看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
SlayerS head manager Ka Yeon 'Jessica' Kim responded to Crank and Axiom's statement on SlayerS disbandment on Monday, Thisisgame reported. TIG interviewed Jessica during the Hot6ix GSL Season 5 Up & Down matches. Below is the translated interview. 包嫂跳出來啦!!!! 這回她要跟我們談Crank和Axiom的聲明。 這是在昨天升降賽的時候訪問的。 Q: When is the time of this phone call recording? Q:那個電話錄音是甚麼時候的事? A: It was August 10. A: 八月十號 Q: What is your reason for releasing it? Q:基於甚麼理由你要公布出來呢? A: I never thought of releasing it like this because I did not want to enlarge other people's issues from its contents. However, Jae Won 'Crank' Choi revealed something untrue in Axiom's statement, so I thought there was a need to straighten the facts. A:我原本沒想過要公布,但我不想讓大家誤解我們。Crank他在訪談中並沒有說實話, 所以我想要公布事實。 The whole issue began when Crank left the team with loose ends. First, I am actually releasing this information because I want to show that Crank lied to us when he left the team. Had he just been honest with me and left the team, there would have been no issue at all, but he continues to lie. 我公布這個是想要讓大家知道CRANK沒有說實話,再一開始他就對我說謊,而現在 的訪談也是繼續撒謊。 Secondly, this is something where BoxeR's, SlayerS, and my own reputation is on the line. I'm not trying to kill off innocent player who has left the team. Crank, however, claimed that the problem lies because of mismanagement. I wanted to restore my reputation from it. 再來,這是我、包哥和Slayers的名譽,我不會無緣無故挑一個無辜的選手出來戰。 Crank似乎把一切都歸咎於不良的管理,我不能坐視他這樣傷害我們的名譽。 Q: From the phone call recording, Crank claimed that everything was done and over with, through NateOn (popular messanger service program; translator note). Q:從這個電話錄音看來,Crank表示你們幾乎都是在NateOn上面進行討論(一個聊天軟 體)。 A: After we got through to GSTL Round of 4, he came to me and said, 'My neck is hurting too much so I want to rest at my home.' I asked whether it was spinal disc herniation, and he said 'No, it's just early stage.' He told me he needed to go to his home to do treatment, and I said something like how can you do this when we are at Round of 4, and then he said he will prepare at home. He said he informed coach Hong that he has prepared build and selected map. So I asked coach Hong about it and he told me Crank has prepared for strategies for Entombed Valley and Metropolis, so I said okay and sent him home. A:在GSTL第四回合的比賽後,他來找我並跟我說他的脖子很痛,他想要回家休息。 我問他是不是椎間盤突出,但他回答還沒有這麼糟。 他說他想要回家接受治療,我說你怎麼可以在第四輪這個時候離隊呢。他回答 他會在家準備比賽。他說Coach Hong(應該是Cella)已經為他設計好戰術也選好了 地圖。所以我問Cella相關的事情,Cella說這是真的,所以我讓他回家了。 But then on Saturday when I had to send out the entry list, Crank texted coach Hong to take him out of the entry. This is when Crank was complaining about discords within the team and how he was getting too much stress. Once I received the news from coach Hong, I sent a message to Crank over NateOn, 'I'm sorry that you want to get out of the entry because of stress. But get yourself together and let us meet at the studio.' Then he told coach Hong 'Why is she doing this to me?' 