叫我去看包嫂的tweet,這時我才知道這件事。當時我真的 無法言語並且非常非常生氣。其他人看來當然會覺得是我的問題,所以我打電話給她, 因為她竟然說我罵包哥。你覺得我會蠢到對戰隊說謊然後又公然的找國外戰隊嗎? TIG> Can you tell us what happened during the call? TLG:你可以詳細說一下那通電話的過程嗎? Crank: First few minutes I talked to Jessica. Because my feelings were too strong it's true that I raised my voice. So I asked. "Do you still think of me like that." She replied with "I look at you the same way I look at the players who left to the foreign team for money." "You became too selfish that is why you left the team." This was totally different than what I had heard and said, thats why I raised my voice then Jessica said "How dare you raise your voice like that to your elder." I was so mad that I said "How dare you act like that." That was my fault. Crank:在前幾分鐘我是跟包嫂對話的。當時我的情緒非常高漲,我承認我的語氣 不是很好。 我說:"你真的覺得我是這種人嗎?" 包嫂說:"在我看來你就跟其他那些為了錢離開戰隊的選手一個樣。" "你就是因為自私才離開戰隊的。" 我很生氣的反駁她,接著她就說"你怎麼敢對你的長輩這麼講話" 我太不爽了所以我說"妳怎麼敢這樣做" 這是我的錯我承認。 As the call continued it started to get more heated so Boxer intercepted. "You both became too angry and it's difficult to continue to talk so I intercepted." I talked with Boxer for a long time. It was so unfair that I started crying. "Boxer, do you think the same as Jessica? Do you not think of the times I tried hard for the team?" I asked. Then he replied with "Alicia, Ryung, MMA left the team and you are the only one the blame." He meant that because I left first the others followed my example. 在包哥接電話前我們跟本已經吵起來了,接著包哥說"你們兩個現在的情緒沒有辦法 好好溝通的。所以你有甚麼問題跟我講吧。" 我跟包哥講了很久,我認為這實在很不公平所以我哭了。"包哥,你的想法跟包嫂一 樣嗎?你忘了我多少次想好好為這個戰隊做些甚麼嗎?" 包哥回"Alicia、Ryung、MMA都離隊了,但只有你被責怪" 他的意思是因為我開了先例,他們才會這樣。 As soon as I heard that I was overcome with the unfairness of blaming me for the fallout of the team. And he said "I know you tried to change the state of the team but you should have tried hard to talk to me." So then I said "What have you done while I was trying to change it?" But somehow that was changed to "What did you do for me Boxer." Near the end of the call Boxer told me "I think of both the team and you" and that "I am sorry for not being able to meet the needs of the players." So I said "Okay, I understand." After that we both agreed that it'd be better to meet face to face to discuss further and I told him tell me where and I will be there. But after that I received no calls. Last time I talked to him was August 10th. It was when feelings started to change due to the twitter statements. I found out that the call was recorded later on, that was when I realized what kind of situation this was. First, Boxer and Jessica both of whom I trusted made me into a ungrateful person and I have nothing to say to that. I just want to say sorry. 當我聽到他這樣說,我的腦子都在想這實在太不公平了。 緊接著他說"我之到你嘗試過改變戰隊的狀況,也跟我談了很多。" 我說"那你到底為戰隊做了甚麼?" 這句話後來被說成"你到底為了我做甚麼" 包哥說"我很抱歉我沒辦法幫助那些需要幫助的隊員" 我說"好吧" 後來我們都認為面對面談比較好,所以我請他跟我說他甚麼時候有空,我會去找他。 但我之後卻沒有接到一通電話。我上次跟他談的時候是8/10,就從那個twitter開始。 