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Borderlands 2 更新啦! 官方新聞 http://www.gearboxsoftware.com/community/articles/1130 更新依照不同平台有不同的更新內容 我玩PC所以就只看PC更新內容囉:P == 更新說明 A hot fix is automatically applied at the "Press Start" screen when Borderlands 2 is connected to the internet. In general, hot fixes are used to temporarily address issues between major updates. Hot fixes are not permanent -- they are temporarily stored in memory during the game session and lost upon exiting Borderlands 2. To ensure that you receive hot fixes, make sure that your system is connected to the internet when Borderlands 2 boots up. 所謂的Hot Fix指的是暫時的更新內容,當你打開遊戲在主畫面出現「Press Start」 時,遊戲會連線到伺服器並即時把Hot Fix下載回來。一般來說,Hot Fix只是大更新 之間所暫時使用的小補釘而已,他們只會暫時存在記憶體中,當關掉遊戲的時候就會 自動刪除,所以為了確保可以玩到完整的內容,開啟遊戲的時候記得要保持網路連線 。 An update contains changes that are permanently stored on your system and only needs to be downloaded once. You can download the latest Borderlands 2 update by restarting Steam. All updates are cumulative; you only need to install the most recent version to receive all updates. 所謂的Update是永久存在你的系統中的更新內容,這種更新只需要下載一次即可, 你可以透過重開Steam來更新你的BL2。所有的Update都是累加的,意思是你只需要下 載最新版本的Update,就會自動安裝所有的更新了。 2014.02.11 PC版 更新內容 Updates Releasing February 11, 2014 General 一般更新 Added an “Expansion” sort option to the mission log, which allows you to sort missions by the DLC that contains them. 新增任務排序方式「DLC內容」,讓你可以更方便的分類DLC任務 (讚啦~) Added a ColorBlind mode (the option can be found in Main Menu > Options > Video). 新增「色盲模式」(選項在 主選單 > 選項 > 畫面設定 那邊) (之前官方的新聞有提到,這個模式是打開以後,會讓你的裝備用文字顯示稀有度, 讓對顏色有困擾的朋友,也可以輕鬆的分辨武器裝備稀有度這樣 裝備稀有度包含: Pearlescent/Legendary/E-Tech/Rare/Unique 等等) Addressed an issue when scrolling through player inventory in vending machines before it finishes loading. 解決在販賣機讀取完成前捲動玩家物品欄出現錯誤的問題 Addressed an issue where Golden Keys would reset to zero if the user attempted to redeem more than 255. 解決兌換金鑰超過255支會歸零的問題 (不知道解決是指禁止兌換超過255支,還是現在可以換超過255支了) Addressed an issue with The Bee shield applying incorrect damage when using explosive weapons. 解決神盾The Bee在使用爆炸武器的時候提供錯誤傷害的問題 (咦?之前是太高還太低?XD) Addressed an issue where clients would be unable to pick up some items. 解決偶爾撿不起東西的問題 Addressed an issue where enemies could be healed by rockets if they were near a Siren using Restoration. 解決Siren拿火箭筒使用Restoration時,附近敵人也會很舒服的補血的問題 Addressed an issue where Deathmark and Thoughtlock FX would display incorrectly on some enemies. 解決Deathmark和Thoughtlock FX偶爾會標錯敵人的問題 Addressed an issue where Zer0’s “Execute” skill will flash on screen when entering Deception without having Execute trained. 解決Zer0沒學Execute,但在進入Deception時Execute技能卻會閃一下的問題 Addressed an issue where Zer0’s Deception HUD would occasionally persist after Deception had ended. 解決Zer0的Deception特殊HUD偶爾會殘留的問題 Addressed an issue where the camera could sometimes become stuck in a third-person view when entering a vehicle. 