但我星期六公布出賽名單後,Crank請Cella把他從出賽名單拿下來,他表示隊上不和 的氣氛讓他感到壓力很大。當Cella跟我說後,我從NateOn上面敲了Crank,並跟他說 "我很遺憾你因為壓力太大不想出賽,但請你好好準備一下並且來比賽的地方,我們好 好討論一下。" 然後他就跟Cella說 "她為什麼要這麼做" After receiving the request to omit him from the entry, BoxeR texted to Crank saying, 'Where and what are you doing when the head manager needs you?', and Crank is asserting that this text was a form of anger. Crank on the other hand immediately called BoxeR and yelled at him. I did not record that call because I did not foresee his behaviour. So I actually apologized to BoxeR instead. Later, coach Hong was quiet about it but told me after this incident, 'Crank told me before going home that he won't play the game anymore, but told me not to tell you.' 在聽到他不希望出賽後,包哥傳了簡訊給Crank "你現在到底在做甚麼,你知道戰隊 經理現在很需要你嗎?" Crank把這封簡訊講得語氣很差。然後Crank馬上打給包哥 並且對他怒吼,那一段我沒有錄起來。後來Cella跟我說Crank在回家後有跟他說 他不希望出賽GSTL,但他要我不要跟妳說。 Then I tried to talk to him over NateOn, and he said as stated in the press release that he 'does not want to move to a foreign team, only wants to rest at home, so please let me go.' So I said 'I never held you [from leaving the team],' and allowed him to leave the team. After that I learned about him trying to find a team through stream, so I fought him over Twitter like I did to Yong-Soo 'Dragon' Jeon. 然後我又再次想要在NateOn上面跟他交談,他聲明他只是想回家休息,而不是 想去國外戰隊,拜託我讓他離隊。我說我從來沒有不讓你走,也同意他離隊了。 後來我知道他透過直播表示想要找戰隊,所以我就在Twitter上面戰他。 就像我戰龍哥一樣。 Q: (To coach Hong, seated besides Jessica) Did you report her about Crank right away? Q:(問Cella教練)你有馬上跟包嫂說Crank的事嗎? A: No, not exactly. There was some time differential, as I thought Crank was going to play in GSTL, and thought he was going to leave the team afterward. I thought he was at least going to play the match he was preparing for even when he was going to leave the team. A:沒有,那時我還不知道Crank不打算打GSTL,當時我以為即使他要離隊了,他也 會回來出賽。 Q: (Back to Jessica) What was the reason for coach Hong not reporting immediately? Q:(問包嫂)你認為Cella為什麼沒有馬上報告Crank的情況。 A: The final word for our team is in my hand, even if [players] talk to the coaches. I decide everything by myself and solve all matters, so that's why he didn't report. A:因為所有的事情還是要經過我同意,戰隊大小事務都是我做決定的。 Q: What is the context of Crank's claim that everything was done and over with in NateOn? Q:為什麼你跟Crank這麼常使用NateOn來溝通呢? A: I talked with Crank numerous times in NateOn. Until then I believed him saying that he was getting too much stress from discord in the team. Before problems arose, he was practicing hard and managed team members like a leader, so I thought highly of him in those matters. A:我們本來就很常在那上面聊天了,一直到他說隊上的氣氛讓他壓力很大後吧。 因為他以前很認真練習,也幫忙負責戰隊的事務,他以前就想隊長一樣。 所以我們很常討論事情。 Q: In the phone recording, he talked about Troy with BoxeR. Q:在電話錄音中,他說包哥好像在玩別的遊戲? A: BoxeR does not play any games at all when he is resting. Even when I ask him to play few team games to warm up his hands, he refuses. So I suggested him to play other game that does not require large strain on his shoulder, just to warm up his hands. That's why I recommended a MMORPG game that mainly uses left hand instead of right shoulder. I already revealed this information in the previous interview. A:包哥為了好好休息,那時他幾乎不練習,即使我叫他參加一些GSTL的比賽暖手他也 拒絕。