後來我發現那段通話被錄音了,這時我才知道這整個情況。首先,包哥跟包嫂 把我塑造成一個壞人,但我完全無法反駁。 我只想說聲抱歉。 TIG> Were there any problems with any other players? TLG:那他們有跟其他隊員有任何問題嗎? Crank: There weren't any problems. If I was the problem of the team it was only just a problem nothing that would ruin a whole atmosphere of the team. The only person who said that they'll take the blame and gave me advice was MMA. Alicia never had any problems with the team. He wasn't exactly close to the coaching staff but he never did anything to harm the atmosphere. Even though the team knew of such issue they gave Alicia the captain's position. When Alicia couldn't fulfill the duties of the captain, they gave me the vice-captain position and told me to look after the team. I was very shocked but I lived as if I owed Boxer so I did what I was told. So I tried my best to fix the problems within the team. That's why I tried my best to fix the problems even though I hated it. I was doing the schedules for online team leagues such as waiting for foreign players, making the team entry roster and all the other small jobs that come with it. When Cella was unavailable I was the most concentrated about team leagues. When we got second place in GSTL I found out that there was a problem within the team. The upper management was very disappointed in us and told Cella and I that we should forfeit GSTL. I was surprised when I heard that. It was their fault that team wasn't in an idle position and they were blaming the players for it. The upper management even asked for my advice about this. They knew that I was very involved with the team league and fixing the problems. 沒有,如果只有我有問題的話那戰隊會變這樣嗎?當時他們跟我說只有MMA會被挑出來 鞭。Alicia雖然不怎麼幫忙練習但他並沒有做出傷害隊伍的事。當時他們甚至要讓 ALicia當隊長,但Alicia沒辦法盡到隊長的責任,所以他們希望我當副隊長,並希望 我能夠幫忙管理戰隊。我那時很震驚,但為了包哥所以我做了。所以我一直想辦法 可以改變戰隊的狀況和氣氛。 當Cella沒空的時候,我負責了戰隊一切的大小事情,像魏了線上賽跟國外的選手 做聯繫之類的。當我們在GSTL獲得第二名時我發現了戰隊的種種問題。 那時戰隊高層對我們只奪得第二名很失望,他們在怪罪選手們。 之後他們開始詢問我的意見要怎麼改變戰隊,我也一直嘗試幫忙。 TIG> Do you have any other stories to share? TLG:你還有其他的事情想要分享一下嗎 Crank: I am just very sad that I am seen as an ungrateful and unthankful person. When the upper management couldn't drive us to the matches, I borrowed the vehicle from them and even drove the players to the matches. I took a good care of them. Even for 1v1 leagues and GSTL team leagues I drove them. I tried my best to fix the problem of the commuting issue. I don't like driving but I sacrificed myself to make the team smoother and to fix the problem. As I said before I felt as if I owed Boxer and I told him that. That's why I was never nervous or shy when I was doing the team's work. Crank:我只想說我很難過我現在被當成一個無情無義的人。當戰隊無法載我們 去比賽的時候,我甚至去借交通工具然後載每個選手去比賽,我真的盡心盡力了。 不管是GSTL或著是個人聯賽我都這麼做,我也盡力去幫忙選手跟管理者做溝通。 我不喜歡當中間者,但我盡最大的努力去幫忙。我說過了我把這一切都當作是 我欠包哥的。所以我從來不會覺得做這些很煩。 