看板 StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
TL首頁也出現新聞了 http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=387836 以下原文 The former team captain for Quantic Gaming, the Swedish Protoss Kim "(P)SaSe" Hammar, has (temporarily) joined up with Taiwan's premier gaming association, Gama Bears, home to the one and only Zerg King, (Z)Sen. http://www.esports.com.tw/news_detail.php?id=4162 The Taiwan eSports League (TeSL) is a televized league featuring three games: Kart Rider (Racing), Special Forces (Team-based FPS) and StarCraft II. It is probably more popular than other people think it is. Gama Bears have 80,000 fans on Facebook. Wayi Spider have 90,000. Pretty significant considering a team such as Evil Geniuses have half that amount. Players live in team houses, and teams often have corporate sponsors, giving a very healthy impression of the Taiwanese eSport scene. TeSL has an exchange programme in place, whereby teams are allowed to bring in foreign players to play for them for a set amount of time. In the past, (Wiki)Wayi Spider had brought in MVP's (Z)Galaxy to play for them, whilst Thermaltake Apollos had Prime's (T)ByuN. As clarified through his tweet, (P)SaSe will be staying in the Gamania team house for three weeks, whereby he will have the opportunity to play five televized matches. Gama Bears roster: Leaf (Coach) (Z)Sen (Z)Slam (P)Apro (P)Gow YoyO (P)SaSe (P)Luway (Female player, not listed on the league website, so I'm not sure if she's a pro) 主要是有介紹一下TeSL 外籍傭兵制度 也提到橘子熊跟華義FB粉絲團有八萬、九萬多人 然後EG的FB大概只有四萬多人而已XD SaSe原本的戰隊剛解散 所以可能很多外國鄉民以為他要加入橘子熊 不過他有發推特澄清了https://twitter.com/HelloSaSe/status/279160278325792768 to make it clear i did not join GB. i will go to taiwan to live with them for 2-3 weeks to play TeSL.looking forward to speak some chinese^^ 到時候又是老外講英文時間了 -- ctx705f:又是腐飛強姦完巨像回家變大龍的節奏 Zimba @ PartinG > Revival ctx705f:跳跳再次走遠 @ PartinG > PuMa ctx705f:坐看解凍大魔王輕鬆藏兵擋三不朽 @ PartinG > Jaedong ctx705f:VR開礦對上單礦閃追一波..跳跳走遠了 @ PartinG > JYP Result: StarTale 5:1 EG ST_PartinG All Kill #1GnyYLEA (StarCraft) 今天我冥燈喔! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Emerson158:這簽名檔XDD 12/14 05:26
Woorissica:鍵盤小妹ctx705f不只性別要反串 連推文也要反串 12/14 05:34
hicker:Yoyo表示:我的種族呢?? 12/14 08:36
Motor:過了三周,Sase愛上台灣,果斷加入橘子熊(疑?) 12/14 08:43
handfoxx:一打開就看到賓哥在裡面跟Sase聊XDDD 12/14 12:44
evic1224:Sen SaSe Luway 無懈可擊陣容 12/14 12:50
sdolphinyo:冥燈我覺得還是多龍的最強 超好笑 12/14 12:54