所以我要求他打一些對他肩膀傷害不大的遊戲,只是為了暖手而已。 所以我推薦他玩MMORPG這個幾乎只要用左手的遊戲。這我在之前講過了。 Q: Is it true when Crank said that the environment in the team was a mess? Q:Crank說戰隊的狀況非常糟,這是真的嗎? A: He told me numerous times that the team was a mess. But according to him, the reason for the mess was inappropriate actions from Puzzle and Coca, and he wanted us to do something about them. Every time it was the same complaint. So I asked coach Hong about it, and I thought it wasn't nothing too serious as it was something kids would do when they live together. A:他跟我說過很多次他覺得戰隊很亂。他一直認為亂源是Puzzle和Coca,他希望 我們去處理一下。他總是在抱怨一樣的事情,所以我要Cella去看看。我那時 認為這不是很嚴重的事,也許只是他們生活上的一些摩擦。 But Crank continued to complain that things were a mess and that he was having too much stress that he could handle himself, so BoxeR actually apologized to him. So I told BoxeR, 'Even when you're resting, do it at the practice house. Play some games there and watch over them and discipline them if need be.' 但Crank還是一直抱怨,他壓力很大。所以包哥跟他道歉。所以我跟包哥說,雖然 你現在在休養,但希望你在練習是休養,在那邊打打遊戲,並且在需要的時候 維護那裡的紀律。 So BoxeR went and watched over them, and told me nothing was wrong, just like how coach Hong told me. So my final thought was that there was nothing big going on. I just thought it was a men's trouble that is common among young people. Later on I found out that the real reason for the mess was due to these three people. 所以包哥去了,後來跟我說他不覺得有問題,這跟Cella的說法一樣。所以我真的 不覺得有甚麼大問題,我認為也許只是年輕人之間的紛爭。後來我才發現有三個人 真的有問題。 Q: What do you mean by three people? Q:是哪三個人? A: I later found out that MMA, Ryung, and Crank began to act together and segregated from other players. They made a situation where it was difficult to get together within the team. He knew about MMA's decision to leave the team, which was the biggest problem, and told us numerous times about the other members' seemingly problematic behaviours. Ergo, we could never believe that the problem rised on other players in this situation. A:我後來發現MMA、Ryung和Crank開始聯合起來排擠一些隊員。他們讓這個戰隊 沒辦法有向心力。他知道MMA的事情,這其實是最大的問題,但他卻跟我們說 戰隊變這樣都是其他人害的,但我很清楚不是這樣的。 Q: What are your problems with Crank's interview? Q:所以你對Crank的訪談有甚麼質疑嗎? A: My point is that if one wants to leave the team, he/she needs to come talk to the head manager directly and tell her about leaving or transferring. But he told me he wanted to rest because of illness, and said he will retire from gaming, and then immediately started streaming and was looking for a foreign team. Then he said in the interview that he only streamed to make ends meet and keep minimum living expenses as a pro gamer. A:我只是想強調當你想離開戰隊,你應該要說清楚你是想離開還是想轉隊。 但他是跟我說他因為傷勢的關係要回家休息,他會放棄當一個職業選手。 但回家後馬上開始開直播,並且找國外戰隊。但他在聲明中卻說他只是 想要賺生活費。 When the news about MMA's demotion to B-team got out, Crank told me over NateOn that he does not want to be related to MMA's problems. But then he said in the interview that I accepted his request to leave the team, citing only the first part of the conversation we had when I was oblivious to his streaming and looking for a foreign team. 