TIG> Any last words? TLG:最後還有甚麼話要說嗎? Crank: This interview wasn't to show that I am innocent. But I wanted to show the other side of the story instead of just having one person saying their own opinions. And I felt that it was too one sided. As I say again, I don't think the road I took is the best way. But I just wanted to say how much I worked for Slayers. I can't believe that I worked so hard for the team and now they are making me as a liar. I can't understand that. But I want to apologize. Even though there were reasons for my mistakes but I am sorry for the parts where I have misbehaved Crank:我不是要出來撇清的,我只是想讓大家聽聽另一邊的說法。因為有人 太偏頗了。我不認為做得多好,但我真的為Slayers盡心盡力了。 我無法相信我做了這麼多,最後竟然被挑出來鞭。 但不管怎樣我還是想要道歉,雖然我是無心的,但做錯了就是做錯了。 -- AbianMa19:維修太imba了... 10/20 15:19 AbianMa19:這版本來就已經是三族最接近的一次了 還在戰imba太外行 10/20 15:38 AbianMa19:本來就是誰強誰晉級 這版本已經是空前平衡 還在戰imba的 10/20 15:42 AbianMa19:根本外行 10/20 15:42 #1GWczMQH 你,今天外行了嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
FAlin:這一篇文章值 583 Ptt幣 10/22 23:52
allqwdd:翻了40分鐘 如果再只有25我會崩潰 10/22 23:53
ck321:用心給推 10/22 23:54
blackcat3399:好長 先推再看 10/22 23:54
sakubo:推 坐等錄音帶 10/22 23:55
miha80425:誰有問題 終於明瞭了 J大大....你臭了 10/22 23:56
Adonisy:看來他和原本隊員的關係本來就有點問題 10/22 23:56
skychy:我覺得Crank根本是唬爛居多,最好是養傷要斷網路斷手機... 10/22 23:57
momogo11:沒聽過靜養嗎.. 10/22 23:58
skychy:要養傷應該就是停止練習,斷網路斷手機根本只是推托而已 10/22 23:59
a524528:他這篇的重點根本不是他為何要離隊,而是slayers的問題 10/22 23:59
GLHF:推 卸責任 10/22 23:59
eminemqoo:他這裡提到的工作不太像選手 而比較像助教/戰隊管理 10/22 23:59
skychy:而且以時下年輕人的想法,沒網路沒手機最好能夠「靜養」 10/22 23:59
RWAllenL:選手為了錢離開又錯在哪了 我覺得公司很摳還不能走喔 10/22 23:59
storyh69476:看下來之後,我希望有人整理出重點(被打 10/22 23:59
suwilliam:想賺P幣記得別用複製貼上~話說......CRANK你到底想說啥? 10/22 23:59
momogo11:戰隊推給他管理才好笑 10/22 23:59
gargoyles:外面的不幫練 自己隊員又不幫 難怪MMA要做意象練習XD 10/23 00:00
NicoRobin26:crank成績還沒拿出來就學人受傷 10/23 00:00
eminemqoo:就打雜啊 10/23 00:00
callwilliam:說真的 兩邊都有問題 不會只有一邊有問題 10/23 00:00
skychy:假設包哥是這串事件中最沒隱瞞的,那從他質問Crank為什麼缺 10/23 00:00
eminemqoo:然後隊上氣氛很糟糕應該是想像的出來的事(難怪有人開始 10/23 00:01
eminemqoo:練LOL 10/23 00:01
q253upng:這樣說是slayers根本就是從根部爛掉的? 10/23 00:01
skychy:席的時候,就代表Crank根本是用生病當藉口翹隊了~ 10/23 00:01
momogo11:有沒有病 叫他拿證明馬上知道了 不過這邊他看不到XD 10/23 00:01
jack19931993:終於有不同角度的說法了 劇情繼續展開!! 10/23 00:02
callwilliam:假設他拿出醫院證明 那就好玩了 10/23 00:02
skychy:什麼叫做無法反駁「包哥包嫂把我塑造成一個壞人」.... 10/23 00:02
skychy:....因為他根本就是做錯事啦!講的好像很委屈一樣... 10/23 00:03
momogo11:lol 如果他講的是真的 那裡做錯事 10/23 00:03
lukenming:看他的描述 感覺是性格怪異的一個人 10/23 00:03
sakubo:不管怎樣 更多抓馬!! 10/23 00:03
momogo11:如果是真的 反而是老包管理有問題吧 也沒信用 10/23 00:03
monemama1979:Crank一波反打 10/23 00:04
Taeja:那個比較想問MMA什麼時候才要認真贏比賽阿 10/23 00:04
yogoyogo2006:感謝翻譯 10/23 00:04
lukenming:就我看來 他的事情正常人好好談都沒事 但他卻弄得很詭異 10/23 00:04
skychy:如果Crank講的是真的就算了,但是不只包哥包嫂不相信,看了 10/23 00:04
skychy:這個專訪,我想ptt大部分的人也不相信他的說法吧..(太推托 10/23 00:05
elong:另悲明明幫你們做牛做馬作到死 為了生活離開為啥要鞭我 10/23 00:05
gcg92615:看不太懂他的離隊到底是怎樣?又說受傷 又說想直接走人 10/23 00:05
yogoyogo2006:糟糕 我挺相信的@@ 10/23 00:05
kira925:有沒有病很簡單啊 拿病歷就知道了阿... 10/23 00:05
a524528:但是我想他關於slayers的問題講的應該是真的 10/23 00:06
Arnol:神經病.... 10/23 00:06
momogo11:我也很相信耶 明天來看看外國人相不相信 10/23 00:06
