看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
@SlayersCella I wasn't going to write about the recent news if I could avoid it - Crank said that he would leave the team at the end of the season [Note: probably means GSTL/GSL], and asked that I keep it a secret from Jessica for the time being. When he abruptly began to pack his things before the vs. TSL match, and I asked him what he was doing, he said that he planned to go home and play while resting. So I asked him if I could tell Jessica, and he said that he was going to tell her - 最近隊上的事我能盡量不去碰就不去碰 - 但Crank說他有先說過他會在這屆GSTL 結束後離隊,並且要求我為他保密,不要讓包嫂知道。 當他在我們跟TSL準備要比賽前他突然開始打包東西,我問他在幹嘛,他說他想奧 回家休息。所以我要求他去跟包嫂說,他說他正打算要去。 - so I guess he told her, she asked me whether it was okay for him to play from home. I replied that he had a prepared strategy for the vs. Fnatic game that he had not used, so it was no problem if he played from home, so we had talked to Jessica and it was fully okay to send him home - 我猜她真的有去說吧,包嫂問我讓他回家自己練習可以嗎,我說我已經為他設計好我準備 給他對Fnatic戰隊比賽的戰術,所以沒有問題。 - Also, Crank definitely said that he was leaving the team at the end of the season, and we were in the middle of the season then. He asked if it was okay to play from home, and I said it as okay, and because he said he was leaving the team after the season ended, I thought obviously there would be no problem for him to play in the match, and he was very well prepared as well. So I thought it was fine if he went home to rest and practice - Crank絕對有先說他在賽季結束後會離隊,但那時我們還在季中耶。他說他可不可以 在家自己練習,我說可以啊。此外,我想說他下賽季都要離開了,所以讓他去比賽 應該是沒有問題的,他的狀態也準備的非常好。 - and have a final check-up on him after he rejoined the team the day before the match. It was a strategy he had practiced for almost two weeks, so he was as used to it as possible. However, when Crank received the contact regarding entries/roster when he was at home, he complained to me asking why Jessica would do that, so I asked him what the problem was? - 再次確認過他沒有打算在比賽前回來宿舍後,他已經練習那套戰術兩個禮拜了,他應該 使用了很多次。然而,當Crank發現他當天在出賽名單上的時候,他打電話來跟我 抱怨,問我包嫂為甚麼要這麼做,我問他包嫂做了甚麼? - and he asked me "are you asking because you really don't know?" and I told him I really didn't know, to which he said then "well if you don't know, just keep it that way." I hadn't heard a request to remove himself from the roster befoer that, nor did he tell me that he was going to focus solely on medical care. - 他說"你真的不知道嗎?" 我說我真的不知道 然後他回答"好吧,那就算了吧" 他從來沒叫我不要讓他出賽,他也沒說過 他要好好靜養他的傷勢。 *[Cella's Self Correction Tweet] A correction, he did definitely ask to be removed from the roster. After he went back home. If he asked to be removed from the roster before going back home, he would have had to had discussed it with Jessica. Because it was mid-season, I thought even if he went back home he could play in the match, and anyway I passed on that request to Jessica later. - 我要做個更正,他在回家後的確有說過他不想出賽,但他在回家前他沒有說。 畢竟我們需要好好談談這個問題,好好討論一下,現在是賽季中耶。 我以為他雖然回家練習還是惠來比賽。不管怎樣,我還是把這個訊息傳達給了包嫂。 - At the time, I had made a bad decision because of my attachment to the team, and I think I contributed to the team heading towards a crisis, and I was criticized heavily by Boxer and Jessica after that. As for that bad decision, I don't want anything to happen to the players, so I'll just take the criticism that I'm covering things up, and shut my mouth about it. - 那段時間我也做了一個錯誤的決定,我的出發點是為了隊員好,我也以為我可以 帶領這個戰隊繼續往前撐過這個危機。我因為這件是被包嫂和包哥罵得很慘,而 我不希望有其他隊員被牽涉進來,所以我會把嘴巴緊緊閉上,一個人承擔這些批評。 - Regarding payment, I'm not financially well off, but I'm thankful to Boxer and Jessica for taking in a guy like me, and I did make my own personal goals for what I wanted to achieve with the team. The motivation to reach those goals wasn't money or anything material - 至於薪水的部分,我的經濟狀況是不怎麼好,但我很感謝包嫂和包哥給我這種人機會 而我也真的為這戰隊做出了貢獻。我不是為了金錢或是任何其他東西做的。 - I told Jessica and Boxer when the team situation and atmosphere wasn't that good, that I could work for the team for two more years, until I was 31, without anything like a salary, and do what I could to achieve those goals. If there wasn't a corporate sponsor by that time, or if the team disbanded before then - 在戰隊氣氛這麼差的情況下,我跟包嫂和包哥說在這種沒有固定薪水的情況下 我可以再做兩年,做到我31歲,或著是戰隊解散或沒有任何贊助的時候。 - I said I could go abroad and work myself to death to make up the money I hadn't made before, so they didn't have to worry. Compared to $100,000's they put into the team. Also, that time was just a very bad period, and Boxer and Jessica tried to get me a coaching position on a different team, and I said I wouldn't go - 我說我之後可以出國工作拼死命錢,所以他們不需要擔心。 跟包哥包嫂他們比(出了至少10萬鎂在戰隊),同時戰隊狀況又這麼差,我是不願意離 開的。包哥包嫂甚至在想辦法讓我到其他戰隊當教練,我都拒絕了。 -- AbianMa19:維修太imba了... 10/20 15:19 AbianMa19:這版本來就已經是三族最接近的一次了 還在戰imba太外行 10/20 15:38 AbianMa19:本來就是誰強誰晉級 這版本已經是空前平衡 還在戰imba的 10/20 15:42 AbianMa19:根本外行 10/20 15:42 #1GWczMQH 你,今天外行了嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
capssan:顆顆顆 10/23 10:59
OnlyTD:Crank... 10/23 10:59
jamescyt:Crank又被巴了一下 10/23 11:00
sezna:Crank... 10/23 11:00
MacheteKerKe:顆顆.. 10/23 11:00
yogoyogo2006:結果重點沒講@@ 10/23 11:01
mioaria:cella感覺就是個好人阿 10/23 11:02
jamescyt:cella是真的為選手想的好教練 10/23 11:02
capssan:看中國水友WCS的帖子 Cella好像也被其他戰隊教練排擠 10/23 11:03
pilimoj:好感人 淚推 Tt不請一下嗎??? 算了只會給2000 10/23 11:03
capssan:不知道是不是戰隊的關係 說Cella自己坐邊邊吃 im還有st 10/23 11:03
capssan:還有一些什麼#@$$#的就都坐一起 10/23 11:04
saba1414:我好像只願意聽cella說了 10/23 11:04
a524528:想的到阿,ESF的排擠決不光是ST教練一人的想法 10/23 11:04
jamescyt:slayers選手都被排擠不能練了教練被排擠也是意料中事 10/23 11:04
Adonisy:懷疑 cella kof在讓包哥.. XD 10/23 11:05
jamescyt:我會把嘴巴緊緊閉上,一個人承擔這些批評。 10/23 11:05
jamescyt:要不是Crank出來回 cella應該也不想說這些的 10/23 11:06
sezna:Cella看起來真是真男人 10/23 11:06
Adonisy:我相信 cella的話,很誠懇,crank太意氣用事了 10/23 11:06
msn12345679:Cella整個超悲情的 10/23 11:06
capssan:我還記得去年看Cella實況就看到他在玩18蟲洞 10/23 11:07
whitehusky:cella真是好教練... 10/23 11:11
Sechslee:Cella這波把Crank經濟整個打殘了 10/23 11:12
jumpballfan:cella算是清流吧 10/23 11:17
phykevin:每個人都把自己的觀點講出來了 真相快大白了 10/23 11:17
capssan:Cella肯定是整個事件中最清楚的人阿 10/23 11:18
capssan:他兩邊都肯定有密切接觸跟聯繫 10/23 11:18
Arnol:Crank被幹到五體都貼地了 10/23 11:20
okcall:Cella超挺包哥包嫂...劇情又逆轉啦?XD 10/23 11:21
kira925:差不多是一個晚上翻盤三次的節奏 10/23 11:22
gn02064109:峰迴路轉 10/23 11:23
capssan:現在就看MMA的私人教練有沒有興趣出來補一槍了 10/23 11:23
OOorc:好懷念當初cella的睡覺實況 10/23 11:34
Voony:這蟲洞打得Crank出兵點都沒了 10/23 11:39
ainew:淚推cella 10/23 11:42
SmoWeI:包嫂先下兩城 crank讓二追三 最後包嫂再下兩城 10/23 11:51
Saza:話說那一個被罵慘錯誤的決定是啥 真想知道 10/23 11:52
SmoWeI:讓我們觀賞GSL S4 總軍賽吧 10/23 11:53
zseineo:推Cellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 10/23 11:54
GUYDA:包嫂得到CELLA提供的額外晶礦跟瓦斯 軍容壯盛 10/23 12:11
RKO771022:Cella 真的好教練阿QQ 10/23 12:28
strike519:Cella 燃燒生命的傢伙 BZ害人不淺 10/23 12:33
cutyQT:醫療艇-Cella出現了! 10/23 13:37
ismiumiu:這裡面我最相信 Cella的話 10/23 14:08
suwilliam:CELLA不是也有替CRANK澄清些事情?像是賽季結束後要離隊 10/23 14:15
CrazyLord:Cella出來救援啦.... 10/23 14:20
white4720:Crank GG,以為說了別人就應該要當真了... 10/23 14:53
elong:當初cella實況他跟包哥包嫂打打33超歡樂的.. 10/23 15:50
hophop:Cella是個好教練!!!!! 10/23 23:36