當MMA降到二軍的消息公布後,Crank在NateOn上跟我說他不想要跟MMA的事有牽涉。 但他在訪談中只有說一部分的實情。 Q: Crank said he even drove a vehicle by himself [for the team]. Q:Crank說他甚至會開車載其他人去比賽。 A: I even sent my agency's (Jessica is an actress; translator's note) vehicle and my manager to transport players to the studio. My manager, who had no relation whatsoever with the team, followed me with his own van to Busan because of my selfishness to bring every player to GSTL finals. Whenever players are able to drive such as Clide and Crank asked me to borrow the car, I did my best as I easily rented them a vehicle costing more than 100 million Won (Approx. $95,000 USD). A:我還派我的經理人和經理去載選手去比賽耶。我的經理他跟這個戰隊完全沒關係。 他開他的小貨車跟著我去Busan,就因為我希望可以載每個選手去GSTL決賽。 有些選手可以自己開車,像Clide跟Crank它們就跟我借車,我也花了$95,000在 交通工具上面。 Q: From Axiom's statement, SlayerS had its faults for not motivating players enough. Q:Axiom它們說,Slayers在激勵隊員上自己也有問題。 A: It was around September or October of last year when we welcomed Crank after he finished his military service. He told me he wanted to quit pro gaming. He said his performance was lacking even with my care, so he just wanted to quit and go back home. A:那是去年九月十月的時候,我們慶祝了Crank退伍,他說他想要放棄當職業選手。 他覺得他的表現不夠好,所以他想要放棄。 So I told him that's just unacceptable when you've only played for 3 months. You started late because of military, and other players started earlier than you. Don't be jealous when these players make accomplishments, and start with the basics. Don't give up now and keep trying for at least 6 months, is what I said. 我跟他說你才打三個月,你因為當兵的關係起步慢,其他人比較早起步。不要因為 別人有些成就你就想放棄。我請他在試半年看看。 So in the next GSTL match, I gave Crank the vanguard position, in order to motivate him. I gave an opportunity to play to give motivation to a player who has yet to achieve anything. Through GSTL, I gave him a chance to let his name to be known, and that was his motivation. The same applied for Min and Lots. Even for MMA. 所以後來的GSTL比賽,我讓Crank打頭陣,就是為了讓他有動力。我給一個沒有 任何實績的選手一個證明自己的機會,我讓他有機會曝光,就像MMA和MIN一樣。 Q: Crank talked about mismanagement in the team as well. Q:Crank說管理方式有問題。 A: At one point he said the team was a mess. Then, he went onto saying that the team management was a mess. When we lived in Yeouido, a lease payment for 60 Pyung apartment (Approx. 21,000 sqft), maintenance fee, food, grocery, fuel and insurance for two cars, team dinner, 6-month scholarship, GSTL after-dinner, and any other miscellaneous expenses cost us an incredible amount of money every month. A:他一直說這個隊伍很亂,然後開始認為管理方式很差。當我們住Yeouido時,那時 的花費太大了,我們租了21,000平方公尺的公寓,還包辦了食物跟生活用品。 兩台車的汽油跟保險,還有6個月的獎助金,戰隊的晚餐,甚至還有GSTL之後的聚會。 我們每個月花了無數的錢提供這種環境。 I also cared for players benefits including 50% off in beauty salons like entertainers, free dentist care (used by Alicia 3 times) and 20% off on skin health care (used many times by MMA). 我還讓隊員們去做造型時有五折優待,免費看牙醫(Alicia用了三次),還有八折去 做皮膚保養的優待(MMA用了很多次)。 