monemama1979:Crank這一波的timing有點怪呀 10/23 00:06
sakubo:管理有沒有問題很明顯了吧? 10/23 00:06
kira925:而如果slayers這樣對待選手 那又何德何能要求Crank忠誠? 10/23 00:06
Tornadola:包嫂把錄音公布就知Crank說真說假了 10/23 00:06
eminemqoo:受傷 缺席 被罵 想走人 連起來並沒有衝突 10/23 00:06
iambiaggi:想到國外賺錢就直說阿,講的這麼悲憤有用嗎... 10/23 00:06
Flyingheart:他的個性問題很大~~~ 對戰隊環境不爽就應該早點換戰隊 10/23 00:06
skychy:除了「斷網路斷手機」的養傷方式讓我質疑以外... 10/23 00:07
momogo11:其實有個人 都沒人去問..IDRA待過那一段時間 10/23 00:07
jack19931993:已經一堆聲明指出管理有問題了啊 (茶 10/23 00:07
lukenming:這個人性格太怪異 說的真誠 但處事方面可能有相當的問題 10/23 00:07
momogo11:問他環境是不是這樣 馬上知道 10/23 00:07
loserlin:怪了 怎麼大家看的差這麼多 整篇不就是Crank對戰隊現況 10/23 00:07
a524528:錄音也只是公布他有沒用很難聽的話嗆包哥而以阿 10/23 00:07
kira925:裡面有說他很早就跟Cella提他打完GSTL(第三季吧)就要離隊 10/23 00:07
jack19931993:反正一開始就知道事情不是單純的只有一方錯吧 10/23 00:07
skychy:一邊又說病痛沒辦法去隊上,然後之後還能加入Ax隊? 10/23 00:07
loserlin:不滿所以離隊 然後出來解釋一下自己不是戰犯 這樣而已嗎 10/23 00:07
skychy:如果我是Ax經理,我真的會去聘請一個負傷沒辦法打好比賽的 10/23 00:08
kira925:現在很簡單:Cella看是要證實還是要否定Crank說的 10/23 00:08
skychy:選手嗎? 10/23 00:08
eminemqoo:他已經放棄MLG養傷了 在這次爆發前 10/23 00:08
kira925:TB完全知道Crank的傷勢 skychy可以不用瞎猜 10/23 00:09
Flyingheart:這個人就是覺得其他人都不好好為戰隊想 只有他是清流 10/23 00:09
Taeja:他的戰術有點猛 太假都被他幹爆了= = 10/23 00:09
capssan:其實為了錢離開真的沒什麼 可是一直強調不是為了錢 很難看 10/23 00:09
monemama1979:看來就等MMA出來說明了 10/23 00:09
capssan:選手本來就可以為了錢離開的啊 一直說這跟錢沒關係真的.. 10/23 00:09
momogo11:他是強調為了生活 不是為了賺大錢.. 10/23 00:09
kira925:在更之前TB也贊助了Crank去打國外大賽(忘記是哪個) 10/23 00:09
eminemqoo:Axiom戰隊老闆跟他關係很好 有可能知道他有傷還收他啊 10/23 00:09
momogo11:兩個其實真的有差 10/23 00:10
eminemqoo:贊助MLG 10/23 00:10
RWAllenL:他明明是說他離隊是覺得隊伍問題很大 10/23 00:10
momogo11:不然你以為他在TExL 有月薪喔 10/23 00:10
a524528:我比較好奇關於slayers的經營問題包嫂要怎麼回應 10/23 00:10
Adonisy:crank真的不能好好說嗎?不覺得他們不能好好說 10/23 00:10
eminemqoo:應該說Axiom會創立跟Crank有關 10/23 00:10
jack19931993:可能他的認知生活所須的錢跟娛樂的錢是不同的吧 10/23 00:10
momogo11:而且他之前水準 有人肯簽他 真的是佛心 10/23 00:10
capssan:說一堆為了生活 那就是為了錢啊= = 誰管多還少 10/23 00:10
Flyingheart:為了生活沒錯啊 只是跟這種人當同事滿痛苦的~~ 10/23 00:11
jack19931993:他只是想強調他是為了生活賺錢 不是為了娛樂賺 10/23 00:11
kira925:差很多 他又不是Naniwa賣掉房子回去國家還給他房子住 10/23 00:11
a524528:總是要說些話來給自己台階下吧,這些話也沒哪裡不好阿 10/23 00:11
jack19931993:我也覺得喜歡錢沒什麼可恥啊 大家都喜歡 :) 10/23 00:11
eminemqoo:原本事件爆發把選手跟貪扯在一塊 依此回應很正常 10/23 00:11
kira925:而且他講的Slayers內部問題遠比他跳去國外戰隊重要太多吧 10/23 00:12
monemama1979:看來大家不太相信Crank的養傷說 10/23 00:12
momogo11:我相信阿(茶 10/23 00:13
loserlin:可是講到現在 slayers內部的問題也還不明朗啊 10/23 00:13
kira925:Jessica講了一大堆 沒回應過Slayers內部出了什麼問題 10/23 00:13
skychy:我覺得Slayers內部問題是一回事,Crank本身的問題是另一回 10/23 00:13
jack19931993:賽前選手都不練習 這還蠻詭異的 10/23 00:13
capssan:也沒其他S的隊員出來說清楚到底是怎樣~ 10/23 00:13
skychy:事... 今天這個專訪,只是Crank跳出來說「此地無銀xxx」 10/23 00:13
momogo11:內部問題應該很嚴重吧 搞了半天沒人講 10/23 00:13
jack19931993:這種氣氛如果是真的 那蠻糟糕的... 10/23 00:13
RWAllenL:Crank說他覺得隊伍問題很大想離隊哪裡有問題 10/23 00:13
lukenming:簡單來說 這人處世能力有問題 10/23 00:14
momogo11:對 很有問題 選SLAYER那一刻就是錯誤的選擇 10/23 00:14
Tornadola:內部問題是一回事 好好的說想轉隊 有沒轉成的嗎?? 10/23 00:14
capssan:當初S成立的時候多風光 全職業圈的都想進去吧= = 10/23 00:15
Tornadola:看完文章 讓我更期待包嫂的完整錄音檔... 10/23 00:15