解決有時候進入載具時,攝影機會卡在第三人稱視角的問題 Addressed an issue where Gaige failed to emote when summoning DeathTrap. 解決偶爾Gaige會面無表情的招喚DeathTrap的問題 (呃,就是召喚時Gaige沒有emote、沒有講話的意思XD) Addressed an issue where Gaige’s “One Two Boom” orb could not be exploded by E-Tech weapons. 解決偶爾Gaige拿E-Tech武器無法打爆DeathTrap送出的電球(技能One Two Boom)問題 Addressed an issue where Raving Retribution projectiles would sometimes cause damage to Krieg. Flame Flare made this issue more likely to occur. 解決Raving Retribution投射物有時候會打到Krieg的問題 (Flame Flare好像比較容 易造成這個問題) Addressed an issue where Buzzaxe Rampage would not reset from Release the Beast during fast travel. 解決Buzzaxe Rampage在走傳點時不會消失重置的問題 (Bloody Harvest DLC) Addressed an issue where projectiles would pass through Pumpling’s head without causing damage. 解決有時候子彈會飄過Pumpling的頭卻沒傷害的問題 (Bloody Harvest DLC) Addressed an issue which caused Sully the Blacksmith to only throw hammers and not use his other attacks. 解決Sully the Blacksmith只會丟槌子的問題 (Mr. Torgue/ Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 DLC) Addressed an issue where an overpowered Hoplite shield would drop player health to zero. 解決OP Hoplite shield會把玩家血量弄成0的問題 (Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 1 DLC) Addressed an issue where the Butcher shotgun reload would go out of sync for clients. 解決珠光散彈Butcher填彈時會造成伺服器不同步的問題 (Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 DLC) Addressed the opening which allowed players to grenade jump over the walls in Digistruct Peak. 解決在開場時玩家會用手榴彈爆炸跳過Digistruct Peak圍牆的問題... (Tiny Tina DLC) Addressed a minor texture issue on Salvador’s Dragon Keep skin. 解決Salvador的Dragon Keep造型的一些材質問題 Permanent Hot Fixes: 永久修復: Addressed an issue where the Psycho’s Blood Blister class mod modified the Boiling Blood skill, instead of Blood Bath. 現在Psycho的Blood Blister職業模組將修改Boiling Blood技能,而非Blood Bath (Mercenary Day DLC) Addressed an issue where Timothy would fail to emote on clients. 解決Timothy面無表情的問題(沒有emote) (Tiny Tina DLC) Added Dragon Keep head customizations to Dice chests. 現在可以從骰子寶箱抽到Dragon Keep頭造型了 Made Loot Hunt item changes permanent. Loot Hunt物品永久改動 o Increased Explosion Size for Flakker 增加傳奇散彈Flakker的爆炸範圍 o Increased Damage and Grenade Explosion Size for Kerblaster 增加Kerblaster的傷害和爆炸範圍 o Increased Explosion Size for Cobra 增加Tina爆炸狙擊槍Cobra的爆炸範圍 o Increased Explosion Size for Boom Puppy 增加Tina爆炸步槍Boom Puppy的爆炸範圍 o Increased Damage, Explosion Size, and Control for Sky Rocket 限量版贈送的煙火手榴彈Sky Rocket,增加傷害、爆炸範圍及控制性 (這煙火超有趣但完全不實用...orz) o Vladof Rocket Launchers have increased Damage and Faster Reloads Vladof廠牌火箭筒增加傷害和加快填彈速度 o Dahl SMGs have increased Stability Dahl廠牌衝鋒槍增加穩定度 o Increased number of shots fired for Boneshredder 增加Bone Shredder一次發射的彈數 (原本是兩發,去年十一月改成三發,現在又增加了lol) http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Bone_Shredder_(Borderlands_2) o Bandit SMGs have increased Magazine Size and Damage Bandit廠牌衝鋒槍增加彈匣容量和傷害 (原本不就很大了還增加彈匣 囧) o Increased Number and Damage of Bunny Bombs for Bunny Tina傳奇兔子爆炸火箭筒Bunny,增加彈跳次數與傷害 o Increased Damage and Radius of Secondary Explosions for Logan's Gun 肉根的槍...