Q: Have you tried to contact Crank again after the phone call on August 10? Q:妳在八月十號後有嘗試跟Crank聯絡嗎? A: If you think about the hierarchy between the manager and the player, wouldn't it be wrong for me to contact him first? Crank should have called or texted me first, but he didn't. After that day, he acted on his own. A:我認為那個情況不應該是我去連絡他,應該他要主動來找我。畢竟我是戰隊經理, 他是隊員。他應該要主動找我的,但他沒有。 Q: Do you have a record of the NateOn conversation mentioned in the phone call? Q:你有在NateOn上面的聊天紀錄嗎? A: I do. I did not save a record of me accepting his request to leave the team because I did not suspect anything back then. I do have a record of a conversation when I asked him about him lying after finding out the truth. A:我沒有存到那個我接受他離隊的那段,因為那時我毫無疑心。 我有的是當我發現真相問他為何要說謊的那段。 Q: Do you wish to release NateOn conversation as well? Q:你願意公布那段嗎? A: If needed, I will release it to the journalists. A:如果需要的話,我會公布給媒體。 Q: Are there any other records than the phone call and NateOn that you are keeping? Q:那你還有任何其他事件的紀錄嗎? A: I have one from the WCG incident. I have no reason to mention about this since he did not talk about it. A:我有一個WCG事件的紀錄,但既然他沒提我想我也沒必要談這個。 Q: Are you thinking about releasing the audio file if needed? Q:如果需要你會公布嗎? A: If I need to sue him on the court, I may need to release it. A:如果我跟他要上法院的話,也許會吧。 Q: If Crank apologizes, will you stop this issue? Q:如果Crank跟你道歉,你會停止這個議題嗎? A: Yes. I will end it once there is an apology. A:會,只要他跟我道歉的話。 Q: What if Crank insisted on his original position? Q:那如果Crank繼續堅持他的立場呢? A: I only released this record so I can appeal to people that I did not lie at least. I do not wish to kill [Crank's career]. A:我才剛公布這個紀錄,我只希望大家可以知道我並沒有說謊,我並不打算毀了他的 職業生涯。 *Additionally, Jessica announced that out of 7 remaining SlayerS players, 3 will transfer to other teams unconditionally. Jessica will try to find new teams for remaining 4 players until the last match on November 3rd. She plans to announce these players' transfer after November 3rd, or new teams will annouce the news. *目前剩下的七個Slayers戰隊的隊員,三個會去其他戰隊,包掃還在想辦法 幫另外四個隊員找新東家。在11/3號後會公布這些轉會事項。 -- AbianMa19:維修太imba了... 10/20 15:19 AbianMa19:這版本來就已經是三族最接近的一次了 還在戰imba太外行 10/20 15:38 AbianMa19:本來就是誰強誰晉級 這版本已經是空前平衡 還在戰imba的 10/20 15:42 AbianMa19:根本外行 10/20 15:42 #1GWczMQH 你,今天外行了嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jeffreyshe:感覺MMA比較衰阿 完全是被洗腦的 10/23 14:18
jeffreyshe:不過現在誰說的話都很難相信就是.. 10/23 14:19
Arnol:打MMORPG暖手是為了什麼@.@ 10/23 14:20
zseineo:包嫂真的管很大的感覺!XDD 10/23 14:21
kira925:就不要沒手感吧.... 10/23 14:21
finaltrial:推翻譯 10/23 14:22
finaltrial:是指之前包哥玩D3? 10/23 14:22
Aggro:不要生疏吧 太久沒碰鍵盤手感會有差 10/23 14:22
capssan:MMA護膚.... 10/23 14:22
jack19931993:MMORPG....這是能練到啥 10/23 14:23
kira925:所以這篇又是另外一個翻盤的節奏阿.... 10/23 14:23
zseineo:就只是單純讓手有在動吧 10/23 14:23
z83420123:光頭該NERF包嫂這族了! IMBA 10/23 14:23
cdseller:教授正在你的後面看著你 :P 10/23 14:24
zseineo:不過Crank看來也要被GG了 10/23 14:24
freddy50301:是說包嫂也真猛 馬上知道要錄音.... 10/23 14:24
finaltrial:皮膚保養又是一個點 XDD 10/23 14:24
jack19931993:MMORPG這段感覺有點在硬扯 有玩就有玩偏偏要說暖手 10/23 14:24
lukephil6:那是"椎間盤突出"的意思~ 10/23 14:24
zseineo:顯卡人族 保養皮膚人族! 10/23 14:25
