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在上次The Guild2序號認證失敗之後 小弟回報了一下 今天客服傳回來了封mail~下面是內容 ============================================================================= Hello, A staff member has replied to your question: Hello, Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. This matter has been brought to our attention and should now be resolved. In order to acquire your CD key for The Guild II, you may need to verify the game cache files at least once. Please follow the link below for information: Title: Verifying Game Cache Files (GCF) Link: http://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335 NOTE: There may be files that fail to validate. This is normal and can be ignored. ============================================================================= 大致意思是說這個問題已經解決了~請完全關閉steam後 使用系統管理員身分執行steam 再到遊戲內容的標籤裡使用"確認遊戲快取完整性" 執行完確認可以進入遊戲了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
justin761002:讚,推一個。 10/08 11:44
shadowmen:測試已成功~ 10/08 11:49
jokywolf:今天早上發現可以開遊戲後...早上就上班遲到了... 10/08 12:56
justin761002:樓上XD 10/08 13:30
jimrex12025:想借標題問一下darksider2跟類似的動作遊戲dmc3,4相比 10/09 00:05
jimrex12025:如何? 再考慮要不要入手這包 10/09 00:05
jokywolf:DMC 新的沒玩過,不清楚狀況,但是, Darksiders 比較像 10/09 10:55
jokywolf:薩爾達,就是一次怪不多,地圖上都會需要道具解謎的點 10/09 10:57
jokywolf:地圖上有疑慮的地方要記住,有新道具或是新能力回頭一下 10/09 10:59
jokywolf:雖說有很多益智的部分,但打怪的動作算是正常的動作遊戲 10/09 11:01