elong:...DRG當初就打槍Boxer不進去 10/23 00:15
lukenming:對照其他人 轉隊理由也跟他差不多 偏偏他有事 10/23 00:15
capssan:DRG說了他不適合S這種軍隊式的管理 10/23 00:16
kira925:所有轉隊成功的 都是在MMA事件之前 10/23 00:16
a524528:很多人都沒轉乘阿MMA,CRANK,阿立蝦可能也是 10/23 00:16
elong:是啊 所以哪來全職業的都想去? 10/23 00:16
monemama1979:太甲表示 10/23 00:16
eminemqoo:那通電話應該會有一堆吵架的情緒話吧 10/23 00:16
capssan:合理懷疑是在J經理爆發之後C想轉 掃到颱風尾 10/23 00:17
lukenming:你說的那些他們是同一批的 其他桿子太假不是轉得爽爽的 10/23 00:17
capssan:你真愛挑語病 好啦好啦 大部分職業圈都想進去 行了吧? 10/23 00:17
wumacomsum:莫名有種心酸的感覺Q_Q 10/23 00:17
kira925:四個轉隊的:Taeja/Ganzi/Sleep在事件之前 Golden則是同天 10/23 00:17
kira925:宣布 10/23 00:17
RWAllenL:我也想知道包嫂所謂的錄音檔有啥料 如果只是吵架的錄音就 10/23 00:17
RWAllenL:不用拿出來了 10/23 00:17
momogo11:合理懷疑 沒轉隊金的都要轟 10/23 00:17
loserlin:錄音檔也只是弄出部分選手的問題 戰隊跟聯盟也是重點啊 10/23 00:18
yogoyogo2006:阿勇本來不是也要轉@@? 10/23 00:18
j9145:Crank劣勢下空投一波到包哥主礦來逼包嫂回救。 10/23 00:18
kira925:歐,我不小心看錯了 四個都是在MMA事件之前 10/23 00:18
momogo11:所以 像偷跑DRAGON 和這位都有事 10/23 00:18
a524528:包嫂的錄音黨如果沒其他人的部分就是吵架而已 10/23 00:18
kira925:阿勇沒轉成阿 Fnatic找了aLive過去 10/23 00:18
capssan:轉的四個都有拿轉隊金嗎 10/23 00:19
kira925:沒有公布沒人知道 10/23 00:19
a524528:不知道,沒人出來回應 10/23 00:19
eminemqoo:Ryung的問題照解散聲明來看包嫂覺得是mma帶壞的 10/23 00:19
Elkardian:Kim Ka Yeon, 就是金佳妍 10/23 00:20
Esca:crank覺得的問題起點是所有人都不照表練習讓他心情煩躁? 10/23 00:20
phykevin:開個公開會讓被點名的人攤牌對峙 應該蠻精彩的XDD 10/23 00:20
RWAllenL:有種公司留不住人 老闆怪人為了錢出走的感覺 10/23 00:21
capssan:所以包嫂認為是J帶壞孩子 C卻說戰隊早壞了 應該是這樣吧? 10/23 00:21
Tornadola:有意願放人 又不是鎖死合約不給走 想放沒走成就不算? 10/23 00:21
kira925:因為沒人知道是為什麼沒談成 Jessica只說談一半就失敗了 10/23 00:22
kira925:假設他開個五百萬美金 你覺得他是要賣還是不賣? 10/23 00:22
kira925:因為不知道原因 所以沒轉成的根本算不進來 10/23 00:23
Tornadola:哇 那MMA那個 包嫂怎麼沒被打爆 10/23 00:23
Esca:感覺crank避開了他自己問題的起點去談戰隊的管理問題 10/23 00:24
iambiaggi:本來就可以為錢走,但包嫂是不爽說要養傷又加入國外吧 10/23 00:24
capssan:你也應該反過來看說不定是包嫂一開始就把問題放歪了 10/23 00:24
TheMidnight:確實Crank在合理化的他的出走 10/23 00:25
ping1777:照他說法包嫂非常情緒化.....帶隊毀滅似乎也不意外 10/23 00:25
capssan:戰隊內早就有問題 包嫂卻認為是J造成的 也有這可能吧? 10/23 00:25
a524528:CRANK這篇主要也是說:你們slayers解散跟我沒關係別怪我 10/23 00:25
eminemqoo:兩邊都在合理化 所以有戲 10/23 00:25
kira925:所以說去假設Ryung可以走或不能走是假議題:因為他就是沒 10/23 00:25
kira925:有走成 10/23 00:25
idiotdog:感覺就像小屁孩避重就輕,一直說自己為戰隊好,可是什麼也 10/23 00:26
suwilliam:八卦久了就變羅生門~就像小李子~話說現在有沒有比賽看? 10/23 00:26
idiotdog:沒做,離隊後馬上就在找新的金主,還說自己不是為了錢... 10/23 00:26
Tornadola:假設這麼多幹嘛 包嫂要是死要錢不放人那前面MMA那Mail 10/23 00:27
Tornadola:早該被打爆了 10/23 00:27
Esca:重點還是為什麼戰隊的氣氛會變那麼糟,這幾乎沒講 10/23 00:27
yogoyogo2006:他有離隊馬上找金主嗎 @@ 10/23 00:28
eminemqoo:有講啊~J跟MMA 10/23 00:28
capssan:對阿 戰隊氣氛為什麼會差成這樣 就因為被ESF排擠 = =? 10/23 00:28
kira925:那封MAIL根本就亞利安辯證法.... 10/23 00:28
jack19931993:他當然什麼也做不了啊 因為該做事的包哥也沒做啊 10/23 00:28
Esca:一直講狀況已經很糟的時候根本毫無幫助 10/23 00:28
kira925:MMA想轉隊七月的事情 包嫂拿9/5他想塞給TL的信說明 10/23 00:28
capssan:Crank說的好像是戰隊一開始就有了問題 不是J開始的 10/23 00:29
a524528:那封mail其實沒回答道問題阿,他只是拿另一封說我沒有喔 10/23 00:29
RWAllenL:因為戰隊爛掉要離開 跟之後為了錢找新戰隊根本沒衝突 10/23 00:29
yogoyogo2006:他不是講他進來的時候狀況就很糟了 搞不好他也不知道 10/23 00:29
eminemqoo:我說的是包嫂的聲明 J是什麼時間點出問題的? 10/23 00:29
a524528:就說那是表面話了,你相信也好不相信也好 10/23 00:30