Flyingheart:Crank太愛抱怨了啦 團隊毒瘤 不爽就應該早點離隊 10/23 14:25
kira925:TL有在混韓國網站的說 現在韓國網民從一面倒包哥變成中立 10/23 14:25
Aggro:暖手也沒錯阿 這也是一種方式 帳面上說得過去 10/23 14:25
tsungg:dwight howard 10/23 14:25
Arnol:牙痛神族;護膚人族 還有什麼勒XD 10/23 14:25
abcdeffg:別的不管 MMA跑去護膚看不出成果啊 XDDD 10/23 14:25
kira925:或許這樣吵是最終是在消耗Boxer的名聲.... 10/23 14:26
capssan:你怎麼知道沒成果 搞不好沒去跟火星一樣...... 10/23 14:26
Adonisy:沒有衝突,crank之前和隊員處的不好,原來是 pizza與coca 10/23 14:26
CrazyLord:火力依然驚人啊 包嫂在Cella的援軍抵達後更無人可擋.... 10/23 14:27
Adonisy:他們之間的話其實對的起來,不過 crank不知在衝啥小就是了 10/23 14:27
GigiBuffon:一開始一面倒包哥多少有點不理性 畢竟整個戰隊解散一定 10/23 14:27
Infernity:...這篇八卦程度也太高了吧 10/23 14:27
GigiBuffon:雙方都或多或少有些問題或者誤會 10/23 14:27
Aggro:其實包嫂這麼猛 這邊都會覺得反感了 韓國那邊變中立也不意外 10/23 14:28
wtao:太多 看了都暈 可比 鳥來伯與十三姨 了 10/23 14:28
GigiBuffon:CRANK該不會在COCA智商零分被禁賽後還用這個梗靠北COCA 10/23 14:28
allqwdd:MMORPG是甚麼遊戲啊? 10/23 14:28
Aggro:一開始這邊也是大部分挺包哥(嫂)這邊的 10/23 14:28
kira925:MMORPG就是多人線上遊戲 10/23 14:28
zseineo:包嫂太強勢了。是說包哥都不打算出來說說嗎 10/23 14:28
GigiBuffon:結果造成兩個人互相不爽嗎XD? 10/23 14:28
handfoxx:護膚人族 顯卡人族 badboy人族 10/23 14:29
Aggro:MMORPG就常見的OLG阿 魔獸暗黑之類的 10/23 14:29
byjiang:做皮膚保養的優待(MMA用了很多次)。 10/23 14:29
jack19931993:現在大部分的線上遊戲都是MMORPG 10/23 14:29
wtao:當初還以為 是韓國其他戰隊 怕包哥名威 不敢收S隊出來的 10/23 14:29
wtao:結果根本= =... 10/23 14:29
abcdeffg:暗黑不是MMORPG 魔獸世界才是 10/23 14:30
※ 編輯: allqwdd 來自: (10/23 14:30)
Aggro:O_o?! 對 打太順了 10/23 14:30
kira925:COCA那段沒有進一步消息誰都不知道.... 10/23 14:30
Adonisy:不過慢慢明朗了,隊內有小團體存在 10/23 14:30
Adonisy:crank,mma,勇是一國,另外其他人和 crank處不好 10/23 14:31
jacknotblack:基本站在包嫂這邊 不過經理主動找隊員才是對的吧 10/23 14:31
capssan:由奢入儉難~YO~ 10/23 14:31
pigmark:火爆假教頭crank 略有成績自封太子mma 沉默軍師?ryung 10/23 14:32
nifocy:法院都出來了 哪邊要先跪? 10/23 14:32
Aggro:話說包哥是打算兩邊戰的差不多再出來尾刀嗎 不然看樣子很難 10/23 14:32
Adonisy:所以crank說「隊內氣氛糟」,可能只有他被排擠而以 10/23 14:33
Aggro:兩邊都好好下台 肯定一邊要倒了@@ 10/23 14:33
abcdeffg:沒想到繼台灣有法律野球 韓國也要有法律星海了 10/23 14:33
Adonisy:不過他那脾氣,誰都會想排擠吧....@@ 10/23 14:33
JMeiLe:不論是啥證據 都表示包嫂無法管理戰隊 被挑撥離間搞成這樣 10/23 14:34
capssan:這事情要清楚就是讓COCA等人出來說句話就懂了 10/23 14:34
capssan:都是MMA.Crank團體的在說話 10/23 14:34
finaltrial:可能Puzzle和Coca在練習時間玩LOL? 10/23 14:36
kira925:TL也是有人做這個推測就是了.... 10/23 14:37
capssan:偉栽我密亞大神到現在還是沒中槍 真是太會忍辱偷生了 10/23 14:37
kullan:Puzzle跟Coca肯定是在打LoL了XD 10/23 14:38
Adonisy:miya幫mma練,大概也是 mma一派 10/23 14:38
moon128:包嫂有點猛阿 10/23 14:38
finaltrial:不過他們不重要啦(?),現在就雙方在挖戰隊內幕其實不怎 10/23 14:38
Taeja:人族高手排擠他們 他們也很難練下去阿 10/23 14:39
finaltrial:麼好看,如果J經理能出來爆料才能再創高潮! 10/23 14:39
lianhua:說不定Miya大神是中立派,不得罪任何一邊 10/23 14:39
capssan:有可能 班上有小團體也會有這種中立派 10/23 14:39
FukatsuEri:包嫂已經一打三了 Won MMA Crank 下一個是Ryung? 10/23 14:40
kullan:Miya:我看得起誰就幫誰練習 無派系 真要說大家都是Miya派 10/23 14:40
Adonisy:也對,miya也和puzzle練,並且留下讓你知道 p imba名言 10/23 14:41
wtao: 你是誰派來的?? 10/23 14:41
jamescyt:不可質疑妳的蟲族之神Miya 10/23 14:42
capssan: 新貴派 10/23 14:42
momogo11:連COCA也來 真的變混戰了 10/23 14:43
APM99:這戰隊明顯內部有問題 很明顯就是管理者管理能力有問題 10/23 14:43
kullan:Coca應該是在訓練室裡揪團打LoL吧XD 10/23 14:44
Taeja:難道我們遊戲王也被排擠了 難怪打出喪權辱國流 10/23 14:44
APM99:如果連電話談話都會想要錄音 那這戰隊遲早解散 10/23 14:44
Adonisy:遊戲王在家練,一直沒他的事 10/23 14:47
momogo11:MMA有酸過遊戲王啦..說他只算半個SLAYER的 10/23 14:48
Adonisy:難怪關係不怎麼好...由小事可以看出來.... 10/23 14:49
