看板 StarWars 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《bluebeetle (VW超讚)》之銘言: : 就是機飛總動員2裡面,壞蛋頭頭因為喉嚨卡痰, 說了 : "Obi-Wan, I've been waiting for you. We meet at last...." 這個是海珊,還說: "Your POWER is weaker..." 然後覺得聲音怪怪的,還咳嗽清了清喉嚨 XD 然後跟美國總統比劍決鬥 : 和王牌大間諜2裡面,Dr. Evil穿著太空裝變聲, : "Austin....I am you father~" : 真是讓我笑到不行....XDD Dr. Evil: [deep voice] Austin, I'm your father. Austin: Really? Dr. Evil: No, not really. I can't back that up. Austin: Right. Idiot, yes 還有 Dr. Evil: [about his new "laser"] You see, I've turned the moon into what I like to call a "Death Star." [Scott snickers] Dr. Evil: What? Scott: Oh, nothing, Darth. Dr. Evil: What did you call me? Scott: Nothing. [pretends to sneeze] Scott: Ripoff. (不過這集最有趣的應該是 Dr.Evil 的太空船外型引出的一堆「雙關字」.. XD ) -- Sincerely, 日本自助旅行紀錄 Wayne Su http://mstar.myweb.hinet.net/JPtour 2006 香港~中國(廣州~北京~東北)~莫斯科~聖彼得堡 ~柏林~瑞士~巴黎~倫敦 歐亞大陸鐵路橫貫之旅 籌備中 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bluebeetle:推...完整版~ 06/19
rugalex:推雙關字......XDDDD 潛水艇最好校吧我想 XD220.134.173.216 06/21