我是說Logan's Gun增加二次爆炸傷害和範圍 (搭配The Sham洗火箭彈專用 (拇指)) o Increased Explosive Power at Bite for The Teeth of Terramorphous 增加Bite for The Teeth of Terramorphous爆炸威力 o Increased Damage and Baby Gun Power for Baby Maker 增加Baby Maker生小孩...我是說產生子炸彈的傷害 o Secret Bonus for Morningstar Upgraded Morningstar隱藏獎勵提高 o Increased effectiveness of Twister Twister效果提高 o Bandit Assault rifles have increased Clip Size Bandit廠牌步槍提高彈匣容量 o Tediore pistols have increased Magazine Size Tediore廠牌手槍增加彈匣容量 o Increased Critical Damage for Lady Fist Lady Fist增加爆擊傷害 o Maliwan Rocket Launchers have increased Reload Speed and Status Effect Chance Maliwan廠牌火箭筒加快填彈速度並增加屬性機率 o Increased Damage and Explosive Radius for Landscaper Landscaper增加傷害與爆炸範圍 o Increased Magazine Size, Damage, and Reduced Self Damage for Gunerang Gunerang增加彈匣容量、增加傷害、減少自我傷害 o Increased Damage for Octo Octo增加傷害 o Increased Damage and Projectile Radius for Fastball 增加Fastball手榴彈的傷害與投射距離 o Increased Damage and Ricochets for Tidal Wave 增加Tidal Wave的傷害與反射 o Hyperion pistols have increased Magazine Size and Accuracy Recovery Hyperion廠牌手槍增加彈匣和準度回復 o Increased Damage for Madhous Madhous增加傷害 o Increased Skill Recharge Time and Damage for Little Evie Little Evie增加技能冷卻時間和傷害 o Increased Damage and Accuracy for Veruc Veruc增加傷害和準度 o Increased Damage and Magazine Size for Gub Gub增加傷害和彈匣容量 o Bandit pistols have increased Magazine Size Bandit廠牌手槍增加彈匣容量 o Increased Damage and higher Elemental Effect Chance for Longbow 傳奇狙擊槍Longbow增加傷害與屬性機率 o Increased Accuracy and Critical Hit Bonus for Fremington's Edge Fremington's Edge增加準度和暴擊加成 o Increased Damage and Magazine Size for The Emperor The Emperor增加傷害和彈匣容量 o Bandit shotguns have a Faster Reload and an additional shot in the Magazine Bandit廠牌散彈槍增加填彈速度,以及額外的彈匣彈藥 o Increased Explosion Size and an Extra Shot in Burst Fire for the Hornet 傳奇腐蝕手槍Hornet增加爆炸大小,並且使用準心時噴更多子彈(Burst Fire) o Dahl pistols have increased Stability and larger Magazine Dahl廠牌手槍增加穩定度與彈匣容量 == \@Q@/ 改了很多但是看起來還好沒有很大的修改XD 過年回老家沒電腦可以玩BL2 好久沒打了TvT -- - About me? http://about.me/howar31 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
KYLAT:最後一個DLC-情人節的好像也快出了 02/06 15:44
howar31:GOTY都不GOTY了 TvT 02/06 15:46
NovaWolf:跳OP那招被改掉了!!! 02/06 15:51
kabkglomr:可惡,正體中文還沒好嗎? 02/06 16:13
EVA96:中文中文中文中文喔 中文中文中文快出 02/06 17:53
可以先自學英文邊等中文 看是英文先學好還是中文先出來(?)
darkbuffoon:你現在的等級是多少啊?我過年的時候一直玩搞不好已經 02/06 18:00
darkbuffoon:超過你了030 02/06 18:00
你是說哪個等級呀?我六個職業都練了耶XD Zer0 Lv72 / Gaige Lv58 / Maya,Axton,Salvador,Krieg Lv3x左右
LaBoLa:正體中文快來~~~~ 02/06 18:17
gohome0083:為了看steam的攻略 我介面一直沒漢化= = 02/06 18:28
peefly:還沒開始玩 無感(疑 02/06 18:34
lexnero:咦這篇文有些地方怎麼髒髒的(拿抹布.. 02/06 18:52
KaiJii:感謝分享 02/07 06:26
※ 編輯: howar31 來自: (02/07 11:01)
Woyun99:這周末Borderlands 2 免費玩+所有半價喔!! 02/07 11:28