Infernity:MMA奪冠之後下一屆S級馬上選遊戲王當對手= =... 10/23 14:49
hotcom:包嫂坦超穩 10/23 14:50
capssan:MMA酸我大油機王!? 可惡 有去護膚就囂張了 10/23 14:50
momogo11:後來油機王也真的打的很濫就是了...蟲后迷路給火車燒死 10/23 14:51
nifocy:包嫂都慢慢把人放出來 Crank 則是一次爆底都被摸光.. 10/23 14:51
Taeja:油機王:隊內被排擠 隊外也被排擠 人家要哭哭惹 10/23 14:52
j9145:包嫂坦克陣破Crank正面主力,還順便用濺射噴MMA! 10/23 14:53
Adonisy:但油雞王後來幹翻 MMA啊,別忘了.... 10/23 14:53
kullan:遊戲王:MMA來抽牌啊 10/23 14:54
Infernity:...他在哪幹翻MMA? 10/23 14:55
Infernity:那屆他小組墊底淘汰了 10/23 14:55
CrazyLord:miya斷水流大師兄嗎... 10/23 14:56
Adonisy:是後來 z imba,mma變弱有次幹翻了... 10/23 14:56
Infernity:原來遊戲王報仇了= = 10/23 14:57
allqwdd:被教授電慘了,再翻就吃屎了 期待接下來有人接手 10/23 14:58
finaltrial:辛苦了! 10/23 14:59
capssan:找教授一起來看阿 10/23 15:01
librasky:有錄音 包嫂看起來穩操勝券! 10/23 15:04
wtao:斷水流大師是哪招XDDDDDDDD 10/23 15:05
AloRaiVet:Alicia用了3次,MMA用了很多次. 靠杯阿!連這個也記錄了XD 10/23 15:09
Adonisy:不是說都沒管戰隊嗎?怎麼會記這個呢? 10/23 15:11
capssan:有收據吧= = 10/23 15:11
kira925:或許該問為什麼會去記這個吧,,,, 10/23 15:12
waiting0801:要作帳吧?戰隊金額流向的帳目吧~~所以才會記吧 10/23 15:12
Aggro:戰隊管理人紀錄收入支出很正常吧 沒紀錄才要覺得可怕 10/23 15:12
waiting0801:沒帳冊詳細資料的才比較怪吧?一般都是一筆筆做 10/23 15:14
Voony:護膚和看牙這段實在太好笑了...XD 10/23 15:26
momogo11:搞不好合約就是有這個福利 .. 10/23 15:26
kira925:我的意思是 拿這個出來說他們享受到多少待遇 10/23 15:27
kullan:還好吧 這種利用戰隊福利的支出事項本來就要記錄 10/23 15:27
Arnol:為什麼不記這個..不然戰隊錢大家隨便用 都不知道去哪裡 10/23 15:27
kira925:然後接送選手到會場卻是勞駕選手自己/人情請託自己的經紀 10/23 15:28
momogo11:你是指 拿這個當攻擊 很無恥嗎XD 10/23 15:28
kira925:人 這不是本末倒置嗎? 10/23 15:28
kullan:拿這個來攻擊確實是不厚道啦 10/23 15:29
momogo11:很本末倒置阿 最好快點上韓國法院 讓法官認證 10/23 15:29
momogo11:之前錄音帶講的很神秘 結果也是垃圾話一堆而已 10/23 15:30
kullan:不過現在大家都知道Alicia牙齒不好 MMA愛美~ 10/23 15:30
Arnol:都撕破臉,戰隊都解散了 要他厚道也很難吧XD 10/23 15:30
capssan:勤勞做護膚 想加入演藝圈嗎.. 10/23 15:30
Woorissica:不是花了九萬多鎂在交通工具了嗎? 10/23 15:30
kullan:確實啦 反正都翻臉了 甚麼事都能拿來戰了 10/23 15:31
momogo11:牙齒比較奇怪啦 MMA護膚還說是可以當明星養 10/23 15:31
nekoares:不是花了九萬鎂,是借了他們價值九萬鎂的車子。請看原文 10/23 15:31
capssan:找經紀人會不會是因為司機不夠=.=? 10/23 15:31
shoe:轉得有點硬...為什麼會記這個->為什麼拿這個出來講..不一樣欸 10/23 15:32
kullan:Alicia:啊就牙痛看牙醫也有錯嗎 10/23 15:32
garbagewei:沒錯啊 可是看牙醫是隊伍出啊 10/23 15:32
momogo11:是不是現在韓國那邊 炮火轉向包哥這邊了 所以才提這個 10/23 15:32
momogo11:證明自己不是無良經營者 10/23 15:33
capssan:包嫂一直強調戰隊福利@$%沒問題 選手一直強調氣氛才是問題 10/23 15:33
Woorissica:花了九萬多鎂給戰隊的交通工具 選手要用就借給他們 10/23 15:33
stevenyenyen:酸牙醫 護膚的 根本是挑人說吧 越看這種女人越不爽 10/23 15:35
nekoares:他原文沒有寫那九萬鎂是買戰隊專屬的交通工具 10/23 15:35
momogo11:車子還是他們的吧.. 10/23 15:35
Aggro:就一邊說我多努力給他們好康 一邊說團隊感覺不是很好這樣 10/23 15:35
fatedate:呵呵 又有人要被包嫂一波統穿了 10/23 15:38
LOKI930351:這麼精采,5:10分的升降賽我怎麼看得下去... 10/23 15:39
FANggot:團隊管理好不好,與你花的錢是沒有特別關係的... 10/23 15:40
s8923135:記然福利沒問題 氣氛不好是啥氣氛不好 叫MMA他們形容一下 10/23 15:43
s8923135:這種個人感覺問題 也好拿來說嘴 10/23 15:44
Saza:顯卡 皮膚保養 奴隸 壞小子 MMA 10/23 15:44
Lattecafem:這女人真的是超.... 10/23 15:44
kullan: 聰明 而且壞得很XD 10/23 15:45
Aggro:只能說這女人不好惹 10/23 15:45
declare:看起來又是200人口A過去的局面 10/23 15:46
sakubo:以後的戰隊宿舍應該會流行裝監視器吧(誤 10/23 15:47
tomo1026:個人認為包嫂一定有問題在 不然沒事不會這麼多人槓他 10/23 15:49
fatedate:個人看法:包嫂要維持戰隊 管得太多 但隊員由奢入儉難 10/23 15:51
OnlyTD:出來槓包嫂的就MMA Crank那一派的啊XD 10/23 15:51
fatedate:包嫂就跟他們溝通($$都包哥他們出) 但似乎不順利吧 10/23 15:52
fatedate:剛好跑來一個j經理 就這樣哩 10/23 15:53
lukenming:氣份不好這方面 需要MMA 阿勇和Crank以外的人來講 10/23 15:54
lukenming:否則包嫂來說他們是同一派的 說氣氛不好 並不具公信力啊 10/23 15:55
