看板 Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him /▌ all over the workshop / \ so he can take over 一堆鄉民貼這個 不知有啥特別意思? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ID556: \ so he can take over 08/24 20:25
Clavius:http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bob 08/24 21:56
Clavius:避開長ID) ☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him 08/24 21:58
chiangwei: /▌ all over the ptt 08/24 22:14
Solefien: / \ so he can take over 08/24 22:49
wyiwyi: 一堆鄉民貼這個 08/24 22:51
woodghost: 不知有啥特別意思? 08/24 23:07
AirRider: ☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him 08/25 01:11
fly0204: /▌ all over the ptt 08/25 09:06
victor5517: / \ so he can take over 08/25 09:53
Bambe: 一堆鄉民貼這個 08/25 11:25
KaguyaNEET: 不知有啥特別意思? 08/25 11:43