RWAllenL:我還比較相信Crank說法 因為事實就是Slayers要解散了 10/23 00:30
capssan:但是也沒有證據證明包嫂拿高轉隊金不讓MMA轉隊不是嗎= = 10/23 00:30
RWAllenL:早點閃人是正確的 10/23 00:30
eminemqoo:J負責管理的FB跟Twitter在2月就停止更新 10/23 00:30
kira925:沒有 重點是他那個說明毫無證據力 10/23 00:30
capssan:如果真的是跟EG拿錢塞TL免費 為什麼EG不出來說點話 10/23 00:31
eminemqoo:TL免費為什麼不要MMA要SEA? 要求的薪資太貴嗎? 10/23 00:31
capssan:TL有說那時候再談SEA的樣子了 10/23 00:32
eminemqoo:從SEA的加入 TL確實有位置要收一位新隊員 10/23 00:32
Tornadola:所以兩邊都沒證據力 就先怪到戰隊上? 10/23 00:33
idiotdog:他說他想回家專心接受治療,然後回家發現缺錢活不下去,接 10/23 00:33
guest001:除了包嫂以外,其他人還要在電競圈混下去 10/23 00:33
a654:我的感覺他就是整天在戰隊破壞氣氛的嘴炮魔人阿... 10/23 00:34
idiotdog:著就趕快找贊助和有沒有戰隊要他~ 如果翻譯沒錯,都他講的 10/23 00:34
LOKI930351:一群白癡,CRANK傳引刀偷主堡,你們還再看正面 10/23 00:34
a524528:EG幹嘛出來,他沒被掃阿,沒必要淌這個渾水 10/23 00:34
arye:你是來秀簽名檔的吧 10/23 00:34
damnedfish:整個戰隊搞爛了,怎看都不像這小子搞得出來的 10/23 00:34
guest001:EG當然不會現在出來跟包嫂吵,因為對往後毫無幫助 10/23 00:34
JMeiLe:不論選手怎樣 這事只證明包哥無法管理戰隊 10/23 00:34
a654:他的工作怎麼好像就是跟包哥還有包嫂講要怎麼經營S 10/23 00:34
a524528:這問題跟crank絕對無關,我不覺得他有那麼大的影響力 10/23 00:35
damnedfish:如果嘴砲魔能搞到其他3個選手離隊也太強大 10/23 00:35
capssan:我說明的不好 我想說的是假設是EG被索高金額的話 10/23 00:35
eminemqoo:9/5 T8才跟結束SPL季後賽沒多久 那時候Sea想跳海外應該 10/23 00:35
eminemqoo:才開始接觸國外戰隊沒多久 10/23 00:36
kira925:倒數幾段有Crank被丟了個副隊長的職務 10/23 00:36
capssan:SEA不是說了他很久以前就認識TL的人了嗎 10/23 00:36
GUYDA:其實他說法有點怪怪的 包哥戰隊內部的確有問題 10/23 00:37
kira925:那身為一個接近管理者的角色 他認為戰隊出問題跟老闆抱怨 10/23 00:37
kira925:你認為對或錯? 10/23 00:37
capssan:他當初入隊那篇報導有說到 TL很早之前就跟他有認識 10/23 00:37
Tornadola:戰隊一開始太有錢 缺錢後 大家就想跑了吧... 10/23 00:37
lukenming:他沒有說到MMA的事件為什麼會責怪他 只說了為什麼都怪他 10/23 00:37
guest001:我是EG,即使真的被索高額轉隊費也不會現在出來跟包嫂槓 10/23 00:37
kira925:他身為選手跟Cella教練希望戰隊環境變好 這對或錯? 10/23 00:37
GUYDA:不過太甲等轉隊也都是很順利 怎有些人就會出事 10/23 00:38
eminemqoo:正式接觸探詢啊 而同時免轉隊金的Slayers選手被丟出來 10/23 00:38
guest001:我是EG「的話」 漏了幾個字 10/23 00:38
a524528:他有說阿,就是因為包嫂認為他用不正規的方式離隊阿 10/23 00:38
lukenming:後面一直道歉 是在因為MMA事件道歉? 10/23 00:38
eminemqoo:會比較也很正常 10/23 00:38
kira925:重新推一次:四個轉成功的都是MMA事件之前轉的 10/23 00:38
Flyingheart:Crank他當完兵了 為了生活也情有可原 只是個性有問題 10/23 00:39
eminemqoo:因為那通吵架電話 想像的出來應該會有難聽話 10/23 00:39
damnedfish:他道歉是說口氣惡劣吧 10/23 00:39
Flyingheart:挺他的人多看看他直播吧 不然他可能有生活困難~ 10/23 00:39
TheMidnight:又一篇爆了... SlayerS真的惠版良多 XD 10/23 00:39
capssan:跟SEA應該談很久了吧 訪談中有看到SEA問了很多人意見 10/23 00:39
lukenming:促使他離隊的原因是 MMA事件 我說的是這個 他沒說明 10/23 00:40
yogoyogo2006:他離隊不是為了MMA吧@@ 10/23 00:40
GUYDA:這篇感覺很容易被包嫂A平.. 包嫂只要剪輯部分錄音檔 10/23 00:41
Tornadola:不太認為他算接近管理者 老闆的作風改不改本來就不是員 10/23 00:41
Tornadola:工能左右的 10/23 00:41
GUYDA:依照他在電話的氣憤 可能啥鬼話都說出來了 很難挽回吧 10/23 00:41
kira925:所以他說他要走人啊 10/23 00:42
damnedfish:大概說了些垃圾話吧,吵架的話其實也難免 10/23 00:42
lukenming:Q問他促使離隊原因 他回答MMA事件 後面說為何都怪罪他 10/23 00:42
capssan:剪輯應該會被抓包吧 神人這麼多.. 10/23 00:42
kira925:就差在你相信他是為了錢走 還是在Slayers待不下去走 10/23 00:42
jack19931993:電話裡頂多出現一堆髒話 黑的是人品而已 10/23 00:42
GUYDA:搞不好電話就直接腦衝說了一些自己都忘記說過的事情 10/23 00:42
Tornadola:要放應該會放完整的吧 包嫂前面的文好像有說了 10/23 00:42
wtao:(」 ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪 10/23 00:43
lukenming:所以他沒有說到MMA事件為何是怪罪他 10/23 00:43