nekoares:不太懂,如果Crank、MMA和阿勇搞小團體讓隊上氣氛不好, 10/23 15:56
pAIKAWAq:Ryung 一定沒去保養皮膚... 10/23 15:56
elong:啊說氣氛沒問題的就會被歸到包嫂派 就又說沒證據啦 10/23 15:56
nekoares:為什麼Crank要抱怨隊上氣氛不好而離開? 10/23 15:56
kullan:Puzzle的採訪:氣氛不好嗎? 別說那麼多了 你聽過LoL嗎? 10/23 15:56
kullan:Coca的採訪:氣氛不好!? 我只知道英雄聯盟很好玩! 10/23 15:56
OnlyTD:現在就是兩邊各說各話 然後彼此沒什麼關聯啊-.- 10/23 15:57
UltraKill:原來是搞小團體~ 10/23 15:58
Esca:兩邊講的大半都沒有衝突,除了搞到cella跳出來的crank 10/23 16:00
Tylor:運作管理正常的團隊應該不至於被3人小團體搞到要解散.. 10/23 16:00
ping1777:......斤斤計較讓人不敢恭維,Crank不想打你還逼他去打 10/23 16:00
sezna:Crank已經被Cella打趴了 10/23 16:00
ping1777:這種管理方式說沒問題我不信阿 10/23 16:01
capssan:你沒搞懂吧 Crank哪有一開始就說他不想打 教練都出來打臉 10/23 16:02
Saza:租一個6000坪的公寓是哪招??? 10/23 16:02
capssan:戰術都準備好給你開打前才說不打 誰的問題比較大阿 10/23 16:03
hugr85:包哥包嫂其實蠻多都仁至義盡 10/23 16:03
ping1777:公布名單以後會立刻打? 10/23 16:04
a524528:公寓面積一定是哪裡有出錯,60坪就很好了 10/23 16:05
ping1777:Crank於理絕對站不住腳沒錯 10/23 16:05
OnlyTD:包嫂認為他仁至義盡 MMA/Crank不這麼認為 而且也真有缺陷 10/23 16:05
OnlyTD:公寓面積的問題我覺得很怪.. 10/23 16:05
OnlyTD:sqft =.= 10/23 16:06
ping1777:隊員間的糾紛處理也很奇怪,認為沒什麼就不詳細去處理 10/23 16:06
OnlyTD:ft 是英尺啊 大大 10/23 16:07
OnlyTD:60坪 約 21,000平方英呎 10/23 16:08
OnlyTD:也還是很大= = 10/23 16:08
Aggro:忽略了吧 就像父母一直提供物質 忽略孩子心理 10/23 16:08
ping1777:21 000 square feet = 1 950.96384 m2 超級大啊魂但 10/23 16:09
capssan:可能覺得就小事情自己解決 打起來這種才該跳出來解決吧 10/23 16:09
ping1777:追起來應該是隊上沒有一個妥善的黑臉白臉分配 10/23 16:09
fatedate:推文學數學XDDD 10/23 16:09
OnlyTD:就Crank/MMA的聲明 他們並不認為包嫂有做好(莫提Alicia 10/23 16:09
a524528:還是很大阿,我不相信,等等這不是重點吧 10/23 16:09
OnlyTD:推 ping1777:21 000 sqft = 1 950.96384 m2 超級大啊魂但 10/23 16:10
ping1777:包嫂很明顯的是黑臉...白臉算起來應該是老包跟教練 :-\ 10/23 16:10
capssan:但是就包嫂的發言來看..問題都在發言的這幾個人身上.. 10/23 16:11
capssan:Cella也出來說沒事 就看其他隊員會不會說話了= = 10/23 16:11
nekoares:面積弄錯了,而且是兩次。翻譯把平方呎弄成平方公尺, 10/23 16:11
nekoares:但是原文也搞錯,60坪搞成21000平方呎,幾乎是590坪了 10/23 16:12
ping1777:來看一夏21000sqft有多大http://tinyurl.com/9bxssfq 10/23 16:13
kullan:590坪的話 那SlayerS倒掉一點也不意外XD 10/23 16:13
Saza:590還比較合理 EG house那種不知道多大 10/23 16:13
OnlyTD:ping xDDDDDD.......超級大啊魂但!!! 10/23 16:16
capssan:好吧 真的從21000sqft換到正常的 也難怪選手不適應(誤 10/23 16:20
a524528:太大了啦,他們還要睡上下鋪耶,那麼大一人一間就好啦 10/23 16:20
capssan:上廁所都要跑百米 10/23 16:21
kullan:誰能適應啊渾蛋!! 這根本是天堂啊 10/23 16:21
declare:上廁所沒有專車接送,所以不滿 10/23 16:29
kuwai:選手鬥管理實在不太好 以後誰要收他們都會想一下 10/23 16:40
tsairay:韓國演藝圈也是很黑暗的,包嫂都混那麼久了,可不是小白兔 10/23 16:46
Ohshima:護膚人族!顯卡人族!!!XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 10/23 17:05
ckgegg:護膚顯卡人族 跟 免費看牙神族 Slayers這場戲太好看了 10/23 17:16
j9145:我開始期待這串事件結束以後,MMA跟Alicia的稱號會變多長了 10/23 17:33
allqwdd:Skin_Health_Nivida_BBoy_EG_MMA 10/23 17:38
wtao: Skin_Health_Nivida_BBoy_EG_MMA 10/23 17:40
Sechslee:21,000 sqft差點把我嚇死 10/23 17:43
LOKI930351:Skin_Health_Nivida_BBoy_EG_MMA 10/23 17:47
sskingdon:Skin_Health_Nivida_BBoy_EG_MMA 10/23 17:50
gargoyles:Skin_Health_Nvidia_BBoy_EG_MMA 10/23 17:51
chrio289: Skin_Health_Nvidia_BBoy_EG_MMA 10/23 18:05
Saza:少了Slave 10/23 18:09
phykevin:Crank在說謊下去就自毀前成了 10/23 18:19
IL2:感覺真的是由奢入儉難,包嫂大概沒想過援助會斷得那麼快吧 10/23 19:55
haohwang:Crank真的是S戰隊的毒瘤(無誤)。 10/23 21:50
zikuanliu:護膚人族和顯卡人族..... 10/23 21:51
KMSNY:皮膚保養的優待(MMA用了很多次) 10/24 11:19