kira925:那不是Jessica要說明的事情嗎 10/23 00:43
RWAllenL:為了錢走又沒什麼 現實中一堆人離職還不是會說一些好聽話 10/23 00:43
GUYDA:我說的是剪輯 不是剪接 公開部分對他最不利的那些時間點 10/23 00:43
firet:所以到底是TIG還是TLG 10/23 00:44
GUYDA:不放只要說會保護其他選手&跟此回應無關就好 10/23 00:44
kira925:Jessica放話57:38大放送了阿 就等著瞧吧 10/23 00:44
damnedfish:個人覺得就算真為錢轉隊其實也沒啥,可能他們看很重吧 10/23 00:44
jack19931993:包嫂都說了檔案有50多分 不全公開反而令人起疑勒 10/23 00:44
eminemqoo:他不是管理者而是管理 主要還是處理雜務 10/23 00:44
kira925:TIG 10/23 00:44
lukenming:他既然要澄清 就要把事情講清楚吧 10/23 00:44
damnedfish:而且最核心"戰隊為啥會爛掉"跟他應該沒啥關係 10/23 00:45
ckgegg:再多一點 再多一點 剛好可以配宵夜 XDDDD 10/23 00:45
capssan:SLAYERS內部的問題..可能Cella是最清楚的吧 10/23 00:45
lukenming:仔細一想我好像沒對甚麼劇情這麼熱衷過 XDDDDDDDDDD 10/23 00:45
damnedfish:他頂多只是戰隊爛掉後開第一槍的人而已 10/23 00:45
ckgegg:如果Cella真的這麼沒地位 怎麼不出來咬一下 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 10/23 00:45
GUYDA:以[保護其他選手]為出發點 可以解釋說了太多其他人的隱私 10/23 00:45
yogoyogo2006:他不是說 進去的時候就爛掉了= = 10/23 00:46
capssan:感覺Cella就是個不想惹事的好好先生..=.= 10/23 00:46
GUYDA:不知道有沒有神人要把兩邊說法抓來對質 看誰說法有漏洞 10/23 00:47
kullan:還是等包嫂把57:38放出來吧 究竟是虛張聲勢還是毀滅一切 10/23 00:47
capssan:好了各位休息一下 趕快去補糧食坐等MMA的英文翻譯 10/23 00:47
IL2:Crank的問題是要釐清到底是純轉隊 還是想去別隊卻說謊要退役吧 10/23 00:48
capssan:C就跟龍哥一樣阿 說要退了回家發現還是想打 就找國外戰隊 10/23 00:49
RWAllenL:如果只是樓上的問題 那我覺得包嫂太大驚小怪 10/23 00:49
capssan:當然嘴巴上是這樣講啦 誰知道他是不是早有預謀 10/23 00:49
RWAllenL:一堆運動都有那種退休又復出 復出又退休的戲碼了 10/23 00:49
eminemqoo:Cella的twitter在解散聲明發出後還有活動 不過主要是心 10/23 00:50
eminemqoo:情鬱卒的抒發 10/23 00:51
triplee:現在的資訊要怎麼解讀就看你選哪邊站 10/23 00:51
IL2:信用問題 如果當初是說實話想轉隊,不放人就只是包嫂沒度量 10/23 00:51
a524528:一定有部分是包嫂沒放阿,不然問題也沒那麼多 10/23 00:52
LOKI930351:當然是戰選手這邊,哀一看就知道"包餿"心機重 10/23 00:57
wtao: 嫂 10/23 01:00
wtao:WTF 包餿水 嗎? 10/23 01:00
LOKI930351:wato終於領會了,噓,這只可意會不能言傳 10/23 01:03
doom3:這一集很普通... 坐等下一集MMA 10/23 01:07
miha80425:Crank明顯是MMA那派的 而且被洗腦 J先生就是結論 10/23 01:18
jumpballfan:他有問題 但把解散問題都推給他包嫂問題也很大 10/23 01:19
eminemqoo:從聲明中被抓出來鞭 他就不屬於包嫂派的了 10/23 01:20
miha80425:其實問題不在他 那時時間點太敏感 包嫂那時已經失去理智 10/23 01:21
miha80425:同一時間一堆人造反 又一個MMA帶進來的說要請假 10/23 01:22
miha80425:包嫂會這樣其實不難理解 但Crank就是衰而已 10/23 01:23
miha80425:Cella論 這我只能說有人洗腦的很徹底 10/23 01:24
killerbank:戰隊解散其實是有太多的問題,很難把責任全都歸究於一 10/23 01:29
killerbank:個人或是某一方...... 10/23 01:30
killerbank:昔日並肩作戰情同家人的一群人如今反目成仇針鋒相對實 10/23 01:36
killerbank:在很令人感到婉惜...... 10/23 01:37
glen:太有趣了 曾經風光的戰隊搞到這樣 真是"峰迴路轉 撲朔迷離"XD 10/23 01:41
teddy78924:重點問題很清楚 處理方法很模糊 10/23 01:55
Asty:MMA到底要不要出來講 他連"奴隸的賣身契"都說出口了 10/23 03:06
Asty:我很好奇到底是怎樣的合約.. 10/23 03:07
suwilliam:一簽十幾年這樣嗎? 10/23 03:07
duolon:=======講難聽一點就一群SC2上不了韓國中上層的爛咖======= 10/23 03:17
duolon:=======為了利益再互相鬥爭而已 包哥包嫂跟這些對立者===== 10/23 03:18
duolon:=======一樣爛 包哥根本就是沒SC2高手實力 靠一代光環===== 10/23 03:18
duolon:=======再騙奶粉錢(它自己也很清楚自己的斤兩 所以待人==== 10/23 03:19
duolon:=======比較誠懇 包嫂就像阿扁老婆一樣 太精了所以比較==== 10/23 03:20
duolon:====尖酸刻薄你懂得女人的 至於這篇那個對立者口口聲聲==== 10/23 03:21
duolon:====說要幫助戰隊 這種人我最了解了因為我就是這種人====== 10/23 03:21
duolon:====就是自己也沒啥遊戲實力 看到包哥戰隊光環 就靠嘴巴=== 10/23 03:22
duolon:====上的嘴泡跟沒實力的純熱血 想一堆爛點子想幫助戰隊==== 10/23 03:22
duolon:====實際上他這種人搞下去 越幫越忙 實際上搞到大家更不=== 10/23 03:23
duolon:====團結 根本就是幫倒忙跟製造分裂(它只要一句我方法錯了= 10/23 03:24
duolon:====對不起我以為可以幫忙戰隊就了事了 這種靠嘴巴不靠實== 10/23 03:25
duolon:====力的人最危險 它越想幫忙會越把戰隊搞越遭 越分裂===== 10/23 03:25
duolon:==換角度 包哥包嫂為了賺奶粉錢後行為上真的不是什麼好東西 10/23 03:27
duolon:==不過也不能怪他們 SC2就是實力至上 你包哥光環在強還是== 10/23 03:28
duolon:==沒有收到強者就是騙不了人 還想靠簽山頂明星那種奴隸約 10/23 03:29
duolon:==把實力不錯的選手榜死當奴隸 想當然爾會鬧到現在這樣 10/23 03:29
duolon:==包嫂行為 現在簡單說就是找一個替死鬼猛K來轉移自身邪惡 10/23 03:30
duolon:==榜約行為的焦點轉移罷了 10/23 03:30
tsungg:斷 10/23 03:34
angusleeee:正 10/23 03:40
haohwang:在包嫂看來crank就跟其他那些為了錢離開戰隊的選手一個樣 10/23 03:44
a8330028:戰隊高層究竟有多少人? 不就是包哥、嫂 C教練+J 10/23 03:45
haohwang:crank離隊前跟包嫂解釋完全不是因為錢的原因,包嫂也理解 10/23 03:45
haohwang:還跟crank說希望他做自己想做的事。結果不到半個月,crank 10/23 03:46
a8330028:不過看得出來戰隊無論上下或是平行間溝通真的很有問題 10/23 03:46
haohwang:轉去別隊伍...現在才在解釋說是為了生活所需(的錢)?啊 前 10/23 03:47
haohwang:面藉口1.隊伍氣氛不好2.傷勢3.離隊不是為了錢 都是說假的 10/23 03:48
haohwang:為了生活要錢不可恥,可恥的是離隊時跟老闆說不是因為錢 10/23 03:52
a8330028:目前看起來包哥真的太不沾鍋了 10/23 03:54
haohwang:crank這樣做其他隊員見了會怎麼想?難怪包哥包嫂會把他拿 10/23 03:54
haohwang:來當作戰隊解散的原因之一。其他先前離隊的都不提,就提他 10/23 03:55
a8330028:幾乎大部分人的意見都是衝著包嫂 包哥幾乎無作為 10/23 03:55
a8330028:對一個圍繞著包哥而建立的隊伍 包哥本身卻好像沒有存在感 10/23 04:00
killerbank:其實這樣出了事之後一直檢討對方的嘴臉真的蠻難看的, 10/23 04:01
a8330028:戰隊被排擠 隊員不練習 轉隊跑光光 我懷疑包哥也是看報紙 10/23 04:03
killerbank:一直這樣怪來怪去的只是讓大家看笑話...... 10/23 04:04
wtao:這戰隊不知道有沒有20個人 鬧到 這麼大也滿厲害的 10/23 04:07
waterfully:加入S戰隊是要來朝聖+圓夢的 結果每天只看得見包嫂XD 10/23 04:15
waterfully:練習辛苦 $$又少 居然連包哥都看不到 大家都想閃了吧~ 10/23 04:16
apfalselife:把自己當爺 10/23 04:43
stevenyenyen:一堆人說話真偏頗 看了真不爽 果然一堆XX粉 10/23 07:32
RWAllenL:離職理由說場面話有什麼稀奇的 你會跟老闆直接嗆明原因? 10/23 07:36
killerbank:其實如果包哥能出來講些話,像是"對不起,讓各位粉絲、 10/23 07:44
killerbank:隊員、贊助商以及所有熱愛星海的玩家們失望了,因為一 10/23 07:45
killerbank:直以來身體上的傷痛再加上一些雜務以致於沒能管理好戰 10/23 07:46
killerbank:隊,導致今天這種局面,本人在此感到十萬分的抱歉..... 10/23 07:47
killerbank:希望大家別太苛責我老婆,因為這些本來都是我的責任, 10/23 07:48
killerbank:所以最該跟她道歉的人其實是我,而不是如今被提及的其 10/23 07:50
killerbank:他任何人......今後我會更加努力地去學習與付出,希望 10/23 07:51
killerbank:大家可以繼續支持星海這遊戲,不要因為這次的事件而打 10/23 07:54
killerbank:擊到熱愛這遊戲的信念,謝謝大家......" 10/23 07:55
killerbank:那現在這種局面可能可以稍微好轉...... 10/23 07:56
mysterydream:同意樓上 感覺這女人把責任到處推 10/23 08:27
g1409:平心靜氣的看 一個戰隊所有人眾叛親離 很難不想到高層有問題 10/23 09:07
g1409:離開1.2個人可能背信忘義 離開一堆人怪有人擅動? 10/23 09:08
g1409:我是不太相信他們做的面面俱到 一個人就能讓他們分崩離析... 10/23 09:09
capssan:Prime也離開一堆人 所以..?? 10/23 09:13
GUYDA:一定都有責任 不過如果主要原因是 內奸J經理洗腦+ESF抵制 10/23 09:16
Adonisy:不過想想,包嫂原本就忙,之前訪問mma還說她有胃痛問題 10/23 09:17
capssan:不過看了一下 MMA好像有提到 包嫂很愛到處上論壇看資訊 10/23 09:17
GUYDA:那想收掉說是因為灰心 累了也完全可以理解 就看最後真相吧 10/23 09:17
capssan:然後連包哥怎麼打包嫂都會干預 說你怎麼不這樣這樣打 10/23 09:17
Adonisy:為什麼以前都會體諒?而我相信 MMA是其中的導火線 10/23 09:17
capssan:簡單說 包嫂根本是PTT鄉民阿靠北 10/23 09:17
Adonisy:之前阿勇與桿子不是在訪談都很不滿 MMA運氣好 10/23 09:17
kullan:包嫂是秉持著"強者就是要戰"而生存的 10/23 09:19
duolon:======錯了是"為我而死"======== 10/23 12:09
goodmanisme:一直看到戰隊很多問題,不過到底是甚麼問題啊都沒講 10/23 13:51
fatdoghusky:包嫂本來在SC1就會跟包哥討論怎麼打了 10/23 14:46
fatdoghusky:把他當成鄉民等級是太小看她還是太抬舉鄉民? 10/23 14:46